Oprah For Prez bitches

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Re: Oprah For Prez bitches

#21 Post by JamesYanik » Wed Jan 10, 2018 7:17 pm

I'd be interested to see how Oprah does during debates. Trump looked like an ABSOLUTE fool for actual policy, but populist appeal drove him through, and now he's going to have a term under his belt (with as for now, a thriving economy). Oprah won't have a populist appeal in the same manner, and she also won't have intense policy expertise.

ALSO: she hasn't made too many political commitments.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the ... 13da91955e

she could move far left, or be pretty damn moderate.

it's a wild card right now, but you'd have to imagine a very broad-base run to try to take away potential voters from Trump. frankly, I think the democrats will run someone they think they can control easier. Clinton showed what happens when you give up the party for funding reasons to one person, I'm not sure they'll be too keen to make the same mistake twice. (I'm only comparing Oprah and Clinton in the sense they have their own personalities and aren't going to play the party line just because it's the party line. Clinton will look for an advantage, Oprah will look for an actual position)

I might vote for her, but it'll depend on the actual policy statements she makes. it's way too early though, we need midterms to start rolling in

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Re: Oprah For Prez bitches

#22 Post by brainbomb » Wed Jan 10, 2018 7:54 pm

Oprah trying to debate specific policies on a stage with career or even remotely up-and-coming politicians would be a quick end to her run.

Bernie demolished Hillary on every policy and still lost though. So maybe Oprah could coast thru like trump did riding laurels of being successful

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Oprah would do GREAT at the debates...

#23 Post by SuperSteve » Wed Jan 10, 2018 8:35 pm

She talks for a living. Her personality would shine through and personality matters much more than any policy expertise or irrelevant things like that.

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Re: Oprah For Prez bitches

#24 Post by CAPT Brad » Thu Jan 11, 2018 2:17 am

she is too wishy washy and would crumble from the real pressure of a campaign

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Re: Oprah For Prez bitches

#25 Post by goldfinger0303 » Thu Jan 11, 2018 5:42 pm

The fact that personality matter more (to this extent. I realize it has always been a factor) is a sad state in politics and marks the decline of our nation.

Gimme a boring policy wonk who will actually care and get things done. Not tweet something contradicting what you said yesterday, then walk it back an hour and a half later when people inform you of what you've done.

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Re: Oprah For Prez bitches

#26 Post by `ZaZaMaRaNDaBo` » Thu Jan 11, 2018 9:50 pm

I'll vote for Oprah if she starts giving out cars.

It's funny that my MSNBC stock updates on my computer tend to blame Trump for stock falls and praise alternatives for stock rises.

Also, there's this to laugh at:

http://fortune.com/2016/11/05/stock-mar ... ald-trump/

http://fortune.com/2017/05/19/bridgewat ... ck-market/

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Re: Oprah For Prez bitches

#27 Post by Randomizer » Thu Jan 11, 2018 10:22 pm

Jerry Springer, a former elected official, was going to run for office before the election except he was under contract for his show. So it isn't unreasonable for Oprah to run where she controls her network.

Financials are blamed on whatever seems appropriate for the direction that a stock or market takes. Ivan Boesky had a staff that collected news items for any stock he had an interest in grouped in an up file and a down file. He could produce one for any SEC inquiry into his position he held as justification even though he didn't base a position on the files, but on insider information

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Re: Oprah For Prez bitches

#28 Post by Octavious » Thu Jan 11, 2018 10:39 pm

If there's one thing certain to cure America's ills it's a billionaire television celebrity as President. What could possibly go wrong?

If Oprah is the best the Democrats can come up with to fight Trump it's time to concede victory to China in the democracy vs dictatorship debate.

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Re: Oprah For Prez bitches

#29 Post by MajorMitchell » Sat Jan 13, 2018 2:00 am

There's been speculation for at least a decade about Oprah running for the Presidency. This current frenzied interest is a product of the news/commentary/multi platform media & the "chattering class" having an insatiable demand for "things to broadcast & discuss" ..and Trump's performance as President causing so many people to seek an alternative candidate.

Personally I think that Oprah is far more successful than Trump in business and other ways. Just on the business comparison. Look at the "relative starting positions" ..Trump had a huge advantage from the start.
How many times have companies run by Oprah gone into bankruptcy ? It's my opinion that in the business ethics caper Oprah is far, far more the person you can trust, much more deserving of respect. Philanthropy, asking the question of who has the more impressive proven track record, Oprah or Trump is almost redundant. Clearly Oprah is the far more generous, giving and caring individual of the pair.
If Oprah could get Michelle Obama to run for the Vice Presidency on a joint ticket.....

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Re: Oprah For Prez bitches

#30 Post by Octavious » Sat Jan 13, 2018 6:50 am

MajorMitchell wrote:
Sat Jan 13, 2018 2:00 am
There's been speculation for at least a decade about Oprah running for the Presidency. This current frenzied interest is a product of the news/commentary/multi platform media & the "chattering class" having an insatiable demand for "things to broadcast & discuss" ..and Trump's performance as President causing so many people to seek an alternative candidate.

Personally I think that Oprah is far more successful than Trump in business and other ways. Just on the business comparison. Look at the "relative starting positions" ..Trump had a huge advantage from the start.
How many times have companies run by Oprah gone into bankruptcy ? It's my opinion that in the business ethics caper Oprah is far, far more the person you can trust, much more deserving of respect. Philanthropy, asking the question of who has the more impressive proven track record, Oprah or Trump is almost redundant. Clearly Oprah is the far more generous, giving and caring individual of the pair.
If Oprah could get Michelle Obama to run for the Vice Presidency on a joint ticket.....
Yeah, 'cause nothing shows off a healthy democracy more than a billionaire and a former President's wife running for office.

C'mon, Major, use a bit of common. The woman's a billionaire. Nice people don't become billionaires. I worked for a charity a few years back, and one of the remarkable things I saw was how generous people on low incomes could be. People who spend their lives looking for savings and avoiding luxuries still finding the ability to give to those less fortunate. Every single one of them kicks Oprah's arse in the generosity and respect stakes. You don't become a billionaire by giving money away. You can become one via some carefully formulated publicity campaigns.

Oprah and Trump are the same. They are successful media stars who use carefully crafted images to get ahead. Don't delude yourself into thinking that because Oprah's image has a more cuddly appearance that the person behind it is any different.

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Re: Oprah For Prez bitches

#31 Post by Ogion » Sat Jan 13, 2018 6:40 pm

I'd like to have someone who understands policy. You'd think Americans would have had enough of incompetence and inexperience, but you'd be wrong. But then again a majority of American voters did vote for the most experienced candidate in a long time last time, so maybe I'm too cynical

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Re: Oprah For Prez bitches

#32 Post by CAPT Brad » Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:11 am

Yes more seeking a hand out not a hand up. A nation of beggars

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Re: Oprah For Prez bitches

#33 Post by MajorMitchell » Sat May 05, 2018 2:43 pm

Hey sweetypie Capt Brad, I wasn't comparing Oprah to persons on low income, I was comparing her with Trump. Of course Oprah has been shrewd in business and is no "doormat". I note your failure to address two points in particular that I made. 1 relative "starting positions" ..Trump had the "silver spoon" start, his grandfather the brothel operator & his father the property "magnate" started building the dynastic wealth, so Trump started from a position of privilege and significant advantage compared to Oprah.
2 How many businesses has Oprah had go bankrupt compared to Trump ? This also touches on relative ethical performance, are there countless contractors who have been done over by Oprah like there are with Trump ?
Still, I am not surprised that Capt Brad has dodged the difficulties​ for him in comparing Oprah with Trump, and chose instead to compare Oprah with a more convenient for him group of people. If the terms of the comparison are too difficult to counter, then change the comparison.

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Re: Oprah For Prez bitches

#34 Post by Incrementalist » Sat May 05, 2018 10:37 pm

CAPT Brad wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:11 am
Yes more seeking a hand out not a hand up. A nation of beggars
Indeed. Already President Eden is complaining about "his" wall...
President Eden wrote:
Wed Jan 10, 2018 4:54 am
Got that right. Where's my Wall dammit?
...instead of buying a section of land on the border and putting up his wall on his own initiative.

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Re: Oprah For Prez bitches

#35 Post by brainbomb » Tue May 08, 2018 6:57 pm

but but but, national security, and uh liberty


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