Finished: 08 PM Wed 30 Nov 16 UTC
Private Becker Kids In Rome
5 minutes /phase
Pot: 25 D - Autumn, 6, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, Public messaging only, Anonymous players, Sum-of-Squares Scoring
1 excused missed turn
Game won by Cade (100D)

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30 Nov 16 UTC Autumn, 3: Roma vae victis!
30 Nov 16 UTC Spring, 4: carthage hast thrown the game to rome
30 Nov 16 UTC Autumn, 4: hey rome you want to call a draw after this?
30 Nov 16 UTC Autumn, 4: i'll take that as a no...
30 Nov 16 UTC Spring, 5: Sorry just a lot of stuff to move, I think I can take the solo, so I'll try to.
30 Nov 16 UTC Spring, 5: if you take all of carthage you can
30 Nov 16 UTC Spring, 6: Lol thanks for fucking me carthage. I'll try and remember the lube next time
30 Nov 16 UTC Spring, 6: no carthage just handed the game to rome on a silver platter by not contesting him at all
30 Nov 16 UTC Spring, 6: Lol thanks for fucking me carthage. I'll try and remember the lube next time
30 Nov 16 UTC Spring, 6: GG!
30 Nov 16 UTC Spring, 6: Idk why that was resent
30 Nov 16 UTC Spring, 6: If you refresh it resends it, weird thing for a game about refreshing
30 Nov 16 UTC Spring, 6: yep. even though i can take back chersoneus makes no difference. GG rome.
30 Nov 16 UTC GG mate!
30 Nov 16 UTC unless by some weird cosmic coincidence he messes up his moves
30 Nov 16 UTC I am surprised by who people were. Damn. GG!
30 Nov 16 UTC GG! that must have been incredibly satisfying XD
30 Nov 16 UTC i don't suppose there's any chance of a rematch?
30 Nov 16 UTC Yeah, unfortunately Carthage obviously wasn't too great at the game, sorry about that. Doesn't feel like a super legit win. Thanks for playing mate
30 Nov 16 UTC Maybe sometime soon, I'll keep you in mind