Tibet bans Guns

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Tibet bans Guns

#1 Post by brainbomb » Thu Apr 01, 2021 4:43 pm

Tibet announced today that buddhist monks could no longer carry AR-15s. The ban sent shockwaves through Tibet, infuriating sherpas who rely on AR 15s to take down yetis and other vicious creatures. The Dalai Llama was shocked at the news: This is a sad day for Buddhism, a sad day for the Tibetan gun lobby. We fear for our ability to non violently protect ourselves without manslaying weapons.

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Re: Tibet bans Guns

#2 Post by Doug7878 » Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:46 am

We understand that Tibet has been brutally enslaved by the Chinese communist government, don't we? They are doing the same to the Muslims now in Xinjiang.

"The Xinjiang internment camps, officially called Vocational Education and Training Centers by the Government of China, are internment camps operated by the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region government and its Chinese Communist Party (CCP) provincial committee."

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Re: Tibet bans Guns

#3 Post by MajorMitchell » Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:23 pm

I find myself struggling with this effort from Beloved Dipbro Brainbomb, it is, in my opinion intended as satirical, humourous yet the truth, the sad truth is that Chinese Communist Dictator Xi Jinpeng has led China on a dangerous path into 21st century Totalitarianism & horrors of Orwellian~like evolutions of the worst excesses of Hitler's regime are in existence in the People's Republic of Oppression/China.

Human rights abuses on a scale that most people prefer to ignore, yet are amongst the worst crimes against humanity, ethnic genocides, cultural genocides. Grotesque dehumanisation of oppressed individuals for organ and body parts harvesting on mass scale as one example of the evils pervasive in Chinese Communist Dictator Xi Jinpeng's totalitarian regime.

The hopeful, wishful thinking that we should accommodate these evils because of perceived economic necessities is dangerous self delusional​ disingenuity.

The Democracies of the World, their citizens have to be made aware of the genuine existential threat Communist Dictator Xi Jinpeng poses to their Human Rights and Freedoms.

People ignored the warnings in Mein Kampf. People now are ignoring the messages in the many indoctrination books proselytising "Xi Jinpeng Thought" the Bible's of an extremely dangerous Demagogue.

Hitler's regime had nowhere near the size of subservient population & resources that Xi Jinpeng's totalitarian regime is building. Hong Kong, Tibet the South China Sea island building, the clear expression of Xi Jinpeng's intention to "return Taiwan" to his rule.

His demogoge cult has so many similarities to Hitler, the artifice imagery of Xi Jinpeng as caring paternalistic Messiah who will make China a 21st century reincarnation of the Ancient Middle Kingdom between Earth and Heaven, dare I say a new Middle Kingdom that will vow to last a thousand years but destroy itself and much else within two decades four at the most.
So in my opinion the Democracies of the World have to unite and be firm, the expansionism has to be resisted with absolute determination, or we are inevitably Doomed. With force if required. The Indian nation has, as a generalisation, few illusions with regard to the true nature of Xi Jinpeng's intentions.
The good news is that in all it's several Millennia of Empires the Chinese have never conquered India. The Indian civilisation defied Alexander the Great and every Chinese Empire, and the Chinese know it.
Frankly I will back ten million highly motivated Punjabi warriors against ten million of Xi Jinpeng's slave troops in any conflict, throw in the Sihks & Ghurkas and defeating the Indian people is just not feasible imho.

So given the current human cost of Xi Jinpeng's rise to power, satire that is so insensitive to the Tibetan people and Xi Jinpeng's many genocides​, Tibet's suffering over seven(?) decades I find it impossible to see anything amusing in Beloved Dipbro Brainbomb's bit of satire. Just not a tragedy that grinds on consuming innocent victims that can be a source of mockery of anything I can imagine.
It is in my opinion, a failure, this satirical piece from Brainbomb. I refuse to read it and not immediately call it out. I won't trivialise, or accept the trivialise of such Human Rights abuses, crimes against humanity and true evils. Never.

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Re: Tibet bans Guns

#4 Post by MajorMitchell » Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:37 pm

A few typos in last two paragraphs. It's 4am local time and my week has been demanding.Today is the first anniversary of my failed CPR caper on neighbour's dying Gardener Chap, Steve, April 4th 2020. 20 minutes and those 17 pounding away indelibly seared, burnt into my mind. I think I've managed 14-15 hrs sleep in 90 hours since Tuesday morning and flogged my aged body and mind.

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Re: Tibet bans Guns

#5 Post by nesdunk14 » Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:51 pm

Xi and the CCP are as communist as Hitler and the National Socialists were socialist and the DPRK is a democracy.

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Re: Tibet bans Guns

#6 Post by MajorMitchell » Fri Apr 02, 2021 6:46 pm

Those names are window dressing. That's why I often just use totalitarian to describe whichever Dictatorship it is. What do you think George Orwell would write, viewing Xi Jinpeng's rule of China?

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Re: Tibet bans Guns

#7 Post by gimix » Fri Apr 02, 2021 10:18 pm

No, MM, I think this time you're wrong. Communism is a very precise theory, you may agree with it or not but it is quite clear and has solid foundations. And Mr. Xi has clearly nothing to do with it.

On the contrary Hitler, Mussolini, Franco and Somoza (btw why do you non-europeans only remember Hitler? They were all of the same sort) were not distorting an ideology, they were crazy-but-smart demagogues who took advantage of particular situations and managed to fool a whole country - and murdered the (not so few) ones they could not fool.
And you may want to note, George Orwell was a (true) Communist.

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Re: Tibet bans Guns

#8 Post by gimix » Fri Apr 02, 2021 10:19 pm

That said, I'm totally with you about human rights violations in China, and in many other places

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Re: Tibet bans Guns

#9 Post by MajorMitchell » Sat Apr 03, 2021 12:10 pm

I think we are both correct gimix. Marx & Engels produced the treatise that proposes the theoretical "Communist state" and the classic definition of Communism. It's just an opinion, Cuba's Communism possibly was closer to the utopian Communist ideal state than the Soviet or Chinese attempts.
Whether masquerading as quasi Communist, Socialist, a People's Republic, etc the common denominator is Totalitarianism with many Dictatorships, followed closely by corruption. From those core evils come all other evils.

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Re: Tibet bans Guns

#10 Post by Octavious » Sat Apr 03, 2021 12:11 pm

Tibet is an interesting sort of place. It has been romanticised by the West more so than any other country I can think of, to the extent that virtually no one thinks of independent Tibet under the Dalai Lama as being the religious dictatorship dominated by the monasteries and ruling families, with the masses living in fuedal serfdom and slavery, that it was. Frankly a foreign controlled communist dictatorship might just qualify as being the lesser of two evils.

If the people somehow achieved US levels of gun ownership in the days of "free" Tibet, it would have almost certainly led to the Dalai Lama and his lackies hanging from the nearest lamppost equivalent and the end of the tyranny of the monasteries. That would have robbed China of its excuse to invade, and whilst they may well have come up with an alternative excuse the prospect of a heavily armed populace to subdue would have been a lot less tempting than the compliant powerless masses they actually encountered.

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Re: Tibet bans Guns

#11 Post by gimix » Sat Apr 03, 2021 9:20 pm

@Octavious, good point indeed, and I heartily agree. Only, we should remember that our concept of democracy is not universal, and it probably is not applicable to Countries which had a totally different history. But even so it is true that a religious dictatorship is, as MM would put it, a "core evil".

@MM, I believe (almost) every Communist revolution started as a real Communist project. But history shows that a real Communist State is probably impossible to maintain, or at least it is impossible if it has to face the competition of Capitalism - Stalin's doctrine of "Socialism in one Country" was a practical way of ensuring Soviet Union's survival in a non-Communist world, but at the same time it was imo the death of Soviet (real) Communism on a theoretical level (abstracting from his Tsarists temptations, mass purges, and all the horrible things we know).

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Re: Tibet bans Guns

#12 Post by MajorMitchell » Sun Apr 04, 2021 12:55 pm

Correct gimix a Theocratic Totalitarian States are oppresive and Octavious is also correct in his observations about Tibet, the Dalais Lama, or Dalai Lamas were running a Theocratic state where the Princes & religious elite of Tibetan Buddhism enjoyed great privilege at the expense of the masses.
Not sure on the correct plural term for multiple Dalais Lamas?

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Re: Tibet bans Guns

#13 Post by Octavious » Sun Apr 04, 2021 1:50 pm

What with reincarnation I thought there was only one? Or is it two oscillating back and forth on an infinite job share scheme? Either way it would make for an interesting trial. Could you arrest the current Dalai Lama for the crimes of previous Dalai Lama(s)(i) if he genuinely believes it was him?

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Re: Tibet bans Guns

#14 Post by MajorMitchell » Sun Apr 04, 2021 2:05 pm

I daresay Octavious our Oracle that the continually reincarnating Dalliance Lamas provides immunity from prosecution for previous crimes because rebirth washes the Dalai Lamas clean of all sins yet all benefits on earth are accumulated, or should be in theory.
Most Religious Organisations operate on this basis with regard to their spiritual earthly Leaderships. The untermenschen rabble (congregations, subservient adherents, accolytes etc) are either pay church taxes and if obedient get rewarded on the other side of the River Jordan, or if naughty transgressors​ a mix of punishment and reward...
Or if heretics then punished here and across the River Jordan.
Tis the application & expression of God's message of love to his mortal children.

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Re: Tibet bans Guns

#15 Post by Octavious » Sun Apr 04, 2021 4:41 pm

Sounds damned convenient if you ask me. You don't get Dr Who trying to weasel out of past crimes using the regeneration excuse... Or perhaps you do... What's canon changes rather frequently with the good Doctor.

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