Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#221 Post by brainbomb » Sun Jul 01, 2018 11:40 pm


And 14,11 are the sites Uthwick marked in Darmor.

4,10 would have proximity to mountains, and forest but not much farmland.

11,14 Is very far but has hills, forests, mountains and coastlines.

14,11 is close to Narmor village, closer to the capital, and has plenty of farmland plus proximoty to mountains. Land clearance wouldnt matter. Not alot of trees however.

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#222 Post by RagingIke297 » Mon Jul 02, 2018 2:39 am

Proposal 0.1.3 ##vote to settle in Darmor

(I believe that Jamie and Yav have voted for this but not introduced an actual proposal)

##vote no on 0.1.2

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#223 Post by thamrick » Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:02 am

Murder in the Market
Early Afternoon, The Day Before Fralick’s Trial

Having heard threats of another attempt on Fralick’s life, Lord Young requests additional men to guard Fralick as he is transferred from Lord Young’s manor to the city jail to await his trial. The king sends four of his royal Kingsguard, the fiercest and most capable the king possesses, to supplement the soldiers of Lord Young’s House.

The squadron sets out. All goes well as they wind through the city streets. As they enter the market however, they hear a loud pop. The guards all reach for their swords as they await an attack, standing tense. Nothing happens. They begin their march again when suddenly... voices on the wind.

Lord Young: What is that sound? It sounds like shouting...

The faint sound grows steadily until it is clearly a shout of dismay.

Citizen 1: Look out! Clear the way!!

A throng of horses gallops wildly up the street that leads down to the stables by the dock. The horses are clearly startled beyond control and are rampaging through the market. They crash through merchant booths, stampeding as frightened patrons scatter before them. At the same time, someone else shouts:

Citizen 2: Fire! In the stables!

Lord Young: Men! We must do something. You two, corral those horses before someone gets trampled. My men, to me. We cannot let the city be engulfed in flames again. You four (to the Kingsguards) guard the prisoner Fralick!

Lord Young and his men rush off. They are successfully able to stop the horses and subdue the fires. When they return to the market center, they find a crowd gathered around where they left Fralick.

Lord Young: What is the meaning of this? Clear the... oh my!

In the center of the circle lay five corpses. The four Kingsguard all have their throats slit in precisely the same manner. Their swords remain sheathed. Fralick lies face down with a short sword dug deep into his back and through his heart. The sword looks oddly familiar...

Fralick has died

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#224 Post by thamrick » Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:03 am

##GM Note - I was out of town this weekend and didn't have a chance to update the proposals/votes. I will get them updated tomorrow.

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#225 Post by brainbomb » Mon Jul 02, 2018 11:04 am

Webdiplomacy Simulator (Order of Business)
(Pregame may last 2-14 days depending on a variety of factors)

1. Signups

2. Pregame
a. Character lottery draft
b. Character selection process

3. Region selection process :!:
(here you will choose from the following territories)
  • Rodoripol –Plains, rolling hills and temperate climate.
    Tessilect – Hills and Mountains, frigid climate.
    Gerinia – Forests, Fields, Rivers, Ocean.
    Silde – Forests, Plains, Rivers.
    Bayern – Mountains, Ocean.
    Esfillied – Forests, Lush massive woodlands and rivers.
    Hanaved – Mountains, Hills, Forests.
    Darmor – Arctic, Forests, Ocean, Dry.
    Desical – Desert, Arid, Dry.

4. Population/Workforce selection process.
(Choose any 2 -- You begin with 2 Population. You will recieve the bonus for both options chosen)

Human - (+1 Population)
Halfling - (+1 Food)
Mountain Dwarves (Resistant to Magic, +1 Iron)
Hill Dwarves(Resistant to Magic, +1 Gold)
Half Orcs (All basic soldiers fight at +2 Atk, +2 Def)
Half Elves - (Provide Longevity bonus, Resistance to enchantment, Nightvision, Immunity to Poison)
Wood Elves - (Longevity, Immunity to Enchantment, Poison, Travel at normal speeds in Woodlands)
Royal Elves - (Longevity, Immunity to Enchantment, Poison, +1 Magic)
Gnomes - (Longevity, Improved Research, Seige Weaponry)

5. Stimulus Package selection
King Thamrick Offers: (Choose 1 stimulus option)

1. (3) Food, (2) Horses, (1) Stone
2. (2) Gold, (4) Oxen, (1) Pop
3. (1) Food, (1) Iron, (3) Wood

36 hours remain in Pregame

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#226 Post by Kench » Mon Jul 02, 2018 12:06 pm

Given that we have very little time left, and I would like for us to have proposals on which we can vote as a whole, I am going to go ahead and retract Proposals 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 (and any sub-proposals) - ##GM, please let me know if this is not acceptable, given that there seem to be other people in favour of this course of action?

##Retract Proposals 0.1, 0.2, 0.3

Instead, I will propose the following:

##Proposal 0.6 - Settle in the woods of Esfillied
  • Establish our new Barony on hex 36,16
  • Take with us the Wood Elves and the Humans
  • Accept the King's stimulus package of Food, Horses and Stone
##Proposal 0.7 - Settle in the mountains of Darmor
  • Establish our new Barony on hex 14,11
  • Take with us the Halflings and the Half Orcs
  • Accept the King's stimulus package of Food, Iron and Wood
##Proposal 0.8 - Settle in the deserts of Desical
  • Establish our new Barony on hex 9,24
  • Take with us the Halflings and the Mountain Dwarves
  • Accept the King's stimulus package of Food, Horses and Stone
For my part, I am still most willing to brave the dangers of Esfillied forest, but perhaps that is because I am an Elf! I would also accept a move to Desical, with a view to becoming a trading powerhouse.

##Vote Yea - Proposal 0.6, 0.8
##Vote Nay - Proposal 0.7

I implore all councillors to vote on all current proposals, but particularly on these three, in order to ensure that we find ourselves somewhere to settle. This city is a powderkeg and I would not be keen to find ourselves stuck her because we could not choose where to go.


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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#227 Post by worcej » Mon Jul 02, 2018 1:16 pm

Since I am assuming that ##retract proposals 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 will go through, I will cast my vote for ##vote yay on Proposal 0.7 - I will go with the other's opinion on this issue since I believe we'll be able to carve out a successful barony anywhere we go :)

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#228 Post by RagingIke297 » Mon Jul 02, 2018 1:22 pm

##Vote Nay - Proposal 0.6, 0.8
##Vote Yea - Proposal 0.7

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#229 Post by Jamiet99uk » Mon Jul 02, 2018 1:31 pm

##VOTE YES on Proposal 0.7

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#230 Post by thamrick » Mon Jul 02, 2018 1:51 pm

Proposals 0.1, 2, 3 have been retracted.

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#231 Post by brainbomb » Mon Jul 02, 2018 2:33 pm

Grogg: Half Orcs! YES! Grogg very pleased with this council

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#232 Post by WarLegend » Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:15 pm

What are the benefit/downside of settling in Darmor? Why would you not prefer that one @Kench

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#233 Post by WarLegend » Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:29 pm

Also: Hello everyone. There was an event. Long story short, my part had a stable catch on fire. I found a brick with this description : "The Brick you recovered appears to have the letter "A" scratched into it". Anyone see a brick like this before? It probably has something to do with the fire...

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#234 Post by brainbomb » Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:34 pm

Emilau: Lady Andoryn signs everything with an A.

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#235 Post by brainbomb » Mon Jul 02, 2018 6:04 pm

Emilau:i have convinced the King tentatively to allow us to bring one of his sons to the colony.

Having Young Rethanin with us allows us to gain +10% Morale, and +1 Support of the crown.

The boy will learn to hunt, and will learn to squire. He will learn to read, write, and live away from this city.

I ask the councillors to approve bringing Rethanin, he is a boy of 7. Tall for his age and quiet. He is a close friend to my eldest daughter and this would mean a lot to my family. If wise king Thamrick agrees I ask that you allow this.

With having a son of the King among us, extra security must be taken to ensure his safety.

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#236 Post by Kench » Mon Jul 02, 2018 6:26 pm

WarLegend wrote:
Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:15 pm
What are the benefit/downside of settling in Darmor? Why would you not prefer that one @Kench
An excellent question. As far as I can tell, our main struggle in either Darmor or Esfillied is going to be dealing with an outside population - the Frost Giants in Darmor or the Drow in Esfillied.

Based on the fragments of the diary of Olebew, which were revealed to us early on, I have reason to believe that the Drow are not necessarily as barbarous as they appear. With a population of Wood Elves and myself as a diplomat, I have every reason to believe that we could forge a mutually beneficial relationship with them, sharing the forest between us.

On the other hand, the warnings coming from Darmor of indiscriminate attacks by Frost Giants on the likes of Hlathgar suggest to me that there would be no reasoning with the Giants. It will be a question of putting our best attacking/defensive foot forward - and I cannot help you with that.

So, in short, I believe we have more of a chance of successfully dealing with the threats in Esfillied than in Darmor. Hence my opting for 0.6.
Also: Hello everyone. There was an event. Long story short, my part had a stable catch on fire. I found a brick with this description : "The Brick you recovered appears to have the letter "A" scratched into it". Anyone see a brick like this before? It probably has something to do with the fire...

Emilau: Lady Andoryn signs everything with an A.
As for this, I have not, to my knowledge, ever signed a brick. This is either someone else (it could well be you, Avendi?) or someone wanted to make it look like it was me. However, what this actually means, I could not tell you.
Emilau:i have convinced the King tentatively to allow us to bring one of his sons to the colony.

Having Young Rethanin with us allows us to gain +10% Morale, and +1 Support of the crown.

The boy will learn to hunt, and will learn to squire. He will learn to read, write, and live away from this city.

I ask the councillors to approve bringing Rethanin, he is a boy of 7. Tall for his age and quiet. He is a close friend to my eldest daughter and this would mean a lot to my family. If wise king Thamrick agrees I ask that you allow this.

With having a son of the King among us, extra security must be taken to ensure his safety.
The benefits of having the boy with us seem clear, but equally clear is the need to protect him. Were we to opt to have him join us, I would also recommend that we decide upon moving to Darmor along with the Half Orcs, for their defensive bonus and for its proximity to the Capital (should the boy need to return to Wortuine, for whatever reason).

In which case, I will abstain from voting on whether the boy should join us, because I would prefer not to go to Darmor...


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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#237 Post by brainbomb » Mon Jul 02, 2018 7:48 pm

*Falrin has been arrested under suspicion of murder*

At this time he may not vote or post in game thread until released. His preexisting votes at present will count

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#238 Post by Jamiet99uk » Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:55 pm


We should not set off until this is resolved.

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#239 Post by brainbomb » Mon Jul 02, 2018 9:15 pm

Emilau: I witnessed Lord Pavel dragging falrin in under accusation that he killed Fralick. The sword used was Falrins. I advised Pavel to place Falrin in city jail and provide evidence. I was asked by Pavel to leave his manor for my safety, that there is a plot in the works. Its all a bit frigtening.

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Re: Webdiplomacy Fantasy Simulator I Sign Up

#240 Post by Espi » Tue Jul 03, 2018 1:26 am

Falrin has escaped, Lord Pavel accuses him of the murder of 4 Kingsguard and Fralick. Lord Pavel hopes to join the Colony as a Specialist.

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