Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#41 Post by brainbomb » Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:31 am

Projected Starting Barony Vitals (Before Stimulus, before territory bonus, before Population bonuses) CORRECTED
(2) Pop
(3) Food
(3) Health
(7) Morale
(1) Faith
(4) Support of the King

(0) Magic
(0) Luxury
(0) Research
(0) Gold
(0) Iron
(0) Stone
(0) Corruption

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#42 Post by thamrick » Wed Jun 20, 2018 3:08 pm

Espi wrote:
Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:17 pm
Draft Lottery:
1. Warlegend: Avendi – Half Elven Female, Ranger.
2. Bo: Liberatius - Human Male, Judge.
3. Kench: Andoryn - Elven Female, Priestess.
4. Prince William: Yulish - Human Male, Cleric
5. RagingIke: :!:
6. Worcej:
7. Claesar:
8. (Your name could be here!)

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#43 Post by RagingIke297 » Wed Jun 20, 2018 3:11 pm

thamrick wrote:
Wed Jun 20, 2018 3:08 pm
Draft Lottery:
1. Warlegend: Avendi – Half Elven Female, Ranger.
2. Bo: Liberatius - Human Male, Judge.
3. Kench: Andoryn - Elven Female, Priestess.
4. Prince William: Yulish - Human Male, Cleric
5. RagingIke: Xanthor – Human, Barbarian
6. Worcej: :!:
7. Claesar:
8. (Your name could be here!)

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#44 Post by Espi » Wed Jun 20, 2018 3:38 pm

Hanaved - Winter 325
Olebew’s Recollections

It has been 50 cycles or more now since I first emerged into the surface world, and still I am amazed by what I see before me. I remember that first day as if it were yesterday, the beams of sunlight in all their blazing might as they broke through cracks above me. At the time I thought them to be some foul beast, or unknown magics, another threat to deal with. Yet when after many turnings they slowly faded into moonlight, my curiosity, and soon love, of the surface world was first sparked into life. I remember waiting to see when they would re-appear, forcing myself to stay although every instinct of my body called for me to flee. When next they appeared, I studied them, seeking to learn their origin and meaning. It took me many turn-cycles to gain the courage to pry open the cracks, and feel the first taste of pure wind on my face.

The sun then had been too bright, I had thought my eyes were properly adjusted, however I soon realized that the full power of the sun was far, far, stronger than the small glimpse of it I had thus far become accustomed to. It took me many more turn-cycles to once more seek the wonders I had but sensed, and my first sighting of the moon was a thing of beauty. I was lucky that night, to have first stepped into this land under a full-moon, for I saw in this wonderful thing in the sky above me a sign, a new chance, a rebirth.

I soon learned of the difference between the Sun and Moon, for in my ignorance I had thought them to be the one and the same. I began to leave my tunnels behind during the nights, scouting the new lands around me to learn of the dangers I would soon face, for I could not bear the full strength of the sun upon my eyes during the day. I struggle still to look upon the sun rise, despite all its beautiful glory it still blinds me.

Little was I prepared to find that few beasts even compare to the horrors I have faced in the dark lands below, my biggest foe would be the fear of the above lands dwellers. For the first time in my life I could relax, feel safe. Of course long cycles of habit would never allow me to fully relax.

I first came upon one of the surface dwellers quite by chance, she was far beneath the mountains my tunnel emerged from, and the furthest I had yet explored. I had been hunting one of the prey animals I now know to be a deer, my hunting in the recent days had grown scare for little did I know it, winter was soon to come. In my confidence that I was under little threat in this new land I grew arrogant, and was not paying full attention to my surroundings. I heard her voice then, a frightened shriek, nearly faded into obscurity by the distance and the wind. It was a sound only like that of which newborns emit when they are first birthed into this world, before they are taught how dangerous it is to be heard in the dark. I knew then that I wished to help whatever, whoever, it was that made this sound, and off into further danger I rushed. I had but heard it for a second, however long years in the dark had heightened my senses, and I was able to quickly locate the cause of my newfound distress. A Hill Dwarf girl child was being stalked by a mountain lion, I could sense it’s assuredness of a kill, and knew that it was toying with it’s meal. I could sense the girl childs weakness and fear. This was my first time seeing such a creature free of slavery.

She had been running for too long, the energy that only desperation can give you was fading, leaving only weariness upon her tired bones. I could tell that she had cried all of the tears her tiny body could produce, and had long ago given up. She ran only because she knew nothing else, and did not want to embrace death with so much life to live still before her. One look upon her and I knew that my instinct had been right, and I felt my first spark of love. I drew back my bow just as the lion was about to pounce, just as she fell to the ground looking up at the creature about to eat her, and found new purpose in life. It only took a single well aimed shot and the lion was slain. It had been so focused in its arrogance upon its prey, and despite my rush I remained unheard and thus hidden, that it never knew its death was upon it.

I had run away from my kind, the Drow, long ago. I had spent untold cycles in the tunnels, seeking to leave my people far, far, behind. I could not tolerate the life they desired, the war and destruction of which they so enjoyed disgusted me, for despite all of the training and indoctrination that was meant to make me one of them, they created in me only loathing of their ways. I had spent too long alone, my hair had grown unkempt, my clothes were not the fine clothes I had grown up with, but the skins of the creatures I hunted, sewn together in the few moments I was able to feel safe and alone. It was a rushed job as those safe moments in my long ago tunnel days were few and far between. I had thought that in the tunnels I would die, alone and forgotten, and yet I had found this wonderful and beautiful place, where the stars in the sky could shine upon my body, full of comfort.

I scared her with my appearance, and though I desired nothing but to protect her, I accomplished only frightening her into panicked unconsciousness. I picked her up, and after many hours and with the sun nearly about to rise, I was able to backtrack the long and winding path she had traveled from her home. Her house lay on the outskirts of a rather large village, and soon I stood ready to place her on the doorstep of what I assumed to be her home. Just as I was about to place her down, I heard commotion from inside. I could not understand the words I heard, but I knew them to be from intelligent beings.

The girl child’s family was frightened by my appearance, and sought to drive me back, away from their little girl. Soon I heard more commotion and loud voices, and saw bright lights twinkling closer toward me. The village was alerted to my presence. I placed her as lightly as I could on the ground and ran away, outnumbered and obviously taken to be a threat. It took me many turn-cycles before I came again to that village, and there I watched the girl from afar, unseen. I began to watch her people, to learn their manners and their language, and I came to understand that they were very different from any creatures I had met before. The girl child’s name was Briggem, and though I was too afraid to introduce myself, I soon came to know everything that I could about her and her people. I still don’t know if I was more afraid of scaring away the child that I had come to adore, or scaring her family into hunting me.

Several cycles passed before a great sickness took her village, and with winter once again approaching I feared for their survival. I took it upon myself to hunt for them, both for food and possible natural medicines. I left my gifts where they could be easily found, and watched to see how they would react. At first they were afraid, until finally desperation forced them to trust the gifts I had left. Night after night I hunted, taking only what little I would need to survive, and leaving the rest to her village. I kept that village alive for the entire winter until enough of the adults were once again well enough to work and hunt, and I enjoyed my newfound feelings at this knowledge. No Drow would ever feel this way after such Charity, for this word is unknown amongst my people.

I eventually summoned the courage to speak with Briggem, and in the innocence of children she came to trust and love me as I loved her. Her family found out about me soon enough, and demanded that she not sneak out to meet with me. Despite their efforts she always would. I knew that while she accepted me, they never could.

I was her guardian and protector as this girl child grew before me into a woman, and after some time, a mother. In those cycles I soon took to going on long adventures to explore the wonders she described. I had soon seen the waves of the ocean, climbed the tallest peak of the mountains, traveled all of that land that I could and witnessed many wondrous things. And yet I was always feared, never accepted. More times than not my appearance would be welcomed by pitchforks and torches, and though I desired only to be accepted, I never was. Only with Briggem was I seen as I saw myself, a loyal ally, not a monster from the dark.

I was on my way back from the latest of my adventures when I heard familiar voices, dangerous voices, Duergar. I made my way, unseen, and soon came across a large force of the Duergar, heading toward Briggem’s village and the great and mighty Fortress of Tessilect that lay beyond. I tried to warn them, for I was far more fleet on foot then any Duergar Army could ever hope to be, and I knew the lands better than they, but they did not believe me. I longed to fight the Duergar then and there, to protect the Hill Dwarves that I loved, but I knew that I could not. I made the only choice available to me, I ran ahead to warn as many as I could. My one comfort was in my knowledge that at least I was able to get Briggem to safety, though her husband fell defending her village.

Very few believed me, and I am saddened to say that my quest failed. Tessilect has fallen. I have followed the path Briggem and other refugees have taken, and I have pledged myself once more to watch over them. She has taken her children into the service of Melnir, a local businessman who I have little regard for, but with her husband dead and children to protect, she had little choice. I was able to scavenge a few small things of worth that the Duergar in their haste had not stolen away, but it was little compared to the wealth they had once known.

Looking upon the campsite where they now sleep, I make known to any who might read this that I shall protect her, even if it is with my life. Without the kindness that she has given me, the light that she is to for me, keeping back all of the darkness that seeks to strangle me, I would not be the man I am today. I owe her everything.

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#45 Post by worcej » Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:40 pm

RagingIke297 wrote:
Wed Jun 20, 2018 3:11 pm
Draft Lottery:
1. Warlegend: Avendi – Half Elven Female, Ranger.
2. Bo: Liberatius - Human Male, Judge.
3. Kench: Andoryn - Elven Female, Priestess.
4. Prince William: Yulish - Human Male, Cleric
5. RagingIke: Xanthor – Human, Barbarian
6. Worcej: Tyson – Human, Animal Tamer.
7. Claesar: :!:
8. (Your name could be here!)

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#46 Post by Claesar » Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:57 pm

worcej wrote:
Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:40 pm
Draft Lottery:
1. Warlegend: Avendi – Half Elven Female, Ranger.
2. Bo: Liberatius - Human Male, Judge.
3. Kench: Andoryn - Elven Female, Priestess.
4. Prince William: Yulish - Human Male, Cleric
5. RagingIke: Xanthor – Human, Barbarian
6. Worcej: Tyson – Human, Animal Tamer.
7. (Your name could be here!)
Fortunately, my pick has been taken and I have a good excuse to bail :-D Have fun all!

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#47 Post by RagingIke297 » Wed Jun 20, 2018 5:05 pm

Claesar wrote:
Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:57 pm
worcej wrote:
Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:40 pm
Draft Lottery:
1. Warlegend: Avendi – Half Elven Female, Ranger.
2. Bo: Liberatius - Human Male, Judge.
3. Kench: Andoryn - Elven Female, Priestess.
4. Prince William: Yulish - Human Male, Cleric
5. RagingIke: Xanthor – Human, Barbarian
6. Worcej: Tyson – Human, Animal Tamer.
7. (Your name could be here!)
Fortunately, my pick has been taken and I have a good excuse to bail :-D Have fun all!
Sad :(

Should we start region selection or wait?

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#48 Post by brainbomb » Wed Jun 20, 2018 5:06 pm

All players who have signed up now have characters.
You may begin deliberations on territory, population and stimulus. You have 14 days if you want the full time you may.

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#49 Post by RagingIke297 » Wed Jun 20, 2018 5:44 pm

In my humble opinion we should start somewhere that has trees and water access to facilitate trade, I would therefore recommend these three places:

Gerinia – Forests, Fields, Rivers, Ocean.
Silde – Forests, Plains, Rivers.
Esfillied – Forests, Lush massive woodlands and rivers.

Since we have a priestess and cleric, Elven resistances aren't as valuable, but still useful so we don't need councilors to spend time. I'm drawn to take pops that give things we don't have access to, like nightvision, iron or magic which just so happen to be mostly Elves: Hill Dwarves, Half Elves, Wood Elves, or Royal Elves

I'm not sure what stimulus would benefit us most.

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#50 Post by brainbomb » Wed Jun 20, 2018 9:26 pm

(A very short man with a pointy blue hat and white beard)

Uthwick: Oh, oh hi. The king has entrusted me to provide you with any assistance you need. Any questions you have. I can advise you a number of things not to do. Hehe. Oooo look! A shiny thing.

(He points at a silver coin laying on the ground)
(He struggles to pry it loose from the gravel, finall he brandishes a small dagger and it comes loose, he pockets the coin)

So, where was I?

Oh yes. Your journey. Regardless of where you go, youll need wagons. I can put in a work order to get us what we need.

Uhm, what was I saying?

Hi, I'm Uthwick!

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#51 Post by worcej » Thu Jun 21, 2018 1:12 am

I agree with Ike's proposal. Of the list, I lean towards Silde since it gives us access to land around us for my herd, forests to hunt in, and rivers to travel on as needed.

In terms of population, I am somewhat a novice so defer to other's opinions on it. I also think the stimulus would be dependent on which populace we take at first.

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#52 Post by brainbomb » Thu Jun 21, 2018 1:46 am

Uthwick: Erm, hi Tyson.

Yes, Silde. I hear Silde has many open tracts of land. The brothers Athithir and Agni are just regional governers. The King trusts them as he trusts his own pet hound Dogus.

Um, yes. Silde, let me see. I have a barony with 300 acres that lies vacant after its previous tenants became delinquent. We could um, yea. We could do something like this.

Silde is pretty well developed, with pre-existing roads and a number of prime real estate locations in the main river valley. Its woodland open land plots are safe and there are few- if any incursions by those vile dark elves that lurk in the deep of Esfillied.

Other than that, Silde would be a fine place to start. yes. Absolutely yes.

Oh, and I see here it says on the charter that there are 6 of you?
6 trustees to help form a barony is great. Our previous applicants were a bit too understaffed to succeed and unfortunately they settled outside of the dominion of the Kings reach. they were not heard from again. We strongly advise colonizing where the crown can still help you if things go downhill.

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#53 Post by RagingIke297 » Thu Jun 21, 2018 2:32 am

Uthwick, tell more about other places like you did Silde. Also, where you from?

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#54 Post by brainbomb » Thu Jun 21, 2018 3:38 am

Well, let me tell you a thing or two.

(Unfurls dozens of maps on the dry gravel.)

Firstly, I am 178 years old. Its terrible. Why dont we ever die?!

Just kidding.
(He slaps you on the back)

Anyway, yes so scary places? I dont know. My people came from Bayern. But we were a minority among Mountain Dwarves. We still are. Bayern is good. Great
Uhm. Maybe not as great as it once was.

Okay its awful. Theres this awful toxic thing everyone inhales. Some mineral they found that -


About erm, my life. I love urban planning.

Oh look! A butterfly!
(He starts jumping up trying to catch it, but fails)

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#55 Post by thamrick » Thu Jun 21, 2018 5:46 am

King Thamrick:

Attention Barons and Baronesses!

Times are changing in Rodoripol. Long have the barons in the land loyal to me prospered. Sure, there have been those who thought they could subvert my rule or rise against me. They all fell. However, several of my most loyal subjects have grown quiet. It has been too long since I have heard from the great Lord Verlander, one of my most loyal subjects. I have heard rumblings of Duergar and frost giants on the move. We are in need of new lords to rise and take their place in my domain.

I have searched the lands over for the next great barons to increase the nobility of my vast kingdom. Your company has been selected as some of the best and brightest my dominion has to offer. The honor of this land and serf grant is more than you deserve, but I hope you bring me great glory.

I am willing to grant you land and perhaps even a keep in any of my 9 regions. They each have their unique benefits and challenges and have experienced varying levels of development.

To ensure your survival, I am prepared to offer you a stimulus package. The first harvest will come soon and the perils of winter that follow will be a great test to your resourcefulness. I will give you a couple years to establish yourself and grow, but as loyal subjects under my protection, I will eventually expect tribute.

King Thamrick directs you to choose one of three loaded wagons:
1. (3) Food, (4) Horses, (1) Stone
2. (2) Gold, (4) Oxen, (1) Pop
3. (1) Food, (1) Iron, (3) Wood

You have been granted a rather long leash in ruling your baronry as you see fit. I will honor and uphold most laws and charters you establish for your baronry, so long as they do not threaten my reign.

Although Benevict, my High Priest of the Holy Triad, would urge you to serve the three, I am not particular about what gods you serve so long as you remember the King you ultimately serve.

Guard your baronry well. There are many evils in the land.

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#56 Post by thamrick » Thu Jun 21, 2018 5:55 am

King Thamrick:
Oh! I see you’ve met Uthwick. He’s one of the numerous archivists under my employ. I do love a good scholarly conversation to take my mind away from the stresses of rulership.

Uthwick will assist you as best he can. He means well, but the weldleaf he smokes to clear his mind as he studies the scrolls has left his mind, well, clear after all these years. You’ll have to excuse him if he tends to wander.

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#57 Post by brainbomb » Thu Jun 21, 2018 7:19 am

Uthwick: I was in this beautiful desert.
There stood a fortress. It was black against a white desert.
I stood upon a cliff and saw the legions arrive
And a fiery ocean took them

I saw an icy hell and
And a darker ni-

Oh my.

What was that. I felt a strange sensation.

And I do wonder.
What would it be like to have pie in esfillied with the royal elves.
What desserts do they like?

This is important

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#58 Post by brainbomb » Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:06 am

Uthwick: Oh..
Uhm. Hail the King

Long Live King Thamrick!

Say, does anyone have any wurst? I will settle for sub par wurst. Mayne not your worst but a below average wurst.

And God bless Thamrick. Our King

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#59 Post by Kench » Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:34 pm

Good morrow, fellow councillors!

A little introduction, for those of you who have not yet had the pleasure of making my acquaintance: I am Andoryn, a Royal Elf, descended directly from Elbereth the Fair. As firstborn in my family, it is my pleasure to have been dedicated to the temple from birth - I have served there almost 160 years now and hope that I will be able to bring to the table my skills as a healer and diplomat.

As a generaI rule, I am deeply averse to war and will always promote the pursuit of a peaceful, diplomatic response to conflict. This being said, I am not naive to the state of the world around us and will not flinch in the face of calling for defensive forces to be deployed as necessary. However, I think a great deal can be done in these early stages to ensure that we are not attacked.

I propose that we settle in Esfillied in order to benefit from the fresh water nearby, as well as the natural defensive properties of the woodland. If we complement this by choosing the Wood Elves for one of our two populations (I am very much open to suggestions for the second), we will give ourselves a significant advantage against anyone who tries to attack us (our normal movement speed in the woods making us a force to be reckoned with around our own settlement). For those who may be concerned about the presence of Dark Elves in the forests of Esfillied, as highlighted by Uthwick, we can use my skills as a calming presence and experienced negotiator to ensure that a beneficial relationship is built between us. Uthwick describes them as "vile", but he is a dwarf and has a natural aversion to the elves. I would suggest that we have nothing to lose from looking to work alongside them.

On the final point of the stimulus package to choose, I agree that it depends on our final decision as regards populations. My instinct would be to choose the first option, (3) Food, (2) Horses, (1) Stone, given that if we settle in Esfillied we will be surrounded by plentiful wood (making the third option unnecessary) and that having an Animal Tamer on the Council makes the need for extra oxen less pressing. However, I am very open to other suggestions - all the packages are beneficial.

On that note, I look forward to working alongside each of you.

All blessings upon our venture as we embark upon it, and upon our great King Thamrick!!


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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#60 Post by RagingIke297 » Thu Jun 21, 2018 3:49 pm

I suppose I should introduce myself too, my name is Xanthor. I'm not sure where I'm from or who I was born to, I've been on my own for quite a while now and I've been many places. The lands of Rodoripol provide everything one could need and Rodoripol is best natural and free of any sort of "religion" or "magic". I'm not here for the king, the king holds no special place in my heart, I'm here for the people. I've seen too many things happen in the more lawless areas of Rodoripol that I cannot speak of, things done in the name of religion, things done with magic, and things done with the sword as well. Even I have a limit to my brutishness, and I want to make sure that the rest of Rodoripol does as well.

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