Age of Exploration Simulator

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#21 Post by brainbomb » Wed Mar 27, 2019 5:56 pm

Mme. Peignoir wrote:
Wed Mar 27, 2019 3:31 pm
If no one else is picking first I suppose I might as well.

1. Peignoir
2. ike
3. squiggs
4. thammykins

Royalty - Astronomer: Adrienne Augustus

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#22 Post by reedeer1 » Thu Mar 28, 2019 2:25 am

1. Peignoir
2. ike
3. squiggs
4. thammykins
5. Reedeer1

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#23 Post by dargorygel » Thu Mar 28, 2019 2:31 am

I've been backstage on a number of these...and wouldn't mind being IN one.
1. Peignoir
2. ike
3. squiggs
4. thammykins
5. Reedeer1
6. dargo

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#24 Post by dargorygel » Thu Mar 28, 2019 2:53 am

(merc soldier)

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#25 Post by brainbomb » Thu Mar 28, 2019 2:54 am

Notice of Contract with Pike Bay Trade Company

This letter is a notice of partnership between her Majesty Queen Regina and the Pike Bay Trade Company. Our partnership includes full military, economic and cultural cooperation. The scope of military protection includes that the Queen pledges the safety of all materials aboard all vessels, and military protection by the Queens men on the way too, and at our future colonial destination. This contract will last for 2 years and will expire naturally at such a time.
In exchange for protection and transport, the Trade Company pledges a 60% share to her majesty of any luxuries, gold, silver or beneficial commodity to the kingdom. All other shares (40%) Will be considered property of the Trade Company.
Members of the company will be provided for fully, given residency, quarter and pay no taxes during their time. Fur trappers will be given compensation for their work. The Trade Company agrees to the terms contained herein and asks no additonal perks or benefits.

Finally, culturally, members of the Trade Company must follow local laws and observe any mandatory religious doctrines set forth by the Holy Church of Hollish.

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#26 Post by dargorygel » Thu Mar 28, 2019 2:59 am

(If I only partially participate in the church of Hollish... does that make me halfish?)

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#27 Post by brainbomb » Thu Mar 28, 2019 4:33 am

Loper Taggart: Ive been with Pike Bay for 26 years. Ill be 58 next month. Ive seen my share of adventure. My hope is that this will be my last mission, for my sake and of course for my wife Tawny. Our children are all grown up now and have families of their own.
These scars are from bear attacks, coyotes, and barracudas. So yea, ive for sure seen my share of snarling beasts. The greatest moment of my life up to this point was getting to hold my grandson and seeing his tiny little hands and his big happy face.
I wanna come home in one peice and retire peacefully. War is awful and as long as the Pike Bay Company is part of your colony I swear I will do everything I can to keep us from any kinds of problems. Ive fought in a few ugly trade wars and I can tell you that negotiation is a pivotal aspect of survival out there.
When it comes to treacherous Pirates there isnt much room to negotiate. Pirates fear Commander Haymarket because hes an ask questions later type. He doesnt tolerate Piracy of any kind. If you decide to get yourself into any mischeif be very careful how deep you get and be sure you never cross Haymarket.

A few of his rules that you should be aware of while on his ships.
1. No drinking. Haymarket will warn you once after that its gallows or worse.
2. No cursing. for whatever reason the old goat has zero tolerance for foul language.
3. No same sex relations
4. No women will be on deck at any time
5. When at the colony, a strict observance of Hollish customs must be followed, including daily prayers and no business or policy discussions on every 4th day of the week. (There will be no policy discussions on Saturdays during the day.)

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#28 Post by brainbomb » Thu Mar 28, 2019 8:24 am

How the Game works is going to be simplified. In the past one issue with the simulators has been that one player ends up doing all the allocations and eventually the game becomes dependent on that person to make all the decisions.

Commander Haymarket: Everyone remove your hats.

By the Queens Grace we are summoned to complete this mission for the advancement of the Kingdom of Hollish. We are a seafaring people, and now we will be discoverers. We will not stop merely at this colony. We will advance her majesty's fleet, and her status worldwide.

In this colony the Queen's Royal Engineers will take care of building. You Councillors will not build the colony. Your responsibilities as a council will include how to keep people happy, maintain the health of citizens, and how well you keep the colony safe from military threats. For the Military part, you can count on my leadership to keep us safe from new fangled boogeyman ideologies, savages, satanic mischief, and all other forms of societal degeneracy.

If you ask me to keep the peace, there will not be any bloodshed. If you ask me to attack our enemies, I will do so. My Authority will never supersede yours. But I do ask that you uphold the things we hold dear. I ask that we keep the women and children safe and below deck not out of some sick misogyny. But for the sake of appearances to potential Piracy. You have not seen what I have seen.

While touring the coastlines of our eastern spice islands I observed the Pirate lord Maddox burning villages. He took people as slaves, and he put many good men of her Queens navy to the sword. This Maddox was never found. For those of you thinking this must be some tale of decades ago I assure you it wasn't. I was a boy of 18, just a private then. I can still see the people running in my dreams.

Our Caravels will handle the harshest of seas, and they are ready for their maiden voyage.

When we eventually land and settle, its important to note you wont have to allocate any construction, or research.
You may request things each phase from the Engineers, and the Queens Research or opt to micromanage them if need be, and tell them what specific needs you have. I can pledge to you that the Queen has given you some of her best advisors by hiring the Pike Bay Trade Company. These men are survivors, and they will make life easier. Having the Engineers will help tremendously.

The only Diagnostics you need to monitor are:
Morale (Keep the people happy, healthy, fed, productive and safe)
Health (100% is a colony that is growing and has great quality of life)
Crown Support (100% is a colony that the Queen believes in)
Food (100% is a colony that can support up to 500 people)
Education (100% is a colony where you have high literacy, and extremely intelligent citizens)

Also missing from this list is Science:
(Research aid may be given to the crown and it is possible you can steal technology, or develop your own. but you will be provided any Scientific Advancements the Queen has, and any benefits the Pike Bay trade Company has. Developing science at the colony is optional and can influence crown support)

Each phase you will meet with the other players and discuss ways to affect these metrics. Feel free to ask questions. Welcome to the Council. As part of this maiden voyage these are our ships, mine is Market Garden. The Pike Bay Traders vessel is aptly called Pike. And your ship which will carry our colonists, and the Royal Engineers, you may name as you see fit.

In fact, thats your first task. Name this ship.

Now, you people standing around, get to work.

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#29 Post by dargorygel » Thu Mar 28, 2019 12:11 pm

My name is Jayne. At least one song has been written about my exploits. I have been a mercenary by circumstances, by skills, and by choice. I have found that there is very little mystery in life. Things are what they are. I do what I am contracted to do, and where lack of restrictions allow, what I want to do.
Since no one else is suggesting any sweet flowery names for our ship (a fact in which I rejoice…) I suggest the name, “Ship.”

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#30 Post by reedeer1 » Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:37 pm

( I say we take all 6 as gold.... cant go wrong right?... )

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#31 Post by Mme. Peignoir » Thu Mar 28, 2019 2:25 pm

Adrienne Augustus:It is uncertain whether or not there will even be anyone to trade with where we end up, much less if they will value gold as much as we do. It would be foolish to fill the ships with something that might be no more than ballast.
I say we carry a combination of seeds, dried meat, oxen, weapons, gunpowder and of course, gold.
As for the name of the ship, why not name it after our patron, Her Majesty the Queen? ‘The Queen Regina’ would be a mighty fine ship on which to start our domination of the seas.

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#32 Post by reedeer1 » Thu Mar 28, 2019 2:53 pm

( this is ooc, but arn't we being sponsored by a trading company who is there? so we will be sure to have people to trade with? Also there might be indigenous people there, so bringing some gold would not be a bad idea.

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#33 Post by reedeer1 » Thu Mar 28, 2019 4:18 pm

I say we take these as provisions:

Rabbits - Breed like, well rabbits. good source of food and can be used as furs and some breeds shed and their fur can be used to knit and create clothing.
Oxen - Strong working beasts. Give us the ability to farm fields more efficiently and maybe we can milk them? At least we know we can breed them and eat them if we need to.
Weapons - Protection, hunting, useful for trade.
Gunpowder - makes the weapons useful... also can be used in conjunction to mining if need be.
Iron - can be used to make what we need. Iron is found all over the world in different forms, but that would require us to create a forge and to be able to smelt the ore, which could take us a while to do, so for the early days having some around would be nice.
Gold - Trading. Also looks pretty. maybe we could make a crown for the best hunter in the town... who knows...

Flour - is nice for a while, then runs out
Seeds - shoot I forgot about these. we might have to not bring iron or gold in return for bringing these.
Deer - hopefully they will be wild where we are going so I can just hunt for them.
Dried Meats - nice, but again, will run out. I can make some of these once I start hunting.
Dyes - nice, but a luxury for sure. maybe we can find some wild dyes and use them later, but for now we don't need these.
Wool - sheep would be better, but we can use furs to make cloth, and these will run out where furs will not.
Wood - lets hope theres wood where we're going. it would be hard to build without this
Salt - this might be important to bring, but since we are sailing on the sea, we should be able to make some by drying salt water as long as we settle near the sea.
Spice - is nice, but not necessary. Might be able to find some native spices.
Silver - pretty, but not as pretty or valuable as gold.
Stone - hopefully we can mine some when we get there, most places have stone where they are.

if anyone else has any input to give, please.

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#34 Post by dargorygel » Thu Mar 28, 2019 4:57 pm

While I am personally armed... very effectively... we should bring arms for the rest of you...

And regarding the name of our vessel... I don't mind honoring Her Majesty. But it is more straightforward to call our vessel what it is. It's a ship.

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#35 Post by dargorygel » Thu Mar 28, 2019 4:58 pm

I also usually name my dogs, "Dog."
IF I had a cat I would name it, "Cat."

I renamed my wife, "Woman." With "Wife" as a nickname. Till she left me.

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#36 Post by reedeer1 » Thu Mar 28, 2019 7:12 pm


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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#37 Post by brainbomb » Thu Mar 28, 2019 8:33 pm

Henry the one legged boy: Sirs, welcome to your ship. Ive hobbled up and down, too and fro, into every corner of this fine ship. there are councillors quarters for each of you and two spare rooms. The crew sleeps in bunks or on deck in hammocks. we have 2 escape boats, and of course 2 cannons.
I lost my leg when I got tangled up in the crows nest on one if our older, clunkier inferior sea vessels. rest assured I may be young but I know how to sail. oh yea you betcha.

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#38 Post by brainbomb » Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:54 pm

here is our discord for this game. Most of the game will be played on forum but for combat, and roleplaying you may also use the discord.

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#39 Post by brainbomb » Fri Mar 29, 2019 12:08 am

dargorygel wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2019 2:31 am
I've been backstage on a number of these...and wouldn't mind being IN one.
1. Peignoir
2. ike
3. squiggs
4. thammykins
5. Reedeer1
6. dargo
7. mez

We have a player on discord who will be on discord only. hes our aristocrat and builder. I will coordinate with him. hes my best friend IRL so he wont be involved in voting but will serve as a extra character for the live action parts when applicable.

Also our phase shifts will always be on mondays at 3pm CDT. every 7 days is a new phase with a new crisis or situation. This will give you more time to have your propsals done.

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Re: Age of Exploration Simulator

#40 Post by dargorygel » Fri Mar 29, 2019 12:46 am

brainbomb wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2019 8:33 pm
Henry the one legged boy: Sirs, welcome to your ship. Ive hobbled up and down, too and fro, into every corner of this fine ship. there are councillors quarters for each of you and two spare rooms. The crew sleeps in bunks or on deck in hammocks. we have 2 escape boats, and of course 2 cannons.
I lost my leg when I got tangled up in the crows nest on one if our older, clunkier inferior sea vessels. rest assured I may be young but I know how to sail. oh yea you betcha.
And he's from Minnesota

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