A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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krokodil (823 D)
01 May 07 UTC
Your Country?
How is it determined which Country you take control of. Is it random or to do with the order you join the game or what?
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Writhdar (949 D(S))
01 May 07 UTC
Adjudication issues - being able to see all phase orders
this has come up several times before but so have innumerable comments about adjudication errors, etc. If a player could see what the other players ordered, many of these "error questions" would disappear.

Can the "Gamemaster" function be modidied so that one could cycle (e.g., hitting the tab key) through all the orders?
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rogé (100 D)
01 May 07 UTC
New game
ok ive now created another world war2 game with no password
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Joffre (696 D)
28 Apr 07 UTC
Two suggestions about this site.
First, let me say this is already a great job. I love this site, and I have been playing for a couple of months here.
I am proposing the following, and I am also proposing to help implement those thinks if this can help (I am a software engineer):
- Use a standard discussion forum tool where there could be several forums and sub-forums as well as a search feature and so on.
- Build a stat page that would display several statistics about the games and players.

Thanks again, and keep up the good job !
3 replies
grotto (15 D)
30 Apr 07 UTC
something wrong!!!
what the heck happened?
isbian (106 D)
30 Apr 07 UTC
hey grotto (or David, as your real name is), how about telling us what happened first?
grotto (15 D)
30 Apr 07 UTC
lol my mistake. sorry about that
dangermouse (5551 D)
30 Apr 07 UTC

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figlesquidge (2131 D)
30 Apr 07 UTC
I will be leaving diplomacy after the end of all my current games, which I will play out. The main reason for this is that I often have weekends away and, to put it bluntly, my friends don't help when they say they will. For example, over the last weekend I've been away, and so I asked a good friend to look after my account (he plays diplomacy as well although is reluctant to join games on here due to exams). However, despite him promising to look after my account (I even sent him an email with the exact set of moves to hold a particular stalemate [game 333 Awsomeness Game]). However, since he did not send these moves, I have been unable to hold my position. Therefore, my chances of victory in all my games have gone, and so the value of games to me is null.
Those are the reasons for my leaving, and if ever it is added to allow for different turn lengths (eg: 2days,weekly), please do email me, and I will return.
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EricHerboso (836 D)
27 Apr 07 UTC
Giving Builds Away
One of my neighboring countries was attacked today, and was left in a shambles, though was still capable of mounting some defense. I offered this country my assistance, in return for ceding a territory to me. In response, I was told: "Not here to win..I am giving my builds away". Meaning, I took it, that (s)he was actively giving away territories for the benefit of another without any benefit in return. Below I am putting the response I sent, verbatim. I do hope that some few others of you will respond to this, either to join my opinion on this practice, or to defend the person who sent me this message.

"I've heard a lot of stupid comments from a lot of different Diplomacy players, but I must say that this is the single most provocative statement I've had anyone type to me.

"If you're not here to win, why play? What is the point, other than to ruin the experience for other players? The only possible conclusion I can come to is that you are participating in meta-playing rather than actual playing of the game; you help others in games where you do not hope to win in order to build or influence alliances in separate games. If this is true, it is the most shocking and abhorrent admission I've heard another Diplomacy player make. Such behavior is banned from tournament play, and could easily get you kicked out. And as for casual play, it does nothing but ruin an otherwise perfectly enjoyable game.

"Of course, there is also the slight possibility that you are playing according to different diplomat personalities--role-playing, if you will. In which case you must be currently playing the insane diplomat who gives away the keys to his country for nothing in return. At least there, I may be able to understand the concept of you giving builds away, but only in that you are actively playing with a completely different goal in mind, which is completely against the spirit of the game.

"I have no desire to affect the outcome of games outside this one, so I will not be using your name in public, but I do plan to bring up this issue on the message board, to see who else agrees with me that this sort of play is unsportsmanlike. You may admit to it there if you like, but in the interests of not creating an undue meta-game effect, I suggest you do not."

So I ask everyone else: what do you think? Shouldn't meta-playing be frowned upon? Shouldn't every player play by the rules of the game, one of which being that the intent should be to win, or at least to do as well as possible in each given game? Keep in mind that I'm not talking about a situation where a country has a single SC left; I mean a situation where one actively engages in losing one's own SCs for another when they could easily mount an effective defense against invasion--in this circumstance, the country had 5 SCs left. I'm really curious as to others' opinions on this.
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rogé (100 D)
30 Apr 07 UTC
World War 2
starting a world war 2 game for people in St d's same password as allways
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Poyple (76 D)
30 Apr 07 UTC
Games not updating.
Anyone know why this is?

People finalised their orders at about 30 minutes to go. Now the stage end is 'due now' but it still hasn't updated. Does it take some time to do it even after the 24 hour limit?

Game is called OTF3 if that helps.
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Druadan (100 D)
27 Apr 07 UTC
Stuck Game?

The game linked above is overdue for its unit placement phase completion. Every had finalised many hours before the end of phase, but the phase carried on, running down the 24 hour time. Now it's overdue by a couple of hours and reads "End of phase: due now"
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kestasjk (84 DMod(P))
27 Apr 07 UTC
*Danger* New locking scheme
I think recent errors can be traced back to problems with MyISAM REPEATABLE READ transaction mode and the way it takes a snapshot and confusingly reads SELECT statements from the snapshot but reads SELECT ... LOCK IN SHARE MODE from the latest version and not the snapshot.

It's changed to READ COMMITTED, which will hopefully mean that SELECT statements always get the latest thing and not a snapshot.
This may make things more stable and root out that elusive recurring bug, but more likely knowing my experience with locking it'll wreck the whole database. I've taken a backup, let me know if you see anything strange.
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Alfa (1308 D)
25 Apr 07 UTC
How many of you have played diplomacy in person?
I'm curious to see how many have played diplomacy in person, through the mail, through an email system, and how many first started playing on phpDiplomacy. I'll admit, I learned how to play by reading the rules on Wikipedia, reading some basic strategies, and then played my first game on here. Until we get phpBB implementation so we can do a proper poll, just post on where you fit in. I'm interested to see how players were exposed to Diplomacy and by what methods they've played it.
22 replies
djinegypt (276 D)
28 Apr 07 UTC
andistestgame - Turkey doesn't have appropriate amount of units
I took over civil disorder turkey who, though had 4 production centers, only had two units, it still only has two units, I'm new to the game but shouldn't it have 4? I don't know who I should contact for help.
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isbian (106 D)
28 Apr 07 UTC
New Game
The game "Blue Shift" was created. Please join. It's another one of my games whose name has something to do with a computer game. So if you play Half Life, this is the game for you! If you don't, join anyway.
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Gissett75 (746 D)
28 Apr 07 UTC
new game
join war war war
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fastspawn (1625 D)
28 Apr 07 UTC
Another piece of demographics - hot/or not
In the spirit of demographic hunting and compiling into a scorecard which i can sell to the highest bidder, i am instituting the most important question. Are you hot/ or not?

I, for one, stop bloody traffic.
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Maximule (37 D)
28 Apr 07 UTC
New open Game WW I 2.0
I have formed a new open no password game thought i would post this here to tell people about it
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The Mahatma (1195 D)
28 Apr 07 UTC
Game hanging
Our game "Kid A" is stuck. All the orders are finalized but it is not processing them.
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The Mahatma (1195 D)
27 Apr 07 UTC
Demographics/User Profile
Could the User Profile be changed to allow users to display where they are located? This would answer peoples' curiosity and could also help in-game because one might be able to somewhat predict when other players tend to log on.
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fastspawn (1625 D)
27 Apr 07 UTC
I notice there is a game with chinese characters.
How do you do that? The game is zhan zheng by the way.
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Smokodanko (618 D)
27 Apr 07 UTC
400 Finished Games
400! I remember it was a little under 200 when I signed up, and there had to have been at least 50 games finished in the last week.

Well done, you've certainly got a great site Kestasjk!
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Rait (10151 D(S))
24 Apr 07 UTC
Limit in joining games??
Have I missed something? Has there been set some kind of new rule that restricts You joining more than 5 games at the same time???

When joining new game, I was told:

You are already playing in 5 or more games, please focus on the games you are already in instead of joining new ones; playing badly in many games instead of concentrating on a few ruins the game for the other players, and defeats the whole object of Diplomacy.

Why is that? Why 5? I'm not about to join 50 new games at the moment, but I'm also not able to join passworded game where I was personally invited! And this is due to the reason that I have alredy!? 7 ongoing games??

I don't like when it's said that I would be 'playing badly in many games'. This sounds pretty much like 'labeling'. I don't think that I paid less attention to my games when I played 25 games at the same time few months ago when I had more time. I think it also shows in my record.

I'm not against emphasizing people taking less games when they are not up to it & preventing people joining too many games just to achieve some kind of 'level', but I'm certainty against someone making choices before me & telling me, how many games I'm able! to play. Especially when I'm invited to passworded game which should be more/less out of the problem range connected to the multiple games.

... can anyone explain what's going on?
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Segamu (100 D)
27 Apr 07 UTC
Balkan Hell
Hey y'all! The name's Jake, and I'm starting a new game called Balkan Hell. Join up!
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glink33 (100 D)
26 Apr 07 UTC
New Game
Hey, I'm kinda new to this, so I just wanted to start a game for beginners to kind of get used to playing it online. The game is titled "Game for Beginners", e-mail me for the password, the first seven people get positions.
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Noodlebug (1812 D)
26 Apr 07 UTC
A nice balanced record
At this moment in time, I have 7 wins on phpdiplomacy, one with each country.

Can I get some sort of prize?

Unfortunately my 8th win is imminent, so by the time you read this it's probably out of date!
10 replies
hiimme333html (100 D)
27 Apr 07 UTC
i just built three units, but none of them show up on the map! in the orders, it lets me set commands, but the map is blank!
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fastspawn (1625 D)
26 Apr 07 UTC
By popular demand
I am going to start a speak in character game. If you are interested, put a way to contact you on the thread, and i will email you a password. first come, first serve.
1 reply
Metternich471 (137 D)
24 Apr 07 UTC
Just Curious
Why is the movement phase called "Diplomacy"?
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The Mahatma (1195 D)
26 Apr 07 UTC
Actionhero lost
Can lostactionhero be placed in civil disorder in all his games. He is clearly away and is holding up a number of games.
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figlesquidge (2131 D)
26 Apr 07 UTC
Another piece of demographics - males/females
Please could you reply to this if you are a female user of the site...
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