Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

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Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#1 Post by Hellenic Riot » Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:05 pm


Mafia is an educated guessing game of epic proportions. The objective of the game (for the town majority) is to kill all mafia members before they outnumber the rest of the town. The game is typically very active, so the thread will get big quickly. However, it is essential to read the thread to play the game.


0. The GM reserves the right to adjudicate individual scenarios that arise during the course of the game at his discretion.
1. All players must vote at least once per game day, and post at least twice per game day.
2. All players are forbidden from posting screenshots of their role PMs.
3. All players are forbidden from using encryption.
4. All players are forbidden from using non-sanctioned PMing, or copied mechanics.
5. All spectators and players who have been eliminated are forbidden from posting on all comment threads related to the game notes.
6. All players are forbidden from cheating.
7. All players are required to play to win.
8. Players and/or teams may not concede the game in public.
9. All players must not +1 other players' posts.


0. Given a lack of omniscience, the GM cannot create a rule to resolve all possible scenarios pre-emptively. To compensate for this, the GM is permitted to resolve a given scenario however they see fit, within the remit of the rules listed above, in the interest of all participants. The GM will resolve all scenarios as closely as possible to the intention of the rules, and will present an explanation regarding the adjudication to the greatest possible detail (which does not compromise anything in-game) and as closely in accordance with the written rules as possible.

1. You MUST cast a vote at least once during each day phase. You may vote and then 'unvote' (see below) if you change your mind as the Day progresses, however you may not end the phase with an 'unvote' in place. Anyone violating this rule will be modkilled unless there are very extenuating circumstances. Ending the day with a vote on “No Lynch” is permitted. During each day phase, every player MUST make at least two game-related posts. The GMs will use reasonable discretion when applying this rule.

2. All role PMs have been posted in the setup information. The point of this rule is to forbid "gaming" the role PMs to determine alignments; after all, the fun of this game is reading people, not outguessing the GM.

3. Encryption is defined as posting an encoded message on public channels that an average person would require outside software or other tools to decode. It is perfectly acceptable to leave "hidden messages" in your posts (for example, spelling out "I AM THE COP" with the first letters of every sentence), but as a rule of thumb, if you don't think the average user could decode it without a decryption service, don't post it.

4. All in-game communications should be kept within the thread. Only GM endorsed QuickTopic threads can be used for communicating with one another outside of the main game thread; aside from this, there should be no other forms of private messaging between players. You may PM the GM with questions or instructions.

5. Players who have been removed from the game are no longer playing the game, and will not be permitted to comment on it in private messages or comment threads. A special QuickTopic "God Thread" will be opened for individuals who wish to spectate on the game, or players who have been eliminated. Use this channel to discuss the game while it is still ongoing.

6. This is a catch-all rule intended to preserve the spirit of the game. If you are considering saying or doing something that may be against the spirit of the game, message the GM about it before saying/doing it and the GM will let you know whether it is allowed or not.

To clarify further: Players may not copy and paste any game related Mechanics. Players may not doctor, and create fake game related mechanics. Players may not share personal correspondence between GM to player under any circumstances. The GM will not confirm any claims, or adjudicate based upon anything that could easily be sorted out through questioning and evidentiary circumstance.

7. This rule simply means that your actions should in some conceivable way advance your win condition as stated in your role PM. This rule is somewhat subjective, because the difference between a mistake and sabotage is sometimes hard to determine; the GM will exercise caution and restraint in observing this rule. This also means that if you need to leave the game for any reason, you should not simply drop out, but should message me first so I can determine the best course of action.

8. If someone wishes to concede defeat, they must PM the GM, or post in their relevant QT thread for the GM to check it over. Public concessions are not permitted.

9. You are not permitted to click the "+1" on any other player's in-game posts. Giving +1s to the GM, by contrast, is actively encouraged.


The penalty for breaking one of the above rules is decided at the GM’s discretion, up to and including immediate removal from the game and/or sanctions from future games. Removal and/or sanction are instruments of last resort and will be used only if absolutely necessary. Sanctions such as future bans will be determined by the consensus of the active player base after the game has concluded. A player removed from the game may or may not have their role revealed on removal, depending on the circumstances surrounding their removal.

If you are a Power Role or otherwise have any actions to take, please PM your action the GM. Night actions will be processed at the end of the night and can be changed up to that point. Mafia's night kill will be voted on in the mafia QuickTopic thread.


Spamming (defined as excessive content-free posting; or, excessive posting regarding subjects irrelevant to the game) is not mod-killed by rule in this game. The in-game voting mechanic exists to curb any advantage that spamming as a tactic may confer; please reference the “VOTING” section below for more information. Suffice to say that spamming is not worth anyone’s time in this setup, and will be frowned upon, so while you may not be lynched or mod-killed for spamming, please refrain from doing so.

Players that have other participants on their mute list are asked to remove them for the duration of this game. Disputes stemming from outside of this game should not carry over into the gameplay. If they do, the GM reserves the right to address these issues and potentially remove or sanction players if it becomes a disruption.

If a player is silenced on the forum by the site moderators/admins, an alternate will take their place for the duration of their silence. The silenced player will then have the option to take their position back over or leave it in the hands of the alternate. As long as the silence does not stem from actions involving the mafia thread, there will be no in-game sanctions for a forum silence.

A player wishing to drop out may be replaced at the GM's discretion. Individuals wishing to serve as potential replacements must NOT join the out-of-game God QT. Replacement is not guaranteed.

This game’s Day phases will last 48 hours and Night phases will last 24 hours, unless cut short by in-game mechanics (e.g., hammer). Extensions may be granted at the GM’s discretion, but don’t count on it. Phase shifts will be at 11pm GMT.


There are three types of voting within this game: collective voting to execute perceived Mafia in Day phases, collective voting to end a Day or Night phase, and Mafia voting to kill town members in Night phases.

“Lynch” vote: The first level of voting is for whom you intend to kill. Notate this vote with a pair of hash symbols before your intended vote target. (e.g., ##VOTE VECNA) You do not need to spell out your intended target's username fully; as long as the GM can understand who you're referencing. In the event of a tie during an execution vote, no one shall be killed.

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not use double hashtags your vote will not be counted, for reasons of fairness but also because it is unlikely the GM will see your vote using the CTRL+F feature and this rule thus prevents vote miscounts.

Must Vote: At the end of the Day phase, all participating players must have their vote on a candidate. You may ##VOTE and then ##UNVOTE if you change your mind as the Day progresses, however you may not end the phase with an ##UNVOTE in place. Anyone violating this rule will be modkilled unless there are very extenuating circumstances. Ending the day with a vote on “No Lynch” is permitted.

Hammer Vote: The second level of voting is whether or not to employ the hammer mechanic. By default, days are set to 48 hours long, and nights to 24 hours long; however, players may instead elect to activate the hammer mechanic. Notate this vote with a pair of hashes before the word end. (EX: ##END). The day will end as soon as a majority of players are voting to endhammer the same player. If you are not able to vote before the hammer is dropped, you will not be penalized for failing to vote during that day. Night phases may not normally be hammered - any exception to this will be announced by the GM.

Mafia Vote: The third level of voting refers to Mafia members choosing their NK (nightkill) target during Night phases. The mafia members will use their separate QuickTopic thread to discuss this. Please make your votes in bold, like so: kill Zultar (< b > kill Zultar < / b >). Mafia NK will be decided by majority vote. In the event of a tie, the oldest vote will break the tie. The oldest vote determines which member of the Mafia team actually performs the kill.


This game’s GMs is are Hellenic Riot and RagingIke297. PM them with any questions or concerns and they'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#2 Post by Hellenic Riot » Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:05 pm

[Game has not begun - Please do not post]

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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#3 Post by Hellenic Riot » Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:08 pm

Mafia XXXIV Setup Information

21 player setup:

16 town:
9 VT's
2 Millers
1 Cop
1 Watcher
1 Nurse
1 Oracle
1 Gunsmith

1 VT or Miller will randomly be given a bulletproof vest before the game begins.

5 Mafia:
1 Witch
1 Stalker
1 Hooker
1 Godfather
1 Thief

Role Descriptions:


You are a VANILLA TOWNIE. Each day you must vote for a suspect. You win when all of the Mafia have been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from happening.

You are a VANILLA TOWNIE. Each day you must vote for a suspect. You win when all of the Mafia have been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from happening.

A Miller appears to itself as a Vanilla Townie, and does not know it is a Miller. The Miller functions exactly as a VT would, except for the fact that it appears to be sided with the Mafia on Cop reports. A Miller is revealed upon its death.

You are the COP. Each day you must vote for a suspect. Each night, you may investigate a player by PM'ing both GMs with the order ##INVESTIGATE <NAME>. Your target will not be aware of your visit. At the end of the night, you will receive a report telling you whether that player is sided with the Mafia or the Town. Certain roles may give false results here. You win when all of the Mafia have been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from happening.

You are the WATCHER. Each day you must vote for a suspect. Each night, you may visit a player's house by PM'ing both GMs with the order ##WATCH <NAME>. Your target will not be aware of your visit. At the end of the night, you will learn who that player was visited by (if anyone). You win when all of the Mafia have been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from happening.

You are the NURSE. Each day you must vote for a suspect. Each night, you may visit a player by PM'ing both GMs with the order ##SAVE <NAME>. At the end of the night, if they have been targeted by the mafia nightkill, or if they are shot during the night, you will save their life. You will also prevent that target from performing ANY actions that occur after your visit that night. You will know if you successfully perfomed a save. Your target will be notified that they have been roleblocked, but will only be notified that they have been saved if you successfully save their life. In this situation, they will receive two separate notifications. You may not visit the same player on consecutive nights. You win when all of the Mafia have been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from happening.

You are the ORACLE. Each day you must vote for a suspect. Each night, you may choose a player to reveal if you die by PM'ing both GM's with the order ##REVEAL <NAME>. This will NOT count as a visit. If you die, the role of the player you last chose will be revealed to everybody in the game. You win when all of the Mafia have been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from happening.

You are the GUNSMITH. Each day you must vote for a suspect. You start the game with four guns. Each night, for up to four total nights, you may visit one player by PM'ing both GMs with the order ##GUN <NAME>, and give them a gun. Shots fired at night adjudicate at EoN. Shots fired during the day adjudicate as soon as the GM receives (and is able to process) the order. You may not shoot during the last 10 minutes of a phase. You win when all of the Mafia have been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from happening.

This item will protect its wearer from one gunshot during the game. It will be used up after it is shot.


You are the HOOKER. Each day you must vote for a suspect. Each night, you may visit another player by PM'ing both GMs with the order ##ROLEBLOCK <NAME>. If that player attempts any night actions, they will fail. They will learn that they were roleblocked. At night you can talk to the other Mafia in the Mafia QT at <LINK>. Your teammates are <NAME>, the Witch, <NAME>, the Stalker, <NAME>, the Godfather, and <NAME>, the Thief. You win when all of the Town have been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from happening.

You are the WITCH. Each day you must vote for a suspect. Each night, you may visit another player by PM'ing both GMs with the order ##CURSE <NAME>. If that player is visited by a TOWN-SIDED player that night, they will be killed by the curse. If they survive, the target will not learn that they were cursed. After killing two people via curse, you will be too exhausted from your efforts to cast any further curses. At night you can talk to the other Mafia in the Mafia QT at <LINK>. Your teammates are <NAME>, the Hooker, <NAME>, the Stalker, <NAME>, the Godfather, and <NAME>, the Thief. You win when all of the Town have been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from happening.

You are the STALKER. Each day you must vote for a suspect. Each night, you may visit another player by PM'ing both GMs with the order ##STALK <NAME>. At the end of the night, you will receive a report telling you the exact role of that player. The target will not be notified that they have been stalked. At night you can talk to the other Mafia in the Mafia QT at <LINK>. Your teammates are <NAME>, the Witch, <NAME>, the Hooker, <NAME>, the Godfather, and <NAME>, the Thief. You win when all of the Town have been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from happening.

You are the GODFATHER. Each day you must vote for a suspect. If you are investigated by the cop, you will appear to be sided with the TOWN. At night you can talk to the other Mafia in the Mafia QT at <LINK>. Your teammates are <NAME>, the Witch, <NAME>, the Hooker, <NAME>, the Stalker, and <NAME>, the Thief. You win when all of the Town have been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from happening.

You are the THIEF. Each day you must vote for a suspect. Each night, you may visit another player by PM'ing both GMs with the order ##STEAL FROM <NAME>. You will receive any items that player has. They will only be informed of your visit if they had the item before the night began. At night you can talk to the other Mafia in the Mafia QT at <LINK>. Your teammates are <NAME>, the Witch, <NAME>, the Hooker, <NAME>, the Stalker, and <NAME>, the Godfather. You win when all of the Town have been eliminated, or nothing can stop this from happening.


If the Cop investigates the Miller, they will receive a GUILTY report.

If the Cop investigates the Godfather, they will receive an INNOCENT report.

The Watcher will not see the Oracle visit their target, as the Oracle does not leave their house.

The Mafia kill will be performed by the player with the oldest vote in the Mafia QT, and only that player will be seen by the Watcher.

If targeting the Hooker, Watcher will see nothing as a result of the Hooker's action.
If targeting the Hooker's target, they will see the Hooker visit.

If targeting the Nurse, Watcher will see nothing as a result of the Nurse's action.
If targeting the Nurse's target, they will see the Nurse visit.

If targeting the Witch, Watcher will see nothing as a result of the Witch's action.
If targeting the Witch's target, the Watcher will trigger the curse and see the Witch visit.

The Mafia *cannot* trigger the Witch's curse. Nothing will happen if they visit the cursed player. Only a Town player can trigger it.

Because the vest has been enchanted by a friendly wizard, the witch's curse will take the form of a gunshot and will be blocked by the vest, and the vest will be used up in the process.

If the Thief steals from the gunsmith's target, the Thief will receive the gun, and the Target will never know they were going to receive one.

If someone attempts to use a gun at night, the Thief may steal it BEFORE the night ends, and the gunshot will not be fired at EoN if queued.

The Thief can only steal one item per night. If the Thief’s target has multiple items in their possession, which item is stolen will be decided by

If targeting the Witch, the Nurse will roleblock the Witch and prevent them from cursing
The Nurse cannot trigger the Witch's Curse because it visits before the Witch casts it.

1. Oracle chooses target
2. Hooker Roleblocks / Nurse Visits (Simultaneous)
3. Watcher starts watching
4. Witch places curse
5. Cop Investigates / Stalker Stalks / Gunsmith Delivers (All Simultaneous)
6. Thief steals
7. Mafia Kill / Any other night gunshots

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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#4 Post by Hellenic Riot » Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:16 pm

Previous Mafia Games:


Player List:

1. DemonRHK
2. Foxcastle
3. ND
4. bozotheclown
5. Ezio
6. rdrivera2005
7. yavuzovic
8. rjmcf
9. Balki Bartokomous
10. Jamiet99uk
11. reedeer1
12. brainbomb
13. VashtaNeurotic
14. Tom Bombadil
15. Maniac
16. dargorygel
17. thamrick
18. snowy801
19. bo_sox48
20. MeanLaQueefa
21. SuperSteve

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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#5 Post by Hellenic Riot » Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:57 pm

Game will begin in 3 minutes. Please do not post until the game has been officially started.

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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#6 Post by Hellenic Riot » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:00 pm

Marvin Acme, the head of the great Acme Corporation, and owner of Toontown, has been murdered, after a safe was dropped on his head! All the evidence points toward Roger Rabbit, after pictures of his wife Jessica Rabbit playing pattycake with Marvin had been shown to him by R.K. Maroon, and Eddie Valiant. But is this really the case? Or is something far more sinister at work? Who is this mysterious Cloverleaf corporation buying up Maroon Studios, Roger's place of work, and buying up all the Redcars in Los Angeles? Where is Marvin Acme's will, reputed to leave the entirety of Toontown to the Toons? Is the nefarious Judge Doom really on the side of justice? And will Eddie Valiant be able to stop drinking and solve the case?

The fates of all Toons may well rest on your backs! It's time find out what really happened, as MAFIA 34 - WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT? - BEGINS!



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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#7 Post by dargorygel » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:06 pm

Five minutes and no posts? Or is my puter not refreshing the forum?

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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#8 Post by brainbomb » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:07 pm

I hardclaim gunsmith.

Who wants a gun

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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#9 Post by MeanLaQueefa » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:08 pm

Yeash, ready to rock shit! 8-)

Interesting theme, I like it!

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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#10 Post by thamrick » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:09 pm

*Looks around nervously, then raises hand*

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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#11 Post by brainbomb » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:11 pm

MeanLaQueefa wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:08 pm
Yeash, ready to rock shit! 8-)

Interesting theme, I like it!

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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#12 Post by MeanLaQueefa » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:12 pm

wait, can a theft steal a gun from the gunsmith? or only after he gives it out?

You may have dun fucked up mr. b

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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#13 Post by dargorygel » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:13 pm

brainbomb wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:07 pm
I hardclaim gunsmith.

Who wants a gun
Don't give anyone the gun today, imo. Wait till shooters have more knowledge.

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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#14 Post by dargorygel » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:13 pm

MeanLaQueefa wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:12 pm
wait, can a theft steal a gun from the gunsmith? or only after he gives it out?

You may have dun fucked up mr. b
The thief can't steal from the smith.

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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#15 Post by brainbomb » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:14 pm

##Vote Queef

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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#16 Post by dargorygel » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:17 pm

@Mean: You never answered in the signup forum, who is your room-mate? We'd like to know who has trained you in your Mafia skills.

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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#17 Post by MeanLaQueefa » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:19 pm

You just wanted to be the first to vote queef didn't you? :-D

Or was there some deep meaning in you borking me?

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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#18 Post by MeanLaQueefa » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:22 pm

SpiritRadio is his name here I think. He didn't train me really, just told me not to lynch anyone for being stupid, cause there are too many stupid people for you all to be werewolves :P

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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#19 Post by dargorygel » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:24 pm

fwiw on a technical note. Posts don't update instantly if you are viewing the main webDip page. To see posts that are posted, keep the Mafia XXXIV page open. Ya'll probably knew that already.

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Re: Mafia XXXIV Game Thread - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

#20 Post by dargorygel » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:25 pm

@Mean. What kind of experience have you had playing Mafia or Mafia-type games? (and welcome to our forum game)

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