M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

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M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

#1 Post by foodcoats » Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:04 pm

GM: foodcoats (Discord username foodcoats)
Co-GM: sweetandcool (Discord username sweetandcool)
Game Start: 03/06/2024 - 1800 EST
Phase Lengths: 48h day, 24h night
Phase Shift Time: 1800 EST


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Re: M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

#2 Post by foodcoats » Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:24 pm


Mafia is an educated guessing game of epic proportions. The objective of the game for the town team is to kill all mafia team members; the objective of the game for the mafia team is to kill all town team members, or achieve a game state where nothing can be done to prevent this.

The standard WebDiplomacy Mafia rules apply, and can be found at the link below:

The game is typically very active, so the thread will get big quickly. However, it is essential to read the thread to play the game. The Mafia Tracker Bot - which can be used to see current vote counts, read the thread, and isolate player messages - is available at the link below:

The bot is the main arbiter of all day phase voting (daykills and end hammers), but the GMs will perform a manual verification at end of day in case of formatting, spelling, or timing errors not caught by the bot.

There are three types of voting in a typical Mafia game: daykill voting, end hammer voting, and mafia nightkill voting. This game of "consensus mafia" has three additional special types of voting: "Town PR Action Voting," "Mafia PR Action Vote Change," and "Mafia PR Action Guess."

1. Daykill Voting
All players MUST vote to execute or "daykill" a perceived Mafia player in Day phases. These votes are made in the game thread and leverage the Mafia Tracker Bot. Therefore, notate daykill votes with a pair of hash symbols (e.g., ##VOTE KESTAS) so the bot can read your vote. PLEASE NOTE: If you do not use double hashtags, your vote will not be counted by the bot.

You may “unvote” if you change your mind (##UNVOTE), but any player ending the day phase without making a vote or with an “unvote” in place will be modkilled at the discretion of the GM. You may, however, vote “No Kill” (##VOTE No Kill).

In the event of a tie during an execution/daykill vote, no one shall be killed.

All daykill votes made prior to the GM stating in the thread that "Day has ended, please Hold" will be valid.

2. End hammer voting
By default, days are set to 48 hours long; however, players may elect to activate the hammer mechanic and end the day immediately. The day will end as soon as the majority of players are voting to endhammer the same player.

Any player MAY vote to end a Day phase before the deadline by voting ##END. These votes are made in the game thread and leverage the Mafia Tracker Bot. Therefore, notate end hammer votes with a pair of hash symbols (e.g., ##END) so the bot can read your vote. PLEASE NOTE: If you do not use double hashtags, your vote will not be counted by the bot.

If you are not able to make a daykill vote before the hammer is dropped, you will not be penalized for failing to vote during that day.

Night phases may not normally be hammered; any exception to this will be announced by the GM.

IMPORTANT: If the day is hammered but a GM has not yet officially announced the hammering, please respect the hammering and DO NOT POST.

3. Mafia night kill (NK) voting
Each night, mafia players MAY vote to kill one town member using their factional ability. Mafia nightkill voting occurs in the Mafia chat and will be decided by majority vote. In the event of a tie, the NEWEST vote will break the tie.

The target of the NK will be killed at end of night unless successfully protected by the Doctor.

4. Town PR Action voting
All town players MUST submit one "PR Action Vote" during Night phases to direct the actions of the town PRs. Town PR Action Voting is done by directly messaging BOTH the GM and co-GM on WebDip or on Discord, indicating either "Cop" or "Doctor" and the player for that PR to target with their power role ability (e.g., "Cop should target sweetandcool" or "Doctor target foodcoats").

Each player can only vote for one of the PRs each night. PRs may "self-vote," i.e. vote for their own action target.

The PRs will target the player with the majority of the votes. PRs will learn who they visited in their action results message from the GM (e.g. "You investigated foodcoats. They are MAFIA."). If there is a tie for the PR’s action target, the tie will be broken by 1) the PR’s self-vote or 2) randomly among the tied targets.

Failure to submit a PR action vote is subject to the same rules as daykill votes (i.e. modkill at GM discretion), but a player may submit a vote of "Doc/Cop should hold."

Mafia players DO NOT have a PR Action Vote.

5. Mafia PR Action Vote Change:
Each night, the Mafia team MAY vote to change the TARGET of ONE town player's PR Action Vote, but NOT the choice of cop vs. doc (e.g., "change sweetandcool's target to foodcoats"). Voting for this ability follows the same rules as NK voting.

This ability always succeeds if it is used.

6. Mafia PR Action Guess:
Each night, the Mafia team MAY vote to guess the target of the cop scan OR the doc save. If the Mafia team chooses correctly, the result of the cop scan will be inverted (e.g., if foodcoats is town and is scanned by the cop, the cop would receive a result of "You investigated foodcoats. They are MAFIA."), or the doctor protection would be canceled (e.g. the doctor would receive a "You visited sweetandcool. They did not require your attention" and sweetandcool would NOT be protected from the nightkill).

The Mafia will NOT learn if this ability succeeded.


7 Town
-1 Cop
-1 Doctor
-5 Vanilla Towns

2 Mafia
-2 Mafia Goons

Role PMs:

Vanilla Town: You're a Vanilla Town. During day phases, you MUST submit a daykill vote like all players. During night phases, you MUST submit a PR Action Vote, indicating either "Cop" or "Doctor" and the player you wish them to target with their power role ability. You win when the mafia team is eliminated.

Cop: You're the Town Cop. During the day, you MUST submit a daykill vote like all players. During night phases, you MUST submit a PR Action Vote, indicating either "Cop" or "Doctor" and the player you wish them to target with their power role ability (you may vote for your own ability). You will target the player who received the most votes and you will receive a result of “You investigated PLAYER. They are ALIGNMENT” at the start of the next day. (Note that this result can be modified by the mafia's factional PR Action Guess). You win when the mafia team is eliminated.

Doctor: You're the Town Doctor. During the day, you MUST submit a daykill vote like all players. During night phases, you MUST submit a PR Action Vote, indicating either "Cop" or "Doctor" and the player you wish them to target with their power role ability (you may vote for your own ability). You will target the player who received the most votes and attempt to protect them from the mafia's factional nightkill. You will receive a result of “You visited PLAYER. They REQUIRED/DID NOT REQUIRE your attention.” (Note that this result can be modified by the mafia's factional PR Action Guess.) You win when the mafia team is eliminated.

Mafia Goon: You're a Mafia Goon. During the day, you MUST submit a daykill vote like all players. Each night, you MAY submit a nightkill vote for your factional nightkill in the Mafia chat. You may also vote to use your factional "PR Action Vote Change" AND a "PR Action Guess" (voting for these abilities follows the same rules as nightkill voting).

Your teammates are listed on the Discord server, which you must join to submit your factional ability votes and partake in your mafia chat during night phases.

Discord Link: REDACTED

You win when you kill all the town players or nothing can prevent you from accomplishing this.


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Re: M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

#3 Post by foodcoats » Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:27 pm


In order of sign-up:

1. Jamiet99uk
2. JustAGuyNamedWill
3. ghug
4. worcej
5. Diplomacy&Warfare
6. Rdrivera2005
7. Damo666
8. brainbomb
9. Kakarroto


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Re: M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

#4 Post by foodcoats » Wed Mar 06, 2024 5:30 pm

Role PMs will be going out now. The game does not start until 1800 EST.


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Re: M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

#5 Post by foodcoats » Wed Mar 06, 2024 6:29 pm

Public service announcement: I neglected to copy my co-GM sweetandcool on the role PMs.

Please do as I say and not as I do and copy sweetandcool on any messages to the GMs.


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Re: M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

#6 Post by foodcoats » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:01 pm

It was a beautiful spring day in historic Allentown, Pennsylvania. The Society for the Appreciation of Sugary Confections was convening their inaugural tasting event at their new guild hall, which had recently been built over the demolished remains of an unsightly parking garage.

After the preliminary dessert courses, Chairman Chaqa stood and called for silence.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” he said. “It is my great pleasure to see you all enjoying such a fine spread of sweet foods in our new guild hall. We all know there was opposition at the city council to our securing the necessary permits to raze that abominable garage, but good taste won out.

“Now, while the core purpose of our Society is the pursuit of purely aesthetic degustation, there is another matter of civic duty to which I must draw your attention. We all know that lovers of sugar must pay careful attention to matters of physical fitness, and Allentown’s bike lanes-“

Suddenly, the Chairman froze. His eyes glazed over and he clutched at his chest, then collapsed onto the table. The Society members cried out in horror, and the nearest among them leapt forward to roll the Chairman over.

"Dear god. He's dead!"

"Wait a minute," said someone else, picking up Chairman Chaqa's plate. "This isn't cherry cobbler. This is spanokopita!"

A third member of the Society sniffed Chaqa's wine glass. "And his sherry has been replaced with green chartreuse!"

"My friends... it is all too clear what has happened here," said another of their number, staring grimly around at the troubled faces. "We have been infiltrated by vile, reprehensible, no good savoury dish enjoyers. In the name of sweet food, this cannot stand. We must root out these savoury scum."

The Society roared with a burning need for vengeance and sugary purity.

"There can be no mercy!"

"Down with the enjoyers of savoury comestibles!"

"For Chaqa!"


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The Sweet Food

#7 Post by Kakarroto » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:02 pm

Sweet food was always his preference; strawberry muffin, melon ice shake, hazelnut dream sorbeé, cherry cream cake, all the good stuff. Early in his life, he decided, he want to create them himself, he wanted to become a baker.

He trained for some time with the guidance of his grandfather, who taught him some of his secret old recipes, the ones from before the war. 'They don't bake it like then' he lamented everytime they went and ate out, and he agreed, the ones his grandfather boke just tasted better.

Now he was on the way to the new prestigeous baking academy, where he might learn the secret recipes of Mr. Webb and Doc Dip, two of the most famous bakers in all of the new history. Even when only the most gifted were taught these recipes, he couldn't wait to meet them, to learn from them.

He took out one of the cream surprises his grandfather prepared. With childish excitement, he took a bite from it. Hmm, this one was great, honeymelon flavour. With visible enjoyment he indulged eating the rest of it whole. He just hoped he will be spared of one of grandfathers ... more curious creations, like the mustard or chilli cream surprise ...

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Re: M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

#8 Post by JustAGuyNamedWill » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:03 pm

Cheers to M1028!

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Re: M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

#9 Post by damo666 » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:08 pm

I think I'll have a blueberry hot cross bun.

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Re: M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

#10 Post by damo666 » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:10 pm

##vote worcej

sounds like worcestershire sauce so he must be scum

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Re: M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

#12 Post by brainbomb » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:12 pm

It's a great day on CoComelon Lane
And it's so nice to meet ya
It's a great day on CoComelon Lane (come on!)
There's so much to see, yeah
You and me, family
It's gonna be a great day on CoComelon Lane

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Re: M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

#13 Post by damo666 » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:13 pm

JustAGuyNamedWill wrote:
Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:11 pm
i say no
just say 'yes, ok, go on then'

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Re: M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

#14 Post by JustAGuyNamedWill » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:15 pm

damo666 wrote:
Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:13 pm
JustAGuyNamedWill wrote:
Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:11 pm
i say no
just say 'yes, ok, go on then'
maybe later

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Re: M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

#15 Post by JustAGuyNamedWill » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:15 pm

brainbomb wrote:
Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:12 pm
It's a great day on CoComelon Lane
And it's so nice to meet ya
It's a great day on CoComelon Lane (come on!)
There's so much to see, yeah
You and me, family
It's gonna be a great day on CoComelon Lane
I thought we stopped this last game :(

maybe lets get ya Dked again

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Re: M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

#16 Post by brainbomb » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:23 pm

About to do something new
About to do something new
I know I can do it
Hop, skip, jump into it, let's go
About to do something new
About to do something new
About to do something new
I know I can do it
Hop, skip, jump into it, let's go
About to do something new

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Re: M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

#17 Post by damo666 » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:28 pm

JustAGuyNamedWill wrote:
Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:15 pm
damo666 wrote:
Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:13 pm
JustAGuyNamedWill wrote:
Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:11 pm
i say no
just say 'yes, ok, go on then'
maybe later
Fair enough

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Re: M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

#18 Post by damo666 » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:31 pm


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Re: M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

#19 Post by damo666 » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:33 pm

Should we declare our target votes? Haven't thought it through but it forces mafia to make it up.

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Re: M1028: The Sweet Food Consensus - Game Thread

#20 Post by Jamiet99uk » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:39 pm

Hello, Fellow Townspeople.
I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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