Can we have a "Concede" option i9n bot games please.

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Can we have a "Concede" option i9n bot games please.

#1 Post by FxFocus » Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:27 pm

Is there any chance of getting a "Concede" option in bot games.
I seem to remember it was there for a while but then disappeared again.

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Re: Can we have a "Concede" option i9n bot games please.

#2 Post by Johnny Big Horse » Sat Sep 25, 2021 2:39 pm

That would be nice. Sometimes, when you take a chance, and it doesn't work out, you are toast, and you know it. And you cannot quit so you have to live through a slow death. Better to make it instant. Let us quit.

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Re: Can we have a "Concede" option i9n bot games please.

#3 Post by THC » Wed Oct 06, 2021 9:17 am

Actually, having a way to concede a game isn't that bad an idea in any game.

If all survivors agree to draw the game, it ends. Not a concession to a single player, I know - they're all getting something out of the game. Still, if you like, they're conceding that the game isn't going to be won (I'm stretching here, I know!)

Having the ability to nominate a single player as the game winner - a one-player draw - if all survivors agree to it, isn't terrible. You'd need some sort of safeguards in place (you don't want six stooges conceding a solo to someone after a couple of seasons or when that person is on a comparatively low number of SCs) but there are times when it becomes obvious that one player is going to win the game.

I've been in that position before. One player simply refused to accept a draw involving another player in the game, simply because they'd got to a point where they detested the other player. The one who was refusing the draw made it clear that they would rather see me win than drawing the game. Not that I was complaining about that!

But, because that site doesn't have a way to concede to a single player, the game had to be played out. It didn't go on very long anyway as a couple of the other remaining players saw the writing on the wall and conceded by surrendering SCs to me.

That is always an option, of course. So it isn't a very pressing option in real games. But it would be nice.

I haven't always liked the idea when it's been brought up before. Too big a risk to the rankings; could be misused. But actually it isn't a major problem for rankings, whereas a game rolling on for an extra few years can be just frustrating. As long as the safeguards prevent abuse, I'd say it would, on the whole, be a good thing, and not difficult to code (for those who in the coding-know), I suspect.

As for Bot games, I'm not interested in them but it makes sense to be able to end a game when you're done with it if you're playing Bots.
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Re: Can we have a "Concede" option i9n bot games please.

#4 Post by Ienpw_III » Wed Oct 06, 2021 2:40 pm

It makes sense with bot games because otherwise you have to spend several minutes entering blank/bad orders and waiting for the moves to process until you're finally eliminated or someone hits 18.

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Re: Can we have a "Concede" option i9n bot games please.

#5 Post by ubercacher16 » Wed Oct 06, 2021 10:13 pm

vDip has it

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Re: Can we have a "Concede" option i9n bot games please.

#6 Post by Bladerunners » Mon Oct 11, 2021 6:36 am

One trick that works when playing Austria --- as developers haven't fixed the unrealistic number of times Italy hits Austria to open (so so strange!!) ,,, is to immediately "vote draw" as Austria when attacked by austria in move 1

the game always draws... and don't have to play out the game as austria. I'd be happy to stop doing this when the italy problem fixed of course

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Re: Can we have a "Concede" option in bot games please.

#7 Post by Jamiet99uk » Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm

Yeah this is a good idea.
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Re: Can we have a "Concede" option i9n bot games please.

#8 Post by DarthPorg36 » Sun Dec 19, 2021 1:28 pm

I'd totally agree because having hold orders takes forever and is boring with endless amounts of refreshing. Especially if you have 11 centers for example, but the world coalition forms, you're out of position, you know you're screwed but it takes five minutes for the AI to kill you and sometimes they end up leaving you alive too. I'd love to see a concede button.

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