MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

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MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#1 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sun Jun 12, 2022 9:42 am


GM: Jamiet99uk
Phase Deadline: 11pm BST / 6pm Eastern Time
Day Phase Length: 48 hours
Night Phase Length: 24 hours


Mafia is an educated guessing game of epic proportions. The objective of this game for the town majority is to kill all mafia members before they outnumber the rest of the town. The objective of the mafia minority is to survive until they outnumber the town. The game is typically very active, so the thread will grow quickly. However, it is essential to read the thread to play the game.


TL;DR - normal mafia rules.

This game follows standard WebDip Mafia Rules, located here: ... 5j8sw75pmx.


TL;DR - Don't be a shitlord.

Players may be warned, forcibly replaced, or modkilled for violation of game rules. The GM team will attempt to minimize disruption to the game, but will use whatever means are needed to preserve the integrity of the game.

Players who have site-wide muted other players are asked to unmute them to play this game. Players who have been silenced on webDiplomacy due to site infractions will be forcibly replaced from the game.

Players who wish to quit playing may be replaced at GM discretion. Replacement is not guaranteed. Substitutes cannot participate in spectator chats until they sub into the game and are subsequently removed from it (e.g., by dying).


TL;DR - no changes to the voting mechanic in this game.

To vote for a player, type ##VOTE <player> (e.g. ##VOTE Eden). You may unvote by typing ##UNVOTE. You may switch from voting one player to another without unvoting first (e.g., if you ##VOTE Eden then type ##VOTE Bona, you will vote for Bona). You may choose to no-kill by typing ##UNVOTE. You don’t need to type out the player’s full name, but failing to do so may lead to ambiguity that causes errors in vote tallying, particularly with the bot. In the event of a tie vote at the end of the day, no player will be killed.

You may vote to end the day early by typing ##END. If a majority of players are voting ##END and casting the same vote (whether for a player or to no-kill), the phase will end early. If the day ends more than 8 hours into the start of the day phase, the remaining time will be added to the next night phase; if the day ends less than 8 hours into the start of the day phase, the next night phase will end 24 hours early.


1 x Lazy Watchman
1 x Doctor
1 x Paranoid Crossbow Owner (aka Army Veteran)
6 x Vanilla Town

1 x Roleblocker (not a factional RB)
1 x Framer


1. Kakarroto
2. Ghug
3. worcej
4. Maniac
5. Damo666
6. Yoak
7. Rdrivera
8. BehesharamSabi
9. Deathllama8
10. Dargorygel
11. BradLand

I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#2 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sun Jun 12, 2022 9:51 am

Town Role PMs

You are the LAZY WATCHMAN. During the day you must vote for someone. Each night, you may investigate a target by sending ##INVESTIGATE <Player> to the GM (this counts as a visit). However, you are not the brightest or most vigorous of investigators, and therefore you will only learn if your target is GUILTY or NOT GUILTY at the end of the *following* night phase. You are part of the Town and win when the Mafia are eliminated, or nothing can stop this from happening.

You are the DOCTOR. During the day you must vote for someone. Each night, you may protect another player by sending ##SAVE <Player> to the GM (this counts as a visit). You may protect yourself, but you may not visit the same target on two consecutive nights (if you are roleblocked, you do not "visit"). You are part of the Town and win when the Mafia are eliminated, or nothing can stop this from happening.

You are the PARANOID CROSSBOW OWNER. During the day you must vote for someone. You do not have any actions at night. However, you will reflexively kill *anyone* who visits you at night. This effect does not expire, it is not an action, you cannot choose to de-activate it, and it can kill multiple visitors on the same night. You are part of the Town and win when the Mafia are eliminated, or nothing can stop this from happening.

You are a VANILLA TOWNSPERSON. During the day you must vote for someone. You do not have any actions at night. You are part of the Town and win when the Mafia are eliminated, or nothing can stop this from happening.

Mafia Role PMs

You are the ROLEBLOCKER of the notorious Gumboni family. During the day you must vote for someone. Each night, you may choose to Roleblock a target by sending ##ROLEBLOCK <Player> to the GM, or entering this as an order in the Mafia Discord (this counts as a visit). You will prevent your target from taking any night actions that night. Your Roleblock can prevent the Lazy Watchman from investigating, but you cannot prevent them from receiving the report from their previous night's investigation, assuming that was not Roleblocked. You may be selected to carry out the Mafia kill as well as using your own action. You are part of the Mafia and win when the Town are eliminated, or nothing can stop this from happening. Your Gumboni team-mate is <Person> and you may communicate with them during Night Phases only, in a special Discord channel to which you will be given access before the start of N1.

You are the FRAMER of the notorious Gumboni family. During the day you must vote for someone. Each night, you may choose to Frame a target by sending ##Frame <Player> to the GM, or entering this as an order in the Mafia Discord (this counts as a visit). You will place false evidence of wrongdoing on your target, causing them to appear GUILTY if the Watchman visits them that same night. You may be selected to carry out the Mafia kill as well as using your own action. You are part of the Mafia and win when the Town are eliminated, or nothing can stop this from happening. Your Gumboni team-mate is <Person> and you may communicate with them during Night Phases only, in a special Discord channel to which you will be given access before the start of N1.

(Note that there is no longer a GOON and the Mafia PMs now refer to one team-mate, not two).

I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#3 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sun Jun 12, 2022 9:56 am



1. Kakarroto
2. Ghug
3. worcej
4. Maniac
5. Damo666
6. Yoak
7. Rdrivera
8. BehesharamSabi
9. Deathllama8
10. Dargorygel
11. BradLand

1. Chaqa

(Someone accidentally scrubbed Chaqa's name off the list as a sub during the sign-up process)

I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#4 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sun Jun 12, 2022 10:13 am

Pre-Game Flavour:

Just to the south-west of the junction of God Street with Blood Alley, a smaller lane led south to Attic Bee Street, with a few even smaller alleys branching off towards Quirm Street and Goose Gate. It wasn't somewhere visitors to Ankh-Morpork would immediately notice, but locals knew it as a source of good pizza, very good coffee, and the occasional very dangerous card game. It was rumoured that other services could be obtained there too, and the Assassins' Guild kept their eye on the place. From a distance. Officially, it was Vieux Lane, but many knew it as "Little Genua".

It is here that our tale will begin.

I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#5 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sun Jun 12, 2022 11:26 am

Pre-game flavour:

Two men sat at a small table, idly playing cards.

The first was a young gentleman with an olive complexion. He had an easy grace, seemingly without a care in the world. His eyes sparkled with a subtle intelligence. You might have said he looked well acquainted with the streets. This was Giovanni Dimagio. The second man was older, with faded blond hair and a worn, spartan face with a couple of old scars. He wore the serious expression of a man who was not to be joked with unless you wished to end up at the bottom of the Vieux. Or, in this town, on the surface of the Ankh. He was well-known to anyone familiar with Little Genua as the consigliere of the Gumboni family, Charles Marchella.

Marchella lit a cigarette and looked silently at his cards for a moment.

"Da boss thinks it is time to expand our territory."

Dimagio nodded, as if carefully considering his words.

"You think it's a good idea?"

Marchella's scowl deepened for a moment.

"If I thought it wasn't a good idea, I'd have told him that, and then I wouldn't be talking to you about it. Yes?"

Dimagio leaned back and cracked a slight smile.

"Okay, okay, sure, sure. We're going to have a busy month then, I get it."

"That's right," said Marchella. "You are. You are. There are some people that will have to be... moved on. Geraldo has the list."

As if on cue, another man entered the room. Marchella laid his cards on the table as Dimagio looked over to the doorway.

Geraldo Ciaco was a large, pasty faced man. His black hair was smoothed down until it looked like it was painted, his face held a mirthless smile, but his eyes gleamed with a clever alertness. He nodded a quiet greeting and flopped a slip of parchment onto the table.

Dimagio tried to retain his relaxed expression as he noticed some of the names on the list. Then he looked at the cards Marchella had just laid on the table.

Four aces.

He looked at the three aces in his own hand and sighed.

"Beats me!"

Yes, it was going to be a busy month.

I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#6 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sun Jun 12, 2022 6:31 pm

Pre-Game Flavour (continued)

Sam Vimes was up early that day. A shaft of late spring sunlight had roused him, and he felt too edgy to try to go back to sleep.

Why did he feel on edge? He couldn't be sure. Nobody had tried to kill him for several days, maybe that was it.

He made his way downstairs and opened the back door. Sybil preferred him to use the front door, but it was so large and grand and... pretentious. He wouldn't be seen dead using that bloody door if he could help it.

Vimes was moderately surprised to find Sgt. Angua standing in his back yard, paused in mid-step as if she'd just been about to knock on the door.

"Sorry sir, I was about to knock."

He smiled.

"What's up?"

"Found a couple of bodies, sir. Don't like the smell of 'em, sir."

Being a were-person, Angua's sense of smell was one of the Watch's most useful assets.

"Go on," said Vimes, absent-mindedly reaching for his cigarette papers and realising he didn't have any.

"Merchants, sir. Quirm Street. Killed in their shops, late last night. Stab wounds, small stiletto, very efficient. Killer was a man, not a local, wearing quite expensive aftershave. He'd been drinking coffee, sir. Very good coffee."

"Very good coffee? Sergeant?"

"Yes sir, the kind you can only get in those little coffee shops in Little Genua."

Vimes nodded, stroking his chin. He hadn't shaved. It would have to wait.

"Right. Let's get to work. Find Fred Colon, tell him to stop whatever he isn't doing, and get himself to my office in the hour."

"Yes sir!" Angua sprinted off.

Very good coffee, eh?

I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#7 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sun Jun 12, 2022 10:00 pm


The flavour is up there ^

Will the Genuan Coffee Nostra achieve their aims of controlling Ankh-Morpork's legitimate businesses? Or will the City Watch and various concerned locals stand up to them?

Time to find out!

Day 1 has begun.

I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was, you know, important - like a league game or something - Dick Butkus.

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#8 Post by Kakarroto » Sun Jun 12, 2022 10:07 pm

The first day was used for orientation, as Lance-Constable K. Karotte found out. The guide showed them the building and they explained the usual way how things were done, but he still could just barely believe it. He's going to be a Sammy, with a great salary (compared to his home, but everythings better than a piece of bread and a slash with a whip) and in a few years, when he returns home, he could even demand the double or triple of that amount at home. On top of that he would be popular with all the ladies (and the boys, if you'd swing that way) on return. So popular he might would want to take swimming lessions to not drown in his future popularity. But he shouldn't indulge int that, no, he remembered himself and shook his head reflexively, he's doing all that for her, Martia. Martia Butterblume, the neighbours daughter, such a lovely being. Whenever she worked on the field she greeted him when he came along and they talked for a while. Especially all the times when he presented her a bouquet of flowers, she smiled so radiant that it was pure heaven. Yes, their marriage will be perfect, he said to himself.

He didn't hear the clearing of a throat the first time. Well his ears did hear it, but his brain was too occupied to register what his ears would tell him. "Lance-Constable?" a grim voice he haven't heard before uttered in a tone he recognized on a primal level and his body moved on his own, he saluted with a loud "Sir, Jawohl, Sir!" The figure measured the newly conscipt and didn't seem to be too delighted. "Lance-Constable" the figure uttered "first of all, it's 'Sir, yes, sir', not this klatchian nonsense." "Überwaldisch." "Gesundheit." The Lance-Constable wanted to correct the figure a second time, but something in his brain, something primal, reminded him that this time the figure might not make the mistake to confuse the words as a bodily reaction and that this would lead to a very unpleasant future, probably including handscrews, so he just saluted again and said "Sir, yes, sir." "Secondly, you come with me" the figure waved the guide and the others from the group away and pointed to a door in a dark corner of the building. "Lets go in there." The figure waited for him to enter, then closed the door with a silent, but strong pull. While the figure went from the door to their seat behind a desk, Karrote quickly glanced around. There was a name plate on the desk with a big 'REDACTED' on top. The potted plant in the corner looked like it needed all the water from the Ankh (if it was real water and not just gravity defying silt). On the wall there was a sign with the words 'domo criminalis inqvisitvs'. His Latatian wasn't good, but he knew those words didn't mean a good thing.

Finally, the figure sat in their chair. "Thirdly, I was informed that your residence in Ankh-Morpork is going to be in Vieux Lane 139.7 B 1/4" the figure checked three times to get the number correct, "is that correct?" "Sir, yes, sir." The figure inspected the Lance-Constable thoroughly. "Why?" "Sir?" "I said tell me why you rented that place and not to question me." Karrote looked confused. "Sir, there aren't many free rooms available in this city, sir, especially not for someone far away with non-disposable income, sir." "But it is just a room with a matress." "Sir, a very comfortable matress and it costs just half a pence a day, sir." "There is a clinic on one side and an 'office' of Harry King on the other!" "Sir?" "The odor and the screams, Lance-Constable!" A warm smile began to form on his face as he remembered "Sir, it reminds me of home, sir. There were quite a number of pig farms around us, sir." The figure inspected him further, this time with a hint of disgust. "Pigs?" "Oh yes, sir, you know, they have quite a similar scream as humans, if you know where to put the knife, sir."

Silently, the figure seemed to think. The bustling and hustling from the other rooms was only subduedly noticable in here. A clock on the wall, normally not hearable, ticked and tocked loudly in the ears of the Lance-Constable. "Do you have any connections to Genua?" the figure suddenly asked. "Sir ... I think not, sir." he thought about it a bit, "my late grand-grand-grand-grand-grandfather, maternal, might've come from there, but we aren't sure, since no one could ever understand what he said. But I think not, sir, since he had red hair and his name 'Oleg' doesn't sound gennuese, sir. That's the only thing we could ever understand of him. Sir." The figure nodded. "Well, sounds good enough for me. Lance-Constable Karrote, you will get a new mission: You need to infiltrate the area and find out what family is planning and inform us prior to their actions. We can't let foreigners take over the ground of our local inhabitants. They might be gang-infested but, by Io and all the other gods, they are our gangs. Do you understand?" "But, sir ..." "DO YOU UNDERSTAND, Lance-Constable?" "Sir, yes, sir!" he saluted again reflexively. "Good. Tomorrow morning you will start your duty. Good luck. Dismissed."

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#9 Post by Maniac » Sun Jun 12, 2022 10:35 pm

Well that’s the last time I’ll sign up out of order. What ever happened to randomness?

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#10 Post by BesharamSabi » Sun Jun 12, 2022 10:48 pm

Hi I'm here.

I have nothing else to say.

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#12 Post by damo666 » Sun Jun 12, 2022 11:25 pm

BesharamSabi wrote:
Sun Jun 12, 2022 10:48 pm
Hi I'm here.

I have nothing else to say.
Says the above and follows it up with a vote post.

##vote Sabi

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#13 Post by damo666 » Sun Jun 12, 2022 11:25 pm

I'm not reading Kak's long post.

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#14 Post by worcej » Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:20 am

Sunday starts are pretty low attendance, but here is hoping we can revive our stale gamestate with some good old fashion D1 trolling?

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#15 Post by worcej » Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:21 am

Glad to see Jamie has the thrill to shove a bunch of flavor into this game. I couldn’t bring myself to put that energy into my game lol…

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#16 Post by ghug » Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:23 am

Who's ready to fuck up bona and damo?

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#17 Post by ghug » Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:23 am

##VOTE Bona

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#18 Post by worcej » Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:28 am

ghug wrote:
Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:23 am
Who's ready to fuck up bona and damo?
obligatory joke vote for damo time?

##vote damo

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#19 Post by ghug » Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:29 am

worcej wrote:
Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:28 am
ghug wrote:
Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:23 am
Who's ready to fuck up bona and damo?
obligatory joke vote for damo time?

##vote damo
Oh, maybe it's worcej and bona.

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Re: MINI MAFIA 1022 - Big Trouble in Little Genua - Game Thread [Hidden]

#20 Post by rdrivera2005 » Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:56 am

Good night fellow townies and some bad guys. Seems a quiet game again.

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