Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#41 Post by Doom427 » Wed Oct 05, 2022 2:31 pm

Octavious wrote:
Wed Oct 05, 2022 2:20 pm

Yeah, a bit of fun mindless escapism. You can make an argument about the capabilities of the female heroes being unrealistic, but at the end of the day not much different to the unrealism of male heroes. Let the cold hard reality of gender differences remain hidden until fun events like moving furniture crop up in real life, and let tinsel town indulge in fantasy
For the unfamiliar, this is a series where a woman explodes a man's face using her magic mind powers. She then teams up with an army of her own clones who also have magic mind powers and they kill a dude who has matrix speed powers.

The two genders- exploding a man's face and bullet time.

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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#42 Post by kestasjk » Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:20 am

Doom427 wrote:
Wed Oct 05, 2022 12:06 pm
kestasjk wrote:
Wed Oct 05, 2022 10:03 am
I don’t like stuff like this: ... 7629798402
I wish men would stop catcalling me from their cars, and I really wish they would stop fucking women who were black out drunk. If you think this is unacceptable discourse because it doesn't treat men as the special unique snowflakes they are, I don't really care. The text of the tweet is a I guess a little lame. But I really don't care about that
It’s mainly the part about how “most men don’t look in the mirror and see a problem” that got me.. as if men should look in the mirror and see a problem with themselves. I don’t think people should look in the mirror and see a problem because of how they were born.
kestasjk wrote:
Wed Oct 05, 2022 10:03 am
Or this: ... 28477.html
Gender disappoint- most well known as a dad annoyed that he's getting another daughter instead of a son in every hackey sitcom. Is having it reversed, just once, where a mom is annoyed she's getting a son instead of a daughter, too much for you? If it makes you feel any better, my mom wishes I was a boy? Does that help?
No obviously it doesn’t. I guess the idea is “historically and in some cultures men would beat women and that was/is culturally acceptable; but if a woman beats a man that’s too much for you?” Yes; I don’t think it’s acceptable for people to beat each other. I was assaulted by a woman in a McDonalds because I intervened with her abusing the staff; should I be okay with it because other men beat other women?
Brie Larson, in her 1st interview, interupted a male reported and said she only wanted ocmments from females. That put a lot of men against her.
I laughed, said based, and got very sad when I found out this never happened.
This is sexism .. right? Are you actually okay with that? I hadn’t heard of this until now but wow, if I was a reporter who was in favour of equal pay / maternity leave / womens rights / against rapists / etc (which I think a lot of men are, dare I say most men..), that would make my blood boil.
You haven't heard of it b/c it didn't happen. If you, (Like most men you dare say) are for women's rights and against rapists, why were you so offended by a video that says to stop catcalling women? And the answer, I already know, is you view rapists as monsters to be punched and not as dudes who look like everyone else. I, sadly, want to prevent rape instead of punch all the rapists, so I have to actually do things like tell men to stop doing these other rapey things if i want that to happen.
Of course you already know the answer; I’m not a person I’m a man, so you know exactly what my motivations and thoughts are. I want to punch people, I don’t think rapists look like other people, I couldn’t possibly have family experiences with SA / rapists.
It just makes me sad; men, and especially white men, are supposed to be somehow inherently bad these days.. Can’t we just judge each individual?
:cry: :cry: :cry: 'Insert MLK quote' :cry: :cry: :cry:
You’re coming across as quite a hateful person.. :( I’m sure you’re better than this to the men you know in your life. I hope you find a way to work through your prejudices.

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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#43 Post by JECE » Tue Oct 11, 2022 3:32 am

kestasjk wrote:
Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:20 am
You’re coming across as quite a hateful person.. :( I’m sure you’re better than this to the men you know in your life. I hope you find a way to work through your prejudices.
Kestas . . .

For more than a decade I always had been impressed by how thoughtful your forum posts were. This post was not thoughtful. It was not kind. And it's unfair to characterize Doom427 as hateful and prejudiced based on the limited interactions that you just had.

I hope that you find it within yourself to take back what you said.

By the way, can we have some sort of pop-up confirming that we want to discard our current draft when we reload the page? I lost my first draft of this post and it's happened to me before too.
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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#44 Post by kestasjk » Tue Oct 11, 2022 7:37 am

Appreciate you being straightforward JECE, and I think you're right..

Doom427 I apologize: JECE is right that I definitely don't and can't know you're a hateful / prejudiced person based on this brief back and forth, and I did make that comment without giving myself time to think it through.

When I didn't get a response I asked for a second opinion from someone I trust who also thought it was too harsh. I probably read your previous message in a different tone it was intended, or my message came across harsher than it was intended, and I shouldn't have made it personal. (Especially since I do respect you as someone who's comments I see and read on this forum regularly.)
I've been too harsh and wrote messages/e-mails that have got reactions I didn't expect a few times personally and in my career, and it's something I need to be more careful about. I wrote it with sadness more than anger.

I do get "triggered" by this topic a bit.. I have / there are some legitimate reasons I think, like I say there is criticism to be given to both extremes, but that's more reason I shouldn't engage in it, and this isn't the place for it, I made it personal and apologize again.

Edit: And yes that change to the forum is a good idea JECE

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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#45 Post by JECE » Wed Oct 12, 2022 9:41 pm

Octavious wrote:
Wed Oct 05, 2022 2:03 pm
You can save your sexist dribble about evidence being somehow feminine for someone else.
I believe that you noticed the dripping sarcasm and simply ignored it as an excuse to call Doom427 sexist. Proud of you, chap!
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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#46 Post by Octavious » Wed Oct 12, 2022 9:54 pm

JECE wrote:
Wed Oct 12, 2022 9:41 pm
Octavious wrote:
Wed Oct 05, 2022 2:03 pm
You can save your sexist dribble about evidence being somehow feminine for someone else.
I believe that you noticed the dripping sarcasm and simply ignored it as an excuse to call Doom427 sexist. Proud of you, chap!
An excuse? I called Doom427 sexist because that's what they are. All that nonsense about knowing what men are like when they're alone, and then demonstrating that they have no clue what men are like, makes that extremely clear, even without all the other stuff. It doesn't make Doom evil, but it does make it hard to find common ground for a meeting of minds
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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#47 Post by JECE » Wed Oct 12, 2022 11:56 pm

Octavious wrote:
Wed Oct 12, 2022 9:54 pm
JECE wrote:
Wed Oct 12, 2022 9:41 pm
Octavious wrote:
Wed Oct 05, 2022 2:03 pm
You can save your sexist dribble about evidence being somehow feminine for someone else.
I believe that you noticed the dripping sarcasm and simply ignored it as an excuse to call Doom427 sexist. Proud of you, chap!
An excuse? I called Doom427 sexist because that's what they are. All that nonsense about knowing what men are like when they're alone, and then demonstrating that they have no clue what men are like, makes that extremely clear, even without all the other stuff. It doesn't make Doom evil, but it does make it hard to find common ground for a meeting of minds
Nice try, but you explicitly called these comments sexist: "using science and data, which is a very feminine concept . . . that most feminine of traits- looking at statistics." You understood Doom427's point and chose to hurl the accusation of sexism rather than engage with the point that evidence-based strategies to limit violence against women exist, or the reminder that women are often considered ignorant about mathematics and the sciences.
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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#48 Post by Octavious » Thu Oct 13, 2022 2:47 am

Nice try? What are you talking about? It was yet another sexist statement after a series of others. If Doom wanted to expand on that point she could have, and it may have made for a more constructive conversation. If it was meant to be a reminder that women are considered ignorant then it failed abysmally for the simple reason that they're not.

Look, I'm sure you're getting a buzz out of the whole white Knight act and all, but I'm not sure that reheating this finished argument is do Doom any favours, and I'm sure it is as tedious as hell for everyone else :razz:
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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#49 Post by Yoyoyozo » Thu Oct 13, 2022 3:23 am

Lol I have no interest in getting involved in this conversation except to say, Octavious, that you've "All live matter"d and "Not all men"d your way through this entire post and it comes across to me as tone-deaf at best, and ignorant at worst.

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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#50 Post by Octavious » Thu Oct 13, 2022 4:47 am

You can dismiss the harm done to women and men by the ideological dogma of the supposedly progressive left all you want, yoyo, but I will stand for equality and treating individuals with respect regardless.
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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#51 Post by kestasjk » Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:47 am

Surprised you relit this JECE, a bit trollish of you .. :P

Oof .. between some rocks and hard places here .. any other mods around?..

I think there's something to criticize in what Yoyo/JECE/Octavious/Doom/and definitely myself have posted frankly, to greater and lesser extents.. But this might be one where the bigger person moves on first and that's Doom right now..

I don't get Octavious re: the "left" thing, as if this is somehow political, and his reference to women not reading statistics is clearly sexist and could be turned right around in that I don't think there are any statistics to back that up.. And it's good that I can say that and know no-one is going to call me tone-deaf / ignorant or that I'm deliberately ignoring sarcasm.

But I can't pretend I think Doom is totally immune from criticism and think you need to have a weird/selective sarcasm filter to not find her post (.. criticizing men as a group ..) as sexist..

Feels like one of those internet exchanges where everyone loses.. probably best to leave it. :|

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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#52 Post by kestasjk » Thu Oct 13, 2022 8:05 am

Let's move on.. What are people's thoughts on transgender athletes? :P The little mermaid having dark skin? Veganism and animal cruelty?

(just kidding obviously .. )

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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#53 Post by Octavious » Thu Oct 13, 2022 8:41 am

You don't think that this new wave of (I hesitate to use the word feminist as it doesn't resemble much at all of traditional feminism) thinking is a product of left wing philosophy? Not all lefties have been infected by the madness, but the origins are very much on that side of the spectrum. It's linked to the same philosophy that has led to truly vile attacks against prominent feminist icons such as J K Rowling and Germaine Greer. As for it being somehow political, is it not obviously political? I'm amazed it wasn't shunted to the political graveyard of the politics forum several days ago :razz:

But yes, there are many issues best suited for other threads. Although frankly I don't think there's been much more to say about superhero movies since the thread was started
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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#54 Post by Doom427 » Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:58 pm

Octavious wrote:
Thu Oct 13, 2022 8:41 am
It's linked to the same philosophy that has led to truly vile attacks against prominent feminist icons such as J K Rowling and Germaine Greer.
This is the funniest statement I've ever seen, and I'm going to be laughing about it all day Octavious.

Thank you so much for it. I would just like to ask- what's your favorite piece by Greer? Is it the book about how all men are pedophiles, so she should be allowed to be one too? Or is it her important work demanding women give up monogamy? I honestly struggle to think of anything she's actually added to the women's movement, but that's my American Bias I'm sure. Please inform me of your thoughts on her, I'm deeply curious.

And while I would be loath to assign homework, if you could write a brief essay on the feminist underpinnings of the magical boy series done by a woman so ashamed of her sex she created two pen names to hide it, I'd be deeply interested. Or is J K Rowling a "feminist icon" for her efforts in saying Donald Trump is stupid?

Are all women feminist icons I have to wonder? That's very brave of you to say, and I'm sure it would garner a few claps from the white knights who think all women are queens, but to be honest I'm not sure I'd agree. I'd say Rowling is purely oriented toward her own fame and adoration, and her only relation to feminism is insisting she was the first woman to ever pick up a pen- as she refuses to cite a single living female fiction author as an influence for her hackneyed and cliché series.

But I suppose a discussion on feminist thinkers would require a separate thread, you're right. If you could prep a solid 500 or so words on the concept and post it, I can use my expertise to give you a grade and some edits. I learn as much from my students as I do from my peers sometimes, and I'm sure your essay would be quite edifying.

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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#55 Post by Doom427 » Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:59 pm

Sorry for leaving behind my previous attempt at being above this thread- but curiosity got the better of me and I decided a response would be solid practice for press games

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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#56 Post by Doom427 » Thu Oct 13, 2022 2:21 pm

Oh, also, I have to correct myself. I've made a terrible mistake. Greer doesn't think Pedophilia is ok because men do it too. She believes it's ok because males are most sexy when they're not yet old enough to shave. It's more of an objective argument then subjective I suppose, not going for the emotional unfairness of it all.

Anyway, I gotta go barf for ten or so minutes after double checking her quote. I pray I'll see your response soon on this wonderful feminist icon who has been VILELY attacked

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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#57 Post by flash2015 » Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:06 pm

Doom427 wrote:
Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:58 pm
And while I would be loath to assign homework, if you could write a brief essay on the feminist underpinnings of the magical boy series done by a woman so ashamed of her sex she created two pen names to hide it, I'd be deeply interested. Or is J K Rowling a "feminist icon" for her efforts in saying Donald Trump is stupid?
I would agree it is a bit of a stretch to call J K Rowlings a feminist icon...but that is a remarkably vitriolic response. Are you going out of your way to find reasons to hate J K Rowlings because of her comments on transgender language...or did you hate her before it was cool? :P

While we are on the topic of feminist icons what's your opinion of Naomi Wolf?

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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#58 Post by Doom427 » Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:31 pm

flash2015 wrote:
Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:06 pm
I would agree it is a bit of a stretch to call J K Rowlings a feminist icon...but that is a remarkably vitriolic response. Are you going out of your way to find reasons to hate J K Rowlings because of her comments on transgender language...or did you hate her before it was cool? :P

While we are on the topic of feminist icons what's your opinion of Naomi Wolf?
I'm a little confused about your response to be honest. Before it was cool...? I believe it was always cool to consider harry potter bad. I suppose it's nice that with Rowling's comments others now dislike her so I don't have to be worried about a 27 year old crying that I'm ruining her childhood, but my thoughts haven't actually changed.

Anyway, I don't usually play 20 questions outside the forum games section, but I dunno, I don't give a shit about her? She's like Greer- an unexceptional thinker who believes that having a microphone means she has something important to say?

I mean, I don't even think there's any point in describing the women's movement on this website- This is a website where feminist activism would be saying "Women play Diplomacy too". I might act bitchy toward Greer and Wolf, but at least they think sexism is a thing (sometimes at least- honestly they're tedious and boring women).

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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#59 Post by Octavious » Thu Oct 13, 2022 8:52 pm

Doom427 wrote:
Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:59 pm
Sorry for leaving behind my previous attempt at being above this thread- but curiosity got the better of me and I decided a response would be solid practice for press games
That is indeed what the forum is for. Glad there are still people around who recognise it. :-)
Doom427 wrote:
Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:58 pm
Thank you so much for it. I would just like to ask- what's your favorite piece by Greer?
Ah, you're confusing yourself by imagining things I never said. I am not a fan of Greer, and disagree with her on quite a number of points. But that doesn't mean that she isn't a feminist icon, and it certainly doesn't mean she should suffer the abuse she gets.
Doom427 wrote:
Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:58 pm

Are all women feminist icons I have to wonder? That's very brave of you to say,
Do you have to wonder that? Again, you have fallen into the habit of imagining things I never said. I'm sure this makes arguments considerably easier, but it's intellectually weak.
Doom427 wrote:
Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:58 pm
I'd say Rowling is purely oriented toward her own fame and adoration, and her only relation to feminism is insisting she was the first woman to ever pick up a pen- as she refuses to cite a single living female fiction author as an influence for her hackneyed and cliché series.
A delightful diatribe of utter bullshit. Who needs a patriarchy when women are so efficient at taking each other down?
Doom427 wrote:
Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:31 pm
I'm a little confused about your response to be honest. Before it was cool...? I believe it was always cool to consider harry potter bad
You're confusing coolness with snobbery, methinks
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Re: Are female superhero movies unpopular because…

#60 Post by JECE » Fri Oct 14, 2022 12:43 am

If Doom427 is imagining things that you never said, you're excellent at ignoring things that Doom427 did say. That may be excellent practice for public press, but it is even worse to a meaningful debate than putting words in somebody's mouth.
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