A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
Page 844 of 1419
zultar (4180 DMod(P))
14 Jan 12 UTC
Appropriate signals in gunboat? Please help.
In a WTA gunboat where there is a player who is in a very dominant position that guarantees them the draw or a solo if two or three powers can't figure out the stalemate positions and there is a power who has one or two SCs left and can be easily taken out without affecting stalemate position, what is the appropriate signal to send in game?
2 replies
ForNarnia (139 D)
14 Jan 12 UTC
vDiplomacy, N.A fun!
Not a lot of people on vDiplomacy like fast games, so if you are interested in a new board, and a breath of fresh air, come join the fun! Game starts at 11:30 ET some hurry up and join!

1 reply
hammac (100 D)
13 Jan 12 UTC
Mitt Romney lambasted in attack ad for speaking French
Is this ridiculous or what! (if you're interested)

49 replies
Indybroughton (3407 D(G))
13 Jan 12 UTC
Secret canal in Russia - World Variant
Rumor has it that if you build a fleet in St. Pete or Moscow, they can travel via a secret canal, to the other SC. True? (searched variant rules, could not find)
8 replies
Sandgoose (0 DX)
13 Jan 12 UTC
Urgent Moderators
I understand you're all busy, but if you have a chance, withing say the next 5, maybe 10 minutes get a chance to check your email, it's urgent. Thank you.
15 replies
Frank (100 D)
12 Jan 12 UTC
other phpdiplomacy sites
what are the most active installations of webdiplomacy other than this site?
29 replies
Dharmaton (2398 D)
14 Jan 12 UTC
Do I get my points & rating back from games with Multis ???
MPM3di4t0R & & DouweJanTW & Canadiandiplomat & Instrument & TaylorSwift & Bladecrest ... ad nausem
7 replies
G1 (92 D)
14 Jan 12 UTC
Replacement for a Frozen Antarctica needed, decent position and a build!
1 reply
Tettleton's Chew (0 DX)
05 Jan 12 UTC
Military Quotes
A thread to post your favorite military quotes with or without attribution.
Tettleton's Chew (0 DX)
05 Jan 12 UTC
"I don't order you to fight I order you to die."
Diplomat33 (243 D(B))
05 Jan 12 UTC
"Never surrender to those b@$t@rd$!" -General George S. Patton
Diplomat33 (243 D(B))
05 Jan 12 UTC
Good thread idea TC makes me glad I never muted you.
Rommeltastic (1208 D(B))
05 Jan 12 UTC
"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
ezpickins (113 D)
05 Jan 12 UTC
"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
omnomnom (177 D)
05 Jan 12 UTC
"The point of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bugger die for his."
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
05 Jan 12 UTC
"He who controls the spice, controls the universe."
Octavious (2802 D)
05 Jan 12 UTC
"Nab him, jab him, tab him, grab him, stop that pigeon now"
Baskineli (100 D(B))
05 Jan 12 UTC
"There is no such thing as friendly fire."

"Never trust a private with a loaded weapon, or an officer with a map and compass."
ezpickins (113 D)
05 Jan 12 UTC
Baskineli (100 D(B))
05 Jan 12 UTC
There is a phrase in the US navy: "The difficult we do immediately. The impossible takes a little while longer".

In the unit I served in, we had a slightly different saying: "The impossible we do immediately. Miracles take a little while longer".
Yellowjacket (835 D(B))
05 Jan 12 UTC
Battle, n., A method of untying with the teeth a political knot that would not yield to the tongue.

-Ambrose Bierce
Tolstoy (1962 D)
05 Jan 12 UTC
"There are no bad regiments, only bad colonels"

Nuke 'em 'til they glow, then shoot them in the dark!
taylor4 (261 D)
06 Jan 12 UTC
Drop your pencil, lose a week's work. - Korean (pre-Laptop) War era Officer training motto
Tolstoy (1962 D)
06 Jan 12 UTC
This is a dialog and not a quote, but still my favorite. During the Battle of Manzikert, the Byzantine emperor was defeated and captured by the Turkish Sultan - in large part because many of the emperor's lieutenants (one or two of them rival claimants) deserted him on the field of battle. Supposedly, this is what was said:

Turkish Sultan: "What would you have done with me, had I been your captive?"

Byzantine Emperor: "Oh, I don't know. I probably would've had you beaten, whipped, stripped naked, and marched through the streets of Constantinople as an angry crowd threw rotten vegetables at you before you were quartered in the main square, your body parts left for the dogs."

Turkish Sultan: "My punishment is far greater. I forgive you, and set you free."

The emperor was assassinated (by his own people) a short time later.
Tolstoy (1962 D)
06 Jan 12 UTC
And from the Greatest Movie Ever Made:

"Swordsmanship untested in battle is like mastering swimming on dry land."
BenGuin (248 D)
06 Jan 12 UTC
I may lose a battle, but I always win the war
The British army should be a projectile to be fired by the British navy.

~Lord Edward Grey
Haert (234 D)
06 Jan 12 UTC
I've seen this credited to different people with slightly different wordings:
No battle plan survives [first] contact with the enemy.
"It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets."- Voltaire
Fasces349 (0 DX)
06 Jan 12 UTC
A man does not have himself killed for a half-pence a day or for a petty distinction. You must speak to the soul in order to electrify him
- Napoleon Bonaparte

Si vis pacem, para bellum
- Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus

dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
- Horace

Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft
- Theodore Roosevelt

The pen is mightier then the sword
- Edward Bulwer-Lytton

"Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds"
- J. Robert Oppenheimer

Soldiers generally win the battles, and the generals get the credit for them
- Napoleon Bonaparte

Amateurs talk tactics, dilettantes talk strategy, professionals talk logistics.
- General Omar Bradley

It is from their foes, not their friends, that cities learn the lesson of building high walls
- Aristophanes

You should hammer your iron when it is glowing hot
- Publius Syrus
Although this is less militaristic or significant then the others, Civ 4 fans will know this is the line is the cue for declaring war.

I must study politics and war so that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy
-John Adams

Victorious generals win first and then go to war, while defeated generals go to war first and then seek to win
- Sun Tzu

For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill To subdue the enemy with fighting as the acme of skill
- Sun Tzu

more later
The pen is mightier than the sword only if the pen is very sharp and the sword in very short - Terry Pratchett.
Diplomat33 (243 D(B))
06 Jan 12 UTC
Ah Fasces you are a Civ 4 fan? I love that game! Finally It came out for Mac!
Fasces349 (0 DX)
07 Jan 12 UTC
it came out for mac about 7 years ago, you talking about civ 5?
Tettleton's Chew (0 DX)
09 Jan 12 UTC
“I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”
Haert (234 D)
10 Jan 12 UTC
"When you can't run anymore you crawl, and when you can't crawl you find someone to carry you."
"In the ultimate battle ground of the sexes - the bedroom - a woman can best any 10 men." - Mark Twain.
Hydro Globus (100 D)
10 Jan 12 UTC
"We poison our air and water to weed out the weak! We set off fission bombs in our only biosphere! We nailed our God to a stick! Don't fuck with the human race!"
- Unknown poster, 4chan

"Some oxygen molecules help fires burn while others help make water, so sometimes it's brother against brother."
- A 6th grade science student

If God put the English on an island, it's because he had his reasons.
- an old Frenchwoman living near the Channel

I write these words in steel, for anything not set in metal cannot be trusted.
- Brandon Sanderson: Mistborn (and yes, it is a war quote, read the book)

Boss: Ya ever seen a purple army, ya git?
Ork:, boss.
Boss: 'Zactly! Dat's cos purple makes ya dead sneaky!
"if it moves, shoot it. if it doesn't move, paint it" -ah, how i do miss the Service :)

"whoever said 'the pen is mightier than the sword' obviously never ran into a machinegun" -i think this came from that madman MacArthur
Fasces349 (0 DX)
12 Jan 12 UTC
“I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”

The first time I heard this it was Allah, not God on the quote. I wonder how legitimate you (TC) would consider it if you heard it that way as well.

'All war is deception' -Sun Tzu

Although I use to disagree with this, and never deceived my allies or enemies in diplomacy (and still frequently either drew or won), a political debate yesterday about the American war/foreign policies of the last few years as caused me to change my mind. This still doesn't change the way I play diplomacy though :P
Tolstoy (1962 D)
12 Jan 12 UTC
"The first time I heard this it was Allah, not God on the quote."

Your bigotry misleads you. This is a Genghis Khan quote, not a Muslim quote. (not to mention that the word 'God' in Arabic is 'Allah' - if you really heard it that way, then somebody forgot to finish translating the whole quote for you)
Fasces349 (0 DX)
12 Jan 12 UTC
It was Genghis Khan, but to the leader Jalal ad-Din Mingburnu, a leader of an islamic empire.

The God he was referring to was not of the Mongol pagan beliefs but to Allah, the Islamic God. Some historians have argued that this suggest Genghis Khan did convert to Islam in later years of his life.

I am still wondering if TC (failing to provide a name for that quote) was aware of this.

As for the God=Islamic, I am not retarded. However generally when I say God most people would think of the Christian God, followed by the Jewish, however saying Allah can only mean one thing, the Islamic God.

Having never heard someone speaking in English say Allah refering to the islamic God shows naivety on your front Tolstoy.
Tolstoy (1962 D)
12 Jan 12 UTC
"Having never heard someone speaking in English say Allah refering to the islamic God shows naivety on your front Tolstoy."

In Islamic theology, Muslims follow the same God of the Jews and Christians. There are no separate gods for different peoples in the Abrahamic faiths. For the most part, neither Jews, Christians, or Muslims believe the other two are worshiping a false god (criticisms of the trinity notwithstanding), aside from the absurdly wacky Christian fundamentalists who like to believe that Islam is some kind of evil demonic cult.

"Some historians have argued that this suggest Genghis Khan did convert to Islam in later years of his life. "

Really? Which historians? I've never heard this before.
Fasces349 (0 DX)
12 Jan 12 UTC
I once read it in a book, the same book that I first heard this quote (so in your eyes its clearly bullshit)
Re:Catch-22. "People who haven't been in the military won't understand this book. They'll think it's fiction."
rollerfiend (0 DX)
12 Jan 12 UTC
Allah is just the word God in arabic.
there are Christian Arabs who literally refer to their God as Allah, even though they are Christian
Its just a matter of language

tolstoy is right in the matter.

and as far as genghis khan goes, i believe you might be mistaking him for his descendents the Mughals who went on to rule persia/india later on, and who took islam as their religion
Thucydides (864 D(B))
12 Jan 12 UTC
"War is not a game" -most parents

"War is fun!" -most boys

"Fuck war" -most soldiers, older boys

"War is not a game" -most fathers, now men

"War is fun!" -their sons
Fasces349 (0 DX)
13 Jan 12 UTC
you guys are missing the point.

TC hates Islam, I was wondering if he knew the quote was referring to Islam not Christianity and if he didn't does he still consider it a legit quote.
Tettleton's Chew (0 DX)
14 Jan 12 UTC
"Experience teaches us that it is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession."

Applies to the game of diplomacy as well.

40 replies
Tettleton's Chew (0 DX)
12 Jan 12 UTC
Money doesn't buy American Elections
Excellent article at Freakonomics.

Does money buy elections in the United States?
The answer is no according to this well researched article.
18 replies
Tettleton's Chew (0 DX)
07 Jan 12 UTC
Liberals create income inequality
If you have a brain and take the time to read the George Will column I cut and pasted you will easily understand how the modern welfare state conceived in Europe and imported to America by the Left has exploded the income inequality liberals lunatics hopelessly try to blame on the Free Market.
32 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
13 Jan 12 UTC
just to continue the america bashing...

'the problem may not be with US citizens’ attitudes, but rather that, at the federal level, the US political system allows industries with large campaign chests too much power to thwart the wishes of popular majorities.'
0 replies
chris-d-9 (0 DX)
13 Jan 12 UTC
5 minute game starting
2 replies
Diplomat33 (243 D(B))
13 Jan 12 UTC
Break Time!!!
After I finish my two games I'm planning on taking a break about 1 month from the site. Enjoy!
15 replies
zultar (4180 DMod(P))
13 Jan 12 UTC
0 replies
Sandgoose (0 DX)
13 Jan 12 UTC
Homeless Diplomacy
Will it ever happen where a person can get down to 0 D ? And if that happens, how can you get points back?
7 replies
Gumers (607 D)
11 Jan 12 UTC
Paused games
Why there is so many paused games? (12 pages)
When will these games continue? Only when somebody joined the abandoned powers? What if nobody joins?
4 replies
Norbert (0 DX)
11 Jan 12 UTC
64 replies
Diplomat33 (243 D(B))
13 Jan 12 UTC
New Thread
15 replies
goldfinger0303 (3157 DMod)
13 Jan 12 UTC
Mod Team
Please check your email...very urgent
5 replies
Tru Ninja (1016 D(S))
12 Jan 12 UTC
woka woka woka
13 replies
NigelFarage (567 D)
07 Jan 12 UTC
World Live Games
Anyone up for one? I want to coordinate one, but using the regular live game thread appears not to work. I might plan one for tonight at around 11 eastern. Is anyone interested?
5 replies
Agent K (0 DX)
03 Jan 12 UTC
Need Players!!!! New WTA Tournament - Agent K Open
Agent K Tourney. details in other thread
19 replies
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
12 Jan 12 UTC
Anyone up for a Sci-Fi World Game?
I already tried this on a Normal Map with just Star Trek...and was eliminated first (damn you, double-crossing Vulcans, how dare yu stab me, even if it WAS the logical thing to do!) but it seemed to go well: how about a World match (low bet, as it's World and it can be more accessible that way) with races from different Sci-Fi series? BORG vs. DALEKS! KLINGON EMPIRE vs. GALACTIC EMPIRE! CYBERMEN vs. CYLONS! FEDERATION vs. BABYLON 5 PEOPLE (yeah, don't knwo their name....!)
29 replies
idealist (680 D)
12 Jan 12 UTC
to all in the live game

an emergency came up, i must take leave. will you guys hold for 2 turns and let me CD so someone else can take over?
0 replies
Dharmaton (2398 D)
12 Jan 12 UTC
See vid!
2 replies
King Atom (100 D)
12 Jan 12 UTC
Need A Sitter
Why yes, I need a sitter who can watch this account and the one on vdip.

I haven't got many games going, and I shouldn't be gone more than a week.
It's just that next week is exam week and I need the time off.
9 replies
belegiii (100 D)
12 Jan 12 UTC
5 mins game cmon :)
1 reply
MrHolmes (0 DX)
11 Jan 12 UTC
Please, how the ranking is? Most then 150 ponts to left political puppet?
37 replies
Haert (234 D)
10 Jan 12 UTC
Logic puzzle: 4 is universal
The idea is that there is a pattern or set our rules by which every number is assigned another number and if you continue to apply this pattern you will eventually reach the number 4. For example: 20 is 6, 6 is 3, 3 is 5, 5 is 4, and 4 is 4, thus 4 is universal. The object of the puzzle is to figure out the pattern. Reply with any number and I will show how it becomes 4. If you figure it out, please post an example to show you know it instead of posting the answer.
59 replies
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