Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

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Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#1 Post by brainbomb » Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:52 pm

(The game begins)

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#2 Post by brainbomb » Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:58 pm

Summer 325 - Darmor

In mid-july wagons arrived in the plains of Darmor. You could never tell this was a brutal winter wasteland. Lush green fields, butterflies, birds, and wildlife everywhere. As the colonists emerged from their wagons it was clear that summer's here would be beautiful, but brief.

The mountains to the south stood as jagged reminders of the harsh unforgiving nature of the area.

Chapter I - Tessilect Refugees

“The Fortress of Tessilect has fallen to the Duergar, dark cousins of the Hill Dwarves. The surrounding regions are seeing bands of Hill Dwarves fleeing their homeland seeking new work and safety.”

Crisis Card - 48/100 :!:
A Dwarf named Melnir arrives with 30 dwarven workers. They appear to be Hill Dwarves of Tessilect. Melnir offers to join the barony.

Melnir Specialist abilities:
Abilities - Provides crew of workers to speed up buildings, provides knowledge of advanced buildings sooner than would normally be discovered.
Requirements - salary, requires extra resources for building projects.
Positive/Negative Traits: Hidden.

Hire Melnir; costs colony 3 gold per phase, and buildings created by Melnir are built 50% faster, but cost 10% more to build.

Refuse Melnir as a Specialist. Incur a penalty on future encounters with Melnir.

Order of Business
Resolve Crisis

Research :!: ... p=drivesdk

Emilau recommends Agriculture or Masonry

Construction Options. :!:

Road to Narmor - connects your barony to Narmor. 50 workers, 300 gold, (1) Stone.
(5 phases)

Road to Wortuine - connects your Barony to the capital
(15 phases)

Cottage/Hut/Manor - A simple wood framed construct, filled with wattle and daub, roofed with thatch. Attracts +1 additional population. Requires 1 Wood, 1 Food, 20 Workers.
(1 phase)

Fence/Corral - contains animals, increasing land fertility. (Decreases famine probabilities) .5 Wood, 10 Workers
(1 phase)

Stable - houses and protects animals up to (10). 2 Wood, .5 Iron, 1 Stone, 30 Workers
(1 phase)

Barn - 1 wood, 10 workers. Counts as housing.
(1 phase)

Granary - food storage, provides higher max amounts of food storing capacity
2 Stone, 1 Food, 30 Workers
(1 phase)

Farmlands - provides an additional land plot to farm, increasing agriculture yield. Each added farmland adds 1 Food to the yield from working the fields. During harvest will yield +1-3 food
.5 Food, 10 Workers
(1 phase)

Worker Allocation. :!:
We have 98 Halflings and 102 Half Orcs. All are workers! None are unusable this phase!

Population 215
Morale 90% (+10% Rethanin)
Corruption (20% Darvish, Falrin)
Faith 25% (Yulish, Emilau, Andoryn)
Support of Crown 5 (+1 Rethanin)
Food 3 (+1 Halflings, +1 Stimulus -2 Travel)
Iron (1)
Wood (3)
Luxury (0)
Magic (0)
Pigs (1)
Gold ( 0) (+100 Tyson)(-100 Liberatius)

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#3 Post by brainbomb » Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:02 pm

73 hours remain in Chapter 1. You may begin

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#4 Post by WarLegend » Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:32 pm

I definitely think we should hire Melnir, we really don't have anything else right now and he'll help us get off to a faster start, which we really need while its still summer and its relatively pleasant here.

Also, we need to find a way to make some gold. I have like 490, and I know Xanthor has some, but the colony is pretty much bankrupt.

So Can I make a proposal: to have Melnir join the barony

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#5 Post by thamrick » Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:45 pm

##GM Note - I have proposed a change to BB and Espi for the way resource allocation and collection is handled. This will differ from how it has been handled in the past during simulations. I have outlined how I envision my system working below. Admittedly, it is a more complicated system, but I feel it is more realistic to colony management. Ultimately, it is your sim experience. Feedback is welcome on how you would like to handle worker allocation, resource collection, etc.

Phase 0: You arrive to Darmor. The locale you have selected has no prior constructions. You set up tents to house your population until something more permanent can be established.

200 workers (100 hobbits, 100 half orcs)

-20 hobbits construct 2 farmlands (1 Food, .5 phase)

-You send the remaining 80 hobbits to hunt at (14,11) (the tile you are on) for .5 phase (so they will be able to be immediately recalled to work the field once it finishes.

-20 half-orcs work on constructing a Laboratory (.5 Wood, 1 phase). This will unlock basic research paths.

-50 half-orcs are sent to chop wood on the tile you are on

-30 half-orcs are sent to hunt the tile (14,12).

These worker actions will be performed during Phase 1. You will receive the resources from their actions at the end of Phase 1.

Phase 0 resources at start of phase:
Gold: 0
Food: 3
Wood: 0
Stone: 0
Iron: 0

Phase 0 resources at end of phase:
Gold: 0
Food: 3 + 1 (Stimulus) -1 (Farmland construction) -2 (consumption) = 1
Wood: 0 +3 (Stimulus) -.5 (Laboratory construction) = 2.5
Stone: 0
Iron: 0 +1 (Stimulus) = 1

**Note this has not accounted for resources that will be produced during Phase 1 due to worker actions. You will legislate proposals for worker actions during Phase 2 and for all proceeding phases.

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#6 Post by brainbomb » Tue Jul 03, 2018 10:49 pm

**Darvish has killed himself out of total confusion.**

No colony penalty has been incurred.

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#7 Post by brainbomb » Tue Jul 03, 2018 10:54 pm

The sun falls in the western sky. Summer in Darmor is calm and pleasant.

To the west the marsh comes to life at night giving off an eerie greenish plume. Fireflies dance and the sounds of rolling thunder creep over the distant peaks

Owls call to each other and the smell of halflings smoking weldeed outside their tents is noticeable

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#8 Post by Jamiet99uk » Tue Jul 03, 2018 11:06 pm

For the avoidance of doubt: I QUIT.

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#9 Post by Jamiet99uk » Tue Jul 03, 2018 11:07 pm

brainbomb wrote:
Tue Jul 03, 2018 10:49 pm
**Darvish has killed himself out of total confusion.**

No colony penalty has been incurred.
That confusion is your fault. Thamrick and that other GM tried, but your chaos is too much. You really need to rethink your approach to this whole thing,.Brain.

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#10 Post by Espi » Tue Jul 03, 2018 11:24 pm

Hey Jamiet, we get it, you and Brainbomb have your differences. A lot happened in a short amount of time, just before phase shift, as a lot of different player driven events occurred. The GM team designed a lot of events to occur in the pre-game phase, we left all of those events open-ended so that the players could decide what happens. One particular event involved a certain NPC getting into a fight with Lord Young, 3 different characters (Falrin, Avendi, and Xanthor) were involved along with several other NPCs. The players decided to allow things to occur a certain way, and at the end of it Grogg, an NPC, and several guards were killed. As these events happened in private and none of the participants went to any of the other players to involve them, we want the players involved to brief the party (if they decide to brief the party) on what happened. I also get that you were confused about seeing some vague information about events you didn't know about. I apologize about how things were handled, but you seem to be the only one who has a problem with how we are running this game, and I know of 3 players in particular who are loving the game. There are many different aspects, and we are running a game very differently than webdip has done it before, we apologize if this game wasn't the right fit for you. If you have any issues with how the game is being run please bring them up in private, and do not post in a game that you decided to quit. It detracts from the game immersion and is very rude. If you want to talk about anything that happened, I am more than willing to receive your feedback. ~Espi (Fantasy Sim I GM)

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#11 Post by dargorygel » Wed Jul 04, 2018 12:54 am

No meteorologist in this place. No one has even heard of them. No one even knows how to spell the word.

Instead, folk here listen for the wind. And read between the breeze-lines. And wonder. And remember past chaos. The terror of the uncontrolled. The moment where those in the way of storm fear death. And the following eternity-moments where those in the storm fear they WON’T die.

Reading the winds… is more art than science. But experience matters. Even if the past experience with THAT voice in the wind is unsure. And little more than a guess. And not much more than barely articulated hope.

But the voice of the wind today… seems to have more of a chill than yesterday. And with a bite of damp. Like hoarfrost on your earlobes. You can’t stop it. It burns more than tickles…

And the sound of it… echoes… somewhere both distant and touching.

It’s not time yet… but frost is inexorably coming…
… no…

… frost is not coming…

… it is as good as here.

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#12 Post by PRINCE WILLIAM » Wed Jul 04, 2018 8:46 am

Impressing, I see we have many storytellers among us.

Blessed all those who work for the community, I bless the hunters and the food collectors before they start their excursion. Then I get to the lessons with his Highness the Prince.

A question to GM: Do our colonists have children? Logically, must be families among them.

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#13 Post by brainbomb » Wed Jul 04, 2018 12:48 pm

Wed Jul 04, 2018 8:46 am
Impressing, I see we have many storytellers among us.

Blessed all those who work for the community, I bless the hunters and the food collectors before they start their excursion. Then I get to the lessons with his Highness the Prince.

A question to GM: Do our colonists have children? Logically, must be families among them.
No families were brought along. No children yet. Families of the workers may arrive eventually.

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#14 Post by yavuzovic » Wed Jul 04, 2018 1:05 pm

If our hobbits and half orcs marry and have children, will we call them quarter-orcs?

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#15 Post by worcej » Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:06 pm

WarLegend wrote:
Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:32 pm
I definitely think we should hire Melnir, we really don't have anything else right now and he'll help us get off to a faster start, which we really need while its still summer and its relatively pleasant here.

Also, we need to find a way to make some gold. I have like 490, and I know Xanthor has some, but the colony is pretty much bankrupt.

So Can I make a proposal: to have Melnir join the barony
##Vote Yay on proposal to have Melnir join. It may incur us some initial cost, but I believe long term his group will benefit us.

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#16 Post by Kench » Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:07 pm

yavuzovic wrote:
Wed Jul 04, 2018 1:05 pm
If our hobbits and half orcs marry and have children, will we call them quarter-orcs?
Hah. I have to admit, the wit in this one did make me laugh.

But I think the technical term is actually "abominations".


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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#17 Post by Kench » Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:12 pm

worcej wrote:
Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:06 pm
WarLegend wrote:
Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:32 pm
I definitely think we should hire Melnir, we really don't have anything else right now and he'll help us get off to a faster start, which we really need while its still summer and its relatively pleasant here.

Also, we need to find a way to make some gold. I have like 490, and I know Xanthor has some, but the colony is pretty much bankrupt.

So Can I make a proposal: to have Melnir join the barony
##Vote Yay on proposal to have Melnir join. It may incur us some initial cost, but I believe long term his group will benefit us.
I have to ask where those of you who voted in favour of this proposal suggest we will be getting any of the funds to pay him from. An "initial cost" is all well and good, but we have absolutely nothing in the bank (primarily thanks to our Judge, from whom we are yet to hear) and really have nothing to offer as collateral on a loan.

Obviously, I would hope that my discussions with neighbouring cities will yield beneficial trade opportunities, but we will almost certainly not reap the benefits of those for some time yet.

I stress, I am by no means against the dwarf and his men joining us - indeed I think they could be an exceedingly valuable addition to our Barony - but I aim simply to be pragmatic about what we can and cannot achieve at this stage.

Perhaps if we could convince Melnir to hold his fee for a period of, say, five phases as a goodwill gesture? Or even on the basis that we repay those five phases at a later stage?


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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#18 Post by WarLegend » Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:31 pm

You're definitely right we need money. Like I said, I know some of us have some money so far, I wouldn't mind financing it for a few turns if everyone agrees that it is important, but we do need our own money stream some point soon because I can't do it indefinitely.

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#19 Post by brainbomb » Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:42 pm

Avendi has left the colony to scout 14,10. They may post in thread but may not vote.

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#20 Post by Kench » Wed Jul 04, 2018 4:06 pm

brainbomb wrote:
Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:42 pm
Avendi has left the colony to scout 14,10. They may post in thread but may not vote.
Waaaaait wait wait. Emilau, please can you confirm what's gone on with Avendi going scouting and not being able to vote? I read what you put on Discord before and thought I was recommending that Avendi head out because it did not remove his voting ability:
Emilau - Today at 1:43 AM
Avendi -
A. Scout immediate area(lose voting abilities but you may still post findings in thread)
B. Scout into an adjacent tile
C. Hunt
D. Train
Xanthor -
A. Hunt (+1 food to colony, you cannot take another action)
B. Scout area (uses your action)
C. Scout an adjacent Tile (cannot vote)
As you can see, where it says "scout an adjacent tile" it says nothing about voting ability. And the opposite is true for Xanthor. That's why I recommended it that way around. Could you clarify the situation for us?


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