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Re: Coronavirus

#201 Post by Randomizer » Tue Apr 07, 2020 11:44 pm

orathaic wrote:
Tue Apr 07, 2020 10:00 pm
Trump owns shares in a company which produces Chloroquine? Who can find proof? ... 39176.html

"As of last year, Mr. Trump reported that his three family trusts each had investments in a Dodge & Cox mutual fund, whose largest holding was in Sanofi," The Times wrote. Sanofi is a French drugmaker that produces hydroxychloroquine pills under the brand name Plaquenil.

Trump has a small interest and his friends have much larger interests in manufactures. Trump never let the risk to human life stop him from making money. Trump fought to prevent fire safety code upgrades in his New York City buildings and it has resulted in deaths and injuries from no extinguisher systems and alarms.

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Re: Coronavirus

#202 Post by orathaic » Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:54 am

@randomizer I saw some of that, seems like he had small amount of money in Sanofi (100-1500$), as of last year's disclosure, but I suspect he spent Jan/Feb downplaying the virus mostly so his advisors could sell stocks and reinvest in companies like Sanofi.

I also now suspect his behaviour is entirely political (cause he makes so much money from being president (like secret service staying in his private hotels, paying tax payers money into his businesses). I'm subscribing to the theory that he just wants to spin this to help him win the election, and nothing else matters.

That would explain why he downplayed it, to prevent 'the economic downturn' being used by Democrats in the election campaign, and now his 'cure' is really just so he can say he did something /is doing something which (he will later claim to voters) saved millions of lives.

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Re: Coronavirus

#203 Post by Randomizer » Wed Apr 08, 2020 4:28 pm

Trump is using FEMA to seize state and local ordered medical supplies. ... 17908.html

This allows the Republican Death Panels to determine where people can live or die due to shortages of supplies deemed critical to prevent and/or treat the coronavirus. If you are in an area that doesn't support Trump, then prepare to die in the US. States can't even find someone who will tell them how to regain their shipments or get new supplies.

Back during the Obama years, the Republicans falsely accused Democrats of creating death panels to determine who got medical care. But the sad and fatal truth is Trump has actually done it with Pence and Kushner heading two of these groups.

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Re: Coronavirus

#204 Post by abgemacht » Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:05 pm

Randomizer wrote:
Wed Apr 08, 2020 4:28 pm
Back during the Obama years, the Republicans falsely accused Democrats of creating death panels to determine who got medical care. But the sad and fatal truth is Trump has actually done it with Pence and Kushner heading two of these groups.
It's pretty well established that if you want to know what terrible things a Republican is doing, just listen to what they baselessly accuse the Democrats of. The amount of projection is astounding.

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Re: Coronavirus

#205 Post by flash2015 » Fri Apr 10, 2020 5:48 am

If anyone is interested here is a very, very detailed video on hydroxycloroquine and how **in theory** it could work (in theory it could help with inflammation...or in theory it potentially it could inhibit virus reproduction in the cell)...along with how a proper clinical trial could be designed:

But then he explains the French study and how it was horribly designed and horribly biased. For example of 6 people that started the trial but could not complete, 1 died and three went into icu. These were not counted in the results. Oops...

Also we risk people dying especially if hydroxycloroquine + azithromycin are given together and especially if given outside a hospital setting.

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Re: Coronavirus

#206 Post by flash2015 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 4:28 pm

In browsing through youtube and from friend feeds I find the wackiest of conspiracy theories, from the claim that really the hospitals are all empty to this is all a secret attempt to implement martial law and create a world government.

just watched a short from Crowder with a new conspiracy theory, that COVID-19 deaths are really flu deaths...of course implying that we are been locked down for nefarious reasons:

He uses the fact that flu cases have fallen off a cliff recently as proof of his point. Apparently it is leftist activists in hospitals faking the case and death numbers to make Trump look bad.

Hmmm (fake stroking the chin like Crowder likes to do). Ignoring as well that we are coming to the tail end of the flu season anyway (deaths spike most in January/February), I wonder if there is anything ELSE we may have done in the last few weeks that may have made flu cases drop precipitously? I don't know if he is a complete and utter moron...or this is just for show and he his giving his viewers what they want to hear (i.e. nonsense conspiracy theories). Probably a bit of both.

We can say mainstream media is bad, but can anyone seriously say that this bad faith reporting is better?

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Re: Coronavirus

#207 Post by Randomizer » Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:17 pm

Fox is already facing a lawsuit over its coverage and that it contributed to public health and safety problems: ... s-lawsuits

This maybe an interesting trend where the courts may decide when opinions and providing false information as news becomes illegal and not protected speech.

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Re: Coronavirus

#208 Post by orathaic » Sun Apr 12, 2020 4:22 pm ... &source=48

Or apparently the Whales will save us!

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Re: Coronavirus

#209 Post by Randomizer » Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:42 am ... 00695.html

Trump's more concerned air time and ratings than helping fight the coronavirus. He keeps touting the high ratings for his daily TV appearances as if that's the most important part of the campaign instead of making sure supplies go where they are needed.

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Re: Coronavirus

#210 Post by Randomizer » Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:51 pm ... 31814.html

Trump's been listening to Putin and other dictators when he crowned himself with the divine rights of kings. However he still won't take the responsibility or blame for what he did wrong.

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Re: Coronavirus

#211 Post by Octavious » Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:48 am

Does anyone else find it odd that when US Premiers are perceived to be taking too much power their critics tut and talk of them acting like kings, but when UK Premiers are perceived to be doing the same their critics tut and talk of them being too presidential?

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Re: Coronavirus

#212 Post by alexintour » Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:38 am

Randomizer wrote:
Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:51 pm
Putin and other dictators
The fact that you might not like him, does not make Putin a dictator.
Just accept that russians can have a different opinion than you. :-D

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Re: Coronavirus

#213 Post by orathaic » Wed Apr 15, 2020 6:17 pm

alexintour wrote:
Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:38 am
Randomizer wrote:
Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:51 pm
Putin and other dictators
The fact that you might not like him, does not make Putin a dictator.
Just accept that russians can have a different opinion than you. :-D
You seem to be assuming that rando has accurate information about Putin, rather than the more common Western propoganda.

Not that the President/Prime minister Putin maintaining his grip on power for as long as he can seem particularly democratic... But when that is your only data point it is hard to see anything else.

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Re: Coronavirus

#214 Post by Randomizer » Wed Apr 15, 2020 7:36 pm

It's more that Putin had laws rewritten to remove the term limits that would end his reign. Although he hasn't declared himself "President for Life" like Ugandan leader Idi Amin or eliminated further elections after he came to power.

I was reading recently Walt Kelly's Pogo on the more efficient Soviet election system with only one candidate and voting to show how many want him. Trump had the Republicans adopt it for most of their primaries.

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Re: Coronavirus

#215 Post by taylor4 » Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:06 pm

Putin rules; the UK monarch reigns.
The US president asserts executive powers not granted explicitly in the US Constitution from time to time; Theodore Roosevelt pushed further along thses lines than his several Republican predecessors.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Democrat and T.R.'s cousin 5X removed and nephew as in-law -, FDR in the preTweetin' era thundered that he would increase the numbers of the highest judicial branch, the Supreme Court, which had struck down the National Recovery Act (NRA). NRA and other legislation was in response to the global Great Depression of 1929-on.
The "King Franklin I" view also enjoys Eleanor Roosevelt's rebuke of husband Franklin that he might help launch a war somewhat as T.R. mainly did on assuming his appointed post as Deputy and assistant to the then-Cabinet level Secretary of the Navy.

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Re: Coronavirus

#216 Post by peterlund » Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:28 pm

alexintour wrote:
Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:38 am
Randomizer wrote:
Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:51 pm
Putin and other dictators
The fact that you might not like him, does not make Putin a dictator.
Just accept that russians can have a different opinion than you. :-D
That is just pure bullshit!

No free press.
No free elections.
Murder of Boris Nemtsov.
Murder of Magnitsky.
Murder of countless other oppositional people.
Widespread state corruption by Putin and his criminal gang.
Constitutional coup "resetting time".
Military aggression towards several neighbouring countries.
Messing up other countries democratic elections.

What a silly Putin troll you are...

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Re: Coronavirus

#217 Post by alexintour » Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:09 am

LOL tell me about the submarines ))
You are right. I'm gaining money every post I write, so thank you for answering me the most common propaganda about Russia.
And thanks for the silly troll.
Anyway did not wanted to go offtopic and hear the same old western mainstrem stuff. Just wanted to point out that there is no official dispute over the elections in Russia, and the observators access to the polls is better than in the US. So some guy telling Putin is a dictator is like someone playing for Russia and pretending Bulgaria the first year.

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Re: Coronavirus

#218 Post by Octavious » Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:08 am

Putin seems to be genuinely very popular with the Russian people. As much as I am not a fan of him or his methods, I don't think he qualifies as a dictator. Whether or not the Russians want term limits is entirely down to them. As for press freedoms and the like, yes it's a concern. Not a dictatorship though. Interfering with other nations democratic processes is something that most nations with influence do.

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Re: Coronavirus

#219 Post by kaner406 » Thu Apr 16, 2020 10:53 am

27938 reported cases of coronavirus in Russia.

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Re: Coronavirus

#220 Post by orathaic » Thu Apr 16, 2020 11:23 am

Octavious wrote:
Thu Apr 16, 2020 8:08 am
Putin seems to be genuinely very popular with the Russian people. As much as I am not a fan of him or his methods, I don't think he qualifies as a dictator. Whether or not the Russians want term limits is entirely down to them. As for press freedoms and the like, yes it's a concern. Not a dictatorship though. Interfering with other nations democratic processes is something that most nations with influence do.
Interfering with other people's elections and changing their regimes when that doesn't suit them. How very American of Putin.

Almost like South America, Cuba, Iraq, and Afghanistan don't exist (never mind South Korea, or the failed attempt to change regime in Vietnam).

Yeah, I don' t have to like Putin, or his foreign policy, but it pales in comparison to what the US has done to the world for longer than Putin has been in office.

The difference? The US has strong public institutions (which Trump happens to be eroding) so even as leaders and the party in power changes, long term foreign policy goals have continued for decades with little change.

When Putin dies, he has not built up institutions in Russia, there is no opposition within or outside his party. The economy depends on oil and gas export, and the regional governments are paid off to keep their local population's in line with the profits. Putin's Russia is strong, for as long as Putin remains alive and healthy, and global Oil prices remain above about 60 USD per barrel.

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