Green Nav Bar Not Nav-ing

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Green Nav Bar Not Nav-ing

#1 Post by Kallen » Fri Oct 14, 2022 5:13 pm

Could be just me, but I noticed that when I am in the forum, the search/games/account/help dropdowns do not work. I must return to 'home' to be able to use the rest of the green navigation bar.

Edit: curious if anyone else can verify / disprove? I can recreate the bug locally on chrome safari and firefox

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Re: Green Nav Bar Not Nav-ing

#2 Post by Trigfea63 » Fri Oct 14, 2022 5:31 pm

They work fine for me. Are you logged in? You can access the forum (but not the search/games/etc.) when you're not logged it.

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Re: Green Nav Bar Not Nav-ing

#3 Post by bo_sox48 » Fri Oct 14, 2022 9:08 pm

I can replicate this on Chrome with my iphone. It only seems to be an issue on the forum. As far as I am aware the Javascript enabling that navigation has not changed since I added that nav bar a few years back with dark mode. But I’ll ask kestas if any of his recent changes could have caused this.

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Re: Green Nav Bar Not Nav-ing

#4 Post by kestasjk » Sat Oct 15, 2022 9:36 am

Thanks; the new proxy setup had a javascript optimization that sped the site up but affected the load ordering. I've disabled that for now

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