A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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KalelChase (1494 D(G))
14 Sep 11 UTC
Not bragging - game of chaos, but fun ending

2 replies
Tettleton's Chew (0 DX)
08 Sep 11 UTC
9-11 Truthers demolised in Slate Article
If you are one of those total nutjobs that is so far out of touch with any molecule of reality that you are a 9-11 truther then I would recommend you not clicking on the link I provide because the article totally demolishes your fantasies.
68 replies
diplomancer83 (123 D)
13 Sep 11 UTC
I just want to say...
this is the best place for reasonable and balanced political debate. Thank you.
5 replies
Diplomat33 (243 D(B))
13 Sep 11 UTC
How to make and keep alliances
I am wondering what people feel are the best ways to make and keep alliances. Seeing as they are almost necessary to win, i want to know some experienced players' advice and tips on them.
21 replies
King Atom (100 D)
11 Sep 11 UTC
Iceland is not in its proper position on the WebDiplomacy map (meaning that it is not that close to England in actuality), so why would it even be included on the map if it serves no other purpose. WHY IS IT THERE?
44 replies
Yonni (136 D(S))
13 Sep 11 UTC
A game for everyone who just cancelled that last game (and anyone else who wants to join)
So, hear is the replacement game. Starts soon so join up.
8 replies
Lando Calrissian (100 D(S))
13 Sep 11 UTC
36 hour goonbat
Join up
5 replies
Scmoo472 (1933 D)
13 Sep 11 UTC
Game Overview. Simply State Input Please
I was Italy, I failed on when the game started, and went to dinner, and came in in 1903. Can you tell me how I did. (I would like to start to try and improve my game to increase my Win %)
11 replies
Crazyter (1335 D(G))
12 Sep 11 UTC
Taking a break
I want to thank everyone for a wonderful fun-filled experience on this site. When my last 2 games end, I'll be taking a break.
24 replies
Diplomat33 (243 D(B))
12 Sep 11 UTC
Annoying Player Help
A friend of mine playing web diplomacy told me he had a player called King Atom in his game, but feels the player is very annoying and wants help dealing with the problem. Is there any way to kick a player out of a game or block them from joining a public game for future reference.
60 replies
Mickie (394 D)
12 Sep 11 UTC
Games paused?
I may have missed the thread on this, but is there any way for a mod to now unpause the games that have been put on pause since the glitch has happened at least 24 hours ago? In world games where there are a fair few who have already CDed, it would be great to get moving!
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Mickie (394 D)
12 Sep 11 UTC
Sorry to post twice at once, but I keep hearing of this "muting" function but I have no idea what it is - can someone explain? ;)
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insane (173 D)
13 Sep 11 UTC
3 replies
FirstApple (100 D(B))
12 Sep 11 UTC
Trading points
Is it possible at all for one player to give another player points in order to get into a game or is that just completely impossible?
14 replies
Fasces349 (0 DX)
11 Sep 11 UTC
Happy 9/11 everyone. Let us celebrate the day Al Qaeda smashed the Yankees.
92 replies
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
12 Sep 11 UTC
I swear I run a shelter for battered kittens IRL
A lot of people who are asshats online use the excuse that IRL they are real good people. Why is this considered a valid excuse? Is it because of the perceived anonymity of the web, like road rage? If you wouldn't call someone a faggot IRL, why would you do it here?
39 replies
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
12 Sep 11 UTC
Sins of a Solar Empire
This could be the best RTS I've ever played. It's like a wonderful mix of Ascendancy, EVE, Homeworld, and Supreme Commander. Still need to play some more to see if it's my number one, but it looks promising. Anyone else play this?
54 replies
ulytau (541 D)
13 Sep 11 UTC
Guessing game
So I got home from one social event, few beers were unlucky enough to meet my stomach and so on. Then I got hungry and fried me 7 late-night eggs. The problem was I forgot I wasn't supposed to feed the whole family as usually but only myself, yet I used the same amount of oil and butter. The eggs literally swam in grease. Of course I ate them, I'm a pig/scrooge, but what will my intestines say? To find out whether there is any consensus on this complicated subject, I propose a guessing game.
13 replies
centurion1 (1478 D)
13 Sep 11 UTC
everything wrong with internet diplomacy

cd's and then not stopping games after them.
5 replies
lionhearted (503 D)
12 Sep 11 UTC
How common is soloing without backstabbing?
I've been in the endgame a few times with a strong position, but I hate the idea of turning on someone I've been working with since turn 1. It just... it's a terrible bad vibe, y'know? You have a good time playing together for a couple hours, coordinating, etc, I don't want to stab after that.

Other players might make poor tactical moves or fight at bad times, but how common is solo-winning based on that? Are people who try to not stab their allies consigned to lots of draws?
33 replies
Agent K (0 DX)
13 Sep 11 UTC
Linear Algebra Basics
Taking Cross-Section Econometrics but have never taken a Linear algebra course. Trying to make sure i understand the basics.
13 replies
Marti the Bruce (100 D)
12 Sep 11 UTC
First Solo
Just wanted everybody to know i have just won my first game here. I'm happy and was actually thinking of doing an AAR, but perhaps that is going just a tad too far? I don't know, is that the done thing? You tell me.
Oh, game ID#66745.
Was a close run thing for a little while, bugger England hit me hard, but luckily didn't land the knock-out punch. He's licking his wounds now.
8 replies
King Atom (100 D)
13 Sep 11 UTC
Took me until the end to realize what it was...
6 replies
micahbales (1397 D)
12 Sep 11 UTC
WebDiplo Rankings
Can someone please explain how ranking works on WebDiplomacy? Is it based on points? Wins vs losses? I'm interested in understanding both the numerical rankings as well as the "political puppet," etc. rankings. Thanks in advance!
7 replies
Diplomat33 (243 D(B))
13 Sep 11 UTC
low points game, need players
interested in playing a low risk game that costs only 5 D to join. its called Low Stake 7 and the password is password. please join and play the game without worry of loosing points.
2 replies
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
03 Sep 11 UTC
Am I Alone In Defying this?

If I EVER were to fall for a woman, it'd HAVE to be the smartest, wittiest, most unique gal I could find...even if she had a beard or third eye.
Just curious, since we have a lot of married me--careful what you say!--and I the only one who'd put brain-size over...?
135 replies
President Eden (2750 D)
12 Sep 11 UTC
Need a sitter again
Same game as before (check Live Games thread). PM for details. It's a good position, but the endgame is going to be tough.
9 replies
Fasces349 (0 DX)
11 Sep 11 UTC
Eurozone Economic Crisis- What the fuck is the EU doing?
Should the EU be focusing more on balancing budgets and managing debt then bringing down unemployment?
28 replies
Fasces349 (0 DX)
12 Sep 11 UTC
Any Mods online
I am suppose to be sitting for someone playing a live game (see thread below), however the password he sent me was incorrect (not sure if there was a typo or soemthign)

what do?
7 replies
Crazyter (1335 D(G))
03 Sep 11 UTC
Masters games 7 and 8?
When are these games starting?
23 replies
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