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#1 Post by orathaic » Fri Jun 26, 2020 9:56 am

"In 6 days, Israel's Prime Minister is set to expand Israel into much of Palestine.

Palestine is recognised by the United Nations. But Israel's government is simply taking it over, in violation of international law. "

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Re: Palestine

#2 Post by Dejan0707 » Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:52 pm

I have great respect for Israel nation and have simphaty for all the suffering they had for centuries in various foreign states. They kept going and survived all evil that strucked them. In the end they fought against the odds and returned to their ancient homeland.

I wish they remember how they were badly threated and learn from it so they would not badly threat others. They have oportunity to build great nation that would belong to all people living there. I fear anexing that land will not bring them success but struggle and further conflict. When you are winning you need to learn to control yourself and set some boundaries othervise you will make that fatal step when everything you achieved thus far will turn against you and drag you to defeat. I wish all the best for both Israel and Palestine as they both deserve their place under the sun. Do not make that step after which there is no coming back.

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Re: Palestine

#3 Post by yavuzovic » Tue Jun 30, 2020 4:35 pm

Announcing the occupation, annexing and making a complete apartheid state. We will watch, and only after Palestinians get to live properly, we will start saying "that was inhumane". Doesn't the world like watching such things ?

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Re: Palestine

#4 Post by flash2015 » Tue Jun 30, 2020 5:10 pm

I don't know why we should be shocked by this. Annexation of the whole West Bank is largely inevitable...eventually. The two state solution (apart from Gaza) is dead. The international community needs to catch up with this reality.

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Re: Palestine

#5 Post by Randomizer » Tue Jun 30, 2020 5:17 pm

from the Covenant of Hams:

"On the Destruction of Israel:
'Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will
obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.' (Preamble)"

Maybe Israel should adopt the Palestinian Solution? :0

Do you know that the Palestinians still haven't removed the destruction of Israel from their Charter even though they agreed to it as part of the Oslo Accords?

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Re: Palestine

#6 Post by Jamiet99uk » Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:52 pm

Things Israel does not give a shit about:

1. International Law
2. Palestinian lives.

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Re: Palestine

#7 Post by yavuzovic » Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:13 pm

flash2015 wrote:
Tue Jun 30, 2020 5:10 pm
I don't know why we should be shocked by this. Annexation of the whole West Bank is largely inevitable...eventually. The two state solution (apart from Gaza) is dead. The international community needs to catch up with this reality.
I agree about this and maybe it's better to annex all the region since the state of Palestine can't prevent this in any case. However the racial state of Israel must be forced to be a place where every citizen having the same rights. I believe that the land belongs primarily to the people living on it, beflre the historical owners. Palestinians aren't going to stop existing or move to other Arab countries, so they must be Israel's equal citizens.

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Re: Palestine

#8 Post by hooligannon » Fri Jul 03, 2020 4:10 pm

The United Kingdom is to blame for the current state of Palestine. I believe the U.K. should be held responsible for the humanitarian crisis which has plagued Palestine for the last century; this crisis is a product of failed protectorate policy on the part of the U.K. Justice for the Palestinian people and peace in the region can be achieved by:
-The unrestricted immigration to the territories of the United Kingdom by the Palestinian people,
-Full citizenship rights to all Palestinians who choose to immigrate, and
-Financial support for Palestinian transportation to and settlement in the U.K.
These measures are fair and appropriate noting that U.K. led protectorate policy legitimized mass immigration to Palestine by mostly European Jews against the will of a super majority of Palestinians currently residing in the region.

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Re: Palestine

#9 Post by Octavious » Fri Jul 03, 2020 8:40 pm

Congratulations, hooligannon. In a thread containing both Jamie and Ora you have managed to make the most ridiculous crazed leftie comment by a hefty margin. That's quite an achievement.

Or were you being a lunatic for comic effect? Fair play if so.

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Re: Palestine

#10 Post by Jamiet99uk » Fri Jul 03, 2020 9:22 pm

Octavious wrote:
Fri Jul 03, 2020 8:40 pm
Congratulations, hooligannon. In a thread containing both Jamie and Ora you have managed to make the most ridiculous crazed leftie comment by a hefty margin. That's quite an achievement.

Or were you being a lunatic for comic effect? Fair play if so.
He's not being a lunatic. You could debate his point but it's not some batshit crazy notion. You do know the history of how the state of Israel came to be, and the partitioning of the British mandate of Palestine, and all that?

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Re: Palestine

#11 Post by orathaic » Fri Jul 03, 2020 9:43 pm

I think British Imperialism goes beyond just a British problem, at the time both the British and French agreed how to divide up the middle East (effectively like colonies, even if they called them mandates), many others supported this system implicitly. Did the Leauge of Nations rubber stamp the agreement?

If you believe in an International Community, that is where the responcibility for modern Israeli actions must lie. And to that it is largely the US (and their Security Council veto) failing to hold Israel to account.

And I can't see how further undermining Palestinians by allowing them British citizenship would help, other than basically rubber stamping Israel's annexation and eviction from the West Bank of the remaining inhabitants.

Real Politic, it is never going to happen, but we can boycott the companies dealing with the occupied territories. A bill for which was being pushed in the Irish Parliament, not sure who silenced it...

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Re: Palestine

#12 Post by yavuzovic » Sat Jul 04, 2020 8:03 pm

I don't think moving Palestinians to UK would help even if this crazy idea happens, I mean, the best action would be keeping the current situation. Maybe Israel and Palestine could be forced to make peace but Palestinians would probably refuse it and Israel won't pay anything for making a complete appartheid state because US would veto literally anything against them. Maybe that Israel keep a rather nice attitude towards Arab Israelis could make the situation easier to unite the people. ... rriage-law

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Re: Palestine

#13 Post by yavuzovic » Sat Jul 04, 2020 8:10 pm

I mean Israel has higher life standarts and higher influence so I expect the solution to come from Israel. They will finally become a single state but without the international area's pressure on them, they will turn the situation into a blood bath - Israelis would also suffer from that. If you would like to accuse a western country about the situation, US is more guilty than UK; and even if it isn't, the solution will come from US not UK.
US is a true **** sometimes.

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Re: Palestine

#14 Post by Octavious » Sat Jul 04, 2020 8:10 pm

Jamiet99uk wrote:
Fri Jul 03, 2020 9:22 pm
Octavious wrote:
Fri Jul 03, 2020 8:40 pm
Congratulations, hooligannon. In a thread containing both Jamie and Ora you have managed to make the most ridiculous crazed leftie comment by a hefty margin. That's quite an achievement.

Or were you being a lunatic for comic effect? Fair play if so.
He's not being a lunatic. You could debate his point but it's not some batshit crazy notion. You do know the history of how the state of Israel came to be, and the partitioning of the British mandate of Palestine, and all that?
If you want to campaign for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Palestine, don't let me stop you. But it very much is batshit crazy beyond the dreams of even the most extreme of Israeli politics, and you have zero chance of convincing me otherwise.

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Re: Palestine

#15 Post by hooligannon » Mon Jul 06, 2020 7:07 pm

My proposition is not batshit crazy, and I don't think that the willful immigration of Palestinians to the UK falls under the definition of ethnic cleansing.

I believe that a U.N. resolution advocating for such measures is far over due. This resolution wouldn't be exclusively pertaining to UK-Palestinian relations either. I advocate for U.N. mandated limitations on immigration restrictions pertaining to immigration from regions that have been economically and politically dominated by imperialist powers to the imperialist nation in question.

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Re: Palestine

#16 Post by Octavious » Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:30 pm

You don't think that denying Palestinians their ancestral home, keeping their current home unviable, and giving them a single alternative in a far away country with an alien climate and culture doesn't amount to ethnic cleansing? Curious...

The idea is ethically indefensible and practically impossible. What else would you require to meet the standard of batshit crazy?

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Re: Palestine

#17 Post by hooligannon » Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:22 pm

The U.K. denied the Palestinians their home land a long time ago. Their current home is unviable. Their culture has been destroyed by tyranny and poverty. I am convinced that Palestinians would chose an alien climate over being subjugated to a repressive government controlled by alien immigrants whose mass immigration the U.K. legitimized.

You don’t think that limiting Palestinians to their ancestral home, which is a war zone because of the abuses acted out by the U.K., is a humanitarian crisis authored in British blood?

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Re: Palestine

#18 Post by Octavious » Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:33 pm

I think it is irrelevant. The UK will never agree to it, so it isn't going to happen. You might as well discuss razing Atlantis from the depths as a new home for the Palestinians for all the good it will do.

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Re: Palestine

#19 Post by flash2015 » Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:43 pm

hooligannon wrote:
Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:22 pm
The U.K. denied the Palestinians their home land a long time ago. Their current home is unviable. Their culture has been destroyed by tyranny and poverty. I am convinced that Palestinians would chose an alien climate over being subjugated to a repressive government controlled by alien immigrants whose mass immigration the U.K. legitimized.

You don’t think that limiting Palestinians to their ancestral home, which is a war zone because of the abuses acted out by the U.K., is a humanitarian crisis authored in British blood?
If the Israel/Palestine issue could have been solved by letting the Palestinians emigrate to a new country, the issue would have been solved a long time ago.

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Re: Palestine

#20 Post by hooligannon » Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:00 pm

If we define the Israeli/Palestinian issue as the humanitarian crisis caused by the UK's sponsorship of the creation of an ethnostate in Palestine, then allowing Palestinians to emigrate to other countries has partially alleviated this issue for a majority of Palestinians currently alive. Partially alleviated because, even though they no longer live in a war zone or are oppressed by a tyrannical government, many Palestinian emigrants do not have citizenship rights in the nations where they reside. The UK is responsible for the dissolution of Palestinian culture, the oppression of their people, and scorch of war in their territory.

The dissolution of the political ties between the UK and her colonies (mandates, protectorates...) is nothing more than a masked apartheid. Someone please tell me whether or not the UK would have ever given her colonial subjects citizenship, right? Actually, I think Octavious already did.
Octavious wrote:
Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:33 pm
I think it is irrelevant. The UK will never agree to it, so it isn't going to happen. You might as well discuss razing Atlantis from the depths as a new home for the Palestinians for all the good it will do.
The UN needs to mandate immigration quotas to the UK from her past colonial possessions that where given Independence (apartheid) from 1948-1997.

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