Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

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Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#1 Post by zultar » Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:31 pm

Hello everyone,

I am continuing a winter holiday tradition that I started several years ago on webDip. I will be giving away a Xmas/winter holiday present every day starting Dec 19th through at least Dec 25th. Since I started this late this year (again!), I will wait a couple of days before I pick out winners so more people can join. The prizes are:

Day 1: 100 webDip points
Day 2: 200 webDip points
Day 3: 300 webDip points
Day 4-5: 500 webDip points
Day 6: 1000 webDip points
Day 7: Choice of 1000 webDip points, (exclusive) or an hour video chat about gunboat or FvA/GvI with one of the top 10 players in that respective category.

For every TEN +1s that I get for this thread, I will start giving away additional prizes one day after the 25th for 300 points each day. I will give out additional prizes until Dec 31st, and the gift for each day past the 25th is 300 points. If I get 100 +1s, then I will think of a special prize for that last winner. We were VERY CLOSE to 100 likes last year, so maybe we can get there this year.

Please put your name in a list below. List and number yourself (full webdip name please) sequentially. Please copy and paste the last posted list so you do not skip over anyone. One name will be drawn without replacement once a day. Mods are eligible this time around. Current mods do not have to quit to join this raffle! :-D

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Re: Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#2 Post by dargorygel » Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:35 pm

1. Dargorygel

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Re: Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#4 Post by Szpoti » Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:24 pm

1. Dargorygel
2. Arca
3. Szpoti

(my finger was already trembling on the quit button, but I've fortunately read till the end)

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Re: Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#5 Post by worcej » Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:26 pm

1. Dargorygel
2. Arca
3. Szpoti
4. worcej
5. RayJay

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Re: Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#6 Post by rdrivera2005 » Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:26 pm

1. Dargorygel
2. Arca
3. Szpoti
4. worcej
5. RayJay
6. Rdrivera2005

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Re: Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#7 Post by Doug7878 » Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:28 pm

1. Dargorygel
2. Arca
3. Szpoti
4. worcej
5. RayJay
6. Rdrivera2005
7. Doug7878

Josef IV
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Re: Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#8 Post by Josef IV » Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:34 pm

1. Dargorygel
2. Arca
3. Szpoti
4. worcej
5. RayJay
6. Rdrivera2005
7. Doug7878
8. Josef IV

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Re: Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#9 Post by TestSubjector » Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:51 pm

1. Dargorygel
2. Arca
3. Szpoti
4. worcej
5. RayJay
6. Rdrivera2005
7. Doug7878
8. Josef IV
9. TestSubjector

Peregrine Falcon
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Re: Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#10 Post by Peregrine Falcon » Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:54 pm

Ooh the best part of the holidays! :razz:

1. Dargorygel
2. Arca
3. Szpoti
4. worcej
5. RayJay
6. Rdrivera2005
7. Doug7878
8. Josef IV
9. TestSubjector
10. Peregrine Falcon

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Re: Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#11 Post by tr1285 » Sat Dec 19, 2020 6:03 pm

1. Dargorygel
2. Arca
3. Szpoti
4. worcej
5. RayJay
6. Rdrivera2005
7. Doug7878
8. Josef IV
9. TestSubjector
10. Peregrine Falcon
11. tr1285

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Re: Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#12 Post by hthefourth » Sat Dec 19, 2020 6:07 pm

1. Dargorygel
2. Arca
3. Szpoti
4. worcej
5. RayJay
6. Rdrivera2005
7. Doug7878
8. Josef IV
9. TestSubjector
10. Peregrine Falcon
11. tr1285
12. hthefourth

Halls of Mandos
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Re: Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#13 Post by Halls of Mandos » Sat Dec 19, 2020 6:11 pm

1. Dargorygel
2. Arca
3. Szpoti
4. worcej
5. RayJay
6. Rdrivera2005
7. Doug7878
8. Josef IV
9. TestSubjector
10. Peregrine Falcon
11. tr1285
12. hthefourth
13. Halls of Mandos

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Re: Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#14 Post by Dejan0707 » Sat Dec 19, 2020 6:21 pm

1. Dargorygel
2. Arca
3. Szpoti
4. worcej
5. RayJay
6. Rdrivera2005
7. Doug7878
8. Josef IV
9. TestSubjector
10. Peregrine Falcon
11. tr1285
12. hthefourth
13. Halls of Mandos
14. Dejan0707

Hamilton Brian
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Re: Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#15 Post by Hamilton Brian » Sat Dec 19, 2020 6:23 pm

1. Dargorygel
2. Arca
3. Szpoti
4. worcej
5. RayJay
6. Rdrivera2005
7. Doug7878
8. Josef IV
9. TestSubjector
10. Peregrine Falcon
11. tr1285
12. hthefourth
13. Halls of Mandos
14. Dejan0707
15. Hamilton Brian

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Re: Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#16 Post by yavuzovic » Sat Dec 19, 2020 6:28 pm

1. Dargorygel
2. Arca
3. Szpoti
4. worcej
5. RayJay
6. Rdrivera2005
7. Doug7878
8. Josef IV
9. TestSubjector
10. Peregrine Falcon
11. tr1285
12. hthefourth
13. Halls of Mandos
14. Dejan0707
15. Hamilton Brian
16. yavuzovic

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Re: Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#17 Post by jasnah » Sat Dec 19, 2020 6:28 pm

1. Dargorygel
2. Arca
3. Szpoti
4. worcej
5. RayJay
6. Rdrivera2005
7. Doug7878
8. Josef IV
9. TestSubjector
10. Peregrine Falcon
11. tr1285
12. hthefourth
13. Halls of Mandos
14. Dejan0707
15. Hamilton Brian
16. yavuzovic
17. jasnah

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Re: Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#18 Post by CptMike » Sat Dec 19, 2020 6:31 pm

1. Dargorygel
2. Arca
3. Szpoti
4. worcej
5. RayJay
6. Rdrivera2005
7. Doug7878
8. Josef IV
9. TestSubjector
10. Peregrine Falcon
11. tr1285
12. hthefourth
13. Halls of Mandos
14. Dejan0707
15. Hamilton Brian
16. yavuzovic
17. jasnah
18. CptMike

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Re: Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#19 Post by teccles » Sat Dec 19, 2020 6:33 pm

1. Dargorygel
2. Arca
3. Szpoti
4. worcej
5. RayJay
6. Rdrivera2005
7. Doug7878
8. Josef IV
9. TestSubjector
10. Peregrine Falcon
11. tr1285
12. hthefourth
13. Halls of Mandos
14. Dejan0707
15. Hamilton Brian
16. yavuzovic
17. jasnah
18. CptMike
19. teccles

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Re: Official webDip Holiday: On the first day of Xmas, my zultar gave to me

#20 Post by mschwartz » Sat Dec 19, 2020 6:33 pm

1. Dargorygel
2. Arca
3. Szpoti
4. worcej
5. RayJay
6. Rdrivera2005
7. Doug7878
8. Josef IV
9. TestSubjector
10. Peregrine Falcon
11. tr1285
12. hthefourth
13. Halls of Mandos
14. Dejan0707
15. Hamilton Brian
16. yavuzovic
17. jasnah
18. CptMike
19. teccles
20. mschwartz

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