A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Tolstoy (1962 D)
11 Jul 12 UTC
Roman Legions vs. Mongol Hordes
To commemorate the 807th anniversary of the grand Quriltai which saw Temujin elected as Genghis Khan, I ask who would win a battle between a force of Mongols and a slightly larger force of Roman legions (for the sake of discussion, we will say from the late republic/early empire period) in a head-to-head matchup? Please discuss.
76 replies
emfries (0 DX)
16 Jul 12 UTC
Who wants to join me in starting a new exercise regimen? If you are in, post your end goal(s) and/or why you are doing it, and what your plan is.
20 replies
Thucydides (864 D(B))
15 Jul 12 UTC
Is war between Russia and England more or less inevitable?
The Norway-StP corridor is very hard to DMZ. Perhaps conflict will always occur. I at least cannot think of a time in recent memory that they went the whole game without fighting (barring an early elimination of one or both).
24 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
16 Jul 12 UTC
Surprise and risk-taking...

When it comes to diplomacy... Any thoughts?
10 replies
achillies27 (100 D)
30 Jun 12 UTC
The Tournament Which Shall Not be Named.
Or a better name if we think of one!
85 replies
TBroadley (178 D)
13 Jul 12 UTC
Non sequitur showdown
Each post must have nothing to do with the post above it.
180 replies
oneirovatis (95 D)
16 Jul 12 UTC
when i support a unit to hold, can i support with this unit a fleet to move if someone hit me!
for example, i want support belgium from holland to hold, then belgium support english channel to move at picardy! what will happen if picardy hit me at belgium? belgium will help in move or will stay??
1 reply
Alderian (2425 D(S))
16 Jul 12 UTC
Discouraging country based resigns thought...
Webdip uses a country weighting system where the more often you have been a country, the less a chance you have of being it again and vice versa. So how about use that to deal with people that abandon a game because they got a country they don't like?
2 replies
CSteinhardt (9560 D(B))
16 Jul 12 UTC
Mods please check email
Since it's been suggested that one post here when sending one...
15 replies
Sandgoose (0 DX)
13 Jul 12 UTC
Today is the big day!
In exactly 13 hours or so I shall be proposing to my girlfriend!!! WISH ME LUCK!!! :)

Any advise for a young whipper snapper?
82 replies
Check_mate (100 D)
14 Jul 12 UTC
ooobydooby, ooobydooby, oobydoobydoobydooby ooobyd
There is a game going on called "ooobydooby, ooobydooby, oobydoobydoobydooby ooobyd".

8 replies
Thucydides (864 D(B))
14 Jul 12 UTC
Is it just because I'm in college or what?
Does anyone else have the experience that the time when gender issues and parity come most the fore is when a coed group of people goes partying together? Shit just happens and you have to make decisions based on that stuff more often than in normal life. At least I feel that way. Thoughts?
36 replies
Zmaj (215 D(B))
16 Jul 12 UTC
EoG: Great war-3
Damn... I forgot it wasn't WTA.
12 replies
Zmaj (215 D(B))
15 Jul 12 UTC
EoG: Shoot first, support later
I could have won that one... Italy too...
17 replies
Draugnar (0 DX)
13 Jul 12 UTC
So has obiwanobiwan finally matured and can I take him off my mute list?
Obi need not answer. I won't see it. But does anyone else want to chime in with their opinion so I can decide if it is safe to take him off? I kind of miss his long winded posts, but he got so over the top with his youthful insistence he knew everything I had to mute him or kill him before his 21st birthday, and I thought the former was the better option.
106 replies
GrandVizier (50 D)
15 Jul 12 UTC
How do I report an allegation of "multi"-ing to the mods?
Just wondering.
14 replies
kremen (106 D)
05 Jul 12 UTC
Call for players for a tournament starting August 10!
18 replies
Fortress Door (1837 D)
15 Jul 12 UTC
4 replies
Zmaj (215 D(B))
14 Jul 12 UTC
EoG: WTA-GB-144
Nice draw, guys!
2 replies
NigeeBaby (100 D(G))
21 Jun 12 UTC
Call for Players ..... who don't CD :-)
This currently is a 5-game Tourney with no name

183 replies
TBroadley (178 D)
14 Jul 12 UTC
How was your day?
Good? Bad? Normal? What did you do? Where did you go? Did you meet new people, see new things, have a new experience? Vent - both anger and joy.
28 replies
Zmaj (215 D(B))
14 Jul 12 UTC
EoG: The kids have broken Europe
A draw, but I rule.
10 replies
Anne R (556 D)
14 Jul 12 UTC
Question about points
How can a player have less points then 100 minus the points in play?
5 replies
Yonni (136 D(S))
14 Jul 12 UTC
Walking Dead 100
Anyone else read it yet?
Note, if you're going to post spoilers. Give a warning and then start the spoiler a few lines down so it doesn't show up on the front page.
1 reply
Thucydides (864 D(B))
02 Jul 12 UTC
King of the Hill-Thread
We are going to play king of the hill in this thread. See rules inside.
40 replies
apfel (100 D)
14 Jul 12 UTC
Hey, who is online and wants to play?
I would like to, but there are always just two other persons and so we cannot start..... :)
3 replies
AverageWhiteBoy (314 D)
14 Jul 12 UTC
Youtube Music Thread
No words. Just links and likes.
26 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
13 Jul 12 UTC
US sex ed, public policy vs ignorant religiosity?
(see inside)
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TheGhostmaker (1545 D)
14 Jul 12 UTC
I've very little time for people complaining that sexual education is against their religion, primarily because it is against the /parents/ religion. By and large, a 14 year old isn't religious, they just believe whatever their parents told them. I think that sexual education should cover all mainstream views (or try to), but I do not agree that parents have the right to deny children an outlook other than that of the parents' themselves.
orathaic (1009 D(B))
14 Jul 12 UTC
@mujus: you said 'You have a very odd notion of "human function."'

Humans eat, fuck and fight. Mediated by culture.

These are social level functions above the mechanics of digestion, breathing, and muscle use.

It is not hard to avoid fghting (for most adults, though some kids struggle) society mediates that behaviour.
Sex is held up as this amazing thing which you can't have, used to sell products and banned in public places... Somehow everywhere and nowhere. Teens go through rebellious phases regardless (something to do with leaving the nest, they have become physically capable of surviving on their own; out society is more comppex emotionally and economically, which leads to trouble) but they still compete with each other for status, and sex is a great option for them.

Religion tries to mediate this. While when it comes to violence their peers are mediating the behaviour. It is undesirable to all. (when it comes to food we eat without much thought, by and large, to any consequences beyond our own health, convienance and pleasure/flavour enjoyment - that is beyond our egos)

Society mediates human behaviour, always has, whether it was parents showing offspring what food to eat, or how to fish (the best source of hunted protien for 'hunter gatherers' was fish)

Society mediates when it is ok to be violent, and how - American football, boxing, fencing... there are many acceptable forms of violent sports in our society. And different subcltures have different standards - prisons tend toward violent competition, poor urban neighbourhoods where teens can't compete for jobs, income, political status or academic achievement tend to end up more violent (this acts as a survival trait, scaring off potential threats by being threatening, at least for male teens, femape teens tend to see a spike in their pregnancy rates rather than violence rates, again survival is being guarenteed by reproducing)

So yes, all normal things, all mediated by culture. But this is a question of public p
orathaic (1009 D(B))
14 Jul 12 UTC
Public policy. As in the official government part rather than the huge amount of private influence which corporations (who are people afterall) have on our culture.

Massive outcries may get comedians who tell rape jokes fired. But by and large pulic outcries are a minor influence on corporations, especially where being outrageous can be a good advertising tactic. Yet we presume humans have the power to decide for themselves, that free will reigns supreme - it does not, we are heavily influenced by our culture, or even counter-cultures or hippie/vegan/organic foods... - we have public policy for the common good. We assume that we can't survive in a purely free market corporate society - so no privatised military, no private courts, and government attempts to remain independant... While attempting to please their electorate... Maybe judges appointed for life would make a better system of government.

But i digress. Education is for the public good. Religion is relegated to a private interest (with tax free corporations, selling salvation* in exchangd for mediating the behaviour of their customers) - At least in America.

Individuals are free to choose which religion the adhere to, or none. Equally religions (which may be closer to being people than corporations) should have a say in public policy. But it should be determined by the results which are desired.

If we want to influence teens propensity to have sex we need to alter our cultural worship of sex. That happens to be in private hands already, so isn't a question of piblic policy (similarily the warrior culture in the US - hero worshipping 'the troops', sports stars and gun use, is a contributing factor to the violence in US society, and i'm sure varies from state to state... ) What public policy can do is empower people to make their own decisions to prevent disease - abstinance is a great prevention tool, however teaching abstinance only sex ed results in teens having sex anyway, the evidence is that combined approaches are better.

So back to parents and opt-outs. A minimum standard of health education would include explaining how disease can be past from person to person by the sharing of bodily fluids, and that this is necessary for reproduction. (and kissing) this kind of info should not have any opt-out in my opinion.

On the otherhand, giving parents information so they can easily home school their kids would be a great boon; i'm all in favour of adults learning something from the education system to a level where they can teach it.

Regarding the more graphic extreme of sex ed, i think it is better in schools (even with an opt-out) than learning from pornography - which is in private hands and tends to be rather misogynistic and distant from reality (sorry for the break in the post)

93 replies
pjmansfield99 (100 D)
14 Jul 12 UTC
Any Mods online?
I know its a weird time but just wondered if anyone was around?
5 replies
damian (675 D)
14 Jul 12 UTC
So has Draugnar finally matured and can I take him off my mute list?
Draug need not answer. I won't see it. But does anyone else what to chime in with their opinion so I can decide if it is safe to take him off? I kind of miss his ferociously bombastic posts, but he got so over the top in his youthful desire to act tough I had to mute him or kill him before his (mental) 21st birthday, and the former was the better option
6 replies
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