M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#41 Post by MajorMitchell » Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:43 am

For many good reasons we are not allowed to discuss games here while they are being played. I'm in an exuberant mood today and it's possible that this is due to the unfolding events in a game I'm currently playing. I invite readers to click on my player name & look at my current game. No I'm not cutting a pasted link interweb thingy for you. Ho ho ho, I might have banged my.daffy head yet I'm anticipating garnering a few more precious webdiplomacy points quite soon.

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#42 Post by MajorMitchell » Sun Jun 21, 2020 4:04 pm

Hoorah .. a three way draw.and 44 more lovely webdiplomacy points, and my Reliability Rating is 100% .. possibly enough time has passed for my naughtiness by going into civil disorders in unnaproved ways had it hammered to sub 70% for those penalties to expire?
So I did another cruise of the open games and might have found an opportunity.
The gardeners & stable hands turf syndicate had an up & down weekend and came out ahead but only by a few lengths.
Lovely Princess Estelle has just completed a knitted cardigan for me with a variety of knitting methods interpreted in unusual ways and multitudes of tiny woollen threads in knots that would have old sailors of the days of canvass sails and no steam engines, gnarly Mariners who were masters of ropes and knots weeping with horror.
The colour scheme is anarchic grotesque, and shape and proportions defy long established conventions of design.
Of course I had to profess my awe at it's beauty, my admiration of its construction and my desire to wear it as much as possible to Lovely Princess Estelle.
I'm now wearing incontinence nappies for the mature woman, apparently they were at a heavily discounted​ price when purchased.

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#43 Post by MajorMitchell » Sun Jun 21, 2020 4:11 pm

I've just realised.. that pair have made me a cross~dresser. where will it lead?

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#44 Post by MajorMitchell » Sun Jun 21, 2020 4:13 pm

No risque jokes about a pearl necklace to go with my new cardigan.. the first schwinehund to ...

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#45 Post by flash2015 » Tue Jun 23, 2020 12:29 pm

I think you are talking to yourself, Major...

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#46 Post by MajorMitchell » Tue Jun 23, 2020 5:42 pm

430 views flash, but I think quite a few are freeloaders.who don't +1 enough. I'm not worried, after all, over decades in matrimonial harness there's been innumerable occasions when I thought I was addressing my Adorable Fire Breathing Mem Sahib Her Serene Loving Imperiousness Indoors but as the delightful lady wasn't listening, I was quite literally talking to myself

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#47 Post by flash2015 » Tue Jun 23, 2020 6:03 pm

How do you know that most of those 430+ views are not yourself? :P

It does not appear that a single user can be counted several times. I navigated to the "Off Topic" Forum, clicked on the thread, refreshed and jumped out. The view count went up by one. I did this a few times and each time the view count went up by one each time.

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#48 Post by MajorMitchell » Wed Jun 24, 2020 3:36 am

How do young whippersnappers become so cynical? My parents generation endured the great Depression & fought Nazi totalitarianism & then founded the consumer society & look.at the legacy of the post WW2 baby boomers, massive oceanic plastic garbage archipelagos & the occasional nuclear fiasco and started the interweb.
A bit of appreciation wouldn't go amiss imho.
I'm the 3rd or 4th best entertainment in Off Topic & beloved Dipbro Brainbomb is Numero Uno. When they're looking to monetise Off Topic the Almighty Mods will be emailing us first. (Hint hint)

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#49 Post by MajorMitchell » Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:12 pm

What I do like about webdiplomacy is that I do meet young whippersnappers & scallywags who are in, more often than not, the halcyon days of their lives, enthusiastic and inquiring.
I occasionally get opportunities to play a rescuing ally and tutor on the Arts of Diplomacy in games here at webdiplomacy with young whippersnappers.
There's a failure rate at this caper, the inexperienced young whippersnappers lose interest etc, but intermittently it's successful..
They play a hopeless first year but accept the offer I make them, and they play as advised etc, we have some luck & they are right there at the end of the game, strong powers In a thre way draw
The young whippersnappers who do best ask excellent questions & we have message tutorials in tactics, or effective uses of messaging, or deceptions & manipulations to disrupt opposing alliances and players, how to defect to a conspiracy and cause it's failure...the fun stuff.

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#50 Post by MajorMitchell » Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:18 pm

It's excellent stuff when you combine the theoretical with the practical and in the game we are in, pull.off a false defection into a conspiracy and then cause it's failure.

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#51 Post by MajorMitchell » Fri Jun 26, 2020 5:41 am

The mistakes I make during these games where I play rescuing ally and tutor are also practical examples the young whippersnappers learn from as well as the odd flashes of inspirational stuff.
Readers are invited to view my current game.
I was allowed the privelige of wearing an old suit and proper leather shoes by my Adorable Serene pair of domestic supervisors yesterday, my first time out of pyjamas in combination with unusual hand knitted & knotted by LPE cardigan over new similarly unusual sweater crafted lovingly by LPE, dressing gown with misshapen pinkwooly beanie stop my scone and hand knitted knotted woolly socks & slippers.
The privelige of wearing an old suit and proper leather shoes plus other monitored freedoms was occasioned by a telephone call to Flyblown Farm from my trusty mechanical Comrade.. ComradeTrucky... CT is a Comrade of long standing with daffy aging scallywag MM.
His telephone call enquiry regarding a missed service appointment for my trusty pale blue Mercedes PanzerBenz and request that he visit Flyblown Farm to attend to the servicing needs of my trusty pale blue Mercedes PanzerBenz was a polite ultimatum that could not be declined.
My loving captors had me bathed shaved & wearing an incontinence nappy for the mature woman and dressed in an old dark blue suit with decent socks and proper old black leather shoes, fed breakfast and wheeled out in a large cane chair on little metal wheels with solid rubber tyres and no brakes to meet my staunch ComradeTrucky​ when he drove up to the aging limestone and red brick garages​ with corrugated galvanised steel sheet foofs that have large swathes of orange red surface corrosion and gather rainwater in gutters feeding it to tanks atop based made of limestone and red brick, the tanks made of the same corrugated galvanised steel sheet and with tinges of orange red in blotches on grey metal.
Her Beautiful Fire Breathing Mem Sahib Her Serene Imperiousness Indoors ventured outside to supervise Sally the Pantry maid serve up morning tea and Lovely Princess Estelle cruised about as escort destroyer might when in company with Aircraft Carrier Group Fire Breathing Mem Sahib, hostage boat MM and Supply Ship Sally they encountered Heavy Cruiser Comrade Trucky.and offsider, young monkey wrench Sprocket the Rocket on his motorcycle.
Comrade Tricky had a full bottle of Laguvalin and cigars in his toolboxes and once morning tea had.been consumed, Sprocket the Rocket devoured sandwiches, pastries, buns and cakes conveying them from plate to mouth & down his pink canal to stomach like a stevedorel on bonus wages shovelling coal into furnace, Comrade Trucky diplomatically signalled to Aircraft Carrier Group Fire Breathing Mem Sahib with a few quips from The Taming of the Shrew that it was time for her to return to home port and leave Lovely Princess Estelle and Sally the Pantry maid as prisoner escorts and companionship for himself and young monkey wrench Sprocket the Rocket.
Once the grim.visage of Her Adorable Fire Breathing Mem Sahib Her Serene Imperiousness Indoors had vanished over the horizon the fun and capers got going promptly.
Lovely Princess Estelle flirted outrageously towards Comrade Trucky and Sally the Pantry maid emitted saucy invitations and encouragements​ to young monkey wrench Sprocket the Rocket.
We had Hamburgers with the lot, chips and salad for luncheon.
Cook's Hamburgers with the lot are a triumph of cuisine.
Her baked rolls are large yet light, her own mix of grains ground her own way. The base bun is loaded with Fried onion, then the burger of her own making with strong dash of Worcestershire sauce, more fried onion with homemade tomato sauce, thick under the bacon,with melted mature cheddar cheese, then the fried pineapple ring and the start of the salad, lettuce cradling sluces of tomato, cucumber beetroot, sweet pickled gherkin, chopped parsley from the garden, shredded carrot all doused in mayonnaise then the toated top half of the baked roll.
Cutlery is required, steak knives & large forks (and spoon in young​ monkey wrench Sprocket the Rocket's culinary weaponry)
We drank tea during our meal.
We enjoyed post prandial coffee, whiskies and cigars. What a sublime and pleasurable glow of satiation established itself within us chaps. Properly fed and lubricated, the ace team set about servicing my trusty pale blue Mercedes PanzerBenz.
Comrade Trucky delivered other stores, DVDs, CDs and books from another old Comrade.who runs a Music Shop.in the nearby village.
I watched and chatted happily as CT attended to his Mechanical Arts & treatments.
Lovely Princess Estelle lavished her charms & affections upon me, smiling and whispering enchantments with glowing blue eyes teasing and bewitching me. Comrade Trucky has encountered Lovely Princess Estelle in most amiable moods in my company previously on many occasions.
Young monkey wrench Sprocket the Rocket had not, and it's fair to say that young monkey wrench Sprocket the Rocket left Flyblown Farm with a much more enlightened understanding of the many charms of Lovely Princess Estelle, he was an avid and diligent visual examiner determined to adopt an array of machinations to achieve lines of sight required for a thorough inspection.
Lovely Princess Estelle was well aware of the visual interest from young monkey wrench Sprocket the Rocket and naughtily encouraged her young admirrer.
The trusty pale blue Mercedes PanzerBenz is serviced and resupplied, two thirds of a bottle of Laguvalin and eight cigars are so well hidden that no bloodhound like hunt will detect them.

Barely minutes after waving farewell to Comrade Trucky and young monkey wrench Sprocket the Rocket i was hustled ,& bustled back inside.to confinement, stripped of old suit and proper leather shoes, redressed in pyjamas etc and sent to bed early with Lovely Princess Estelle in her lingerie kit armed with wooden spoon. Someone had to be spanked.
Her Beautiful Fire Breathing Mem Sahib Her Serene Imperiousness Indoors retired to her quarters & listened to recordings of the speeches of Winston Churchill and Eleanor Roosevelt and played with her knitting kit.

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#52 Post by MajorMitchell » Mon Jun 29, 2020 5:37 am

I've started playing the Dalek Bots in classic. I can beat them.one v one, but have been playing games with England v the Dalek Bots & cannot win yet.. it's addictive..

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#53 Post by MajorMitchell » Sun Jul 05, 2020 4:13 am

Hoorah, it took only a mere 16 games with England v the Dalek Bots for me to defeat the BlighterDalekBots once.
So given that form I figure the odds of me winning with Der Germanic Nation are 20/1. The BlighterDalekBots at ten to two odds on
Putten das mitts in das pockets und grab das schillings to invest...

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#54 Post by MajorMitchell » Wed Aug 05, 2020 6:21 am

Das BlighterDalekBots are bloomin difficult to beat with Das Germany, after 20+ games the best I think I got to was two 16/17 SC draws.
With Russia it was a similar tale. I tried multiple games using three openings.. the conventional army Warsaw to Galicia army Moscow to Ukraine fleet Sev to Black Sea fleet St P to Gulf of Bothnia,
Or the fleet Sev to Black Sea army Moscow to Ukraine army Warsaw to Silesia fleet St P to Gulf of Bothnia /letting Germany get Sweden and moving fleet Gulf of Bothnia to Baltic Sea/ deleting games with a German fleet to Denmark opening & English two fleets North army to Ed opening..
Got a few draws but generally got hammered.
Or the two North two South opening and only playing on in games with favourable openings by the BlighterDalekBots.. still.got hammered.

So I played the ridiculous army Warsaw to Silesia, army Moscow to St P fleet St P to Gulf of Bothnia and fleet Sev to Black Sea and selected the game with favourable openings by the BlighterDalekBots.
Amazingly this was the trick...show no interest in Rumania or Galicia and the BlighterDalekBots with Turkey Austria and Italy fought each other & ignored me.

Maintain army Ukraine fleet Sev as defense from spring 02 add army Moscow in 04?
Defeat Germany and England.. and as they're in last stages and the opportunity arrived.. make a move on Austria and Turkey..
& onto a win.

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#55 Post by MajorMitchell » Wed Aug 05, 2020 6:22 am

Then I might have tried a few games with Italy and gone well and had nearly the most fun as I'd had with England.

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#56 Post by MajorMitchell » Wed Aug 05, 2020 6:24 am

Now I be playing with persons again in a game of classic and I have Italy.

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#57 Post by MajorMitchell » Wed Aug 05, 2020 6:46 am

Ho ho. Using be instead of other terms eg am .. that's Comrade Trucky chatter.. He's visited again recently. Lovely Princess Estelle might be getting Stockholm syndrome.. Flyblown Farm has endured some bitterly cold nights and mornings outside. Inside the fires have been burning steadily, from.Cooks old range that gets used from Mid autumn to Mid spring continuously and keeps her domain warm, to the fireplaces through the house.
Lovely Princess Estelle is knitting me a Willy dressing gown.with a "coat of many clashing colours" theme as far as I can detect. Her insouciance knows few limits, which I think is only to be encouraged. My mocking comment about LPE knitting new lingerie was taken as a challenge and I rather bungled things in my first encounter with a knitted & knotted red woolly garter belt. I pulled the wrong bits of wool and a good third of the left side unravelled, something which although I may have been following instructions most obediently is obviously and clearly due to.my wilful negligence in the Court of Lovely Princess Estelle.
I'm definitely not getting Stockholm syndrome in respect of the enforced wearing of incontinence nappies for the mature woman which continues. Apparently I can go ballroom dancing in the wretched objects without fear of embarrassing wet spots on my gown.

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#58 Post by flash2015 » Wed Aug 05, 2020 2:00 pm

MajorMitchell wrote:
Wed Jun 24, 2020 3:36 am
How do young whippersnappers become so cynical?
Who are you calling a young whippersnapper? I wish I could still be called a "young" whippersnapper... :cry:

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#59 Post by MajorMitchell » Fri Aug 07, 2020 4:21 pm

As I recall flash it was a comment from you implying that I might be "talking to myself" in this thread, a clumsy way of suggesting that this thread had few readers is my inference & at that time this thread had about 430 views & now it's 1,790+ views.
I asked a general question, words to the effect: "How do young whippersnappers become so cynical?"
Now good Dipcomrade flash that question could infer that you, and others here at webdiplomacy are young whippersnappers who are cynical because it questions how young whippersnappers become cynical.
You don't self identify as cynical or question that possible implication, and that I think is sensible. I have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy with cynicism, it's nothing to be ashamed of, but I wouldn't suggest you advertise it flagrantly or boast about it, of indeed you are cynical.
I generally deflect by admitting that I can be sceptical which is far more morally virtuous than cynicism. I do not suggest that cynics have no moral virtue, just suggest that sceptics have more in a comparative sense.
I note the quotation marks about the word, young.
Would you like to self identify as a different type of whippersnapper? A Jazz mad whippersnapper? A prog~rock, hip hop whippersnapper? A Classical Opera Whippersnapper? A Wagnerian Whippersnapper? Or Brahms & Liztish Whippersnapper? Those are musical examples.

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Re: M~M falls head first into unforgiving hard floor

#60 Post by MajorMitchell » Fri Aug 07, 2020 4:30 pm

You could self identify as an EmilyBronte~esque Whippersnapper or a Dickensian Whippersnapper, Runyonesque Whippersnapper, or a Kafkaesque Whippersnapper, or a Shakespearean Whippersnapper, a Guys & Dolls Whippersnapper, a RockyHorrorShow Whippersnapper or a ClockworkOrangeDroogish Whippersnapper or even a JesusChristSuperStar Whippersnapper as literary & theatrical suggestions.
Perhaps readers might make other suggestions as to what type of Whippersnapper our dear flash might be.

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