Rat infest Baltimore

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Re: Rat infest Baltimore

#21 Post by ND » Wed Jul 31, 2019 5:34 pm

And, Trump hasn't done any damage. He is Making America Great Again and god we need it after 8 horrible years of President O. That guy ruined this country.

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Re: Rat infest Baltimore

#22 Post by Stressedlines » Wed Jul 31, 2019 7:17 pm

Flash. They play the divide game 24 7

Not sure why u think they are uniting us when they have specific free iea for race specific groups. That's not you unite

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Re: Rat infest Baltimore

#23 Post by flash2015 » Wed Jul 31, 2019 7:39 pm

Stressedlines wrote:
Wed Jul 31, 2019 7:17 pm
Flash. They play the divide game 24 7

Not sure why u think they are uniting us when they have specific free iea for race specific groups. That's not you unite
What is "iea"? You meant "free tea"????? I must have missed that... :razz:

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Re: Rat infest Baltimore

#24 Post by ND » Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:13 pm

Stressed is right in this case of course. They divide us 24/7 that's all the Democrats do. And, they make promises to race specific groups which again is divisive not uniting.

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Re: Rat infest Baltimore

#25 Post by Stressedlines » Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:21 pm

Freebies it's why I hate using a phone to type

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Re: Rat infest Baltimore

#26 Post by flash2015 » Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:12 pm

ND wrote:
Wed Jul 31, 2019 5:27 pm
"Which democratic presidential candidate is talking about dividing the country?"
-All of them in some form
-Taking away people's healthcare forcing everyone to be on a "all" system
I don't believe that is going to fly...at least not in the short term. Probably more likely is a public option...or you can either buy private or use the public system thing.

But how is this divisive? No-one's health care is being taken away. The plan is to provide health care to more people. We would just be removing insurers as an intermediary. Again, I think it has between "buckleys and none" of happening, but just because you disagree with the policy doesn't automatically make it divisive. No group of people is being targeted here.
-Forcing Americans to pay for illegal alien's to get free healthcare
I am not sure I agree with it but I put this policy in the "workarounds" category, just like the "sanctuary cities" policy or ideas about buying drugs from Canada. It comes about because of governments being completely and utterly dysfunctional for decades letting problems get out of hand.

It may actually not cost as much as you think if it gets people out of the hospitals/emergency rooms and makes them instead use PCPs. I think there is a lot more nuance to come out on this which can't be captured in these initial debates.
-Forcing people to pay for reparations which is a illusionary identity politics issue
Democrats are about helping the poor and African Americans are still poorer than average. I am not sure this is the right way to do it though...but I also don't believe it is a serious issue. At best candidates are promising to create an inquiry to look into it to satisfy the activists. If you have ever seen a show like "Yes, Prime Minister" you know that means nothing will come of it.
-All of this damages the country. Their proposals cost 200 trillion dollars to implement. They are an insane bunch of crazy nutters.
The US pays at least twice as much as other countries for often worse health care outcomes. That is the most insane part. Whether you pay for this out of your left hand (directly) or your right hand (through taxes) is irrelevant. We need to get these costs under control or they truly will bankrupt us. Single-payer is one way to do it proven in countries across the world. There may be other ways to do it but I haven't seen any ideas from Republicans other than to create hollowed out healthcare insurance which will fail you when you actually need to use it.
Trump is right and the biggest winner of the debates because these nutters keep getting more and more crazy lol. It's hilarious to watch them cannibalize themselves like this!!! :D
The divisive racial stuff may be a successful political strategy from Trump but it is a long way to go yet.

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Re: Rat infest Baltimore

#27 Post by flash2015 » Wed Jul 31, 2019 11:13 pm

Stressedlines wrote:
Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:21 pm
Freebies it's why I hate using a phone to type
What Freebies are you talking about? Can you be specific?

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Re: Rat infest Baltimore

#28 Post by ND » Thu Aug 01, 2019 12:13 am

“What Freebies are you talking about? Can you be specific?”
-Free Healthcare for illegals
-Cash payouts for reparations
-And a host of other welfare programs already intact.

There is a reason why people take advantage of the US. We have lax immigration laws (anchor laws) and then people can qualify for a host of free stuff. It’s why everyone is coming here and these nutters want to compound the problem. Guess what, it may be free to them, but taxpayers like me and presumably Stressed have to pay something called taxes Flash. We have to pay for them to take advantage of it. It pisses us off and it’s the reason why we voted (or at least I did) Trump in 16’.

“I don't believe that is going to fly...at least not in the short term.”

Well, perhaps you are right, but in the debate last night I heard Warren and Sanders directly confronted by ‘centrist’ democrats about this. They outright said that their plan would forcibly replace everyone’s private insurance with their government plan. So, you can spin it how you want, but if either of them get in then that’s what they want to do.

“How is it divisive?”

Are you kidding me? You spend your whole life working for a union and you get better pay and company healthcare plan that you fought for. Then you got some jerk from Washington (Sanders/Warren) come in and take away your plan and force you onto a government plan that is probably inferior (if it’s anything like obamacare it will be inferior to private insurance). You don’t think that’s divisive to these people getting their insurance ripped away from them? Now they have to wait months to see a doctor because they are on some crappy government plan? If you don’t think that’s divisive then I don’t know what to tell you man, you must not have compassion for other people.

“I am not sure I agree with it”

Cool. Well, I can tell you that most American’s don’t agree with it. It pisses us off. These people come here, break our laws, then they get free healthcare as a reward. It’s ridiculous. It, again, is “FREE” to them, but hardworking Americans like myself who pay taxes have to pay for their “FREE” healthcare. It’s sick and disgusting. You may think it's funny to see people who work their whole lives have to pay for healthcare from some person to come here and abuse our laws, but we don't think it's funny. It's criminal.

“Democrats are about helping poor”

Well if that is true then I have yet to see them actually deliver on anything.
https://www.phillymag.com/news/2018/04/ ... t-poverty/
https://www.mlive.com/news/2017/09/see_ ... ities.html
Just look at the 20 cities with the lowest median income.
Almost all of these cities are run by Democrats and have been for half a century at least. Look at Detroit for God’s sake. Yeah, I get it, the talking point is that Democrats are about helping the poor and African Americans, but the fact is that the poorest in the US live in Democrat run urban areas look at the homeless rates in San Francisco: https://www.sfexaminer.com/news-columni ... west-side/

The talking point is that Democrats look after these people. If that is so then why do urban centers they run have the highest homeless rate and the poorest of the poor live there? It is a serious issue because these people are taken advantage of for their votes and the Democrats use them for political gain. And now they want to divide people on race (white/black) over reparations. It’s all an illusionary issue for them to gain power and to keep the poor -poor while they enrich themselves and their cronies.

Just look at the city that this thread is after! Baltimore and Cummings. How does he make tens of millions of dollars being a government representative? While his citizens live in one of the poorest cities in Maryland? Yeah, Trump is right of course.

“The US pays at least twice as much as other countries for often worse health care”

Well, the Republicans do have ideas. Unfortunately, we are stuck with a horrible health care act right now Obamacare. Hopefully it can be replaced and repealed.

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Re: Rat infest Baltimore

#29 Post by Randomizer » Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:56 am

@ND We already have free healthcare and it's called the emergency room where anyone citizen or illegal that can enter it is required by law to be treated. It costs more than any insurance plan or proposal being pushed by candidates. Guess what, you're already paying for it with your insurance plan and taxes. You've been paying for long before Trump, Obama, and lots of other presidents.

Even with an universal healthcare plan, there will always be private insurance plans for those that want more coverage. The rich will always want a way around the system just like in all the other countries that already have it.

Now back when Obamacare was proposed the Republicans had their fake news about Democrat death panels that would prevent people from getting medical treatment. But now we know the reality was that it was Republican governors that refused to expand Medicaid that has caused 15,000 or more deaths through people not getting medical treatment in the last 4 years.

https://www.latimes.com/business/story/ ... sal-deaths

The Republicans are working to kill off poor people that probably wouldn't vote for them.

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Re: Rat infest Baltimore

#30 Post by ND » Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:17 am

"The Republicans are working to kill off poor people that probably wouldn't vote for them."

What a sad and sick thing to say. I will pray for you Randomizer.

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Re: Rat infest Baltimore

#31 Post by Randomizer » Thu Aug 01, 2019 3:21 am

@ND - The truth hurts. Just like thoughts and prayers didn't stop a shooting when gun laws would have. Stop praying and look at what Trump has really done to damage this country.

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Re: Rat infest Baltimore

#32 Post by ND » Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:32 am

It's not the truth though. It's just a deranged thing to say. I feel sad that you are so brainwashed you believe that.

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Re: Rat infest Baltimore

#33 Post by orathaic » Fri Aug 02, 2019 7:37 am

ND wrote:
Wed Jul 31, 2019 5:21 am
Well, @Major: Trump is making America a better country. He's done more to help Americans than Obama did in 8 years and unlike Obama he doesn't divide people like Obama did.
Have you seen the opposition to Trump? I mean, you'd have to be blind to think Trump isn't divisive.

ND, I don't think you are an idiot, but that is the most idiotic thing I think I've ever seen you say.

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