Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#141 Post by Kench » Sat Jul 07, 2018 7:52 pm

And before I forget, I'm also in favour of researching Sailing.

##Vote Yes - Proposals 2.1 and 2.2

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#142 Post by PRINCE WILLIAM » Sat Jul 07, 2018 8:02 pm

I opt to help with the wraith.

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#143 Post by brainbomb » Sat Jul 07, 2018 8:26 pm

Wraiths are destroyed.

New options
A. Heal Xanthor
B. Heal Tyson
C. Heal Avendi
D. Search tomb for treasure

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#144 Post by WarLegend » Sat Jul 07, 2018 8:37 pm

Yulish, xanthor is at least alive. We need to heal Tyson he’s at -6

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#145 Post by brainbomb » Sat Jul 07, 2018 9:26 pm

Colony Reward
Gains 2800 gold
Gains (2) Jewels
Gains 1 free tech (Level 1)

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#146 Post by bo_sox48 » Sat Jul 07, 2018 9:44 pm

If we get a free tech, we should probably go for agriculture and try and help ourselves out. If not agriculture, maybe magic would be useful here given what has transpired so far...

Given that we have all of our workers, we should set to building farms and securing our food for the winter. We do not need to focus elsewhere for the time being.

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#147 Post by WarLegend » Sat Jul 07, 2018 11:09 pm

##Prop 2.2.0: Use our free technology for Agriculture

##Prop 2.2.1: Research masonry

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#148 Post by bo_sox48 » Sat Jul 07, 2018 11:29 pm

##VOTE YEA Props 2.2.0 and 2.2.1

##VOTE NAY Prop 2.1.1

Sailing can be a focus of ours once the waters are no longer set to be frozen over by a hard winter.

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#149 Post by WarLegend » Sun Jul 08, 2018 12:30 am

##Prop2.2.2: Send a dove to Narmor telling them their shipment from Bayern has gone missing.

##Prop2.2.3: Send a dove to Bayern telling them that we will help look for it (it will take 2 turns to get there)

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#150 Post by RagingIke297 » Sun Jul 08, 2018 6:20 am

##Prop 2.3.0 Worker Allocation

Hobbits 50:

50/50 50 Hobbits use 2.5 food to build 5 farms

Half-Orcs 80:

30/80 30 Half Orcs go north to collect the three bundles of wood washed ashore and bring them to the Barony.

55/80 25 Half Orcs go hunting in tile 15,10

80/80 25 Half Orcs go hunting in tile 13,10

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#151 Post by WarLegend » Sun Jul 08, 2018 6:31 am

##vote yes prop 2.3

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#152 Post by Kench » Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:06 am

((Not to be really pedantic, but I'm wondering if we should just be really clear on how best to use the proposal and sub-proposal numbers? Not to point fingers but I'm wondering if the way the proposals are being set up by some of us makes them a little hard to follow? This could just be me...

But the way I would think it makes most sense to structure things, is as follows:
  • The first number relates to the phase, obviously (and we have all been clear on this, so no problem here)
  • The second number relates to the next different topic on which a proposal is being made, like "research options for the phase" or "worker allocation" or "responding to an action option"
  • The third number (as and when necessary) relates to different recommendations under the same topic
So, in this phase, for the sake of clarity, anything under 2.1 would relate to the choice of pantheon (because WarLegend made that proposal first). But that would mean that the second proposal, on research options, should start as 2.2 rather than 2.1.2 as it is a clearly different topic. And then the sending of doves would go under 2.3 as a new topic for discussion on how to respond to the dove from Bayern. And worker allocation under 2.4.

If anyone else has found this confusing, I'll happily quickly pull together a newly structured proposal list for this phase, but it would have to mean us ignoring votes made so far and re-voting.

On the other hand, if you're all totally following things or are happy just to look back through things to check what each proposal number relates to, then I shall return to my box!!))

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#153 Post by WarLegend » Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:31 am

Yea that’s my fault I was kind of arbitrarily doing them from the post I’ve been doing. Your way is easy to follow and makes way more sense I’ll do that in the future.

Since the phase changes in like 12 hours I won’t undo them right now, but next phase I will. Thanks

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#154 Post by PRINCE WILLIAM » Sun Jul 08, 2018 9:05 am

I opt to Heal Tyson first as he's most ill.

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#155 Post by Kench » Sun Jul 08, 2018 10:48 am

WarLegend wrote:
Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:31 am
Yea that’s my fault I was kind of arbitrarily doing them from the post I’ve been doing. Your way is easy to follow and makes way more sense I’ll do that in the future.

Since the phase changes in like 12 hours I won’t undo them right now, but next phase I will. Thanks
((That makes sense. I hadn't remembered that phase change was so soon! Feels quick after that interminable pre-game phase ;) ))

Just to make sure I've voted on all present proposals, then, I agree with the suggestion that we take Agriculture for free and start building some farms, and that we now prioritise Masonry over Sailing, in order to prepare for the winter. It also makes sense to let Bayern and Narmor know that we will help them with their lost shipment if we can.

##Vote Nay - Proposal 2.1.2
##Vote Yea - Proposals 2.1.1, 2.2.0, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.3.0

##VOTE NAY Prop 2.1.1

Sailing can be a focus of ours once the waters are no longer set to be frozen over by a hard winter.
On a separate note, @Liberatius, I'm wondering if you actually meant to vote against 2.1.2?

2.1.1 was the proposal about opting for the Northern Lights pantheon, which you previously voted in favour of and I've not heard you speak against. 2.1.2 was the proposal to research Sailing, which you've since stated we shouldn't do (and I agree). Just for the sake of clarity, in case our scribes put it down wrong, it may be helpful for you to re-vote (unless I've completely misunderstood?).


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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#156 Post by bo_sox48 » Sun Jul 08, 2018 3:46 pm

Yes, I am for our new pantheon and against researching Sailing. ##VOTE YEA 2.1.1

Do we have our workers that Melnir attempted to steal back?

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#157 Post by WarLegend » Sun Jul 08, 2018 3:50 pm

No they come next turn

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#158 Post by worcej » Sun Jul 08, 2018 6:46 pm

Since I am up, and not able to really do anything else this round so far...

##Vote yes on Proposal 2.1.1 - Pantheon for Northern Lights
##Vote yes on Proposal 2.1.2 - Research Sailing

I'll have a proposal for next phase once we hit it, but otherwise I think this catches me up now since I've been revived back up after Melnir's attack on my farm...

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#159 Post by brainbomb » Sun Jul 08, 2018 10:02 pm

Chapter 3 Ocularus

~`~`Fall Arrives~`~`
The snow quickly melts fading to a lush ocularus extended Fall. Migratory Polar Bears come ashore in areas along 15,8, 13,10 and 13,9. Be cautious in approaching these beasts as they come ashore from icebergs looking for dens to settle in. Ocularus star clusters burn brighter in southern skies.
Crisis Card 89/100 :!:
Rethanin has been abducted!
The Prince was last seen with Vincent in areas along 13,9.
We discover Agriculture(New Options) :!:
We discover Masonry (New Options) :!:
We have been attacked in 13,10 by Polar Bears :!:
Rethanin is kidnapped :!:
Harvest Arrives :!:
Population Breakdown:
180 Workers available
(99 Halflings, 96 Half Orcs, 10 Hill Dwarven prisoners) -2 Half Orcs

Health 76%
Corruption 0%
Faith 55% (+40% Pantheon) (new options)
Morale 65% (+10 from high faith)

Food (15.5!) 7 +10, +5, -4.5
Breakdown: Harvest Boon!
Farm 1 produces 1 winter wheat
Farm 2 produces 3 winter wheat
Farm 3 produces 3 winter wheat
Farm 4 produces 2 winter wheat
Farm 5 produces 1 winter wheat

Farm bonus = +10 food

25 Half Orcs Hunt in 13,10
3 Half Orcs injured, 2 dead.
Food yield +2 (1 polar bear killed)

25 Half Orcs hunt 15,10
Food Yield +3 Food (Elk)

Iron (1)
Stone (0)
Wood (3)
Gold (2800)
Jewels (3)
Magic (0)
Pigs (2)
Support of the Crown (5)
Faith Options
Create a missionary (cost 25%)
Remove a Negative trait from a councillor (cost 35%)
Heal Entire Party (cost 50%)

New Construction Options ... p=drivesdk

New Research Options

Emilau Recommends Research Sailing

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Re: Fantasy Simulator I Official Game Thread

#160 Post by RagingIke297 » Sun Jul 08, 2018 11:34 pm

For faith I think we need to heal the entire party, or have clerics and priests spend their actions to do so

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