One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

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One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#1 Post by jasnah » Wed Apr 07, 2021 1:56 pm

One Night Ultimate Werewolf

Rules again for your convenience:

Forum One Night Ultimate Werewolf: 10p Minigame
I’ve heard it said that the best way to stop playing is to start GM’ing

As the name implies, One Night Ultimate Werewolf (ONUW) is a social deduction game with a single night phase followed by a single day phase, making its mechanics substantially different to Mafia. The objective of the game is to figure out what role you are and play to its win condition by achieving the relevant daykill or lack thereof.

If you have played offline One Night Ultimate Werewolf before you’ll find the rules similar, with a few house rule adjustments that I think improve balance and help adapt to the webDip forum format. I’ve aimed to write below as complete an account of the game rules as possible; where there remain unclear points, I’ll attempt to follow the official game’s rulings unless doing so clashes with the constraints of forum gaming.

Important: ONUW is a unique social deduction game distinguished by, among other elements, prevalent role conversion and non-elimination of players. If you are unfamiliar with ONUW, you are recommended to read the full setup carefully before the game starts. Even though this is a social deduction game running between mafia rounds, don’t expect it to play like Mafia.

Basic Rules

The game will begin on Wednesday 7th April at 10 pm BST / 5 pm EDT / 2 pm PDT. When the game commences, all players will be notified of their initial role cards and have 24 hours to complete night actions, which must be done by PM’ing the GM on webDip or Discord. Talking is not permitted during the night phase. After the night phase there will be one 48-hour long day phase during which players are allowed to communicate freely only on the main game thread.

At any time during the day, players may PM the GM with the name of one player they wish to vote for daykill. Players may update their vote as many times as they wish before EOD. Players may freely discuss their vote in the main game thread, but only votes which are PM’ed to the GM will count for the final vote tally.

The game will end on Saturday 10th April at 10 pm BST, at which point votes will be locked in and simultaneously adjudicated, and the game will end. All players must vote for a player before EOD.

Voting Mechanics

The player with the most votes is daykilled. In case of a tie, all players with the most votes are daykilled, provided that they have at least two votes. If every player receives one vote, no one is daykilled.

Unlike the base game, self-voting will be allowed.

Night Mechanics

Note that ONUW allows for roles to be swapped during the night. You may end the night a different role than you began. Unless your role allows for it, you will not be notified if your role has changed, or be allowed to view your new role.

There will be thirteen role cards with ten allotted to players and three hidden cards, all assigned randomly:

2x Werewolf
3x Villager
1x Minion
1x Seer
1x Robber
1x Troublemaker
1x Doppelganger
1x Drunk
1x Hunter
1x Tanner

A number of night actions are dependent on each other, so take care to note the order of night adjudication:

#1 Doppelganger
#2 Werewolves/Minion
#3 Seer
#4 Robber
#5 Troublemaker
#6 Drunk

Unless otherwise specified in the role description, players perform the ability of their initial role card, even if their true role is switched earlier in the night adjudication order. (Eg. The troublemaker swaps the roles of player A, initially a Werewolf, and player B, initially the drunk. It is still player B who then activates the Drunk’s ability.)

Victory Conditions

If there is at least one werewolf in play: town wins if at least one werewolf (excluding the minion) is daykilled, regardless of how many non-werewolves are daykilled. Werewolves win if none of the werewolves and the tanner are daykilled (werewolves can win if the minion dies, but always lose if the tanner dies). Tanner wins if they are daykilled.

If there are no werewolves in play: town wins if no town are daykilled and the tanner is not daykilled (ie the only safe daykill is the minion). Minion wins if anyone is daykilled (except themselves). Tanner wins if they are daykilled.

Players win with the alignment of the role card they hold at EON, even if this is a different alignment than the one they started with.


Seer: You are the SEER. You win with the town. At night, you may choose to look at one of the left, centre, or right hidden cards.

Robber: You are the ROBBER. You win with the town. At night, you must choose one other player with whom to swap role cards. You will be notified of your new role.

Troublemaker: You are the TROUBLEMAKER. You win with the town. At night, you must switch the role cards of two other players. Neither you nor the players who receive a different role will be notified of the identity of the original or the new roles.

Doppelganger: You are the DOPPELGANGER. You win with the town. At night, you must look at one other player’s card without switching it. You become that role and receive the relevant ability:
  • Villager, tanner, hunter: you are now that role and do nothing else at night.
  • Werewolf: you learn the identity of all other werewolves at the same time as them.
  • Seer, robber, troublemaker, drunk: you perform that role’s ability immediately (and not at its normal order of adjudication).
  • Minion: you learn the identity of all werewolves at the same time as the original minion.
If the drunk becomes the doppelganger, they do not perform any night abilities and simply win with the town.

Hunter: You are the HUNTER. You win with the town. If you are daykilled, the player you are voting automatically dies as well, regardless of how many votes they themselves received. This ability is exercised even if you are not aware that you are the hunter.

Drunk: You are the DRUNK. You win with the town. At night, you must choose either the left, centre, or right hidden card. Your role will be exchanged with that card, but you will not find out your new role.

Villager: You are a VILLAGER. You win with the town.


Werewolf: You are a WEREWOLF. You win with the werewolves. At night, you learn the identity of all other werewolves (excluding minion(s)). If you are the only werewolf, you may choose to look at one of the left, centre, or right hidden cards.

Minion: You are a MINION. You win with the werewolves. At night, you learn the identity of all werewolves. The werewolves do not in turn learn of your identity.


Tanner: You are the TANNER. Much like the average webDiplomacy player, you have given up on life. You win if you die (refer to ‘Victory Conditions’ for special scenarios).


Considering that the mechanics of ONUW differ significantly from Mafia, the Mafia bot will not be enabled for this minigame. Feel free write ‘##call GM’ as usual, but please make it a bright red colour as much as you can.

Players are allowed to +1 other players’ posts. +1’ing GM’s posts is also heavily encouraged.

Usual forum rules apply even though I have no idea what they are. Don’t be a dick.


1. Hamilton Brian
2. ghuggles
3. lfischl
4. bona
5. Maniac (he/him/his/handsome)
6. teccles
7. kgray
8. Rdrivera2005
9. Jamiet99uk
10. Chaqa


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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#2 Post by jasnah » Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:04 pm

His Magnificent Excellency the Head Torturer Darg was just starting to enjoy what he hoped would be a long and restful break. The past few weeks’ vicious battle against the local mafia had thoroughly exhausted him.

Word on the street was that Giggles the Mafia Administrative Assistant had evaded capture and was still out there somewhere causing havoc, but that was no longer Darg’s problem.

Just as Darg was getting ready to binge the latest season of his favourite reality show, an Insolent Townsperson began knocking on his door. They didn’t stop until finally, sighing, Darg opened up.

“Dargy, so sorry,” the Insolent Townsperson said, not looking sorry at all. “New problem. There are apparently werewolves hiding among us now and we need your help torturing some suspects to get to the bottom of this.”

“Well, what do these werewolves do? Do they eat people? Are they out to destroy the town?”

“Uh, not that I’m aware of. They just...sorta exist. And we have to get rid of them.”

“Let me get this straight,” said Head Torturer Darg, frowning. “The werewolves are a minority group who for all intents and purposes appear to live peacefully amongst the town. They hide their true appearance because of a rather reasonable fear that the town will oppress them. But they’re the bad guys?”

“Well, yeah, of course,” said the Insolent Townsperson. “It’s in the name. They’re werewolves.”

Darg was starting to get a headache. Then again, he wasn’t paid to ask questions. He was paid to inflict psychological torture using such fiendish devices as the ‘modkill’ and the ‘fake notification’.

“Fine,” he muttered, as the sun was conveniently setting. “I’ll see what I can do tonight.”



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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#3 Post by jasnah » Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:05 pm


Roles are being PM'ed now. If you do not receive your role within the next 10 minutes please message me or celaph.

Note that all roles which are due to receive information will receive this simultaneously at EON, with the exception of doppelganger who has a two step action. Adjudication will still occur in the order stipulated by the rules.


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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#4 Post by jasnah » Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:12 pm

jasnah wrote:
Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:05 pm

Roles are being PM'ed now. If you do not receive your role within the next 10 minutes please message me or celaph.

Note that all roles which are due to receive information will receive this simultaneously at EON, with the exception of doppelganger and solo werewolf if applicable who have a two step action. Adjudication will still occur in the order stipulated by the rules.


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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#5 Post by celaph » Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:01 pm

After an eventful night, Darg made his way back home through the quiet city streets. Once littered with pamphlets calling for the deaths of alleged mafia members, the roads now sat clean. A lone paper dangled on a message board calling for the death of the one alien in town.

“These folk really have something against immigrants, don’t they.” Darg muttered under his breath.

He groaned as he walked past the city square knowing that in far too few hours he would be there again, this time for an execution. Word of the werewolves had spread quickly and the mob wanted someone to blame.

Darg knew that town would be acting as both judge and jury, leaving him to be the executioner. Far too often for his liking he had been stuck doing the dirty work as crowds celebrated “justice” only to find one of their own lying dead upon the stand.

He made straight for his house, save a short detour to pray briefly in front of High Priest Zultar’s temple. As he opened the door and the light slowly flickered on, he cursed his poor pay under his breath. He hopes that the good karma he was promised will help him in his next life because for now it didn’t even pay the bills.

But that would have to be a problem for the future, Darg thought as he stole a few moments of rest while the sun rose over a town eager for blood.

===Night has Ended===

===You may post===

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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#6 Post by Maniac » Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:17 pm

Can someone explain this game to me like I’m stupid

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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#7 Post by Bonatogether » Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:25 pm

Maniac wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:17 pm
Can someone explain this game to me like I’m stupid
role fuckery

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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#8 Post by Bonatogether » Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:28 pm

You got some role overnight, and that gave you an action. There are like 20 different card switches, so probably a solid majority of people have had their cards switches. We need to vote out a person who has the werewolf card now, who don't necessarily know who they are, so essentially this is guessing what your card is too on top of trying to figure out what other people are.

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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#9 Post by kgray » Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:34 pm

jasnah wrote:
Wed Apr 07, 2021 1:56 pm
Players are allowed to +1 other players’ posts. +1’ing GM’s posts is also heavily encouraged.
##CALL GM you're my hero :-D

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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#10 Post by kgray » Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:35 pm

Bonatogether wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:28 pm
You got some role overnight, and that gave you an action. There are like 20 different card switches, so probably a solid majority of people have had their cards switches. We need to vote out a person who has the werewolf card now, who don't necessarily know who they are, so essentially this is guessing what your card is too on top of trying to figure out what other people are.
Umm there's like 2 switch cards...?

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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#11 Post by Jamiet99uk » Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:39 pm

There are 10 players.

There are four roles which cause some form of swapping, but not all of those four roles are guaranteed to be in play.

Drunk and Robber each cause a swap with one person.

Doppelganger assumes the role of their target but the target's role is unchanged by this.

Troublemaker swaps two players with each other.

That's therefore a maximum of four players who might now not have the role they were originally dealt. Whereas at least six people are still in the role they started with.

The problem is, only the Robber and the Doppelganger, if they are in play, have any likelihood of knowing with any reasonable level of confidence, what role they now have. Even they could be wrong if, for example, the Troublemaker targeted them (especially since the Troublemaker acts after they do)...

So most of us are totally unsure of what our roles now are. The trick is to try to work all this out based on the information we started with.

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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#12 Post by Jamiet99uk » Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:39 pm

kgray wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:35 pm
Bonatogether wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:28 pm
You got some role overnight, and that gave you an action. There are like 20 different card switches, so probably a solid majority of people have had their cards switches. We need to vote out a person who has the werewolf card now, who don't necessarily know who they are, so essentially this is guessing what your card is too on top of trying to figure out what other people are.
Umm there's like 2 switch cards...?
Three - one of which switches two people. As per my post just now.

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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#13 Post by rdrivera2005 » Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:40 pm

So, we just claim our roles or what?

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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#14 Post by Jamiet99uk » Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:41 pm

But yes Kgray, Bona is wrong - there are not 20 possible switches. Quite a lot less than 20.

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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#15 Post by Jamiet99uk » Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:41 pm

rdrivera2005 wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:40 pm
So, we just claim our roles or what?
How do you know what your role is?

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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#16 Post by kgray » Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:47 pm

So is there any downside to having people out whatever they (think they) know?

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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#17 Post by Jamiet99uk » Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:47 pm

Maniac wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:17 pm
Can someone explain this game to me like I’m stupid
The other really important thing you need to be aware of is that we vote to eliminate someone, like in Mafia, but you have to vote in private by PM to the GMs. You can say who you're voting for here in the thread but you need to send a PM to actually cast it. (Plus you could lie).

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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#18 Post by kgray » Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:50 pm

Jamiet99uk wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:39 pm
There are 10 players.

There are four roles which cause some form of swapping, but not all of those four roles are guaranteed to be in play.

Drunk and Robber each cause a swap with one person.

Doppelganger assumes the role of their target but the target's role is unchanged by this.

Troublemaker swaps two players with each other.

That's therefore a maximum of four players who might now not have the role they were originally dealt. Whereas at least six people are still in the role they started with.

The problem is, only the Robber and the Doppelganger, if they are in play, have any likelihood of knowing with any reasonable level of confidence, what role they now have. Even they could be wrong if, for example, the Troublemaker targeted them (especially since the Troublemaker acts after they do)...

So most of us are totally unsure of what our roles now are. The trick is to try to work all this out based on the information we started with.
Drunk doesn't swap with a person, they swap with one of the 3 hidden cards. And since Doppelganger knows they changed roles, then only 3 people would unknowingly have their roles swapped, right? The target of the robber and the troublemaker's two targets.

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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#19 Post by Jamiet99uk » Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:52 pm

kgray wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:50 pm

So most of us are totally unsure of what our roles now are. The trick is to try to work all this out based on the information we started with.
Drunk doesn't swap with a person, they swap with one of the 3 hidden cards. And since Doppelganger knows they changed roles, then only 3 people would unknowingly have their roles swapped, right? The target of the robber and the troublemaker's two targets.

Ah you're right. But also the person who began as the Drunk doesn't know what their role is now.

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Re: One Night Ultimate Werewolf Minigame [Hidden]

#20 Post by Jamiet99uk » Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:53 pm

So, there are three people whose role has probably changed but they don't know that.

And there are three (other)* people who know that their role has changed, but one of those people does not know what role they now have.

*these two groups could interact, particularly due to the action of the Troublemaker, who is aptly-named.

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