First German Victory Feedback

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First German Victory Feedback

#1 Post by DarthPorg36 » Mon May 09, 2022 10:12 pm

Hi all, I'm certainly not a veteran player, I'm not new either, (I've been on the site about a year) but this is my first victory as Germany ever, and was hoping if some more experienced players could give me some feedback. Anything I missed? More optimal strategy paths? A way to crack Turkey I didn't think of? I've played countless German bot games and none ended in victory... What was the key to my success?

Anyway if anyone has any feedback, tips & tricks, or useful advice I'd love some ... #gamePanel

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Re: First German Victory Feedback

#2 Post by Jamiet99uk » Tue May 10, 2022 9:57 am

An interesting and less-conventional opening (with F Den being the norm in my experience) but it worked out well for you. Two fleet builds in Winter 1901 is bold, of course making yourself a major threat to England (and/or Russia in terms of Sweden).

You were fortunate that England was occupied fighting both France and Russia in 1902. His fight with France enabled you to take North Sea. Russia's play was sub-optimal and this gave you a free shot at Sweden. So things very much fell in your favour, but you took full advantage.

The convoy to Norway in 1903 was the right play an set you up to assault St.Pete's, and temporarily ceding North Sea back to England in 1904 was something you could easily allow, since you had so many Fleets available that England couldn't benefit from it.

At the end of 1904 I'd be thinking "how am I going to deal with France?" because Russia is gone, you've got the upper hand on England, and Turkey and Italy are busy fighting over Austria's corpse. At this point, a smart England and France would form an alliance against you - but playing against Bots you didn't have this problem as they are generally poor at changing course. In a real game against sensible players that might have gone differently.

From that point on, you did everything right, taking all of England's SC's without letting France get any, despite the temporary loss of Belgium - thus ensuring that you had the unit advantage to encircle France.

Turkey never came close to the stalemate line and victory was certain by 1909.

You played very well here - no huge mistakes I can see - but expect things to be a little harder in a real game if you come up against sensible players.
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