Finished: 06 PM Sun 22 Mar 15 UTC
Dawn of Civilization
1 day /phase
Pot: 54 D - Autumn, 7, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, Draw-Size Scoring
1 excused missed turn
Game won by stabene (114D)

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09 Mar 15 UTC Autumn, 4: So the previous version of me got tossed from administering Carthage... I joined and got ultimatum-ed by Egypt (and at the time, had little means to push back), and now he's gone... this game seems a bit off the rails for now-dominant Rome, in that one early Carthage's coup allowed Rome to gain centers with out resistance and with restored, neutered Carthage now adjacent to the Coup in Egypt, Rome benefits further (and far more so than Persia). Thus the votes I am casting now.
20 Mar 15 UTC Spring, 7: Penis
23 Mar 15 UTC Anus lol
23 Mar 15 UTC I wish to formally proclaim myself-
His Imperial Majesty; Samwell the first of his name, Emperor of the Byzantine empire, High king of Greece, King of Macedon, King of Sparta, Dictator of Athens, King of Damascus, Prince of Antioch, Shah of the East, Lord of the Caucasus and Conqueror of Persia.
23 Mar 15 UTC I wish to formally proclaim myself-
His Imperial Majesty; Wyman the first of his name, Emperor of the Byzantine empire, High king of Greece, King of Macedon, King of Sparta, Dictator of Athens, King of Damascus, Prince of Antioch, Shah of the East, Lord of the Caucasus and Conqueror of Persia.
23 Mar 15 UTC HAHA
23 Mar 15 UTC Excellent game Rome! and well done to Persia for surviving
23 Mar 15 UTC I look forward to meeting/facing you all again real soon :)
23 Mar 15 UTC Funny Rome but we almost succeeded in making the Roman Empire (West and East). Viva Greco-Roman culture and rule.

Cicero and Aristole for all
23 Mar 15 UTC Oh and I'm also King of Crete hehe :P