Don't worry; false accusations will be found to be false, and false accusations will decrease your suspiciousness as you've already been investigated to an extent. The person putting in false accusations will have those false accusations marked against them so that future accusations from them will have less of a weighting.
It's still a work in progress re: integrating it all, but the data being collected now will is being used to build it up, so even if we don't get to a suspicion in time the data is valuable.
The nicest thing for me is that unlike the previous inbox based system there won't be any lengthy history lookup involved, it's all in the system and can be merged with other cheater detection methods, can be built into the game options, and also allows people who are friends outside the site to play legitimately without being flagged as cheaters.
There was plenty of skepticism and there's still a way to go to make use of the data being collected, but I'm more confident that ever that the judging and matching optimiser will make multi/meta/relationship/suspicion management a lot quicker and fairer.