Was Ariana Grande Sexually Assaulted by the Preacher guy

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Was Ariana Grande Sexually Assaulted by the Preacher guy

#1 Post by brainbomb » Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:39 am

Ive seen the images and all ive seen is he put his arm around her and she looks uncomfortable. I didnt see any indication he groped her or touched her breasts in front of an audience. Now I agree unwanted physical contact is an invasion of someones space- and is at the very least harassment. But is putting your arm around someone in a non sexual manner actually sexual assualt?

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Re: Was Ariana Grande Sexually Assaulted by the Preacher guy

#2 Post by brainbomb » Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:43 am

I just wanted to know if the media was over exaggerating this story to try to create a more sailicious story than was actually happening. Bottom line is it looks like in the photo he surprised her and made her uncomfortable- okay not cool. But is that really what qualifies as sexual assaualt? Is this an example we as a society need to study closely as the media is portraying it as?

I feel odd about it- because im a fan of her music and shes pretty cool. I guess I dont see what this guy did as sexual assault. He doesnt need to be putting his arm around people I guess.. but where was this alleged groping? If any happened it looks absolutely incidental.

If youve ever hugged a female friend or been around a woman its easy to accidentally touch someones breast. And no- its not an intentional grope.

I welcome any thoughts on this.

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Re: Was Ariana Grande Sexually Assaulted by the Preacher guy

#3 Post by brainbomb » Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:49 am

As long as trump is in the white house- its going to be really hard for me to take these kinds of incidents seriously. The me too movement took down some bad people- but it also focused on alot of very unimportant things like the louis ck story (the guy was a grungy pervert- we knew that. His comedy is that basically- hardly a newsworthy story)

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Re: Was Ariana Grande Sexually Assaulted by the Preacher guy

#4 Post by brainbomb » Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:50 am

Me too is about holding men accountable. Thats pretty meaningless until everyone especially the most powerful and most egregious are dealt with.

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Re: Was Ariana Grande Sexually Assaulted by the Preacher guy

#5 Post by Randomizer » Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:40 pm

You can't see because of the dress, but it does look like the finger tips are touching the breast's side. While he may have thought the gesture was innocent and comforting the angle of his arm would have been more natural going around her shoulder.

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