World Diplomacy Championships 2019

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#21 Post by foodcoats » Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:49 pm

I just finished Chris Martin's 2016 WDC series and it was sick as fuck. It got me so hyped to stop this online silliness and play face to face. Too much stuff going on in life right now to try to start a hobby in my area but I can dream...

Anyway, my point is, I will devour any content that anyone feels like generating from WDC... you will have at the very least a very passionate audience of one.

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#22 Post by Carl Tuckerson » Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:15 pm

Aw, now you have fans Durga. You have to do it now!

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#23 Post by Deeply_Dippy » Thu Aug 22, 2019 8:23 pm


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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#24 Post by Durga » Fri Aug 23, 2019 1:49 pm

Claesar will do it

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#25 Post by Chaqa » Fri Aug 23, 2019 3:05 pm

* looks up prices of flights to France*
* realizes I don't have a passport*
* just started a new job and can't take time off *

:/ maybe next year

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#26 Post by Vecna » Mon Aug 26, 2019 12:14 am

Thats a shame Chaqa.

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#27 Post by Johnny Big Horse » Thu Aug 29, 2019 7:31 am

No point following the action. I already kniw the result. I win it all and make everyone mad.

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#28 Post by Claesar » Fri Aug 30, 2019 6:09 pm

Seichuto finishes 2nd on his board with 8 centres as Russia.
Claesar survives on 5 centres as Turkey.
Vecna survives on 1 as Austria.
Durga eliminated as Austria.

I still don't know who Johnny Big Horse is.

The scoring is Pastis, but I haven't calculated anything. I'm also feeling quite bad so I can't guarantee more updates.

42 players, 6 boards. It's very hot here, but the island looks nice.

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#29 Post by Claesar » Fri Aug 30, 2019 11:23 pm

After a nice but (for Dutch standards) very late dinner, there were many boardgames.

Some were playing Gunboat Dip, Durga played Splendor and Avalon (a game like Mafia), while others were playing 'The Mind'. Vecna, Seichuto and I played about 4-5 rounds of Avalon. It was awesome!

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#30 Post by Temasek22 » Fri Aug 30, 2019 11:32 pm

Claesar wrote:
Fri Aug 30, 2019 6:09 pm
Seichuto finishes 2nd on his board with 8 centres as Russia.
Claesar survives on 5 centres as Turkey.
Vecna survives on 1 as Austria.
Durga eliminated as Austria.

I still don't know who Johnny Big Horse is.

The scoring is Pastis, but I haven't calculated anything. I'm also feeling quite bad so I can't guarantee more updates.

42 players, 6 boards. It's very hot here, but the island looks nice.
Hmm, did Durga show up with a phone stuck to her forehead / GoPro? :razz:

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#31 Post by Claesar » Sat Aug 31, 2019 11:59 am

No GoPro on Durga, so there's no footage unless I remember to finally take a picture. I'm feeling horrible though and average 10 unintentional misorders per game.

Johnny Big Horse found me! If I remember correctly, he finished round1 with a shared board top. Best webDipper after one round.

Durga survived on 7 centres, shared 2nd or 3rd I believe.
Claesar survives on 6 centres as France. Improving slowly!
Johnny Big Horse and Vecna survived on one centre, I think.
Seichuto was eliminated.

37 players. 2 volunteered to sit out, so 5 boards.

This means webDip needs a very strong board top to put someone in the top board. Round 3 starts soon!

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#32 Post by Claesar » Sat Aug 31, 2019 5:33 pm

Durga finished 3rd on 8 centres with Turkey.
Claesar survived on 2 centres as Russia because he's a horrible tactician. Not a single misorder though! Just a few key blunders.
Seichuto survives on one centre.
Johnny Big Horse and Vecna were eliminated.

That should make Durga best webDipper going into Round4, but none of us on the final table. Outside shot at 3nd/3rd place though :lol:

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#33 Post by Claesar » Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:08 pm

In the night Vecna, Johnny and I played 3-7 more games of Avalon. Durga joined for one. Some were epic! You should've been there.

Claesar (Italy), Johnny (France) and Vecna (Turkey) on the same board, with Chris Brand as Russia! Very interesting and tense game that should've ended in a 3-way board top on 8 for the webDippers. Unfortunately, Claesar literally didn't see he had an open centre in the final turn and showed all his orders to Vecna. Claesar therefore tied in third place with Chris. He's crying now and very disappointed with himself.

Seichuto survived on 5 centres. Durga survived on 2.

Haven't seen the final scores, but I think Johnny finished as best from webDip.

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#34 Post by Johnny Big Horse » Mon Sep 02, 2019 3:38 pm

Imagine that! Well, I didn't win the entire thing. Maybe in 5 years I can make it to the adults table. It was fun meeting Durga and Claeser and Vecna. This event was a lot of fun. People really bonded here.

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#35 Post by Seichuto » Mon Sep 02, 2019 6:48 pm

The best experience from the tournaments was by far meeting you guys in reality. I enjoyed not only your company a lot but also our Diplomacy games and the introduktion to Avalon. And I am not saying that because tournament dip is such meta, as I'm sure you also noticed. Of my four games, it was only in one that there wasn't a predestined solid alliance that lasted all seven game years. A trusted source among the experienced players told me it is simply how the game is played at this level - the good players are very picky when it comes to selecting allies and as a new player (tournamentwise) you have quite a road to go down to get there.
No, I'm saying that I enjoyed your company because I sincerely mean it. If it happens leads to that we in some future can outweight those predestined alliances, the better. Because I sensed your feelings for just and righteousness being in these matters being a lot like mine. Everybody should have the chance to be able to prove to be the good player you in fact are.

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#36 Post by Matticus13 » Mon Sep 02, 2019 11:53 pm

If someone would have bought a plane ticket for me and worked my shifts, I'da been there with ya!

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#37 Post by Claesar » Tue Sep 03, 2019 11:46 am

Seichuto wrote:
Mon Sep 02, 2019 6:48 pm
And I am not saying that because tournament dip is such meta, as I'm sure you also noticed. Of my four games, it was only in one that there wasn't a predestined solid alliance that lasted all seven game years. A trusted source among the experienced players told me it is simply how the game is played at this level - the good players are very picky when it comes to selecting allies and as a new player (tournamentwise) you have quite a road to go down to get there.
I've heard about this, but it wasn't a problem (for me) in any of my games. Perhaps I was just lucky. Didn't witness a single pre-destined alliance. Didn't see any of them last, either.
Chris Brand would've loved to work together more with me in our game (then again, we were I/R).

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#38 Post by Claesar » Tue Sep 03, 2019 12:09 pm

In fact, in another game Cyrille Sevin (Austria) would've certainly preferred me (Russia) working together with him instead of Italy.

I managed to get a hold of a phone image of the standings!

1) Gwen Maggi
2) Andrew Goff
3) Cristophe Borgeat
4) William Hackenbracht
5) Luca Pazzaglia
6) Ruben Sanchez
7) Cyrille Sevin

These seven were also the top board. Interestingly, no one overtook them in the final round.

15) Johnny Big Horse
18) Vecna
22) Claesar

Durga and Seichuto fell outside of the top25.

The second round was a Team Round. Johnny Big Horse snatched the 2nd place with his team and was awarded a medal for his achievements!

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#39 Post by Seichuto » Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:17 pm

Claesar wrote:
Tue Sep 03, 2019 11:46 am
Seichuto wrote:
Mon Sep 02, 2019 6:48 pm
And I am not saying that because tournament dip is such meta, as I'm sure you also noticed. Of my four games, it was only in one that there wasn't a predestined solid alliance that lasted all seven game years. A trusted source among the experienced players told me it is simply how the game is played at this level - the good players are very picky when it comes to selecting allies and as a new player (tournamentwise) you have quite a road to go down to get there.
I've heard about this, but it wasn't a problem (for me) in any of my games. Perhaps I was just lucky. Didn't witness a single pre-destined alliance. Didn't see any of them last, either.
Chris Brand would've loved to work together more with me in our game (then again, we were I/R).
Good to hear, and it shouldn't really be a problem if enough of us who don't appreciate that kind of behaviour could take appropriate action against it. Unfortunately it's not easy to deal with even if suspected. You never know (at least not early on) whether an alliance is going to be lasting the game or not.

In one of my game the predestined and game-lasting alliance was dealt with by kingmaking and that's not pretty either. (The one side of the board that wasn't the victim of the predestined alliance gave away enough centers to one of the players on their side of the board to such extent so that the predestined didn't even achieve any bonus points - i e more than 3SC's difference between #1 and #2).

And whether or not a threat to throw the game really would break the alliance or actually force it together even more is also hard to know.

Anyway, thanks a lot for the reports Cleasar!

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Re: World Diplomacy Championships 2019

#40 Post by Johnny Big Horse » Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:16 pm

The only predestined alliances might have been among countrymen. The Dutch guys stuck together, didn't they Claeser? (Specifically, I am thinking of Claeser and Vecna). But so did the Americans, and the French. It is natural. A lot of people felt that the French were aligning too much, but I didn't notice it. And in response to this feeling, the other nationalities were bonding together.

Overall, this never bothered me. I play mostly on geography and personality.

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