A new RPG idea

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Re: A new RPG idea

#141 Post by Pengwinja » Sat Mar 23, 2024 1:30 am

Kakarroto wrote:
Sat Mar 23, 2024 12:00 am
Aeraalys feels the rip in reality, a wound in the fabric of existence itself, and how the world itself tried to heal itself, but couldn't really. At first the pain of it run through her, the feel of yearning to be whole again, but it not being able to restore itself fully. It felt as it needed help. But who, who would be able to? If nothing is done, it would just rip again with the slightest of stress. Still, who could heal such a wound, she asked herself.

"Only the gods might do ..." she whispered, and gulped, since she knew this would be no small feat. But would it be enough? Would they help here? This is nothing like a normal broken bone or gashing wound of a warrior that was treated after fighting evil. This was not a normal prayer for protection, or blessing a mothers womb, this was the world itself that was in need of mending. A fear within her came up, of not being able to, of not properly asking the gods of what was needed to be done.

She took a deep breath, and concentrated. Focussed on the place where she always went when she needed help; the shining beacon of the great mother. The sanctuary of thought, the salvation of the ones in need. Another deep breath, then a feel of determination surged inside of her. She was here, right now. She was the only one that could do it. It just has to work.

She stood up, straightened her back, took up the position she so often assumed when praying, kneeling, both hands in front, a bit above her heart, open palms , her hands tilted as if she was holding a big cup, then taking a few deep breaths in again, focussing fully on the task before her, offering up all her mana, channeling it inside her, ready for the gods to use.

"Oh great mother, goddes of mending, oh great ruler of the world, oh gods of the sky and earth, please hear my plea. Please help us in this time of need. The world was wounded, hurt and scarred. We need your help to mend the world. Somebody was split, and hurt, and needs to be made whole again. Please, oh gods, help us in our dire need. Heal the rift in our reality and save the one known as Qlik Quicklï oh great gods, and ease the pain the world has taken. Oh please, great gods."
Can we give Kak some appreciation for taking the time to color each letter individually?

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Re: A new RPG idea

#142 Post by Chairpusher » Sat Mar 23, 2024 9:48 am

Nice work Kak.

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Re: A new RPG idea

#143 Post by DiplomacyandWarfare » Sat Mar 23, 2024 2:09 pm

Pengwinja wrote:
Thu Mar 21, 2024 2:43 pm
I really want out of this area, but there is one problem. Because Qlik went Schrödinger's Cat on everyone, I see two different realities, and I don’t know which one to enter. Apparently, Numen is with me so I ask him which one to go in.
[ignored for roleplaying]
DarthPorg36 wrote:
Thu Mar 21, 2024 2:48 pm
Confused about what has just happened, Aelvyn also decides to go with Numen, and figure out how to undo the Schrodinger's Cat Qlik
Pengwinja wrote:
Thu Mar 21, 2024 2:55 pm
DarthPorg36 wrote:
Thu Mar 21, 2024 2:48 pm
Confused about what has just happened, Aelvyn also decides to go with Numen, and figure out how to undo the Schrodinger's Cat Qlik
Isn’t Numen also with me, outside of time?
That is correct. Aelvyn exits time and space and then roleplays.
brainbomb wrote:
Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:58 pm
This all seems quite silly.

I shall file a lawsuit against the alternate reality claiming defamation of character
Unfortunately, neither of the realities has a courtroom as Darrel destroyed it.
Chairpusher wrote:
Thu Mar 21, 2024 4:07 pm
Efax the barrel being surrounded decided to think on his feet:

1. Turning back to being his old Ranger self, he cried out "Witch" ! "No, my friends, Witch Finder it was the evil Qlik that did this to me". By circling me you have saved me from the evil ring he placed around me." Quickly the document in the hope it offered a way of the situation, but just in case he;

2. Falling to his knees and praising the light and the Earth Mother Efax, takes a quick look around, points to Qlik. "There goes the evil one, get him".

3. Moving behind the crowd, he moves quickly in the opposite direction.
You turn back into a ranger. The angry townspeople, seeing their suspicions that you are a were-barrel confirmed, stab you to death.
mOctave wrote:
Fri Mar 22, 2024 2:50 am
Oh dear. I guess I should have been more clear, but I thought the rocket launcher was aimed at itself, not at Qlik's self. Since that evidently didn't happen, and time has been seriously messed up...

The dead version of Qlik:
- contemplates immortality and the existence of a soul
- wanders around looking for Kirby on a chess board
- observes himself

The living version of Qlik:
- casts "Prevent Idiocy" on Efax
- searches the ruins of the inn for a keg of alcohol
- if he finds one, and the barkeeper is still hanging around, buys all the witch-hunters a round of drinks
mOctave wrote:
Fri Mar 22, 2024 2:51 am
Scratch that, I should have read the instructions more carefully. Flip a coin for each pair of actions to take.
Alive dead alive. The third alive action doesn't work because the second one doesn't happen, so instead it is alive-dead-dead.
You cast "Prevent Idiocy" on Efax, which happens exactly 2.6501 seconds before you became superimposed, due to you being superimposed. This causes a logical paradox and you are now in a superposition between being superimposed and not being superimposed.
You wander around the town hall, but you do not see Kirby with a chess board because you are in the wrong dimension.
You directly observe yourself. I'll explain this later.
kingofthepirates wrote:
Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:12 am
Numen is rather confused, since the intricacies of time and space do not often appear in relation to music. Nervous, Numen turns to Qlik, since as the source of the issue at hand, Qlik probably knows more than Numen about what to do. Numen is also nervously twirling a drum stick between their fingers (NOT the food kind), to help calm down a bit.
You turn to Qlik, who is unfortunately not in the same dimension as you.
Kakarroto wrote:
Sat Mar 23, 2024 12:00 am
Aeraalys feels the rip in reality, a wound in the fabric of existence itself, and how the world itself tried to heal itself, but couldn't really. At first the pain of it run through her, the feel of yearning to be whole again, but it not being able to restore itself fully. It felt as it needed help. But who, who would be able to? If nothing is done, it would just rip again with the slightest of stress. Still, who could heal such a wound, she asked herself.

"Only the gods might do ..." she whispered, and gulped, since she knew this would be no small feat. But would it be enough? Would they help here? This is nothing like a normal broken bone or gashing wound of a warrior that was treated after fighting evil. This was not a normal prayer for protection, or blessing a mothers womb, this was the world itself that was in need of mending. A fear within her came up, of not being able to, of not properly asking the gods of what was needed to be done.

She took a deep breath, and concentrated. Focussed on the place where she always went when she needed help; the shining beacon of the great mother. The sanctuary of thought, the salvation of the ones in need. Another deep breath, then a feel of determination surged inside of her. She was here, right now. She was the only one that could do it. It just has to work.

She stood up, straightened her back, took up the position she so often assumed when praying, kneeling, both hands in front, a bit above her heart, open palms , her hands tilted as if she was holding a big cup, then taking a few deep breaths in again, focussing fully on the task before her, offering up all her mana, channeling it inside her, ready for the gods to use.

"Oh great mother, goddes of mending, oh great ruler of the world, oh gods of the sky and earth, please hear my plea. Please help us in this time of need. The world was wounded, hurt and scarred. We need your help to mend the world. Somebody was split, and hurt, and needs to be made whole again. Please, oh gods, help us in our dire need. Heal the rift in our reality and save the one known as Qlik Quicklï oh great gods, and ease the pain the world has taken. Oh please, great gods."
The great mother healing goddess casts a spell in you and through you. It does... something. I'll explain that in a moment.

Round 12
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Re: A new RPG idea

#144 Post by DiplomacyandWarfare » Sat Mar 23, 2024 3:33 pm

Please feel free to skip or skim most of this post. I don't know why I spent half an hour of my life writing it.

Time to explain the superpositions!

Qlik is superimposed between dead and alive because he accidently blew himself up. (this is superposition a)

(Qlik dead/Qlik alive)

Qlik, having cast a spell before he was (a) superimposed due to being (a) superimposed, is now (b) superimposed between being superimposed (a) and not being superimposed (a). (this is superposition b)

(Qlik type a superimposed(Qlik dead/Qlik alive) / Qlik not type a superimposed (Qlik dead) / Qlik not type a superimposed (Qlik alive))

To be clear, the alive version of Qlik did this, the actions were from the alive version of Qlik's actions. (This is superposition c)

(Qlik type b superimposed(Qlik type a superimposed(Qlik alive) / Qlik not type a superimposed(Qlik alive)) / Qlik not type b superimposed (Qlik type a superimposed(Qlik dead))

What this means is that Qlik is either alive, alive, or dead.

It is at this point that the dead version of Qlik, who is now a ghost, taking a (dead) action of observing himself. This means that if Qlik is dead, the superposition collapses. However, it isn't clear whether or not Qlik is dead, so Qlik is now in a superposition between the superposition having collapsed and the superposition not having collapsed.

(superposition d)

Qlik type c superimposed
Qlik type b superimposed
Qlik type a superimposed
Qlik alive
Qlik not type a superimposed
Qlik alive
Qlik not type b superimposed
Qlik type a superimposed
Qlik dead
Qlik not type c superimposed
Qlik dead

It is at this point that we should not that most of these superpositions are irrelevant, as they only contain one superposition each. This really should look more like:

Qlik type c superimposed
Qlik type b superimposed
Qlik alive
Qlik alive
Qlik dead
Qlik dead

And because the two type b superposition positions are the same, we can combine them and remove the "Qlik type b superimposed" position:

Qlik type c superimposed
Qlik alive
Qlik dead
Qlik dead

Of course, in the situation where Qlik is type b superimposed, meaning if Qlik is alive, Efax had "Prevent idiocy" cast on him before he was an idiot and died. This means that if Qlik is alive, so is Efax, and if Qlik is dead, Efax is dead.

Qlik type c superimposed
Qlik and Efax alive
Qlik and Efax dead
Qlik and Efax dead

Alright, so Qlik and Efax are now both alive only if they are superimposed, and even then they are maybe alive. It is at this point that Kak asks the great mother goddess to undo the superposition, so Qlik type c superimposition collapses. Because Qlik not being type c superimposed causes only one superposition to have been in effect, and Kak directly observed a rip in the fabric of time implying multiple superpositions were in effect, Qlik not being type c superimposed is impossible. Therefore, Qlik was type c superimposed. Therefore, the superposition that collapses is:

Qlik and Efax alive
Alik and Efax dead

Fortunately, the great mother healing goddess's spell was also meant to heal Qlik, and therefore the great mother healing goddess ensures the superposition collapses in just the right way so that Qlik is not dead, meaning Efax is not dead either.

For those who don't feel like reading the above, I just wrote a few thousand words about superpositions that all add up to Qlik being alive. The great healing mother also transports you all to the middle of the town hall. There are some angry jerks with knives and some witchhunters. What do you do?

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Re: A new RPG idea

#145 Post by Pengwinja » Sat Mar 23, 2024 3:53 pm

Diplomacy&Warfare wrote:
Sat Mar 23, 2024 3:33 pm
Please feel free to skip or skim most of this post. I don't know why I spent half an hour of my life writing it.

Time to explain the superpositions!

Qlik is superimposed between dead and alive because he accidently blew himself up. (this is superposition a)

(Qlik dead/Qlik alive)

Qlik, having cast a spell before he was (a) superimposed due to being (a) superimposed, is now (b) superimposed between being superimposed (a) and not being superimposed (a). (this is superposition b)

(Qlik type a superimposed(Qlik dead/Qlik alive) / Qlik not type a superimposed (Qlik dead) / Qlik not type a superimposed (Qlik alive))

To be clear, the alive version of Qlik did this, the actions were from the alive version of Qlik's actions. (This is superposition c)

(Qlik type b superimposed(Qlik type a superimposed(Qlik alive) / Qlik not type a superimposed(Qlik alive)) / Qlik not type b superimposed (Qlik type a superimposed(Qlik dead))

What this means is that Qlik is either alive, alive, or dead.

It is at this point that the dead version of Qlik, who is now a ghost, taking a (dead) action of observing himself. This means that if Qlik is dead, the superposition collapses. However, it isn't clear whether or not Qlik is dead, so Qlik is now in a superposition between the superposition having collapsed and the superposition not having collapsed.

(superposition d)

Qlik type c superimposed
Qlik type b superimposed
Qlik type a superimposed
Qlik alive
Qlik not type a superimposed
Qlik alive
Qlik not type b superimposed
Qlik type a superimposed
Qlik dead
Qlik not type c superimposed
Qlik dead

It is at this point that we should not that most of these superpositions are irrelevant, as they only contain one superposition each. This really should look more like:

Qlik type c superimposed
Qlik type b superimposed
Qlik alive
Qlik alive
Qlik dead
Qlik dead

And because the two type b superposition positions are the same, we can combine them and remove the "Qlik type b superimposed" position:

Qlik type c superimposed
Qlik alive
Qlik dead
Qlik dead

Of course, in the situation where Qlik is type b superimposed, meaning if Qlik is alive, Efax had "Prevent idiocy" cast on him before he was an idiot and died. This means that if Qlik is alive, so is Efax, and if Qlik is dead, Efax is dead.

Qlik type c superimposed
Qlik and Efax alive
Qlik and Efax dead
Qlik and Efax dead

Alright, so Qlik and Efax are now both alive only if they are superimposed, and even then they are maybe alive. It is at this point that Kak asks the great mother goddess to undo the superposition, so Qlik type c superimposition collapses. Because Qlik not being type c superimposed causes only one superposition to have been in effect, and Kak directly observed a rip in the fabric of time implying multiple superpositions were in effect, Qlik not being type c superimposed is impossible. Therefore, Qlik was type c superimposed. Therefore, the superposition that collapses is:

Qlik and Efax alive
Alik and Efax dead

Fortunately, the great mother healing goddess's spell was also meant to heal Qlik, and therefore the great mother healing goddess ensures the superposition collapses in just the right way so that Qlik is not dead, meaning Efax is not dead either.

For those who don't feel like reading the above, I just wrote a few thousand words about superpositions that all add up to Qlik being alive. The great healing mother also transports you all to the middle of the town hall. There are some angry jerks with knives and some witchhunters. What do you do?
Now make every letter a different color.

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Re: A new RPG idea

#146 Post by DiplomacyandWarfare » Sat Mar 23, 2024 4:08 pm

Pengwinja wrote:
Sat Mar 23, 2024 3:53 pm

Now make every letter a different color.
Please don't qoute enormoud posts.

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Re: A new RPG idea

#147 Post by Pengwinja » Sat Mar 23, 2024 4:19 pm

Diplomacy&Warfare wrote:
Sat Mar 23, 2024 4:08 pm
Pengwinja wrote:
Sat Mar 23, 2024 3:53 pm

Now make every letter a different color.
Please don't qoute enormoud posts.
My bad

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Re: A new RPG idea

#148 Post by mOctave » Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:07 pm

Qlik looks at the angry mob, and tries to find some drinks to buy for the witch-hunters again. If that succeeds, he then buys a round for everyone present. If that fails, he picks up the barrel-Efax and asks everyone to clear a path so that he can leave with his merchandise.

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Re: A new RPG idea

#149 Post by Kakarroto » Sat Mar 23, 2024 7:42 pm

Exhausted from the prayer, but knowing it was answered, Aeraalys whispers "Thank you, great mother, thank you, thank you ..." bowing her head, then slumping down on her knees.

She notices the angry mob, too weak to do anything special, she hopes someone can pacify them peacefully and avert any bloodshed.

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Re: A new RPG idea

#151 Post by Chairpusher » Mon Mar 25, 2024 9:47 am

Efax from out of the ether, not knowing if he is dead or is alive and not alive begins to question the fabric of the Universe and reality and makes a Dark Elf curse upon the evil Qlik, that if he does return he be with out any weapons, mortal and bound to reality. Take the boredom out of that.

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Re: A new RPG idea

#152 Post by DarthPorg36 » Mon Mar 25, 2024 12:08 pm

Raising his sword high in the air, and setting it on fire with "burning hands", Aelvyn climbs five boxes, looks upon the crowd, and loudly exclaims "you rowdy folk best go home now! For it is I, the servant of the great Yog, and all who come before me are destroyed. You have to the count of thirty to disperse from the plaza or justice will be dealt to you!" Aelvyn swings his flame sword around a couple times for good measure.

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Re: A new RPG idea

#153 Post by DiplomacyandWarfare » Mon Mar 25, 2024 6:54 pm

mOctave wrote:
Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:07 pm
Qlik looks at the angry mob, and tries to find some drinks to buy for the witch-hunters again. If that succeeds, he then buys a round for everyone present. If that fails, he picks up the barrel-Efax and asks everyone to clear a path so that he can leave with his merchandise.
"I could go for an ale... Right after we burn you at the stake!"
"Ha! No, we're not leaving, and neither are you. BURN THE WITCHES!"
Just then, you feel something cold in your stomach. The moment seems much more real all of a sudden... you have been cured of your temporal displacement syndrome!
Chairpusher wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2024 9:47 am
Efax from out of the ether, not knowing if he is dead or is alive and not alive begins to question the fabric of the Universe and reality and makes a Dark Elf curse upon the evil Qlik, that if he does return he be with out any weapons, mortal and bound to reality. Take the boredom out of that.
You successfully cure Qlik of his temporal displacement syndrome.
DarthPorg36 wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2024 12:08 pm
Raising his sword high in the air, and setting it on fire with "burning hands", Aelvyn climbs five boxes, looks upon the crowd, and loudly exclaims "you rowdy folk best go home now! For it is I, the servant of the great Yog, and all who come before me are destroyed. You have to the count of thirty to disperse from the plaza or justice will be dealt to you!" Aelvyn swings his flame sword around a couple times for good measure.
Several flaming torches are thrown at you. They fall short and hit the boxes you are standing on. The boxes with warnings that say "EXPLOSIVE" in big red letters.

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Re: A new RPG idea

#154 Post by DiplomacyandWarfare » Mon Mar 25, 2024 6:54 pm

Round 13

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Re: A new RPG idea

#155 Post by mOctave » Mon Mar 25, 2024 7:20 pm

Clarification: if I've been cured of my temporal displacement syndrome, does that mean I go back to the objective time that I should be in? And does my alchemist master also get put back in the right place in time?

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Re: A new RPG idea

#156 Post by Chairpusher » Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:23 pm

Clarification, is Efax alive or dead please ?

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Re: A new RPG idea

#157 Post by DiplomacyandWarfare » Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:34 pm

mOctave wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2024 7:20 pm
Clarification: if I've been cured of my temporal displacement syndrome, does that mean I go back to the objective time that I should be in? And does my alchemist master also get put back in the right place in time?
Your alchemist master was not cured and is still wherever your backstory puts them.
Efax's action prevents you from being temporally displaced. You remain when and where you are, but will not pop out of existence (unwillingly or otherwise) unless you or someone else does something to stop Efax's magic. You also cannot travel through any dimension above the third.
To be clear, my interpretation of Efax's action is:
Use magic to prevent Qlik from being removed from the linear flow of time or traveling to alternate planes of existence.

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Re: A new RPG idea

#158 Post by DiplomacyandWarfare » Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:36 pm

Chairpusher wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:23 pm
Clarification, is Efax alive or dead please ?
Efax is alive.
Diplomacy&Warfare wrote:
Sat Mar 23, 2024 3:33 pm
Qlik is not dead, meaning Efax is not dead either.

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Re: A new RPG idea

#159 Post by DarthPorg36 » Mon Mar 25, 2024 9:31 pm

Guess I die lol.

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Re: A new RPG idea

#160 Post by Chairpusher » Tue Mar 26, 2024 9:22 am

Efax find himself alive:

1. Jumps out of the arms of Qlik;

2. Runs like hell away from the crowd;

3. Finds a safe hiding place and reads the document he recovered.

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