Trump is..

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Re: Trump is..

#21 Post by CroakandDagger » Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:01 pm

If ignorance is bliss, you must be living in ecstasy.

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Re: Trump is..

#22 Post by Incrementalist » Thu Jun 14, 2018 2:43 am


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Re: Trump is..

#23 Post by CroakandDagger » Thu Jun 14, 2018 4:28 am

Damn, it is. You really got me. I renounce my former political beliefs.

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Re: Trump is..

#25 Post by Ameliya » Mon Jun 18, 2018 7:05 am

Once you start noticing that Trump is often intentionally funny you can't stop. It feels like a very in joke

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Re: Trump is..

#26 Post by Jamiet99uk » Tue Jun 19, 2018 6:05 pm

Trump is.... putting small children in concentration camps where they are kept in cages.

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Re: Trump is..

#27 Post by peterlund » Tue Jun 19, 2018 7:56 pm

... a shithead...

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Re: Trump is..

#28 Post by Jamiet99uk » Tue Jun 26, 2018 5:24 am

A very very fine hotelier and resort owner.

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Re: Trump is..

#29 Post by Incrementalist » Thu Jun 28, 2018 2:20 pm

Trump is a Performer. When the Trump Show isn't working, he adjusts the script until the audience buys it. That in itself is the payoff for him. It's like watching Andy Kaufman as President.

This often appears to be contradictory and unprincipled, because it is. There is no principle, conservative or liberal, that Trump won't borrow, or abandon, depending on what's happening at the moment.

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Re: Trump is..

#30 Post by MajorMitchell » Sun Jul 01, 2018 10:13 am

And Trump plays to an exceptionally stupid audience that is his base. I was watching a TV show "Planet America" & they discussed some most illogical beliefs held by Trump's supporters revealed in surveys. Such as Republicans who hold Democrats, not Trump responsible for parts of Trump's immigration policies as an example.

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Re: Trump is..

#31 Post by Octavious » Sun Jul 01, 2018 11:44 am

Illogical beliefs such as Trump was only elected because the US, uniquely in the Western world, has an exceptionally stupid population?

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Re: Trump is..

#32 Post by MajorMitchell » Sun Jul 01, 2018 2:13 pm

No, I did not state that all people who voted for Trump are stupid. But there is, in my opinion, a segment of his supporters who are incredibly stupid and who will determinedly believe whatever Trump tells them, even when it's clearly untrue and incorrect.
How Trump managed to win the election is a complex issue. But he did win. Things that should be considered include, the poor alternative choice, Hillary Clinton was clearly the wrong candidate. If instead there had been a much better alternative candidate, Trump may well have lost.
Another factor are some of the unusual features of the US electoral system.. disparities between States & voter registration, access to polling booths, the non compulsory voting enables minority groups to exert unusually greater influence than they would have ( the fundamentalist Christians​ as an example )

As an example of how incredibly stupid some US citizens are, I've seen anti Islamic propaganda from USA citizens who I describe as white male redneck gun toting extremists who claim to be Christians & their propaganda has photos of what they claim to be intercepted arms shipments of Muslim terrorists.. and on close examination of the photos it's clear that weapons and ammunition are manufactured in the USA.. they don't manufacture this stuff in downtown Beirut, Mosul or Mecca.
The blindingly obvious point that is ignored by these "patriotic citizens of the USA" is that if they don't want Muslims elsewhere in the world to have these weapons then the US armaments industry should NOT be selling the Muslims elsewhere in the world the weapons and ammunition in the first place.
But no, rather than solve the problems at their source..dealing with the way US Armaments manufacturers supply the world's worst narcotics trafficking gangs & a whole bunch of other nasty Blighters ( & yes there are other nations that are what I call rogue Armaments suppliers.. China, Russia, Iran ... But until the USA cleans up it's own act, it is no better in this regard than those others ).. the gun toting rednecks just spew out abusive violence embracing hateful propaganda.

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Re: Trump is..

#33 Post by MajorMitchell » Sun Jul 01, 2018 2:29 pm

Call me a Daffy old fuddy duddy, but when some US rednecks get all cranky about a group of people they dislike possessing weapons supplied to them by the very US Armaments manufacturers they adore, I tend to see that as rather illogical.
If the USA supplies these opponents with armaments and then complains that they've got these armaments then it has to be expected that the blindingly obvious solution.. Don't supply these opponents with the armaments in the first place will be made by external observers.

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Re: Trump is..

#34 Post by MajorMitchell » Sun Jul 01, 2018 2:32 pm

To clarify.. what I see as illogical is the cranky rednecks not demanding that US Armaments manufacturers immediately stop supplying their opponents with US manufacturerd armaments.

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Re: Trump is..

#35 Post by Octavious » Sun Jul 01, 2018 2:53 pm

I've seen a photo of an Australian arsing about with a crocodile, which no doubt proves there are Australian idiots but doesn't in any way say how common they are.

Misplaced beliefs are held by literally everyone. One belief held by many Trump voters that has turned out to be very true is that electing Trump will do wonders for influencing the supreme court in a Republican direction. Compared to that much of what excites headline writers is background noise.

The utter stupidity and incompetence of the Democrats is being underlined. You have the cronyism of those who believe leaders should be chosen based on an exchange of favours and length of service rather than suitability. You have those so blinded by wanting to appear woke that they promote a candidate based on gender rather than fitness for the role. And their arrogance, stupidity, blindness, is now well on the way to setting their aims back by a generation.

And it's not just this lot. It has been clear to anyone with a brain that the way the supreme court is chosen in the US is ridiculous. The Democrats have been in power for huge periods of time over the decades and done feck all about it. The failings of the establishment have been truly astounding.

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Re: Trump is..

#36 Post by MajorMitchell » Sun Jul 01, 2018 4:18 pm

Naturally, I defer to the wisdom of Octavious. I deliberately chose the name of an Australian galah as a player name, because in our slang a galah is a term used to describe a clown like character.. c'est moi

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Re: Trump is..

#37 Post by Randomizer » Fri Jul 06, 2018 8:46 pm

Trump is hiring foreigners instead of hard working US citizens. Last year's article had Trump hiring more and his newspaper ads were placed in ones that were specifically less likely to be read by US applicants. He wants people that will not complain because they need jobs here. ... index.html

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Re: Trump is..

#38 Post by ssorenn » Sat Jul 07, 2018 1:04 am

Well you fucking moron liberals want more illegals here Dumb shit , Maxine Waters said “ the next Supreme Court Justice should be an illegal. She’s a winner. Hahahahahahaa

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Re: Trump is..

#39 Post by Incrementalist » Sat Jul 07, 2018 1:05 am

Randomizer wrote:
Fri Jul 06, 2018 8:46 pm
Trump is hiring foreigners instead of hard working US citizens.
Yes, that's flat-out hypocrisy, but the Democrats can't nail him on it because their own global labor market policies more-or-less sanction this kind of practice.

Instead they have to shoot for the moon with Russia and collusion, where it is by no means guaranteed that Trump broke any laws.

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Re: Trump is..

#40 Post by Stressedlines » Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:26 pm

Mm. You use that word redneck in a veru disparaging way whilr trying to paint one group with a very broad brush

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