“I offer neither pay, nor quarters, nor food; I offer only hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles, and death. Let him who loves his country with his heart, and not merely with his lips, follow me.” – Giuseppe Garibaldi

A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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DipperDon (6457 D)
21 Dec 08 UTC
Multi-Accounter JoshR

He's in this game with me as Italy, and may be multi-accounting E or F. France is submitting hold orders for all units season after season without going into cd, despite being able to take Bre back. England has acted irrationally throughout.
11 replies
Giramondo (100 D)
22 Dec 08 UTC
play with me
join the games I made!
0 replies
Lizard (224 D)
20 Dec 08 UTC
Better Forum
A better forum would be good, but getting it to fit in and appear as part of phpDiplomacy, rather than just a separate site, is difficult. (FAQ)
Is the change of including good enough to make a mockup for an Idea?
(Yeah, nothing to do in the Hollidays, though I can't code PHP, it would be in HTML/CSS)
11 replies
oldbenjamin (1412 D)
22 Dec 08 UTC
Game Sorting
Currently all game listings (your games, finished games, joinable games) are sorted by the size of the pot. To be honest I find this rather annoying in most circumstances where I'm actually looking at them.
2 replies
EdiBirsan (1469 D(B))
21 Dec 08 UTC
There is the multi round league that is being run here... I am actually playing in it.
However, there appears to be no easy way to find out about it, or to even find out who is running it, what it is about and all that. There are no references here or in the games...
10 replies
herecomesahorse (100 D)
22 Dec 08 UTC
New Game: Seldon Crisis
I didn't start it, but I'm the second in.
I'm told my messages are on the long side :)
So maybe you don't wanna play if you're one of those guys who doesn't like to read a paragraph or two per turn.
2 replies
oldbenjamin (1412 D)
19 Dec 08 UTC
Clear Multi-Accounting
There is a thread below about this but i would like to formally accuse Rouhan of also being KIDD and Jerrilian. They are all playing in my game http://phpdiplomacy.net/board.php?gameID=7468 but also in every other game the last two are in, all three are in it. He has several other games where he makes players "*1, *2, *3... *6" then wins...

please can something be done about this?
21 replies
aoeui (165 D)
22 Dec 08 UTC
hey join the game Human, all too human
hey you! got 100 points? brave enough to play a game amongst overmen? join this game or you're either a wuss or broke!
0 replies
ninjabadger (100 D)
21 Dec 08 UTC
Qick Game, 1 hour turns.
New to this game, and wanted to start a quick game.. please join :)
0 replies
sswang (3471 D)
21 Dec 08 UTC
Should there be a discount for taking over a CD?
It's hard to get people to take over a CD position - players who do are doing the game and the site a service. Most of the time the country is out of position and about to be mauled by multiple neighbors and its chances of winning are greatly overstated by the standard (# of SC owned)/34 formula which is implied by the takeover costs.

I'd suggest a 25-50% cut (perhaps 25% for CD's that are in the 8+ center range and increasing to 50% as you get smaller).
2 replies
RBerenguel (334 D)
21 Dec 08 UTC
jDip and phpDiplomacy
Is there a quick way to import phpD games to jDip? I want to store them locally and have a look at them, but making all the moves is... well, not quick. Any hint?
0 replies
spyman (424 D(G))
21 Dec 08 UTC
Sorry can't play mucy for the time being
This is too all those I am playing with currently. Normally I obsess about my moves but I just have too much going on in the real world to think about this game. I apologize to all I am playing with. I am still logging on to finalize my moves (when I can) so as not to hold up my games, but I can't play "my best game", which probably puts a bit of a spin on the strategy for the other players in my games.
0 replies
EdiBirsan (1469 D(B))
21 Dec 08 UTC
What if there was no ranking?
If there was no ranking for say the first 20 games completed. Would this cut down dramatically on the cheating/multi accounts? Would the ability to go to a non-ranked game status be a good tool to combat a multitude of issues? if so which ones?
6 replies
Sardonic-Crisis (100 D)
21 Dec 08 UTC
New Game- Human All Too Human
100 pt buyin, PPSC, my first game over on this site... thought I would drop by from over in the Facebook community.
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Zilph (100 D)
21 Dec 08 UTC
Minor Bug
This is a description of a bug that results in "The army in Apulia move to Tunis via convoy via convoy (there's only one convoy).
2 replies
Chairman Mao (340 D)
20 Dec 08 UTC
New Games?
Recently, I am trying to get back on the site through starting/joining a new game (i dislike taking over CDs)...yet twice and the games hasnt started. there simply is no-one out there willing to join these games....I know that most top guys are busy with the league thing, but then if new games come so rarely (i was looking for anything around pot 100, WTA or PPSC), how will this site survive? all i can join are mostly a bunch of CD games (more than before I left the site few months ago).....
9 replies
Disbelief (100 D)
21 Dec 08 UTC
49ers-new game
49 bet/15hrs
0 replies
mapleleaf (0 DX)
19 Dec 08 UTC
New Game - Barbara Feldon -WTA 99pts entry.
Come one - come all. No holiday pauses please.
9 replies
MadMarx (36299 D(G))
20 Dec 08 UTC
Hey, I was able to donate to this site with PayPal!!
Last time, when Edi brought this up, I couldn't get PayPal to work, but I just tried again and was able to donate in AUD's even from The USA!! I only had $15 in my PayPal account, but it all helps!!
10 replies
airborne (154 D)
21 Dec 08 UTC
How to start part 2 Germany
In the center of the map its born encircled but this titan has one of the best win record in the game, can reasonably make alliances and communicate with everyone. A rosy picture has France against England who fighting Russia who attacking Turkey who is fighting Italy who surprised attack France and Germany who made it all happen and is allied with everyone. Now a look at Germany’s opening.
4 replies
Daniel-san (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
Suspicious players:
These 3 have joined at around same time and all are in the exact same games.
what's with this?????
Daniel-san (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
Spring 1901, Pre-game

* End of phase: 9 hours
* Points-per-supply-center
* 16 hours/phase: Fast
* Pot: 25
* Players:
o Daniel-san (3)
o Adorno (69)
o Sonic Youth (55)
o lonesoldier10 (61)
o Kiralen (70)
* Open game

Welcome to the House of Fun! Spring 1901, Pre-game

* End of phase: 13 hours
* Points-per-supply-center
* 20 hours/phase: Normal pace
* Pot: 25
* Players:
o Manowar (2)
o Adorno (69)
o Sonic Youth (55)
o Kiralen (70)
o sniper4625 (8)
* Open game

Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto Spring 1901, Pre-game

* End of phase: 17 hours
* Points-per-supply-center
* 24 hours/phase: Normal pace
* Pot: 20
* Players:
o Manowar (2)
o Adorno (69)
o Sonic Youth (55)
o Kiralen (70)
* Open game

Daniel-san (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
referring here to Adorno, Sonic Youth and Kiralen....

anyone else find this sus?
EdiBirsan (1469 D(B))
20 Dec 08 UTC
May sound silly, but have you asked them?
Daniel-san (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
Furthermore, 2 of these players joined today within minutes of one another.
Odd, how does one ask to be REMOVED from a game?
I do not want to play with what i consider to be cheats, or at very least, suspicious players.
Can i do this without losing my bet?
Thanks heaps in advnace.
Daniel-san (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
No reply. And it does sound silly, since if they ARE cheating, i would not think they'd admit it?
Sonic Youth (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
not me dude.

Go back to mr miagi and seek some chi.
Sonic Youth (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
and no, he hasn't contacted me in the game...
Daniel-san (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
why did you join the exact same day- today?
Daniel-san (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
within minutes of each other and why are you in the exact same games as the other 2 hmmm??
Sonic Youth (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
because you're so awesome of course
Daniel-san (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
That's not an excuse, and i would like this looked at thank you.

MODERATORS- Pls check them all out?!
Daniel-san (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
How does one contact the site moderator to ask them to check someone out?
Many thanks
Gobbledydook (1389 D(B))
20 Dec 08 UTC
Uhh...they check the forums.
I can assure you that they are quite efficient when it comes to banning cheaters.
Well, if they are cheaters.
Daniel-san (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
Well when one looks at Kiralens profile, they will see he joined the same day as others in his current game(nov 24th).
I just find it extremely odd that they all joined same time, and join same games.
Is there a way for this to be checked.
Since you say, Gobbledygook, that they are quite efficient at banning cheaters, how does anyone get them to look?
sean (3490 D(B))
20 Dec 08 UTC
if two people join the site then chances are they WILL join the same game. if the mods find they are cheating the game will be drawn and you will get your points back. until then i suggest your find your WA and be cool
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
20 Dec 08 UTC

Simmer down--it's only been 1/2 hour. The mods will be sure to take a look at it and get back to you as soon as they can. This isn't their full time job...
Daniel-san (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
Abgermacht- I'm not mad, i just want to know how i contact the moderators, or is this message enough for them to see it?

Thats all.
The game has not even started yet, so i'm not overly conerned...yet:)
Gobbledydook (1389 D(B))
20 Dec 08 UTC
They like to see these messages. Kinda makes them feel good.
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
20 Dec 08 UTC
This post is enough to get their attention.

We've been having a lot of accusations recently, it seems, so it might be a little bit before they can get to yours, but don't worry, they will.

Welcome to the site, btw.
Daniel-san (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
Thanks to you both for clearing this up.
Makes me feel a little better about the site.
It's cool as well!!

philcore (317 D(S))
20 Dec 08 UTC
wax on wax off
Kiralen (105 D)
20 Dec 08 UTC
Umm.. I just joined three games in a row since my current set were done or finishing up. I don't know about the other two.

Kiralen (105 D)
20 Dec 08 UTC
So, calm down, and -inserts generic karate kid joke here-
Babak (26982 D(B))
20 Dec 08 UTC
and speaking from experience - not all accusations turn out to be true .... I was accused *whimper* and it really hurt my feelings *wipes a tear away*

seriously though - I think you did the right thing Daniel bringing attention to it - but I do also think there should be a more streamline way of submitting these 'accusations' without doing it on the forum and forcing players (specially new players) to have to come and defend themselves in public.... most dont even read the forum, and many seem not to understand the concep that a game called "Diplomacy" requires them to ... well... engage in diplomacy.
Chrispminis (916 D)
20 Dec 08 UTC
Adorno and Kiralen have no connections and are pretty clean.

Sonic Youth is unrelated to them as well, so your fears are just your paranoia! =D

Your vigilance/paranoia is not unappreciated though.

Sonic Youth, can you convince me that you are not every player in this game?

Let me know which account you'd like to keep.
sean (3490 D(B))
20 Dec 08 UTC
nice one crisp
urallLESBlANS (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
Lol, at least he came up with original names, unlike the last guy.
Adorno (100 D)
20 Dec 08 UTC
Hi all. I just joined the site and do not know anyone. I play over on facebook (as lladmirall) and have been a victim to metagamers before, so I understand the paranoia. In fact, I'm in a game w/a tactically incompetent multi-accounter right now which is why I decided to check this site out.
Daniel-san (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
ok thanks very much guys! only one is a cheat, just not in mine
Daniel-san (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
one last thing. italy now is not entering orders after being caught. can we fast track his cd, so its a fair game?
Daniel-san (0 DX)
21 Dec 08 UTC
what was sonic youths other accts?

31 replies
flashman (2274 D(G))
21 Dec 08 UTC
Just to confirm that my absence...
should be temporary...
1 reply
kenosha (100 D)
21 Dec 08 UTC
1hr Fast 35 point (Pot)
Come on folks i wanna get a fast game going ^^.
0 replies
Lewis31 (100 D)
20 Dec 08 UTC
Two Questions
First - If you do not have any home bases = are there any restrictions on unit placement?

Second - Can you support hold a country that is support holding?... (e.g. St.Petersburg Support Hold Moscow, Moscow Support Hold Warsaw, Warsaw Hold) ... Thanks
7 replies
Jacob (2466 D)
20 Dec 08 UTC
New Game: And Armed With Cruel Hate
101 point buy-in
24 hour phases
Winner takes the entire 707-point pot!!
What more could you want for Christmas??
7 replies
kenosha (100 D)
21 Dec 08 UTC
Diplomacy on drugs
1hr period 10 gold min bet will be crazy
1 reply
Leon Rey17 (1838 D)
21 Dec 08 UTC
Need Six more players for a new game
"Oh No, there are Panzers everywhere" is a nice 50 point buy-in (350 pot) PPSC game with regular 24 hour phases. It's under http://www.phpdiplomacy.net/board.php?gameID=7540 .
0 replies
diplomat1824 (0 DX)
20 Dec 08 UTC
Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest
1 reply
diplomat1824 (0 DX)
19 Dec 08 UTC
As you can see, I only have 10 (Ds). What happened to the "You can't fall below 100 (Ds) because if you have less than that, your points are refunded if you lose a game" rule? Read the 1st response.
19 replies
dearmore28 (527 D)
19 Dec 08 UTC
This is an interesting article which I found. I thought people might enjoy discussing it. http://www.newsweek.com/id/172653. Please keep the posts civil.
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