[Recruiting] Order of the Dragon [10/10 & 2/10]

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Posts: 35
Joined: Sat Jan 12, 2019 6:17 pm

[Recruiting] Order of the Dragon [10/10 & 2/10]

#1 Post by nopunin10did » Tue Nov 22, 2022 3:44 pm

Hi all! I'm NoPunIn10Did. I'm a variant designer and GM that used to be far more active a few years ago, primarily through the PlayDiplomacy forums (and a little on vDiplomacy).

I'm recruiting players for a variant that I designed. It will be played on my Discord server, and I will be using my website to host public-facing results. Recruitment has gone quite well, so much so that I'm hoping to run two sessions of the game concurrently. I'm planning to officially start the games shortly after Christmas (possibly earlier if players are all ready to go).

This variant is...

Order of the Dragon

Full Rules Repository

Order of the Dragon Map

Discord Server

Variant Features
  • 10 Players per board
  • Set in 15th century Europe
  • Includes Diplomacy Points (DP) mechanics similar to Ambition & Empire, whereby you can bid on the actions of armed stationary neutral units.
  • Includes Heirs that can be married either to neutral units or to other players' heirs, creating new Vassal powers on the map.
How I GM (short version)
  • All messages and orders will be handled on Discord.
  • I try to process two seasons per week (Spring, Autumn, Winter), though the pace will sometimes slow to one season per week.
  • Seasonal orders have set deadlines and aren't processed early, while Retreats are handled ASAP.
  • We will probably select powers using either a modified Paris Method or some form of silent auction.
  • Draws are settled via secret standing votes and must include all surviving players. In the event of a draw, players will be ranked according to their SC counts and years of elimination. If applicable, ties will be broken via Paris Method. DRAW SIZE WILL NOT MATTER.
  • The games will have no official defined endpoint, but I reserve the right to terminate a game after ten full years of play at my own discretion (as a ranked draw that includes all survivors). In such an event, I will try to give 2-3 seasons notice and will time the game to end after an upcoming Autumn turn.
How to Sign Up
Join my Discord server and just say so in the public chat! If you have further questions, feel free to shoot me (NoPunIn10Did#8458) a Direct Message on Discord. I will check this forum thread periodically too, but I'm unlikely to respond to private forum messages.

I'm trying to recruit a good mix of veterans and new folks for these two sessions, and I hope you will consider joining the game. You are also welcome to join as an observer; they tend to be my best source of substitutes when someone inevitably has to drop.

Thanks for your interest, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Posts: 35
Joined: Sat Jan 12, 2019 6:17 pm

Re: [Recruiting] Order of the Dragon [10/10 & 2/10]

#2 Post by nopunin10did » Wed Nov 30, 2022 7:45 pm

We are up to 10/10 and 9/10 now, so I'm looking for just one more player (as well as any potential subs / observers).

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