Interesting Gunboat Game

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Interesting Gunboat Game

#1 Post by sweetandcool » Thu Apr 13, 2023 6:59 am

A very interesting Gunboat game just concluded where I played as Russia. I wanted to discuss some points where I could have possibly improved my play. I also wanted to share this game because there is an incredibly interesting moment where Russia abandons STP for a Blitzkrieg westwards towards Germany.

Here is the game:

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Re: Interesting Gunboat Game

#2 Post by sweetandcool » Thu Apr 13, 2023 7:09 am

First moment of interest:

Winter 1902: Austria opened extremely poorly and as a result Russia and Turkey are doing extremely well. Turkey builds an army in SMY, which Russia (correctly) reads as a prelude to SMY-ARM in order to assault SEV.

Spring 1903: Because Russia read Turkey correctly, they played WAR-UKR. Even with this defensive move, it seems that Turkey can force Russia into a worse position, eventually leading to the loss of RUM and/or SEV.

Winter 1903: Turkey could have worsened Russia's position by playing:

ARM-SEV, SER-RUM (supported by BLA and BUL).

Russia's only defense is to play BUD-SER. Consequently Russia and Turkey will have swapped RUM and SER, but it looks like Turkey can leverage that to take SEV, and eventually push Russia out of SER since Russia has no units to help defend SER.


First question: If Austria plays poorly, and Italy puts no pressure on Turkey, is it practically impossible for Russia to defend against an invasion from Turkey if Turkey controls BLA and has an army on ARM?

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Re: Interesting Gunboat Game

#3 Post by sweetandcool » Thu Apr 13, 2023 7:31 am

Interesting moment number 2:

Winter 1904:

Russia has managed to keep outguessing Turkey in the south. However, a new Austria joined the game and started playing reasonably. Austria reclaimed BUD. Russia now has to worry about the consequences if Austria decides to work with Turkey to push Russia back further.

In the north, Russia has managed to take EDI and LVP from England, and decided to weakly backstab Germany by taking DEN from them. After building, Russia has units in: MOS, WAR, UKR, GAL, RUM, SEV.

Because Russia attacked Germany, they anticipate Germany hitting them hard in England and Scandinavia. Russia doesn't need to worry much about their home SC because Germany's armies are firmly west towards France.

Despite all of Russia's armies, Russia can see that they can't hold RUM if Austria interferes at all. Unfortunately, the only real improving move involves Austria playing VIE-GAL, dooming RUM.

Consequently, Russia decides that it is impractical to tie almost all of their armies to a failing defense.


Spring 1905:

Russia plays WAR-PRU, GAL-SIL, and UKR-GAL (silly mistake to not play UKR-WAR, since I had predicted Austria's supported VIE-GAL).

Russia also supports EDI-YOR. Why Russia did that is an exercise for the reader.

Suddenly, Germany is in big trouble. MUN is falling by force, and BER is almost falling by force, but depending on movesets Germany can either trade BER for DEN or they can bounce Russia out of BER.

QUESTION: Would Russia's maneuver of WAR-PRU and GAL-SIL caught you off-guard, or would you have seen the danger?

I think getting caught off guard is understandable, because it's shocking to see Russia totally abandon their southern SC. However, Russia had just taken DEN from Germany, so Germany probably should have been a bit more cautious and started moving units East in order to defend.

Autumn 1905:

Russia could have guaranteed the defense of SEV by supporting it with MOS, but instead chose MOS-WAR in conjunction with supporting GAL-RUM with UKR and SEV.

So Russia chose to send a message to Austria while defending WAR (and getting a third unit into the westward advance against Germany). Consequently, they lost SEV.

Do you think this was a mistake? Russia manages to later get 17 supply centers. If Russia had held onto SEV then they could have won.

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Re: Interesting Gunboat Game

#4 Post by sweetandcool » Thu Apr 13, 2023 7:37 am

I'm happy to discuss any part of the game, but those were the two moments I found interesting.

I think Russia was incredibly lucky that beginning Austria and Germany played very poorly. I think Russia was incredibly unlucky that 2nd Austria never was able to capitalize on Russia's signals and that that Italy never attempted to put any pressure on Turkey whatsoever.

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Re: Interesting Gunboat Game

#5 Post by sweetandcool » Fri May 12, 2023 3:35 am

katyswift468 wrote:
Fri May 12, 2023 3:11 am
The classic action sim Gunboat lets you fight from all perspectives of your boat's four-man crew in over 20 missions across 3 sweltering combat zones.
Mapquest Directions
Tell me, oh wise bot, how would you play Gunboat Diplomacy as Russia?

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Re: Interesting Gunboat Game

#6 Post by Prome1976 » Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:12 am

ThisGeometry Dash World game is really cool. Thanks for sharing it.

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Re: Interesting Gunboat Game

#7 Post by recallapplaud » Thu Sep 07, 2023 3:04 am

I can use the arrows to "aim", but I have pushed every button and can not shoot. No manual, so no clue as to what to do.dinosaur game I can change volume, I can change detail, I can get to some status report, (But then I can not get back to the game...) How the hell do you shoot? The controls, as most of these old games, is a joke.

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Re: Interesting Gunboat Game

#8 Post by Jamiet99uk » Tue Sep 12, 2023 6:54 pm

recallapplaud wrote:
Thu Sep 07, 2023 3:04 am
I can use the arrows to "aim", but I have pushed every button and can not shoot. No manual, so no clue as to what to do.dinosaur game I can change volume, I can change detail, I can get to some status report, (But then I can not get back to the game...) How the hell do you shoot? The controls, as most of these old games, is a joke.
Are you using a joystick, or a light gun?
I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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