Finished: 05 PM Thu 16 Jun 16 UTC
Global World
1 day /phase
Pot: 136 D - Autumn, 2013, Finished
World Diplomacy IX, Public messaging only, Anonymous players, Draw-Size Scoring
1 excused missed turn
Game drawn

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25 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [Pacific-Russia]:China, I'll take Japan and you Korea, DMZ at Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang?
25 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [Pacific-Russia]:And Sea of Japan?
25 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [Pacific-Russia]:Russia, I'd like West Siberia, and you have three builds without it.
25 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [India]:Greetings folks and good luck all around with your openings. India would like a peaceful border with Near-East -- the Afghans will benefit from being united with Pakistan under our rule and that leaves ample buffer between us.
25 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [Near-East]:Hi everyone! Russia, I'm planning on taking Armenia. Not saying you can't take Pac-Russia's offer, but 3 builds aren't a given without West Siberia.
25 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [Near-East]:India - I agree to those terms...I was actually going to suggest the same.
25 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [Near-East]:So long as you stay out of Arabian Sea.
25 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [Near-East]:Libya, what are your plans with the Egyptian fleet?
25 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [Libya]:Greetings all, and good luck!

Kenya, I plan to take Ethiopia and Chad in the first phase. There are plenty of centres to your south and west that can give you your opening builds without contesting Ethiopia. Would you agree?

Near East, my Egyptian fleet for now is a wild card. Im not sure if I should go to the Mediterranean, Red Sea or just to hold this first phase. I will see what Europe and Kenya have to say first before committing that force into play.
25 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [China]:Pacific russia, I agree to your proposal.
25 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [Near-East]:Libya - as long as it doesn't go to Saudi Arabia, I'm happy :)
25 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [Russia]:I agree to your proposal Pacific Russia
25 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [Brazil]:Sup Argentina should we kill each other or nah?
25 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [Argentina]:Not yet.
25 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [Brazil]:smart
26 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [Kenya]:Hi Libya. I will happily agree to leave Ethiopia and Chad to you with assurances that we will remain friends for the foreseeable future.
26 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [Libya]:Kenya, I agree with you on this. The assurance you ask for is given freely.
26 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [Ghana]:Hi Libya, you agree with me taking Algeria and Morocco, so that we have a stronghold against Europe?
26 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [Libya]:Ghana, I can agree to that, so long as you DMZ Ngr.
26 Apr 16 UTC Spring, 2000: [Ghana]:No problem, will do so.
