Rule question / System issue

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Rule question / System issue

#1 Post by BrianBaru » Wed Apr 17, 2024 12:52 am

Situation: Fleet in, Fleet in Age, Army in Gre. I want to move Army to Bul and Fleet Gre. The rule is you can’t switch spaces. But in this setup, as I understand the rules, I can convoy the army to Bul, and move the fleet to Gre. I know I have used this maneuver in previous games.
However, when I tried to do this in a recent game, this happened:
• Diplomacy
o The fleet at Bulgaria (South Coast) move to Greece. (fail)
o The army at Greece move to Bulgaria. (fail)
o The fleet at Aegean Sea convoy to Bulgaria from Greece. (fail)
I was surprised, but then I noticed I did not convoy the army just moved it. However, the order interface did not have the option for a convoy to Bul from Gre. I didn’t notice this when I entered the orders, and there was no option to convoy Bul-Gre. I checked other games I’m playing, and the interface doesn’t allow me to convoy to an adjacent province when I have a fleet in the water.
What’s up? Am I wrong in my understanding of the rules?

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Re: Rule question / System issue

#2 Post by echidna » Wed Apr 17, 2024 2:51 am

I just tried it in a sandbox, and can confirm using the Legacy interface I am able to put in those orders and get the army convoyed to Bulgaria.
What you MIGHT be overlooking is that when you select the order to move the army, in the drop-down for where to move it to, it lists Albania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Constantinople (via convoy), and Smyrna (via convoy). You may be thinking this means you cannot order the convoy to Bulgaria. But if you select Bulgaria, *then* the option to move it "via land" or "via convoy" appears, and you can choose "via convoy".

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Re: Rule question / System issue

#3 Post by BrianBaru » Wed Apr 17, 2024 7:00 am

Thanks. It is a secondary option. I missed it, but I knew I did it previously.

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