A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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orathaic (1009 D(B))
07 Jan 13 UTC
in some countries...
... You can use taxation to control the population and spend the funds raised on something like this:
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JesusPetry (258 D)
07 Jan 13 UTC
A new gunboat to get me back in the game
gameID=107883 25 D WTA
3 replies
djakarta97 (358 D)
07 Jan 13 UTC
Any good political blogs?
I had recently completed writing an essay on the threat posed to US hegemony by China. I revised it 7 times and changed it into a better essay. It may have a long way to go, but I wanted to see where it could be considered for publication.
Original thread:
1 reply
mapleleaf (0 DX)
07 Jan 13 UTC
Hockey is back, my friends.
Get ready for Phil the Thrill.
16 replies
dubmdell (556 D)
07 Jan 13 UTC
Webdipites, Christmas is here
This is my masterwork. (See inside.)
1 reply
NigeeBaby (100 D(G))
07 Jan 13 UTC
EOG: Victorian
What a game that was ....... no words I can add could do this justice :-)
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Jamiet99uk (1170 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
Hey dubmdell,
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Sbyvl36 (439 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
Game Question
In one of my games (I'm playing Turkey) I have an army in Constantinople, a fleet in the Aegean, and a fleet in Bulgaria north coast. Could I use F (Aeg) to convoy Constantinople to Bulgaria, and in a separate move in the same turn move Bulgaria to Constantinople?
6 replies
dubmdell (556 D)
02 Jan 13 UTC
Hey PE
Christmas is coming.
19 replies
redhouse1938 (429 D)
05 Jan 13 UTC
2012 webdip Awards!
There are four categories, I'd like to ask you all for a winner and a runner-up in each: (1) Best Strategist, (2) Best Diplomat, (3) Best Posts / Threads on Forum, (4) Best Debater on Forum
27 replies
2ndWhiteLine (2611 D(B))
06 Jan 13 UTC
Worst of WebDip 2012
(1) Worst Strategist, (2) Worst Diplomat, (3) Worst Posts / Threads on Forum, (4) Worst Debater on Forum

8 replies
NigeeBaby (100 D(G))
06 Jan 13 UTC
Webdip State of the Union Address – NigeeBabys 1st Anniversary
Feedback on my first 12 months on Webdip, I joined on 6th January 2012. Firstly many thanks to all who have contributed to making the website what it is today and those who continue to make the site and the forum so active and interesting.
9 replies
Tolstoy (1962 D)
06 Jan 13 UTC
Webdip community, please help settle an IRL disagreement
Which of these TV shows is the most psychologically traumatic, and why: 1) Battlestar Galactica (99.75% of humanity wiped out by killer robots), 2) Walking Dead (zombie apocalypse), or 3) Breaking Bad (a handful of people die who (by and large) probably had it coming anyway). Please keep spoilers to a minimum or encrypted with ROT-13 encryption (
7 replies
pjmansfield99 (100 D)
05 Jan 13 UTC
Classy Gunboat....
Just setting up a new classy gunboat and looking for 2 more players.....
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NigeeBaby (100 D(G))
06 Jan 13 UTC
Scumbag homicidal genocidal egomaniac

By his words may you know him .... I'm not a great supporter of the 'C' word to describe a human being but in this instance it seems most appropriate.
3 replies
Gen. Lee (7588 D(B))
06 Jan 13 UTC
Diplomacy the board game
I got the board game for Christmas, EOG inside
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Gen. Lee (7588 D(B))
06 Jan 13 UTC
I'm out of money
What are the other sites that are not as good but where you can play live games?
7 replies
philcore (317 D(S))
05 Jan 13 UTC
Stop the aid to Africa! It does more harm than good
If the industrial nations really want to help the Africans, they should finally terminate this awful aid. The countries that have collected the most development aid are also the ones that are in the worst shape. Despite the billions that have poured in to Africa, the continent remains poor.
10 replies
krellin (80 DX)
05 Jan 13 UTC
Lowest Crime Rate
Highest *In-Home* Ownership of ASSAULT WEAPONS
Suck on that, gun grabbing libs!
"The key to freedom is being able to defend yourself..."
6 replies
NigeeBaby (100 D(G))
05 Jan 13 UTC
Is 'dogging' just a UK phenomenon?

5 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
05 Jan 13 UTC
ES-Series Guitar .. uhh... mutilated?

Since I'm not qualified to ask questions about science, I'll go to something I know more about. Really, are airlines this stupid? I (kind of) understand the lack of legroom, I (kind of) understand the side fees that they never tell you about, I (kind of) understand extra bag fees for overweight bags, but can't they just hand you your valuables in one piece?
32 replies
NigeeBaby (100 D(G))
05 Jan 13 UTC
Lance Armstrong to admit cheating, is he an embarrassment?

How many here still believe that scum-sucking pig is innocent?
22 replies
Stressedlines (1559 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
Where do we draw the line?
62 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
05 Jan 13 UTC
Turkey Repl.

Turkey gone, 12 hour phase, good spot.
2 replies
SpeakerToAliens (147 D(S))
04 Jan 13 UTC
A substance that can reach temperatures *below* absolute zero!
30 replies
SantaClausowitz (360 D)
05 Jan 13 UTC
Great Article About Sports Reporting
2 replies
Thucydides (864 D(B))
04 Jan 13 UTC
Proverbs 21:13: Best Bible verse of all time?
"Whoever closes his ear to the cry of the poor will himself call out and not be answered."
11 replies
Sbyvl36 (439 D)
05 Jan 13 UTC
Sbyvl launches 2013 election coverage
Hello everyone. I am pleased to announce that has begun covering the 2013 governor, senate, and mayor elections. Go to to see our analysis of the races.
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orathaic (1009 D(B))
05 Jan 13 UTC
big government regulations?
0 replies
taylornottyler (100 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
He's Metagaming...
Would any of you guys be up for a 2 or 3 game variant where the purpose is to metagame? Has anyone played a game like this, and if so how well did it work out? I have no points at the moment, but in a week or so I should be able to host the games :)
36 replies
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