A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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lionhearted (503 D)
12 Sep 11 UTC
How do you deal with people who keep fighting you as another player takes SCs and wins?
1st place has 10 SCs, 2nd place had 8, I had 6. 2nd place kept attacking me even as 1st built up to 12, 14, 17 SCs even while I went defensive. 1st place was eating 2nd's centers and 2nd was playing like an idiot.

How do you counter that? I wasn't sure what I could do. The last two turns I went all out desperate attack against 1st place and 2nd didn't even bother and actually grabbed more SCs while I put on a desperate push to stop 1st from winning.
8 replies
Pete U (293 D)
11 Sep 11 UTC
New Game

C'mon, you know you want to :)
2 replies
Fasces349 (0 DX)
12 Sep 11 UTC
Error in the settings page
2 replies
2ndWhiteLine (2731 D(B))
12 Sep 11 UTC
Gunboat multis
Is it just me, or are you immediately suspicious of newly created anonymous gunboat games with only two people registered? Does that reek of obvious multi?
30 replies
King Atom (100 D)
10 Sep 11 UTC
I know it's common knoweledge not to put metal things in the microwave, but I went ahead and did it...
Anyways, we need a good thread going. Someone turn this into a debate.
48 replies
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
09 Sep 11 UTC
Rodgers/Brees Combine For 750+ YDs Passing As GB Defeats NO 42-34 (NFL Predictions!)
GREAT opening game!
Fun shootout, 76 D scored, two great QBs...and it came down to the final play of the game! (Though, seriously...WHY RUN IT THERE?!)

So, with the Pack beating the Saints--sorry, Eden--the NFL season is underway...picks?
36 replies
President Eden (2750 D)
12 Sep 11 UTC
So I just noticed we have some Player of the Year awards...
What's the criteria for being nominated to win and/or winning those awards?
21 replies
WardenDresden (239 D(B))
12 Sep 11 UTC
Question about muting
So, I've finally found myself annoyed enough with someone on the forums to mute them; not saying who as that would defeat the point of the mute, and I had a question:
If I'm playing an anon game with someone that I've muted, are they muted in the anon game too, or can they still chat normally in the game?
10 replies
joepo12 (100 D)
12 Sep 11 UTC
Live game 'Tribalwars Diplomacy'
We need 3 more players, please join.
1 reply
Hugo_Stiglitz (100 D)
06 Sep 11 UTC
Best Genre of Music
We all know that everyone elses' taste in music sucks compared to our own, so use this as a forum to prove that your musical opinion is the correct musical opinion
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"Genre?" That's so last century.
Cachimbo (1181 D)
10 Sep 11 UTC
Really? How so?
Cachimbo (1181 D)
11 Sep 11 UTC
And @Uly: I'm still waiting for some replies on my comment, mostly regarding your background.
ulytau (541 D)
11 Sep 11 UTC
I have no formal education in the field, no serious interest in it and no deep knowledge of it either and I'm very well aware of it so you can't wonder that my interpretation of the various theories is unorthodox and maybe even plain contradictory to the scholarly approach. Nevertheless, the amount of actual experts that participate in their respective threads on this forum is negligible (debates over economics or politics being prime examples) so I weighed in this one, something I wouldn't dare to try if confronted with a debate between art theorists. I would just sit and learn from their words then, just like I did with your post.

However, if we delve into the expressionist approach again for instance, I wouldn't disregard Cage's intent to express his inner thoughts when he composed 4'33". If I quote the same part again "Until I die there will be sounds. And they will continue following my death. One need not fear about the future of music." Everytime 4'33" is performed, the audience can hear for themselves that indeed the future of music is ensured by the omnipresence of sounds, basically being confronted with the thoughts Cage had in the anechoic chamber. Yes, it is not the prime point of the composition but I say it is there.

One of the reasons why I listed several theories shallowly instead of one deeply is that I preffer Babylonian thinking, damning strict adherence to certain methodology and embracing whatever interesting knowledge can be obtained from synthesis between them. To give an example from economics, I believe both sides of the Methodenstreit were wrong and could progress better if learning from other's strengths. Yeah, many theoretically inclined academics hate such lack of commitment to one method but that's how I roll.

I figure that one can't deal with the question "what is good and what bad art" without touching the question "what is art". I believe in inductive approach to the latter question, we first start from the canon art and then try to form an answer, not invent the definition of art and sort things according to it. If you excuse little argumentum ad verecundiam, 4'33" was recognized as musical composition by the people more knowledgeable than me in these matters.

Also, I didn't hint at Draugnar's stance to the problem of 4'33" but to his overall approach in that last post. It really is pointless to use smug comments that are objectively untrue in a serious debate. I don't object to usage of smug comments, they are fun and whatnot, but they should be in line with one's behaviour. Since he took the issue seriously before, this change in approach signalized that the whole exchange of ideas would be pointless from then on.
Cachimbo (1181 D)
11 Sep 11 UTC
Well, Uly, you have a keen mind and sound intuitions.
Concerning an "inductive approach to the latter question, we first start from the canon art and then try to form an answer, not invent the definition of art and sort things according to it."
- There's actually a concept that covers that approach and I'm one who believes it is an important epistemological criterion for possible definitions of art. It's called the "pragmatic constraint" and pretty much works the way you've described. The danger, however, is to take pieces such as 4.33 as "accepted" in the canon and force a definition to take it into account. The fact is, much of the last century's artistic production was debated when the pieces were introduced in the artworld and are still debated now. There's therefore "some" danger in forcing a theory to account for those pieces AND the more traditional works.
Mind you, that danger existed in the 18th century as well, were debates on the topic of defining arts around one founding principle were already happening.

Also, what you call an expression of Cage's thoughts or ideas might be better viewed as the articulation of his artistic proposition such as it was made possible by a certain normative context. All artworks (or almost all of them) try to "say something", "express" what the artist had in mind. Our interpretation of works deal with the way an artist mobilized possibilities in the artworld to articulate his proposition, his idea. The criterion for properly understanding the work, however, is not given by what the artist had in mind (which is impossible to observe) but with the conventions that the artist had available to him. That is, we make our hypotheses of what the work carries as an artistic proposition on the background of shared understandings, understandings that the artist could count on his public sharing with him such that he could expect that what he wanted to accomplish would be understood.
Expressionism, however, is more concerned with feelings and emotions than ideas. It holds that the proper experience of an artwork is to experience the emotions or feelings that the artist had when he created the piece. It poses many problems, one being that not all art expresses feelings.

That's not to say you're wrong. It's really just pointing out to subtle conceptual differences in the field.
ulytau (541 D)
11 Sep 11 UTC
Well, if I were to built the house of music using the pragmatic constraint, I wouldn't start from 4'33" and I can see the danger of falling for some sort of bias when trying to fit all sorts of works under one roof. But if it was easy, we wouldn't need any theory after all :)

Thanks for the compliments and showing me where I went wrong, I appreciate that.

Also, genres are not so last century. Although I sometimes view them as borders in post-colonial Africa, that is artificial, divisive and encouraging tribalist behaviour, they serve their purpose of indicating the attributes of music in question fairly well.
Cachimbo (1181 D)
11 Sep 11 UTC
I take his comment to mean that "genre studies" is sooooo 20th century, in which case he's somewhat right (though I think there is still much interest in the field for "genre studies"). That is, there has been a growing interest from the 60s or 70s onward for genre studies in art. And maybe K. Walton's "Categories of Art" (a fairly influential paper he wrote in 70) fits in with that trend.

By the way Uly, I don't think you went "wrong" anywhere. Your intuitions are very good, and if your use of the technical concepts does not fit with how they're used in the field, I'd have to be a total ass to think that you are therefore wrong in your ideas for all that.
What's your field? Or, what are you studying?
ulytau (541 D)
11 Sep 11 UTC
I believe that one of the strengths of technical concepts is that they are well-defined and allow for common mode of debate between those well-versed in their meanings. That's why I said you showed me where I was wrong since I can now apply them in the same way the experts in your field do, therefore facilitating any further discussion.

I'm studying economics.
iMurk789 (100 D)
12 Sep 11 UTC
Punk music is the best because it's free
hellalt (113 D)
12 Sep 11 UTC
it's free because noone would pay for it.
Hugo_Stiglitz (100 D)
12 Sep 11 UTC

also because there are a bunch of talented kids out there who are putting up there stuff for free to get their names out there and to try to start a local scene in their area
Thucydides (864 D(B))
17 Sep 11 UTC
Do you guys listen to organum? Love that shit.

102 replies
ilse10 (443 D)
06 Sep 11 UTC
Quick question about Mods...
I emailed a Mod a few days ago about a Meta gamer, and I haven't heard back. I understand that Mods are all volunteers and have their own lives/games to attend to, but does anyone know about how long it takes to get a response (on average)? Or if I can expect one at all after they've 'investigated'?

On a side note.. has anyone noticed a stark increase in the occurrence of meta/multi gamers the past couple months??
35 replies
Ges (292 D)
10 Sep 11 UTC
17:17 -- Myth or Reality?
I have finished 34 games of Classic, I think, and seen exactly one successful 17:17 split. The two-way draw is often dangled as an alliance inducement, but how often does it actually come about?
16 replies
goldfinger0303 (3157 DMod)
11 Sep 11 UTC
Questions on banned people.
I saw out of chance that there are now icons next to player's names who have been banned,
33 replies
jpgredsox (104 D)
11 Sep 11 UTC
stalemate line question
In order for a stalemate line to be maintained, does Munich have to be held by the side defending/setting up the line.
9 replies
The Czech (41764 D(S))
11 Sep 11 UTC
GT11 Group B
games 1/3 and 3/3 moved on because someone didn't pause, but they did pause the 2/3 game. Are we proceeding or will the games be canceled?
1 reply
jmo1121109 (3812 D)
11 Sep 11 UTC
Problems with the maps
Is anyone else having a problem seeing any and all of the maps? I cannot get any map for any game past or present to load. The big map is also failing to load.
27 replies
Draugnar (0 DX)
11 Sep 11 UTC
Weird bugs...
The "threads you've posted in" star has gone away and I can see threads started by players I have muted. I think something just went wonky with the JavaScript.
1 reply
Yeoman (100 D)
10 Sep 11 UTC
One for the Old Worlders
Hello Fellow Europeans + North Africans and Middle East people

I wonder if any one of you have a tendency to secure your real-life home country? If, for instance you are British in real life and start out as Italy in the game, would you consider sending a fleet to all the way to Britain in the small chance of taking a bite?
3 replies
President Eden (2750 D)
11 Sep 11 UTC
Anyone have problems with Chrome freezing on Windows 7 Enterprise?
I've had spontaneous freezing issues with Chrome on Enterprise. I'd been ignoring it because I figured it was temporary issues with whatever site I happened to browse at the time...
17 replies
trip (696 D(B))
09 Sep 11 UTC
Dearest Mods,
I fucked up and need 3 tourney games cancelled. There's an email for you with game id's. Thanks for your help, and sorry about taking up your time.

11 replies
Geforce (0 DX)
10 Sep 11 UTC
I would like to learn such as tournaments, and how I can participate
2 replies
Ges (292 D)
09 Sep 11 UTC
The Best Way to Play your Favorite Country
Thanks to jmo, SD, and Diplomat33 for the idea!

Granted, circumstances and diplomatic opportunities shape how things turn out, but what's your favorite/most promising approach with your favorite power?
20 replies
Baskineli (100 D(B))
17 Sep 11 UTC
Any mods?
I am not discussing an on going game.
I am not accusing people of cheating.
Just pointing out a very fishy live game: gameID=68110
If there are any mods around, please look at it. Thank you. (Yes, already emailed the mods).
6 replies
Scmoo472 (1933 D)
17 Sep 11 UTC
Magical Italy?
Ok, what is up with the last 3 games I have been Italy? They have all be like.. Good. 2 wins and 17 SC draw. Does it like possess some supernatural power or something?
4 replies
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
31 Aug 11 UTC
Build Your Dream Nation!
Pick any 5 people from history to be your "Founders" and draft your Constitution.
Pick any 1 President/Monarch/Dictator to rule, elected or by military force (must be a different person than one of your Founders) and a mate of the opposite sex to co-rule with them.
Pick any 3 generals to serve as your Heads of the Armed Forces.
And choose 1 person to be your "Diplomatic Master" to deal with other nations.
90 replies
FirstApple (100 D(B))
14 Sep 11 UTC
Un gioco nell'italiano?
Ci sono alcuni qui chi parlono l'italiano per fare un gioco nell'italiano? Me piacerebbe moltissimo partecipare en uno quando finisco con i giochi in che sto adesso.
7 replies
stratagos (3269 D(S))
17 Sep 11 UTC
Question for Euro-Zone people
How does the whole soveriegn debt fiasco look from your point of view?

I know that people from Europe sometimes find it baffling how the safety net is much weaker in the US than in their home nations, but I think we here find the level of tax evasion, bribery, and corruption in the southern tier nations equally baffling....
2 replies
Dan-i-Am 88 (358 D)
17 Sep 11 UTC
First Person to Post Wins!
Should be self explanatory. . .
1 reply
Leif_Syverson (271 D)
16 Sep 11 UTC
NMR's and CD's
The hating must stop. Embrace NMR's and CD's..
16 replies
Fasces349 (0 DX)
15 Sep 11 UTC
No Joke, this is a quote from a facebook arguement I am in
I will support Zack's decision to enter into the dangerously racist field of biology, despite the fact that reason and logic certainly have no place in the future socialist empire of equality and freedom which we will fight for and inherit, despite our low-birthrate and poor schooling. We will survive!
87 replies
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