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Operation Frequent Manhood

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 4:49 pm
by Randomizer ... 00973.html ... 00705.html
Back when Pres. Ford used the military to recover the pirate seized Mayaguez, Doonesbury cartoonist Trudeau coined this term. Now Baby Trump tried to reclaim his manhood after reports of him hiding in the White House bunker from protestors over the weekend. Having the military tear gas peaceful protestors and religious members so Trump could pose with a bible before a church.

Thoughts about Trump trampling the Constitution? ... 23226.html
Trump believes riots will restore the US.

Re: Operation Frequent Manhood

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 9:44 pm
by Randomizer
Trump's views on dealing with protestors range from praising the Chinese crackdown at Tiananmen Square to telling China and the Michigan governor to meet with protestors. We saw which view he picked in Lafayette Park with having DOJ Barr order peaceful protestors and and church clergy tear gassed. I guess religious freedom and the US Constitution only applies if it supports Trump. Churches are only essential for his re-election and as props. ... 56297.html ... 47929.html