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#1 Post by Matticus13 » Fri Jan 08, 2021 11:21 pm

Bunk I say. It's your dumbass being a dumbass... Dumbass.

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#2 Post by Matticus13 » Sat Jan 09, 2021 2:04 am

I should have explained what I'd like to discuss better:

Is it the media's fault for everything that's wrong with society, or just an easy scapegoat? My opinion is in the OP.

Le Plume
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#3 Post by Le Plume » Sun Jan 10, 2021 5:36 am

People like to blame the media. No, they like to blame the mainstream media.
Typical arguments:
1. 24 hour cable news networks become entertainment
2. websites use clickbait headlines to increase page views and to generate revenue from ad sales, this diminshes the quality of the news
3. Print media can't compete and as a result, hires fewer journalists and other staff and focuses instead on columnists and opinion pieces leading to less new coverage
4. This all creates a situation where mainstream media carry fewer differing or contrary points view.

But, if these are true, I don't see why this should the cause of all our problems.

On another issue, it seems to me that people are relying more on state propaganda outlets like RT, or just plain non-state propaganda outlets like Epoch Times. At least, these outlets have a growing influence. If people don't like real news, they can choose these providers or something else.
I don't see these news sources as causes for what is wrong in our society. However, there must be something wrong in our society for people to be turning to disreputable news media.

Le Plume
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#4 Post by Le Plume » Wed Jan 13, 2021 2:55 pm

Epoch Times just did a drop of free newspapers at the housing complex where I work. They have done a few drops this last year in various parts of Canada. It has a real high quality.
I do remember being really into them for like a year in the late 2000's. It was a free source of world news, in print, and you picked it up at the library. However, as time went on, I noticed something fishy. I didn't need to look them up on wikipedia to know they had an agenda. I moved on.
So what do you do when the propaghanda outlet is of a high quality and you somewhat agree with their stance?
Personally, being sensitive, I try to steer clear. Even tho I am aware of the insidious property of propaganda to colour my world view, this actually doesn't stop it from doing so. I am beginning to see how this may be the same for everyone else. Indeed, the whole point of propaganda is to coerce your mind, whether you know it or now.
So Matticus, if I may, I'd like shift your thread into the media of propaganda. I'd like to suggest that we can blame propaganda for our woes, and that this sentiment is not bunk.
You've already guessed how I use propaganda as an idea. Since I don't have a sense of humour I wont make any puns to do with mass peace protests. But I'll add how widespread I think it is in North America - Canada is just pale replica of America, often you can guess how things might be south of the border based on our clumsy attempt at being American.
I think a lot of ads, for example, use propaganda techniques. I have friends in marketing and film, so I don't usually say this, its rude and doesn't generate good conversation.
Perhaps more contentious. I think most facebook posts are propaganda. Not in their intent, but in their effect. Without the art of persuasion, my viewpoint changes to what the post wants me to think. This is my theory. Especially when you view repetitive visual graphics or memes.
I've rarely if ever articulated this point of view. I think it may contribute to the point of the original thread, whether it holds or not. For one reason, a lot of people do blame social media; the social media giants included.

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#5 Post by Matticus13 » Wed Jan 13, 2021 10:19 pm

While I understand your viewpoint and agree with it on some levels (those pushing unsound ideas are part of the problem), I place a larger share of the blame on people not actually being interested in the truth. It's a repeating theme in history.

We ought to know better by now.

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#6 Post by Randomizer » Wed Jan 13, 2021 10:36 pm

People usually want confirmation of their beliefs. So finding a source that has similar views makes people comfortable and ignore sources that contradict their beliefs.

Google makes it easier for them because the search algorithm stores information about past searches and results you use. So later searches start with what it thinks you want based upon tour past.

Le Plume
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#7 Post by Le Plume » Thu Jan 14, 2021 3:00 am

I think the OP is really about proper media, like real newspaper and so forth, not parler. But, following what randomizer is saying about seeking confirmation, people are joining social media platforms, such as Parlour, to find the news they want.
And, yes, people are choosing these platforms, but are they quite aware of the power these types of media have on the way they think?
If I didn't know the Onion magazine was parody, there are times when I would have been fooled. Is it possible that everyone one of us has at one time believed a parody, even for a moment or two? Hopefully only ever in good faith. Some people can't tell the difference. It seems to me people loose their will power or their sense of reality.
I wonder if what happens to people who come to rely on and believe in coercive news forms is a kind radicalising. This is a subject about which I know little. So I am just surmising what I can. I am raising it to highlight personal responsibility and how much we can place on people who didn't know better. I want to argue for lesser personal responsibility.
Even before people seek confirmation of belief, they are curious and still innocent from what they may do in the future. If you trust a news source, you may believe it is true. I don't mean specific specific websites which sponsor domestic terrorism or white supremacy. You know what you are looking when you are going there. I mean sources of news that have malice intent. That take the cover of objective journalism. That are soft and suave. That drink the goodness out of you. I am not sure if I have lost any body to the dark side but I definitely see its disgusting influence on friends and peers. In a moral sense you must be responsible for your actions. However, knowing the power of coercive media, can we lesson the personal responsibility?
A quick example might be the radicalising of our youth into joining foreign terrorists. They were brainwashed in the their youth. If they ever see the light, do we forgive them and try to get them back. Or, do we say you must BEAR THE MORAL responsibility for your actions. What ever happened to all the Canadian and UK kids who joined ISIS, anyway?
Otherwise, I agree with the thrust of your argument: People incorrectly blame the media. They say it is biased or slanted or contains unfair coverage. My response to this argument is to say mainstream media continues to have counterpoints and diverse opinions. People are choosing to ignore the diverse and contrarian viewpoints within mainstream media. I don't know if I am totally right, but this is what I am arguing to my peers.

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