"The twilight of the EU"

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Hellenic Riot
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Re: "The twilight of the EU"

#21 Post by Hellenic Riot » Wed Jun 06, 2018 5:20 pm

The EU started its descent into an interminable decline nearly 8 years ago now. Having been built on a foundation of European solidarity, working together to prevent another WW2, and in an atmosphere of mutual co-operation, this was all cast aside by Angela Merkel and her partners when instead of showing solidarity with the southern economies in the south, or even allowing them to fail and then helping with a rebuild, they chose instead to "punish" and threaten. From overthrowing democratically elected (if rather shoddy) governments in Italy and Greece for disagreeing with them, to inflicting humiliating preconditions on the "bailouts" for Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, and to a lesser extent Ireland... The idea of European solidarity was destroyed in a period of mere months, and the foundation that the entire project was built upon crumbled away. They turned the EU into an Everyone-For-Themselves bullies club, and the results have been predictable for years.

When Viktor Orban's hard right Fidesz party took power and became the "moderates" in Hungary compared to the full on far right Jobbik that also swelled in support, Hungary was isolated within the EU, but nothing was done to deal with the problems that had formed in the first place. Similarly, when Alexis Tsipras and the far left SYRIZA took charge in Greece, Greece was punished again for daring to answer back to the demands coming from Germany. And so this pattern followed, as one by one almost every country in Europe has gone from having no real populists at the turn of the century, to either being governed by them or having the opposition led by them - and in some cases, both.

With Brexit in the UK, the hard right Northern League & anti-establishment M5S in Italy, hard right Law and Order in Poland, FIdesz in Hungary, the far right True Finns in coalition in Finland, the far right FPO in coalition in Austria, anti-establishment ANO in Czechia, the hard right Slovak National Party in coalition in Slovakia - with one of the biggest opposition parties the openly neo-nazi Kotleba there too. The Danish minority government supported by the far right DPP, the far right United Patriots in coalition in Bulgaria, and the hard right ANEL in coalition in Greece, and now this latest likely coalition between the hard right SDS and the anti-establishment LMS in Slovenia, one by one the governments in Europe have falled to right wing populists... And that's just on one flank.

On the other flank you have the far left SYRIZA in Greece, the hard left BE and the far left Portuguese Communist Party in the coalition in Portugal, and the new PSOE government in Spain that'll only be able to function with the support of the hard left Podemos, the EU has unfriendly governments on both flanks...

And then you get the oppositions in those remaining friendly countries that show things aren't rosy there either. The far right AfD and far left Die Linke in Germany, Le Pen's far right FN and Melenchon's hard left LFI in France, Corbyn's now hard left Labour in the UK, the rapidly growing hard right Sweden Democrats in Sweden that are forecast to make huge gains in their upcoming election, the main opposition in the Netherlands being Geert Wilder's far right PVV, the lead opposition in Ireland is the hard left Sinn Fein, the opposition far left Communist party in Cyprus, and even the rapidly growing hard right EKRE in Estonia, the number of countries that are still widely supportive of the EU has fallen dramatically.

Only Belgium, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Croatia, Luxembourg, and Malta have parliaments that aren't strongly afflicted by populist resentment... A mere 7 of the 28 countries (currently) in the EU. Two of them are miniscule (Luxembourg & Malta), two of them are understandably very concerned by Russian aggression and desperate for European protection (Latvia & Lithuania - although interestingly even the third Baltic state in Estonia has seen populist rumblings now, though it's always been far more pro-Russian than the other two). One of them is the newest member of the EU (Croatia)... And that just leaves Belgium - home of the EU, and Romania, where instead there's common protests against widespread corruption and autocracy from all their parties, and looks ripe for the formation of an anti-establishment populist awakening like those in Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czechia, and Bulgaria after similar dissatisfaction levels.

So this latest election result in Slovenia is nothing new. The EU isn't entering its twilight - it's already been there for some time, and this is just another step down the slope. By destroying the idea of European solidarity that brought it together in the first place, Merkel, Schauber, & co have ensured the decline and eventual demise of the very institution they sought to protect - because they did it out of selfishness to protect their own economy, and began the process of countries putting themselves first.

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Re: "The twilight of the EU"

#22 Post by Jamiet99uk » Wed Jun 06, 2018 6:00 pm

CroakandDagger wrote:
Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:25 pm
Jamiet99uk wrote:
Wed Jun 06, 2018 3:32 pm
Brščič, Bernard: "George Soros is one of the most depraved and dangerous people of our time", Demokracija, August 25 2016, p. 15.
That's the citation to the article, you dumbfuck. The quote is contained in the text of that article.

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Re: "The twilight of the EU"

#23 Post by CroakandDagger » Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:03 pm

So you can ignore context but i'm not allowed? Fascinating.

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Re: "The twilight of the EU"

#24 Post by Jamiet99uk » Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:47 pm

CroakandDagger wrote:
Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:03 pm
So you can ignore context but i'm not allowed? Fascinating.

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Re: "The twilight of the EU"

#25 Post by Incrementalist » Thu Jun 07, 2018 1:43 am

I never trust any politician or pundit who has to throw a non-specific "depraved" into the equation.

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Re: "The twilight of the EU"

#26 Post by Jamiet99uk » Thu Jun 07, 2018 7:42 am

Well I'd tend to agree... although I think the railing about "negroid hordes" is even more troublesome.

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Re: "The twilight of the EU"

#27 Post by Jamiet99uk » Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:16 pm

Jamiet99uk wrote:
Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:47 pm
CroakandDagger wrote:
Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:03 pm
So you can ignore context but i'm not allowed? Fascinating.
Notice that Croak'n'Nazi just ignored this and disengaged because his bullshit had run out of steam.

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Re: "The twilight of the EU"

#28 Post by Kingdroid » Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:57 pm

honestly I love when Croak's attempt at (trolling?) or whatever you want to call it ends up with him looking like the complete moron he is. This is my favorite forum meme.

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Re: "The twilight of the EU"

#29 Post by CroakandDagger » Fri Jun 08, 2018 12:25 am

Jamiet99uk wrote:
Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:16 pm
Notice that Croak'n'Nazi just ignored this and disengaged because his bullshit had run out of steam.
It's exhausting to engage with you because you are so obnoxiously disingenuous.

Since you clearly sustained brain damage when you slid out of your mother feet-first, i'll walk you through it step by step. I'll even use small words so that even your dumb ass can understand.

You cited an article. I didn't happen to have my copy of Demokracija to hand so I could not confirm that they did indeed rant and rave about "Negroid Hordes" - but fair enough, at that point I was willing to take your word.

In return, I provided reference to Hillary's speech in which she talks about bringing the black man to heel - talking about the significant black minority like animals: more specifically, like misbehaving pets.

Unwilling to extend to me the same good faith that I did to you, you decided to score cheap points by saying that what I quoted did not directly reference Hillary screeching about niggers or kikes.

Since by this point you were forcing a descent into farcical mudslinging, I quipped that you were guilty of failing to provide that same context about Bernard Brščič - and so by your own standards, your own citation was inadequate.

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