WebDip Story Compilation

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Re: WebDip Story Compilation

#21 Post by yavuzovic » Mon Feb 26, 2018 11:45 am

But there was not the owner of coffee shop. There was the tax officer.
"You didn't pay your taxes yet, I'm sorry but you should come with us to police station. Don't force us to do this on tough way."
Bryce noticed the two policeman behind of the tax officer.
"Let me wear my coat." said Bryce.
And entered inside.
But Bryce was planning another action.

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Re: WebDip Story Compilation

#22 Post by thamrick » Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:56 pm

Bryce slid his jacket on slowly as the policemen flanked the tax officer. They both had standard issue Glock 22's strapped in their belts. The one on the left had a billy club in his hand and looked like he was ready to use it at a moment's notice. The one on the right scanned the room.

Bryce took the three deepest breaths he had ever taken, clearing his mind for what was to come. Suddenly, just like that, he saw clearly. He remembered the jiu jitsu training he had taken as a teen. He felt the bulge of the smokescreen bomb in his inner jacket pocket on his left breast. He felt his muscles tense up then relax, knowing they would perform exactly as he needed.

Bryce dropped to one knee and swept the officer on the left's leg. As he did, his right hand plunged for the smokebomb. A thick cloud of black enveloped the room. But Bryce was ready. His other senses filled in the gaps that his lack of sight left.

"Hnugh" gasped the second officer as Bryce's elbow connected with the officer's gut. Bryce quickly followed by rapping his knuckles into the officer's face, knocking him out cold. Bryce pounced before the first officer could recover, trapping him in a leg lock and driving his flattened palm into the officer's chin.

"Very good Bryce." The tax officer said, holding a 9mm pistol Bryce hadn't seen before. "You've done well to learn to control the simulation so quickly, but not well enough."

A flash of white burst in front of Bryce's eyes. The room quickly went black. Bryce jolted upright. His head was pounding, heart racing, but he was very much still alive. He scanned the room. The dimly lit room was foreign to him. No gun. No tax officer. No couches.

He heard muffled voices in the background behind him.

"He's progressing much more rapidly than expected." said a high-pitched, anxious voice.

"No. It's fine. We'll break his spirit in time. Run it again." said a deeper, commanding voice.

Something else mumbled that Bryce couldn't quite make out. He tried to stand, but as he did he noticed the sensation in his legs ease away. The edges of the room blurred and the thoughts that swirled in his mind slowly flit away.

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Re: WebDip Story Compilation

#23 Post by yavuzovic » Wed Feb 28, 2018 8:35 pm

When the door was knocked third time, Bryce intended to broke the chain once again. He placed the couch next to the door, this would prevent them for longer time. He went to kitchen and opened the window. There was nobody under the window so he could go away without being seen.

He went to the town. It was 64° Celsius outside, as he remembered. Nobody was walking on the street except for him.
"People know where to stay at this hot." he murmured. But after that,
"They are not people, they are codes." he reminded himself.
While thinking these, he had arrived to "Face Shaper's house". He was an old plastic surgeon.

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