A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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KingRishard (948 D)
13 Dec 12 UTC
Return of the King
Details inside.
77 replies
Draugnar (0 DX)
04 Jan 13 UTC
hellalt and company EOG
I don't really do EOGs as I do have the recall some players do. But here is the game link should one or more of them wish to bitch about the game.

7 replies
Dharmaton (2398 D)
01 Jan 13 UTC
your Song of the Day ;-)
YEAH! .post link and preferably the title too
12 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
04 Jan 13 UTC
Be Afraid! (but of what?)
6 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
04 Jan 13 UTC
Stupid Is the New Normal

I just fell apart laughing when I read this...
0 replies
Texastough (25 DX)
02 Jan 13 UTC
Is there any country besides China that could defeat the United States in combat.
This has been bugging me for a while and I would like to know if there are any countries that would have a shot
79 replies
steephie22 (182 D(S))
31 Dec 12 UTC
Any tournaments coming up?
I guess the title is self-explanatory, but I guess clarification can´t hurt :)

So, I´d like to know which tournaments, if any, are scheduled to come soon and when that will be...
steephie22 (182 D(S))
31 Dec 12 UTC
if there´s nothing coming up I might host one myself but I´m not sure yet...
steephie22 (182 D(S))
31 Dec 12 UTC
so you might want to mention wether you would want to join too and which way you want it...
Yonni (136 D(S))
31 Dec 12 UTC
The triathlon is done. The World Cup is almost done I think. So, the only tournaments going on at the moment are the league and the world map gunboat trny.
I'd say that leaves enough room for something new.

Do you have anything in mind?
steephie22 (182 D(S))
31 Dec 12 UTC
I actually meant anything you can still join...
Leagues can´t be joined right now right?
I´m thinking of what we could do but I don´t really have anything right now...
steephie22 (182 D(S))
31 Dec 12 UTC
Maybe a tournament of treaties games, where you have to declare war a turn in advance and maybe you can have the option of alliances or non/agression pacts... I haven´t really thought of some shape either but that depends on the amount of players we can get too...
Mapu (362 D)
31 Dec 12 UTC
If you want to organize a treaties game tournament, you should contact King Atom. He seems to run a lot of treaties games, here and on vdip.

Speaking of vDiplomacy, there is a Tour of vDip tournament getting underway now -- ie play on every map.
steephie22 (182 D(S))
31 Dec 12 UTC
Thanks for the heads-up but that´s not really what I´m searching for, I might join though...
orathaic (1009 D(B))
31 Dec 12 UTC
Looking at starting the spring league season shortly, i was thinking of setting up a signup thread. At present there are a few games still going on, and i haven't updated the league spreadsheet with the most recent results... But we're about two or three weeks off signups for the new season; (four or five weeks off the start, i'd guess)
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
31 Dec 12 UTC
I'd start something at the end of January, but can't till then.
steephie22 (182 D(S))
02 Jan 13 UTC
Well, I'll wait for the leagues then... Thanks for the information though...
steephie22 (182 D(S))
02 Jan 13 UTC
Oh, and I know it's not a tournament but it's not worth another thread either...
When is the next SoW coming?
jcbryan97 (134 D)
02 Jan 13 UTC
I'd be up for a gunboat tourney.
steephie22 (182 D(S))
02 Jan 13 UTC
OK, that makes 2 in 2 days...
If it keeps going like this we can't do anything with more than with 7 players next week, or maybe 10 with Ancient Mediterranean, with 2 games and the players switching between...
It's something but let's wait to see what else we can get...
Is there an interest in another round of the Masters?
I was hoping to run a gunboat tourney in the new year. I have an idea of what I want it to look like, but I have not got to organizing it beyond that yet.

Keep an eye out for something this weekend.
steephie22 (182 D(S))
02 Jan 13 UTC
the Masters is a gunboat tourney right?

We've got 4 people, if goldfinger is in, who'd want a gunboat tourney right now, so I guess we could do that... I think the Masters or something alike would be the best then...
Or just run 2, and with the leagues coming up I'll be in all 3 of them :P
fulhamish (4134 D)
02 Jan 13 UTC
Sign me up for tournament. Any stake you like, but preferably anon and 24-36 hour phases
No, the Masters isn't gunboat. Its full press, WTA, with 49 people needed to play.
another round of the masters sounds good
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
03 Jan 13 UTC
I'll play in it... never done before.
achillies27 (100 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
I'd like to play in the masters, if your doing it and if you'll have me.
Dharmaton (2398 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
I'll be in (i hope) in this year's World Cup. ...
uh, which (internet-based) tournament is the unique, grandest of them all?
I don't think there will be a world cup this year, dharm. This one has taken almost a year to finish.

Started a new thread for masters interest
hellalt (113 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
count me in for a gunboat tournament

24 replies
philcore (317 D(S))
04 Jan 13 UTC
Two Questions about the Forum that I couldn't find in the help
1) If you mute a thread, is there any way to unmute it?
2) At what point do your posts and Threads move to the link that you can click on from your profile? They seem to be several weeks old. Is it a page count thing? or a timing thing?

6 replies
ulytau (541 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
Presidential amnesty
Our beloved universal genius, Master of the Universe and president of the Czech Republic, Tunnelgramps Václav Klaus recently ordered an amnesty for 1/3 of all prisoners to celebrate 20 years since the dissolution of Czechoslovakia he so masterfully orchestrated. Another 500 pardons are in the pipes as well, gotta help the pals out before his time in the office runs out.
10 replies
Strauss (1872 D)
04 Jan 13 UTC
Fast Europe-21
0 replies
The Czech (41764 D(S))
04 Jan 13 UTC
Czech's No CD Challenge
Sorry, I have to leave. Son just called and is having issues with his car. I have to drive over to the college campys to see if I can fix it.
1 reply
NigeeBaby (100 D(G))
03 Jan 13 UTC
A Message from the Queen
66 replies
fulhamish (4134 D)
02 Jan 13 UTC
The sciences
A recent post by dubmdell on the beauty of science struck me as being rather eloquent. It paused me to stop and think what the relative proportion of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) students were across our various countries. In the UK in 2010, for example, there were 12,000 psychology and 10,000 history graduates. Chemistry and physics had 2,400 and 2,200 respectively.
46 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
03 Jan 13 UTC
Protoplanetary Cycles?

This stuff is cool... don't know how to explain it...
6 replies
Lando Calrissian (100 D(S))
30 Dec 12 UTC
25 hour gunboat
10 replies
lkruijsw (100 D)
31 Dec 12 UTC
Republicans defend the rich
I am from Europe, so I don't know much about American politics. I always thought that the GOP is for the hard working people. But it seems more and more that they just defend the rich. Sounds stupid to me, is a rather sure way to loose votes.
84 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
03 Jan 13 UTC
Trigger Laws
These are laws which do nothing unless certain conditions are first met.

So some (US) states will automatically ban abortion if Roe V Wade is overturned; or automatically ban human cloning if it becomes possible to achieve; however i really like the following rule:
0 replies
Does anyone here know how to cook an egg?
29 replies
Commander_Cool (131 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
Please help me figure out the rules!
I've found myself in a situation for which I cannot find the rules outcome explained in the FAQ...
6 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
03 Jan 13 UTC
Pandin's Paradox!?!
Discuss. (when your convoy, if it would succeed, would cut support which would cause it to fail, but if it were to fail, the lack of cut support should result in a successful convoy...)

Eg: F eng Convoys Brest - Lon; Lon S wales - eng; north sea S bel - eng
16 replies
obiwanobiwan (248 D)
30 Dec 12 UTC
The Greatest (Love) Story Ever Told?
It's not "Romeo and Juliet"...surely we all agree?
It's not "La Boheme," however much I love that opera.
It's not "Les Miserables" (at least not the musical/film version, two lines and BAM! instant, undying love between Marius and!)
So...what is it--triumphant, comedic or tragic, as we approach the romance of New Years', what IS The Greatest Love Story Ever Told?
99 replies
fulhamish (4134 D)
02 Jan 13 UTC
Is psychology a science?
If so do we need to preface it with hard- or soft- or, even, pre-?

From the LA times:
93 replies
The Hanged Man (4160 D(G))
03 Jan 13 UTC
Post a quote that (more or less) starts with "I believe . . ."
5 replies
demmahom (100 D)
03 Jan 13 UTC
Join this game for good luck in 2013111
" For the new year 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " is the game's name. It is ancient med and pot is 8. Plz join
6 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
03 Jan 13 UTC
Coming this August:
1 reply
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
03 Jan 13 UTC
So I got my computer back and am trying to update Java... the latest version doesn't run on Chrome. Is there any way I can get 5 or 6 for OS X 7.5?
7 replies
griffstamon596 (577 D)
02 Jan 13 UTC
classic live game-6 starts at 10pm eastern
classic live game-6 starts at 10pm eastern
0 replies
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
02 Jan 13 UTC
The Future of TV
How do ya'll watch TV? Standard Cable? TiVo? Apple TV? A mix of online services? What's holding us back from an Internet-based TV revolution? Are Cable companies to blame, or do we simply not have the bandwidth yet?
25 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
02 Jan 13 UTC
...I am planning on dumping my girlfriend sometime this week. She doesn't live anywhere near here ... any advice from all you sex hounds?
34 replies
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
02 Jan 13 UTC
Autumn 19XX Retreats
If a player earns their 18th center, the game ends. The game does not progress into the retreats phase; it simply ends. If someone can retreat into a center of the winning player, the game will still end. I understand that once you hit 18 centers the game is over, but my belief is that retreats are a part of the season in which they follow. If they are, shouldn't they go through, even if the player has gotten 18 centers?
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