A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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trip (696 D(B))
04 Jan 13 UTC
Lusthog Gunboat
Variant: No draw voting until someone solos or a stalemate is reached. No cancel or pause voting at all. See inside for more...
9 replies
KingRishard (948 D)
13 Dec 12 UTC
Return of the King
Details inside.
77 replies
Draugnar (0 DX)
04 Jan 13 UTC
hellalt and company EOG
I don't really do EOGs as I do have the recall some players do. But here is the game link should one or more of them wish to bitch about the game.

7 replies
Dharmaton (2398 D)
01 Jan 13 UTC
your Song of the Day ;-)
YEAH! .post link and preferably the title too
12 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
04 Jan 13 UTC
Be Afraid! (but of what?)
6 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
04 Jan 13 UTC
Stupid Is the New Normal

I just fell apart laughing when I read this...
0 replies
Texastough (25 DX)
02 Jan 13 UTC
Is there any country besides China that could defeat the United States in combat.
This has been bugging me for a while and I would like to know if there are any countries that would have a shot
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redhouse1938 (429 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
The Netherlands.

But only under very specific weather conditions.
Maniac (189 D(B))
03 Jan 13 UTC
61 posts fighting the last world war.

The next world war if one occurs, will be on terms we probably can't even imagine, but what if china wanted to distroy america's economy for 10 years before a shot is fired? Could china close down the web? Could they force a run on the banks, could they decapitate Washington power? Could they block all the drains in Texas just before a forecast megastore that sees texans floating in their own shit in the streets?

Nuclear weapons and tanks and drones can't stop any nation who actually thinks outside the box to harm another nation.
Stressedlines (1559 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
No country can 'defeat' us in a full war. Defeating us would require physical occupation of continental north america and Iam not sure a coalition exists on the planet to do that

Physical occupation would require at least 10 million troops and the ability to supply and support. I am not sure this is even enough. The armed population of the country creates a lot of military headaches for any General
steephie22 (182 D(S))
03 Jan 13 UTC
Not if you launch a few hundred nukes first...
And I don't think anyone seeks to occupy the United States, just defeat it. There's a big difference and you just act like there is no difference...
Like extermination is no defeat for the United States...
Commander_Cool (131 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
"No country can 'defeat' us in a full war. Defeating us would require physical occupation of continental north america... "

This is the exact same line of thought that the Japanese had in WW2, and it's just as wrong now as it was back then.
Stressedlines (1559 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
No it is not Commander. No single country could occupy America, period. Name one, I will show you the flaw of your thinking.

Many japanese commanders before Pearl harbor understood that war with teh US carried a lot of risk, and that if they did n ot bury the Americans fast, then industrial might would overwhelm them, which is what happened.

Find me a single American Combat Commander who thinks this way about any single nation on this planet.

Russia, China? laughable on both counts. Defeat us in battle? Yes, possible without a doubt. Occupy America. impossible at this point in time.
Stressedlines (1559 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
Ok, can not defeat us in a Conventional war. Better? Dont play word games, because I highly doubt the person hitting us with nukes is going to be able to claim much of a victory when nuke retaliations happen. Lose/Lose
orathaic (1009 D(B))
03 Jan 13 UTC
Didn't the reptile people who secretly rule the world already 'defeat' the US? And continue to run things silently...
By reptile people don't you mean the jews?
orathaic (1009 D(B))
03 Jan 13 UTC
An asteroid hitting the rockies could 'defeat' the US, throw up enough dust to block out the sun for years, kill all plant life; the only sources of power would be nuclear fission (and mining more would be hard) and the fossil fuel reserves, along with tidal power and some wind. The US would be able to grow food under artificial light using whatever power was left running, but the population would mostly starve and fight for survival; any preppers would hide in their bunkers eating their stored up food, while rampaging mobs would destroy what they could and rape then eat anyone who got in their way... (and there are several countries which could nudge an asteroid into a collision)
orathaic (1009 D(B))
03 Jan 13 UTC
No, the reptile-jew war for supremecy lead to the establishment of Israel and the retreat of the jewosh population from their strongholds in middleearth.
I forgot about that ora, sorry. As much as I hate the reptile people I think it's safe to say that they are better then those evil communist socialist capitalist bankers that form the elders of zion. I would say more but now that I've realised that the defeat of America is imminent due to nukes/asteroid attack I need to start collecting more supplies for my bunker.
Dharmaton (2398 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
Papua-New Guinea and the Solomon Islands have now just allied and are plotting a total supremacy on the americas and a complete takeover of asia, and a cultural conquet of europe, along with a new economic strike into africa lol
Maniac brings up a very good point. The next war may very well not be focused on conventional warfare. What if its a cyber war, or at least cyber warfare has a large part in it? Who do you think would be able to launch a cyber attack that could cripple the US before our fleets can even steam out of port?
C-K (2037 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
It could be said that Mexico is in the process of conquering america and that in another 20 years they may have successfully completed occupation. Does occupying constitute conquering?
Gunfighter06 (224 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
Personally I am concerned with America's vulnerability to a cyber attack. All of our hardware is too dependent on computers.
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
03 Jan 13 UTC
Any nation is vulnerable to a cyber attack. But, like typical United States fashion, we'll continue to spend money on useless oil wars until a massive crisis occurs and only then will we put money into preventing something like that.
hellalt (113 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
According to Mc afee 2009 report U.S., Israel, Russia, China, and France are gearing up for cyberoffensives.
According to the same report (, best prepared cyber defenses belong to finland israel and sweden.
which means that israel will start the war against usa and win it.
y2kjbk (4846 D(G))
04 Jan 13 UTC
"which means that israel will start the war against usa and win it."

I lol'ed.

79 replies
steephie22 (182 D(S))
31 Dec 12 UTC
Any tournaments coming up?
I guess the title is self-explanatory, but I guess clarification can´t hurt :)

So, I´d like to know which tournaments, if any, are scheduled to come soon and when that will be...
24 replies
philcore (317 D(S))
04 Jan 13 UTC
Two Questions about the Forum that I couldn't find in the help
1) If you mute a thread, is there any way to unmute it?
2) At what point do your posts and Threads move to the link that you can click on from your profile? They seem to be several weeks old. Is it a page count thing? or a timing thing?

6 replies
ulytau (541 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
Presidential amnesty
Our beloved universal genius, Master of the Universe and president of the Czech Republic, Tunnelgramps Václav Klaus recently ordered an amnesty for 1/3 of all prisoners to celebrate 20 years since the dissolution of Czechoslovakia he so masterfully orchestrated. Another 500 pardons are in the pipes as well, gotta help the pals out before his time in the office runs out.
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Strauss (1872 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
Fast Europe-21
0 replies
The Czech (41714 D(S))
04 Jan 13 UTC
Czech's No CD Challenge
Sorry, I have to leave. Son just called and is having issues with his car. I have to drive over to the college campys to see if I can fix it.
1 reply
NigeeBaby (100 D(G))
03 Jan 13 UTC
A Message from the Queen
66 replies
fulhamish (4134 D)
02 Jan 13 UTC
The sciences
A recent post by dubmdell on the beauty of science struck me as being rather eloquent. It paused me to stop and think what the relative proportion of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) students were across our various countries. In the UK in 2010, for example, there were 12,000 psychology and 10,000 history graduates. Chemistry and physics had 2,400 and 2,200 respectively.
46 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
03 Jan 13 UTC
Protoplanetary Cycles?

This stuff is cool... don't know how to explain it...
6 replies
Lando Calrissian (100 D(S))
30 Dec 12 UTC
25 hour gunboat
10 replies
lkruijsw (100 D)
31 Dec 12 UTC
Republicans defend the rich
I am from Europe, so I don't know much about American politics. I always thought that the GOP is for the hard working people. But it seems more and more that they just defend the rich. Sounds stupid to me, is a rather sure way to loose votes.
84 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
03 Jan 13 UTC
Trigger Laws
These are laws which do nothing unless certain conditions are first met.

So some (US) states will automatically ban abortion if Roe V Wade is overturned; or automatically ban human cloning if it becomes possible to achieve; however i really like the following rule:
0 replies
Does anyone here know how to cook an egg?
29 replies
Commander_Cool (131 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
Please help me figure out the rules!
I've found myself in a situation for which I cannot find the rules outcome explained in the FAQ...
6 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
03 Jan 13 UTC
Pandin's Paradox!?!
Discuss. (when your convoy, if it would succeed, would cut support which would cause it to fail, but if it were to fail, the lack of cut support should result in a successful convoy...)

Eg: F eng Convoys Brest - Lon; Lon S wales - eng; north sea S bel - eng
16 replies
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
30 Dec 12 UTC
The Greatest (Love) Story Ever Told?
It's not "Romeo and Juliet"...surely we all agree?
It's not "La Boheme," however much I love that opera.
It's not "Les Miserables" (at least not the musical/film version, two lines and BAM! instant, undying love between Marius and!)
So...what is it--triumphant, comedic or tragic, as we approach the romance of New Years', what IS The Greatest Love Story Ever Told?
99 replies
fulhamish (4134 D)
02 Jan 13 UTC
Is psychology a science?
If so do we need to preface it with hard- or soft- or, even, pre-?

From the LA times:
93 replies
The Hanged Man (4160 D(G))
03 Jan 13 UTC
Post a quote that (more or less) starts with "I believe . . ."
5 replies
demmahom (100 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
Join this game for good luck in 2013111
" For the new year 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " is the game's name. It is ancient med and pot is 8. Plz join
6 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
03 Jan 13 UTC
Coming this August:
1 reply
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
03 Jan 13 UTC
So I got my computer back and am trying to update Java... the latest version doesn't run on Chrome. Is there any way I can get 5 or 6 for OS X 7.5?
7 replies
griffstamon596 (577 D)
02 Jan 13 UTC
classic live game-6 starts at 10pm eastern
classic live game-6 starts at 10pm eastern
0 replies
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
02 Jan 13 UTC
The Future of TV
How do ya'll watch TV? Standard Cable? TiVo? Apple TV? A mix of online services? What's holding us back from an Internet-based TV revolution? Are Cable companies to blame, or do we simply not have the bandwidth yet?
25 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
02 Jan 13 UTC
...I am planning on dumping my girlfriend sometime this week. She doesn't live anywhere near here ... any advice from all you sex hounds?
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