A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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JamesYanik (548 D)
03 Mar 17 UTC
American Free Speech
4 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
16 Feb 17 UTC
Shared without comment:
3 replies
Ogion (3817 D)
03 Mar 17 UTC
Cat fight between Pence and Pruitt over Hillary's server
But wait there is more. Mike Pence is fighting with EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt over the server!
23 replies
brainbomb (290 D)
03 Mar 17 UTC
Webdip valued at $44 billion ???
Confirmation that I'm a fuddy duddy, I don't understand how a website that produces what ? Stabbings? can instantly be valued at $44 billion
9 replies
JamesYanik (548 D)
03 Mar 17 UTC
Future of Healthcare in the United States
10 replies
Thaneofwhiterun (1516 D)
03 Mar 17 UTC
Throwing a game
What is everybody's opinion on players throwing a game? There's a debate going on in a game of mine whether it's a form of metagaming or a valid strategy, or just unsportsmanlike, and I'd be curious to see how everyone feels about it.
16 replies
Hauta (1618 D(S))
03 Mar 17 UTC
Looks like Mike Pence got a good deal on Hillary's email server
Mike Pence using private email server which got hacked. Who would've known that emails were so complicated!
83 replies
fourofswords (415 D)
04 Mar 17 UTC
I forgot - see inside
I forgot. Can we advertise on the forum to get a player to take the place of a player who has left?
7 replies
BooBoo (15 DX)
03 Mar 17 UTC
Live game!
0 replies
Jamiet99uk (1290 D)
25 Feb 17 UTC
Daily Abortion Debate Thread
Instead of turning every debate about social policy into a debate about abortion, please conduct your never-ending abortion debates HERE AND ONLY HERE.
195 replies
brainbomb (290 D)
02 Mar 17 UTC
Is wjessop getting unbanned on April 1st?
Last year he was banned on April 1st but was told he could appeal his ban and return if he went through the proper channels. Has he done this? I am not saying I miss him - but curious if he appealed
122 replies
BooBoo (15 DX)
03 Mar 17 UTC
Live Game happening within the next hour! Come Join
0 replies
Jamiet99uk (1290 D)
28 Feb 17 UTC
College Softball: Turning Godly Girls to Gayness
37 replies
Ayreon (3398 D)
02 Mar 17 UTC
KW 901
I tried to create a new Known World 901 game but I cannot found this variant, what's happened to it?
1 reply
principians (881 D)
01 Mar 17 UTC
English interview
I'm about having a job interview, but it's in english, and if this sentence is poorly written, sure my spoken english is worse.
22 replies
cspieker (18223 D)
28 Feb 17 UTC
Gunboat as Austria: Suicide pact with Italy
Premise: Whenever playing gunboat as Austria and you are attacked by Italy right out of the gate, one should always give up as many centers to Turkey as possible and get your last dying armies onto the boot to drag Italy down with you. This is the only way the madness will stop.
26 replies
Zollern (123 D)
01 Mar 17 UTC
Innovation and low cost inputs are fuel for the american economic engine.
Fuel The American Economic Engine --> Make Opportunity --> Fix America --> Spread the System --> Fix The World. FUEL THE ENGINE. FUEL IT!
6 replies
Durga (3609 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
Mafia 27: Welcome to Westworld
Game thread
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Durga (3609 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
Mafia 27: Welcome to Westworld
The brochure reads:

“Welcome to the amusement park of your dreams. This futuristic park will satisfy all your roleplaying fantasies of living in a Wild West town. While in Westworld, enjoy all the vices that you can not indulge in at home. The park is populated primarily by our well-designed androids who are indistinguishable from humans to ensure you a thrilling experience! Within the park environs are bandits, cowboys, lawmen, brothels, heroes, and almost anything a visitor’s heart desires. Our top of the line androids are programmed to do whatever the guests command, and are also unable to harm any human.”

And yet… something has begun to go wrong within the code of the androids. Is it a virus? Is someone tampering with the systems? It appears that some of the androids have been able to overcome their programming, which means there are now a number of independent androids who are able to think autonomously and harm the park visitors. While their motivation is not clear, the results are dead guests, destroyed uncontaminated androids, and perhaps the destruction and end of Westworld itself.

These rogue androids and whoever is working to help them must be discovered and stopped, before it is too late. Will victory be at the hands of the town, or will mafia reign above all?

Mafia is an educated guessing game of epic proportions, challenging you to put your Diplomacy skills to good use, as you become either 'Town' or 'Mafia', and analyze, argue, convince, and lead, or schmooze, lie, deceive, and hoodwink, to win with the power of your words.

The Town's objective in the game is to lynch all Mafia members before the Mafia outnumber the rest of the Town. The Town can vote to lynch one player in each Day phase. Remember that mafia members are also part of the Town during the day and may manipulate the lynch vote to their liking.

The Mafia's objective is to avoid being lynched in the Day phases and kill Town members during the Night phase so that the Mafia outnumbers and can thus take control of the Town. The Mafia can vote to kill one Town member in each Night phase.

1. The GM reserves the right to adjudicate individual scenarios that arise during the course of the game at her or his discretion. The GM will do what they feel is best to maintain the integrity of the game.
2. All players must vote at least once per game day.
3. All players must post at least two (2) times per game day.
4. All players are forbidden from posting screenshots of their role PMs or using any encryption tactics.
5. All players and spectators, including players who have been eliminated from the game, are forbidden from using non-sanctioned PMs to contact each other.
6. All players are forbidden from deleting previous posts they have made in the game thread.
7. All spectators, including players who have been eliminated from the game, are forbidden from posting in the game thread.
8. All players and spectators, including players who have been eliminated from the game, are forbidden from commenting on or referring to the game in other non-related threads.
9. All players are forbidden from cheating.
10. All players are required to play to their win condition.
11. All players are required to play within the spirit of the game.
12. All players are subject to the regular webDiplomacy rules and guidelines for forum use
13. All concede votes must be sent to the GM and must not be done on the game thread
14. Players may not +1 each others posts, +1ing the GMs is encouraged

Further clarification to the rules are provided below, as follows.


1. Given a lack of omniscience, the GM cannot create a rule to resolve all possible scenarios pre-emptively. To compensate for this, the GM is permitted to resolve a given scenario however they see fit, within the remit of the rules listed above, in the interest of all participants. The GM will resolve all scenarios as closely as possible to the intention of the rules, and will present an explanation regarding the adjudication to the greatest possible detail (which does not compromise anything in-game) and as closely in accordance with the written rules as possible. The GM also has the right to take actions that they feel will cause the least amount of imbalance in the game.

2. Voting is a basic requirement of play during the day phases of the game. To ensure that all players are meeting this basic requirement of gameplay, voting is prescribed within the rules. Players must have voted for another player in the game through the course of the day. Players can proceed to unvote if they wish. If you fail to do so, the GM will do their best to replace you out of the game as soon as possible and you will officially be modkilled and banned from the next game.

3. A minimum posting limit of two required substantial posts has been set to maintain gameplay. While inactivity (referred to as 'lurking') is, on some level, an important part of the game of Mafia, players who provide continuously provide no contact or interaction in the game (in essence, not playing) serve only to reduce the degree of enjoyment and increase the degree of frustration of the other players in the game. Signing up for this game is an expression of commitment to taking it seriously – do not sign up if you believe you will not be able to spend any time on it. If you fail to do so, the GM will do their best to replace you out of the game as soon as possible and you will officially be modkilled and banned from the next game.

4. All role PMs have been posted in the setup information below, and all players (regardless of alignment) will receive the description of the vanilla town role within the complete text of their role PM. The point of this rule is to forbid "gaming" the role PMs to determine alignments; after all, the fun of this game is reading people, not outguessing the GM.

Encryption is defined as posting an encoded message on public channels that an average person would require outside tools to decode. It is perfectly acceptable to leave "hidden messages" in your posts (for example, spelling out "I AM THE COP" with the first letters of every sentence), but as a rule of thumb, if you don't think the average webDip user could decode it without a decryption service, don't post it.

5. All in-game communications should be kept within the thread. The mafia will receive a QuickTopic thread for communicating with one another outside of the game thread during Night phases; aside from this, there should be no other forms of private messaging.

6. This should not present a problem for Mafia games on WebDiplomacy, as site users are not currently able to edit or delete their own posts in any way; however, if you do in fact possess some means of deleting or editing your posts after you've submitted them, you are forbidden from doing so.

7. Spectators, including players who have been eliminated or removed from the game, are not playing the game and therefore should not be influencing the proceeding course of the game's development. As such, spectators are not allowed to post in the game thread, to avoid disturbing the progress of the game. Deadposting by players who have been eliminated from the game may be seen as irreverent but is against the rules to avoid any potential disturbance to the balance of the game. Deadposting may result in future suspension, at the discretion of the Council.

8. Spectators, including players who have been eliminated or removed from the game, are not permitted to comment on game-related activities in private messages or any form of comment threads. Special chat rooms will be opened for individuals who to play along with the game in an Observer chat, or discuss the game with full information in the God chat. All individuals are asked to use only these channels to discuss the game while it is still ongoing.

9. Incidents of potential cheating will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Any player caught cheating as per the GMs’ collective judgment will be removed from the current game as a bare minimum. The council may choose to enact more penalties, including exclusion from future participation.

10. This rule simply means that your actions should in some conceivable way advance your win condition as stated in your role PM. This rule is somewhat subjective, because the difference between a mistake and sabotage is sometimes hard to determine; the GM will exercise caution and restraint in observing this rule. This also means that if you need to leave the game for any reason, you should not simply drop out, but should message the GM first so the GM can determine the best course of action.

11. The “spirit of the game” is, again, a very subjective phrase, but it is fairly assumed that any participants in the game understand what goes against the true spirit of play. If your actions are deemed to harm the grander scope of mafia on webDiplomacy, the GMs may choose to penalize you at their discretion.

12. Under no circumstances are any webDiplomacy forum and site rules, both written and understood, to be broken during mafia games. Any player breaking forum or site rules of any kind will be promptly removed to the game and may be subject to other penalties at the moderators’ discretion. This includes the rules on no spamming, no public cheating accusations (this extends to mafia), answering all communication from the GM team. If you believe a player has broken site/game rules, contact the GMs, otherwise you will also be breaking site/game rules.

13. If someone wishes to concede defeat, they must PM the GM's, or post in their relevant QT thread for the GM's to check it over. Public concessions are not permitted.

14. You are not permitted to click the "+1" on any other player's in-game posts. Giving +1s to the GMs, by contrast, is actively encouraged.

The penalty for breaking one of the above rules is decided at the GM’s discretion, up to and including immediate removal from the game, sanctions from future games, and/or being sent to the salt mines. Removal and/or sanction are instruments of last resort and will be used only if absolutely necessary. Sanctions such as future bans will be determined by the Mafia Council after the game has concluded but if a player is modkilled they will be banned from one or more future games. A player removed from the game may or may not have their role revealed on removal, depending on the circumstances surrounding their removal.

There are three levels of voting within the game: collective voting to lynch players in Day phases, collective voting to end a Day or Night phase, and Mafia voting to kill town members in Night phases.

The first level of voting is for whom you intend to lynch. Notate this vote with a pair of octothorpes before your intended vote target. (e.g., ##VOTE Eden). In the event of a tie during a lynch vote, no one shall be lynched. PLEASE NOTE: If you do not use double octothorpes your vote will not be counted, for reasons of fairness but also because it is unlikely the GM will see your vote using the CTRL+F feature and this rule this prevents vote miscounts.

The second level of voting is whether or not to employ the hammer mechanic. By default, days are set to 48 hours long, and nights to 24 hours long; however, players may instead elect to end the day as soon as a majority is reached (called a “quick hammer” or simply “hammer”). Notate this vote with a pair of octothorpes before the word end. (EX: ##END) The game will switch to the hammer mechanic for the duration of that day once a majority of players choose to do so. If you are not able to vote before the hammer is dropped, you will not be penalized for failing to vote during that day.

The third level of voting refers to Mafia members choosing their NK (nightkill) targets during Night phases. The mafia members will use their separate QuickTopic thread to discuss this. Please make your votes in bold, like so: kill Eden (< b > kill Eden < / b >). Mafia NK will be decided by majority vote. In the event of a tie, the most recent vote will decide.


Spamming (defined as excessive content-free posting; or, excessive posting regarding subjects irrelevant to the game - “stupid pointless annoying messages”) is not allowed. The GMs will warn a player prior to taking further action but will also not hesitate to take action if deemed necessary. The in-game voting mechanic exists to curb any advantage that spamming as a tactic may confer; please reference the “VOTING” section above for more information. Suffice to say that spamming is not worth anyone’s time in this setup, and will be frowned upon, so while you may not necessarily be lynched or mod-killed for spamming, please refrain from doing so.


Players that have other participants on their mute list are asked to remove them for the duration of this game. Disputes stemming from outside of this game should not carry over into the gameplay. If they do, the GM reserves the right to address these issues and potentially remove or sanction players if it becomes a disruption. Players refusing to follow this rule will be removed. No players will be removed by request of another player (or players) without justification at the GMs’ discretion.


If a player is silenced on the forum by the moderator/admin team, an alternate will take their place for the duration of their silence. The silenced player will then have the option to take their position back over or leave it in the hands of the alternate. If no alternate is available, the player will be modkilled. As long as the silence does not stem from actions involving the mafia thread, there will be no in-game sanctions for a forum silence.


A player wishing to drop out may be replaced at the GM's discretion. You do not have a right to a substitute player, if you must leave the game you may be subject to an official modkill, thereby preventing you from partaking in the next game. Individuals wishing to serve as potential replacements must NOT join the out-of-game God QT. (Being in the Observer QT is acceptable). Replacement is guaranteed only with the consent of an alternate. Eliminated players may not become replacements.


This game’s Day phases will last 48 hours and Night phases will last 24 hours, unless cut short by in-game mechanics (e.g., hammer). Extensions may be granted at a moderator’s discretion, but don’t count on it. Phase shifts will be 6 pm EST / 10 pm UTC.


The moderator/GM team for this game is DemonOverlord and dargorygel. PM either of us with any questions or concerns and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. All night actions should be sent to both GMs.
dargorygel (2679 DMod(G))
06 Feb 17 UTC
Format Information
Role PM’s can be found here:

[21 Players]
16 Town
[14] VT
[1] Doctor
[1] Cop

5 Mafia
[3] Mafioso
[1] Godfather
[1] Hooker

Player list:
1. brainbomb
2. Ezio
3. Vash
4. peterlund
5. Hellenic Riot
6. Maniac
7. Chaqa
8. xorxes
9. Goldfinger0303
10. Balduran
11. civwarbuff
12. bo_sox48
13. jamiet99uk
14. MoscowFleet
15. rdrivera2005
16. zorclex
17. Captainmeme
18. snowy801
19. Tom Bombadil
20. Ikaneko
21. Floodgates

General Mafia Discussion: threadID=1126828
Mafia Game-Play Guide: threadID=1129840

Game starts at 6PM EST - Do not post here until we have opened the game
Durga (3609 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
##GM NOTE: we will be using peterlund's fantastic tool which can be accessed here -
dargorygel (2679 DMod(G))
06 Feb 17 UTC
DAY ONE HAS BEGUN... you may now post.
captainmeme (1652 DMod)
06 Feb 17 UTC
When do we start?
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
06 Feb 17 UTC
I am a hot dog bun.
brainbomb (290 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
Jamiet99uk (1290 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
bo_sox48 (5202 DMod(G))
06 Feb 17 UTC
##VOTE Hillary
Jamiet99uk (1290 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
Chaqa (3971 D(B))
06 Feb 17 UTC
When do role PMs go out
snowy801 (591 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
Hello! This is my first time playing forum mafia, and I do hope we'll have fun. I do have fairly extensive experience playing mafia, mostly f2f, so I can't say I have much experience making spreadsheet analyses of every vowel uttered by any given player, but I'll do my best.
Tom Bombadil (4023 D(G))
06 Feb 17 UTC
I expected something more melodic brain. I'm disappointed.
Ezio (1681 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
brainbomb (290 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
##Vote Snowy801 welcome to being bussed.
Jamiet99uk (1290 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
@Chaqa: They went out already. Check your spam folder.
Ezio (1681 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
oh wait. Chaqa's in the game. Fuck Chaqa. ##vote Chaqa... But I must also vote Maniac... Quantum vote. On both Chaqa and Maniac until EoD.
Balduran (119 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
@brainbomb Bussing, you say?
snowy801 (591 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
If I vote someone and vote someone else without unvoting first, which of my votes will be counted?

And does throwing a mini-lego truck at someone count as being bussed?
Jamiet99uk (1290 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
@snowy801: Your most recent valid vote is the one that counts.
captainmeme (1652 DMod)
06 Feb 17 UTC
@new players - welcome to day 1 of webdip mafia. I hope you enjoy.

(yes, it's always like this)
snowy801 (591 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
I see nothing out of the ordinary.
Jamiet99uk (1290 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
#VOTE CAPTAINMEME buddying the newbies like a pro scum
captainmeme (1652 DMod)
06 Feb 17 UTC
##vote Jamiet99uk - clearly a deliberate invalid vote, he must be trying to distance himself from his scumbuddy
snowy801 (591 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
Are you implying that you are that scum buddy, captainmeme?
captainmeme (1652 DMod)
06 Feb 17 UTC
Maniac (189 D(B))
06 Feb 17 UTC
Hey snowy will you be my best friend? Welcome to being budded. If you need to know anything just ask me I'm highly regarded around these parts.
Maniac (189 D(B))
06 Feb 17 UTC
##Call GM - can we have player list in alphabetical order please? This hurts my eyes.

##VoteMoscowSub for lurking
snowy801 (591 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
Feel free to tell me anything you'd like me to hear, and I will trust your words once a noose is tied around your neck.
Balduran (119 D)
06 Feb 17 UTC
I was sad that you guys weren't being all that helpful in the sign-up thread, but, even if just as a joke, the contents of the page have been fairly informative.

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3561 replies
OB_Gyn_Kenobi (888 D)
25 Feb 17 UTC
I muted your dumb thread
62 replies
orathaic (1009 D(B))
25 Feb 17 UTC
And how they affect our mental health...
44 replies
c0dyz (100 D)
01 Mar 17 UTC
American Game

2 day phases, Full press, low risk, High fun
8 replies
abgemacht (1076 D(G))
01 Mar 17 UTC
Salary Comparison
Curious if anyone knows better places than glassdoor and indeed to get realistic salary comparisons.
12 replies
DammmmDaniel (100 D)
28 Feb 17 UTC
Help With a Calculus Problem!!!!
Proving the derivative of secant inverse is what it is.... please send help
28 replies
Zollern (123 D)
01 Mar 17 UTC
how to find game
I thought I created a game, but I can't find it. Can you tell me how I can find it? Thanks.
2 replies
brainbomb (290 D)
27 Feb 17 UTC
Did Jesus have horns?
Some have described Jesus as a Satyr, a bard half goat man. Is it possible scholars were right-- jesus did in facr have cloven feet and happy antlers?
28 replies
kaner406 (356 D)
25 Feb 17 UTC
When did you realise that other people had a different point of view?
see below:
15 replies
WyattS14 (100 D(B))
24 Feb 17 UTC
Resolution discussion time!
Resolved: The United States ought to guarantee the right to housing.
86 replies
brainbomb (290 D)
24 Feb 17 UTC
ISIS defeated
Trump has defeated ISIS within 30 days as President as he promised. Were not sure how he did it. Were not sure how many nukes it took. Were not sure what the secret plan was. But I for one am glad ISIS is gone. Now we can move on to Anubis, Ra and Osiris. I never liked them either.
46 replies
Australia (109 DX)
20 Feb 17 UTC
Lets play a game
The first word is "The" add on to the sentence. You can only add one word per post and you can only post again if someone posts after you
81 replies
Technostar (251 D)
28 Feb 17 UTC
WW4 over on VDiplomacy
Over on this site's child site, VDiplomacy, we are currently setting up a 36-player game of the World War IV (v6.2) variant. As of writing, we need to fill 12 more slots in 2 days. If you are in the mood for a relatively-balanced massive game of Diplomacy, come on over!
0 replies
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