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Bot Games, am I really this bad?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 10:47 pm
by Chibi-Alex
First off, I don't claim to be a great player, I've held my own in press games, have a basic understanding of the opens, etc. but holy smokes when I just want a quick game against the bots I get murdered. Every. Time. LOL! Is it just me or do they always know exactly what you're doing? I must be a glutton because I keep coming back! I was Austria and gone by 1903. I've been Turkey and swept under by Italy! It seems like the bots don't smell each other's blood, but boy they smell mine! I know this is stupid, but I just gotta know what everyone else thinks!

Re: Bot Games, am I really this bad?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 10:53 pm
by Chibi-Alex
I mean FFS, I'm Russia and England just supported Germany into Sweden! LOL

Re: Bot Games, am I really this bad?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 11:06 pm
by mhsmith0
I think Russia in particular is fairly difficult against bots.

Some of the logic may have been that England was busy fighting France (which Germany was also fighting) and some of it may have been some kind of weird assessment off of your spring 1901 moves (fleet Rum is a strange move imo; you likely won't get a double build via Sweden anyway, and fighting Austria first generally makes sense for Russia even in this setup - plus if you are committed to anti-Turkey to start with, just build A Sev, hope to sneak into Armenia, etc)

It's also possible that England was explicitly trying to help Turkey (his natural ally) grow at your expense, but who really knows inside the black box...

PS If as Austria you get smoked even when Italy opens friendly, then yeah it's you, but if are just eating anti-Austrian openings, well, that's just bad luck.

Re: Bot Games, am I really this bad?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 11:22 pm
by Chibi-Alex
Cool. I know I'm no high roller in the diplomacy world, but wow. As for some of the goofy moves, I've tried the standard opens and they yield me nothing so I was just trying to think outside the box.