Petition to remove Russia from Civ 6

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Petition to remove Russia from Civ 6

#1 Post by brainbomb » Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:47 am

It is fairly obvious that civ 6 should remove Russia from its game. After how theyve treated Pussy Riot and Griner this is a police state unfit to be represented by a fun game. Add your name to this petition and Ill inform Sid Meiers of this

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Re: Petition to remove Russia from Civ 6

#2 Post by GracchusBabeuf » Sun Mar 20, 2022 4:54 am

Russia should also be removed from all globes and maps of the world. It is unacceptable that this country be portrayed in media where children will be viewing it.

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Re: Petition to remove Russia from Civ 6

#3 Post by DarthPorg36 » Sun Mar 20, 2022 12:54 pm

As a fan of Civ 6, no, I think Russia should stay. Russia is represented in the game by Tsar Peter II. So, they are the Russian Empire, not the Russia we know today. Not every nation in civ 6 was perfect, either. Think of Norway, raiding the coasts of England. Think of England in general, colonizing the rest of the world unfairly and subduing the nations already there. Germany for goodness sake is represented in Civ 6, lead by Frederick Barbarossa, and Germany literally murdered 6 million Jews and was responsible for the deaths of 30-60 million people in the European Theater as a whole. Germany is still in the game. If Russia was represented by Putin, I'd agree with you. But this is not the Russia we know today in Civ 6. And for your police state point, yes, Russia is a police state. China is also in Civ 6, and they're a police state. Vietnam is in the game, a communist nation. None of these countries are represented by their modern leaders.

Like you both, I hate Putin. I think what he is doing is terrible and we should do all that we can to stop him without direct confrontation in a war.

For GracchusBabeuf's point, how would that help? Think for a second. How would removing Russia from every world map and globe help ANYTHING? Not acknowledging a country's existence does not solve anything. Think of it this way: A young child is playfully spinning the globe, and then sees a giant white spot that covers 11% of the PLANET'S ENTIRE LANDMASS. Then, they ask, naturally "what's that white spot" and you have to be the one to say to them, if you're telling the truth, "We are afraid to face what is wrong in the world. We are afraid to have you know the bad things this country did. We are afraid for you to know anything. Instead of working for solutions to the issue, we decided it would be better not to acknowledge the country's existence." This young child would have no faith in humanity anymore. When Nazi Germany invaded practically every nation on earth, did we say "aaaaaahhhhhh we don't like you we're going to pretend you don't exist." NO. We said to ourselves, it's time to fight! What Nazi Germany is doing is wrong! We told everyone they existed. It brought the entire nation to go and to cross the atlantic to fight Nazi Germany and remove Hitler. Obviously, we can't go to war with Russia, because a Russo-American war might literally be the end of the world. I think Joe Biden can control is use of nuclear weapons, but Putin would not hesitate to use them. We can however, sanction Russia. We will defeat them from the inside.

You do not fix problems in the world by pretending they don't exist. If Russia is not portrayed in the media, then we can't cover the war in Ukraine, we don't know what Russia is doing is wrong, and then chances are someone goes and does the exact same thing. "Those who do not know their history [or in this case current events] are doomed to repeat it." We have to show the crimes Russia does. If we don't, we won't be able to hold them accountable.

All in all, yes, what Russia is doing is horrible and terrible. But, removing Russia from maps and media and video games doesn't solve anything. In the case of brainbomb's point, Russia is not represented by a Russia we know today. Using your logic, every nation that's gone to war should be removed. That means Civilization VI would cease to exist. EVERY NATION HAS GONE TO WAR. Don't ruin a fun game by taking out nations that do bad things. GracchusBabeuf, removing Russia from everything we see won't help. It will make things worse.

What Putin is doing is horrifying. I am proud of Zelenskyy for standing up to Russia. But to do what both of you have suggested is not going to help anything, it's going to make things worse. So, what both of you have suggested is foolish. I hope you both can see that. In the meantime, make sure everyone knows what Russia is doing. Then we can make sure we never do the same thing again.

Johnny Big Horse
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Re: Petition to remove Russia from Civ 6

#4 Post by Johnny Big Horse » Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:22 pm

You guys are blowing it completely. I think it should be considered a hate crime for using the word Russia anymore in anything to do with webdip. I think the moderators should throw out anyone who uses this hated appellation. Or at least give them a warning, and then throw them out.

Or maybe we can somehow come up with a way to publically humiliate the neanderthols who use the word.

And somehow get paypal and coinbase to somehow punish them too as collaborators with evil.

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Re: Petition to remove Russia from Civ 6

#5 Post by PRINCE WILLIAM » Sun Mar 20, 2022 6:52 pm

Αs Darth said if we were to banish all countries that made war in their history we are about to banish 99,5 of all states in the world.

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Re: Petition to remove Russia from Civ 6

#6 Post by GracchusBabeuf » Sun Mar 20, 2022 9:21 pm

DarthPorg36 wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 12:54 pm
As a fan of Civ 6, no, I think Russia should stay. Russia is represented in the game by Tsar Peter II. So, they are the Russian Empire, not the Russia we know today. Not every nation in civ 6 was perfect, either. Think of Norway, raiding the coasts of England. Think of England in general, colonizing the rest of the world unfairly and subduing the nations already there. Germany for goodness sake is represented in Civ 6, lead by Frederick Barbarossa, and Germany literally murdered 6 million Jews and was responsible for the deaths of 30-60 million people in the European Theater as a whole. Germany is still in the game. If Russia was represented by Putin, I'd agree with you. But this is not the Russia we know today in Civ 6. And for your police state point, yes, Russia is a police state. China is also in Civ 6, and they're a police state. Vietnam is in the game, a communist nation. None of these countries are represented by their modern leaders.

Like you both, I hate Putin. I think what he is doing is terrible and we should do all that we can to stop him without direct confrontation in a war.

For GracchusBabeuf's point, how would that help? Think for a second. How would removing Russia from every world map and globe help ANYTHING? Not acknowledging a country's existence does not solve anything. Think of it this way: A young child is playfully spinning the globe, and then sees a giant white spot that covers 11% of the PLANET'S ENTIRE LANDMASS. Then, they ask, naturally "what's that white spot" and you have to be the one to say to them, if you're telling the truth, "We are afraid to face what is wrong in the world. We are afraid to have you know the bad things this country did. We are afraid for you to know anything. Instead of working for solutions to the issue, we decided it would be better not to acknowledge the country's existence." This young child would have no faith in humanity anymore. When Nazi Germany invaded practically every nation on earth, did we say "aaaaaahhhhhh we don't like you we're going to pretend you don't exist." NO. We said to ourselves, it's time to fight! What Nazi Germany is doing is wrong! We told everyone they existed. It brought the entire nation to go and to cross the atlantic to fight Nazi Germany and remove Hitler. Obviously, we can't go to war with Russia, because a Russo-American war might literally be the end of the world. I think Joe Biden can control is use of nuclear weapons, but Putin would not hesitate to use them. We can however, sanction Russia. We will defeat them from the inside.

You do not fix problems in the world by pretending they don't exist. If Russia is not portrayed in the media, then we can't cover the war in Ukraine, we don't know what Russia is doing is wrong, and then chances are someone goes and does the exact same thing. "Those who do not know their history [or in this case current events] are doomed to repeat it." We have to show the crimes Russia does. If we don't, we won't be able to hold them accountable.

All in all, yes, what Russia is doing is horrible and terrible. But, removing Russia from maps and media and video games doesn't solve anything. In the case of brainbomb's point, Russia is not represented by a Russia we know today. Using your logic, every nation that's gone to war should be removed. That means Civilization VI would cease to exist. EVERY NATION HAS GONE TO WAR. Don't ruin a fun game by taking out nations that do bad things. GracchusBabeuf, removing Russia from everything we see won't help. It will make things worse.

What Putin is doing is horrifying. I am proud of Zelenskyy for standing up to Russia. But to do what both of you have suggested is not going to help anything, it's going to make things worse. So, what both of you have suggested is foolish. I hope you both can see that. In the meantime, make sure everyone knows what Russia is doing. Then we can make sure we never do the same thing again.

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Re: Petition to remove Russia from Civ 6

#7 Post by GracchusBabeuf » Sun Mar 20, 2022 9:21 pm

Sun Mar 20, 2022 6:52 pm
Αs Darth said if we were to banish all countries that made war in their history we are about to banish 99,5 of all states in the world.

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Re: Petition to remove Russia from Civ 6

#8 Post by GracchusBabeuf » Sun Mar 20, 2022 9:37 pm

Johnny Big Horse wrote:
Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:22 pm
You guys are blowing it completely. I think it should be considered a hate crime for using the word Russia anymore in anything to do with webdip. I think the moderators should throw out anyone who uses this hated appellation. Or at least give them a warning, and then throw them out.

Or maybe we can somehow come up with a way to publically humiliate the neanderthols who use the word.

And somehow get paypal and coinbase to somehow punish them too as collaborators with evil.
You are right. I've redacted the world of the country that we are talking about my every day speech. I will never again even think about it. I self-flagellate every time I think about it.

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Re: Petition to remove Russia from Civ 6

#9 Post by DarthPorg36 » Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:13 am

@Jonny Big Horse @brainbomb @GracchusBabeuf Look, I'd honestly like to know how you think that not talking about Russia and deleting them from everything in existence helps? We never solve our problems by hiding from them. How is this any different? If we don't like climate change, we don't pretend it doesn't exist! We make it known to the world! If we don't like racism, we don't pretend it doesn't exist! Make it known to the world! By not talking about Russia we only give the ok for other dictators to invade other countries because we won't talk about it if they do.

Please answer me honestly what you think not talking about Russia's war crimes will accomplish?

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Re: Petition to remove Russia from Civ 6

#10 Post by GracchusBabeuf » Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:39 am

DarthPorg36 wrote:
Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:13 am
@Jonny Big Horse @brainbomb @GracchusBabeuf Look, I'd honestly like to know how you think that not talking about Russia and deleting them from everything in existence helps? We never solve our problems by hiding from them. How is this any different? If we don't like climate change, we don't pretend it doesn't exist! We make it known to the world! If we don't like racism, we don't pretend it doesn't exist! Make it known to the world! By not talking about Russia we only give the ok for other dictators to invade other countries because we won't talk about it if they do.

Please answer me honestly what you think not talking about Russia's war crimes will accomplish?
We were all being sarcastic...

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Re: Petition to remove Russia from Civ 6

#11 Post by brainbomb » Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:50 am

DarthPorg36 wrote:
Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:13 am
@Jonny Big Horse @brainbomb @GracchusBabeuf Look, I'd honestly like to know how you think that not talking about Russia and deleting them from everything in existence helps? We never solve our problems by hiding from them. How is this any different? If we don't like climate change, we don't pretend it doesn't exist! We make it known to the world! If we don't like racism, we don't pretend it doesn't exist! Make it known to the world! By not talking about Russia we only give the ok for other dictators to invade other countries because we won't talk about it if they do.

Please answer me honestly what you think not talking about Russia's war crimes will accomplish?
look when you want
something to fade away you cancel culture the shit out of it until its ostracized and deleted from society. winning

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