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#1 Post by dargorygel » Fri Feb 19, 2021 11:25 pm


Premise: This setup and theme is inspired by my other game, M44, Dreamland, which ran in March 2019. (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1365

Flavor Opening: In the darkness something floats across the sky. Hailing a distress beacon lost in the Nevada Desert years ago; they have arrived. A strange light drifts across the sky near DREAMLAND in the summer of 1979. Suddenly, multiple energy weapons are quietly discharged in the dark sky. A Boeing YC-14 explodes over the desert, but during the explosion something unusual happened. A portion of the YC-14 clipped the UFO causing it to also crash into the desert. The contents of both the UFO and YC-14 spill out across the desert. While this explosion is certainly of this world; something alien caused it and it is out there searching…

Special Rules: This game is an item madness game with a THIRD PARTY. The specific information about the third party and items can be found below.

[Investigation] Alien Researcher: Each night the Alien Researcher may research a player to determine if they have been infected by Alien DNA. The Researcher will scan a player, but the scan result will not be returned until the end of the subsequent night phase. The scan will fall under the investigation order on the order of adjudication. If you are Jailed or Camped, you will be roleblocked from completing an investigation during the night phase, but still able to receive your scan result from the previous phase at the end of night. Results will come in as ALIEN DNA or NO ALIEN DNA.

[Investigation] Deputy -unknown sanity-: The Deputy works in the small and recently incorporated town of Rachel, Nevada. Each night the Deputy can investigate a player. The investigation results will read as AREA-51 or NOT AREA-51. The Deputy is of an unknown sanity. The sanity types are listed below.
[Sane Cop] Results are Accurate -unless a PR interferes with them-
[Insane Cop] Results are the opposite of what they should be
[Paranoid Cop] Results are always AREA-51
[Naive Cop] Results are always NOT AREA-51

Results are returned at the end of the night phase and will be adjudicated during the scan portion of the order of adjudication.

In addition, the Deputy does not differentiate between Mafia members who work at AREA-51 and town PR’s that work at AREA-51. The Alien Researcher and potentially 0-2 Miller’s.

[Protection] The Shaman (2x): The Shaman is an Elder in the New or Western Shoshone Tribe. Each night the Shaman can visit a player and aid them in their spiritual enlightenment. The Shaman can perform a basic heal using herbal remedies that will restore the player to full health. Or can use one of two abilities. Each of these abilities is a 1X. Once used, it is gone.

Ritual (1x): The Shaman can take a player to their home and perform a ritual. This action occurs at the end of night. If the Shaman targets a player that is jailed or camped then their action will fail. If the Shaman targets a player that is eligible for the ritual then that player will be untargetable by camping or jailing the following day. The Shaman will give the player a ritualistic substance at the end of the night phase during the heal portion of the order of adjudication. The player will be unable to participate for the duration of the following day phase and will be unable to be targeted for that phase (including DayKilling). The player will return to the game thread and be targetable at the start of the night phase. If the player was infected by ALIEN DNA that effect will be removed.

Trance (1x): The Shaman can enter into a trance and seek out the spirits of the deceased. The Shaman can ask a spirit of a deceased player a question, limited to 50 words and subject to the GM’s discretion. The deceased player can answer the question based on what they knew in the living world. The GM will give the Shaman their answer. This ability is time limited, after two subsequent phases the deceased will move on to the God QT.

[Utility] RV Camper: The RV Camper drives a state of the art, 1977 Globetrotter. Each day, during the day phase, the Camper can select two players to come and camp with him during the night in the Nevada Desert. The two players selected, cannot be selected consecutive nights in a row. The Camper and the two players can talk in the CAMPER QT during the night phase. If you are selected by the camper you cannot make a night action (if you have one) or communicate in a different night QT. If you are selected to be killed then your reveal text will state you were at a campsite. If the Alien visits you while camping, everyone at the campsite will be infected by ALIEN DNA.

Vanilla Townie: You are a vanilla townie! Each day you may vote for whoever you believe to be mafia or the alien. You win with the town.

0-2 Miller: Same as a VT, but scan as AREA-51. Wins with the town.


Item Thief (3x): The Item Thief can visit one player each night and will steal any item they have. They can hold up to one item. When they steal a new item, their old item will be discarded if it has not been used. After three successful item thefts, the Item Thief will become a Mafia Goon. Players are notified if their item is stolen. The Item Thief appears as AREA-51 on cop scans. The Item Thief wins with the Mafia. Their action is adjudicated at the -Item Theft- portion of the order of adjudication.

Man in Black: The Man in Black can visit a player each night. When the Man in Black visits a player they can frame a player using the frame action. The frame action gives a player a ‘false alignment’ result, so the opposite of what they are. If the player framed is investigated by the Deputy; the Deputy will receive a false result. Example: Town will generally scan as AREA-51 if they are framed (exceptions would be the millers or Alien Researcher who would scan NOT AREA 51 as their original alignment shows them as Area 51). This has no effect on the Alien (Always scans NOT AREA 51). The Framer visits a player during the Night Phase. The Man in Black scans as NOT AREA-51 and wins with the Mafia.

Secretary: The Secretary allows the mafia to talk during the day phase, so long as the secretary is alive. Additionally, when the Alien Researcher receives a report on if the player they targeted has ALIEN DNA or NOT ALIEN DNA the secretary will also learn this information. The Secretary wins with the Mafia and scans as AREA-51.

Gunman (Wetwork Kit): The Gunman visits a player each night and conducts the Mafia Night Kill. The Mafia Night Kill is determined by a majority vote, but in the case of a tie the Gunman breaks the tie. If the Gunman dies then the Mafia must vote on who will carry out the kill in addition to who they want killed. In addition, the Gunman will start with a wetwork kit. This kit allows the Gunman to sanitize the kill. The Gunman will learn the role of the player that was killed, but the town will not learn this information. The Gunman scans as AREA-51 and wins with the mafia. If the Mafia comes to believe that the Gunman is compromised via the Alien Infection that can vote to have another member carry out the kill.

AREA-51 MP: The AREA-51 Military Policeman visits a player and can confine them in the base prison. The MP decides who to jail during the day phase with the action occuring at the start of night. While the player is incarcerated the MP can question the player. If the MP incarcerates the Alien; the Alien can choose to infect the MP or not. The MP’s incarceration action is considered a roleblock. This roleblock will be adjudicated at the roleblock portion of the order of adjudication. The MP wins with the Mafia.

Alien: The Alien is night immune unless targeted by an item that circumvents night immunity. The Alien can still be scanned by the Alien Researcher. The Alien infects one player each night with the Alien Virus, unless otherwise noted above or below. The player will not learn they are infected. The Alien can read as ALIEN DNA or NOT ALIEN DNA on Alien Researcher Reports (see below): The Alien wins when a majority of players are infected. Infected players do not switch alignments. The Alien has two actions they can perform each night (Kill or Infect).

If the Alien kills a player then they can absorb their DNA and appear to be HUMAN or NOT ALIEN DNA on Alien Researcher Reports. This effect is applied to the subsequent night. So N1 the Alien would read as ALIEN DNA, but if they kill they will be read as NOT ALIEN DNA on a N2 scan report. The Alien can choose not to absorb human DNA, if they so wish, by notifying the GM’s. However, this will be considered an automatic effect unless otherwise stipulated.

If the Alien visits the RV Campsite (WITH AN INFECT ORDER ONLY); everyone at the camp will be infected. If the Alien is incarcerated they can choose to infect the Area-51 MP. Man in Black frame reports do not affect the Alien. The Alien scans as NOT AREA-51 on Deputy reports.

Infection Stages
1. Night of Infection: If the Alien infects a player and that player is also scanned that night they will not register as ALIEN DNA.
2. N2 (Next night): The player will begin to register as ALIEN DNA
3. N3 (Third Night): The player, if they have night actions, will fall under the control of the Alien. If the player has infected multiple PR’s they can only take control of one infected PR’s night action in addition to their usual infect or kill action.
Additional symptoms of infection: Immediately following infection, on the following day phase, the Alien can choose to manipulate the infected player’s vote. The Alien can choose where their votes fall on the final EOD count. However, the Alien can only ever control up to TWO player votes on the final EOD count. If they have more infected players then the Alien will have to pick and choose which votes to manipulate. If the Alien infects a player that has access to a satellite phone they will gain access to the satellite phone QT.


2-4x Satellite Phones: Specialized phones used by the military to communicate at night in a special NIGHT QT. Anyone with a phone can access the NIGHT QT. Allows you to access this QT each night; not a 1x item.

1x Triage Kit: The Triage Kit allows a player to visit another player during the order of adjudication and perform the heal action. Once used it is gone.

1-3x Reverse Alien DNA: The Reverse Alien DNA allows the user to heal a player afflicted by the Alien Virus. This is done by visiting another player during the order of adjudication and performing a heal action. Once used it is gone.

1x: Alien Containment Field: The Alien Containment Field can be applied during the last 24 hours of a day phase on a player. That player will be immune to being daykilled. If the player receives the most votes at EOD, the daykill will simply fail. Once used it is gone.

1x Alien Microbe Ray: The Microbe Ray, when used, will allow the player to evade any actions that target them during the night phase. This needs to be self applied or applied to another player during the day phase for it to go into effect during the night phase. Once used it is gone.

1x Alien Ray Gun: A player is disintegrated. No body, no name, no role reveal. If used during the day phase, the player disintegrated will still be listed until the post end of day vote count. This circumvents night immunity. The only item that will nullify the effect of the Alien Ray Gun is the Alien Microbe Ray. See more about this below. Once used it is gone.

1x Holy Herb: Allows the player to ingest a holy herb. Once they take it they select one player. If they are killed then that player’s identity is publicly revealed. In effect for the phase taken and the subsequent phase. Once used it is gone.

1x Signal Tracker: Allows the player to select a player. They will learn if that player completed an action the night before or not. The result will simply be: Player x COMPLETED AN ACTION. Player x TOOK NO ACTION.

0-1x: M16 (1x): Allows the player to kill a player during the day or night phase. Once used it is gone.

1x: Night Vision Goggles: Allows a player to WATCH another player, during the night phase. Once used it is gone.

1-3x: Base Pass: Allows a player to check to see if another player works at AREA-51 or not. Results will be AREA-51 or NOT AREA 51. Once used it is gone.

1-2x Bulletproof Vest: The player can equip the bulletproof vest. Equipping the vest is an action. The vest is worn for one day phase and one night phase.

Order of Adjudication


RV Camper: The RV Camper selects two targets prior to EOD. They are given the Camper QT at EOD. If they belong to another QT they cannot participate. If they have a night action they cannot perform it.

Incarcerate: Area-51 MP can incarcerate one player for the night phase. That player can talk to the MP, but cannot perform a night action.

Individual Actions that Fall outside the Order of Adjudication
Alien Containment Field (last 24 hours of day phase)
Alien Microbe Ray (can be used anytime during the day phase prevents them from being targeted at night and goes into effect at the start of the night phase)
Alien Ray Gun (can be used anytime during the day phase)
Holy Herb (can be used anytime during the day phase)
M16 (can be used anytime during the day phase)
Vest (can be equipped during a day phase at any point but only lasts for ONE day phase and ONE night phase *the phase equipped counts towards that*


[QT Creation] Satellite Phone, RV Camper, AREA-51 Security: Area-51 MP and RV Camper have their targets and QT’s established/opened. Satellite Phone QT is opened.

[Item Thief] Steal: The Item Thief steals an item, if they hold an item it is discarded.

[Holy Herb] Limited Oracle Power: The user takes the Holy Herb, in effect gaining the Oracle power for the current night phase and subsequent day phase.

[Alien] Infect: The Alien infects a player with the INFECT action.

[MiB Framer] Frame: The Man in Black will frame a player.

[Alien Researcher, Unknown Sanity Deputy, Base Pass] Investigation: The Alien Researcher, Unknown Sanity Deputy, and base pass conduct their investigations.

[Bulletproof Vest] Night Protection: The user dons a bulletproof vest.

[Gunman] Mafia Night Kill: The Gunman performs the Night Kill with the option of a 1x sanitation.

[M16, Alien Ray Gun, Alien] Kill: The non-mafia killing items occur simultaneously following the Mafia Night Kill.

[Shaman, Triage Kit, Reverse Alien DNA Kit] Heal: The Shaman heal action, Triage Kit, and Reverse Alien DNA kit occur simultaneously.
b) The Shaman’s Ritual and Trance 1x power(s) are considered to take place during this phase in the adjudication process.

[Night Vision Goggles] Watch: The watch action occurs and would catch any action occurring above, it would not catch the RV Camper, Incarcerate, or individuals using the Satellite Phones.

[Signal Tracker] Action Notification: The Signal Tracker item is used and the user is notified if their target performed an action (doesn’t tell them what action) or did not perform an action. If the Signal Tracker is used on the Secretary it will disrupt the Mafia Day QT and the Mafia will be unable to use the Day QT the following day.

Weird Situations

1. If the user of the Alien Ray Gun targets a player who has applied the Alien Microbe Ray to themself or targets a player who has had the microbe ray targeted on them then the following will occur. The Alien Ray Gun will backfire erasing the user of the Alien Ray Gun. No information will be given. However, the user of the microbe ray will suffer a paradox and have their role information publicly revealed.
2. The Alien Ray Gun will bypass the Alien’s Night Immunity and any night immunity from Bulletproof vests. It will not, however, be able to kill a player who has been incarcerated.
3. The Gunman is the default player who carries out the mafia kill. If the mafia believe the Gunman is infected or want someone else to carry out the kill in the event that the Gunman is roleblocked (RV Camper) they can do a majority vote to have someone else carry out the kill.
a. If the Gunman becomes infected, the Alien will gain control of the Mafia Night Kill power and can redirect it.
4. The Secretary learns who the Alien Researcher has investigated for Alien DNA at the same time that the Alien Researcher learns the result of their investigation (The Alien Researcher learns their result at the end of night on the following night after their first investigation). If the Signal Tracker is used on the Secretary the day QT will be disrupted for the duration of the day meaning that it cannot be used.
5. Players that are in the RV Camper cannot participate in any QT, Mafia, Satellite, etc. The RV Camper is considered to go before the Area-51 MP so if the Area-51 targets the RV Camper that incarcerate action will fail always unless the RV Camper forgets to put in a set of targets. However, if the Alien visits any player that is camping in the RV they all will become infected with the Alien Virus.
6. The player selected for a ritual by the Shaman will be untargetable by the RV Camper and the Area-51 MP. The MP or Camper will be notified that their target is untargetable in this event which will mean that they have been given a ritual by the Shaman.
7. The Alien can be selected to be incarcerated or put in the RV Camper. However, it is up to the Alien if they want to infect the MP or the Camper. They will automatically infect everyone in the camper if they visit one of the players in the RV Camper. However, if they are camped they will get the option to infect the campsite same for the Area-51 MP they will get the option to infect or not.
8. If someone with the Ray Gun or M16 are targeted by the Mafia, then the Mafia Night Kill will kill them before they can use their killing action. If the user of the Alien Ray Gun and the M16 shoot each other then the actions occur simultaneously.
9. If someone is targeted by multiple killing weapons then the heal action will heal all effects if they are chosen by the Shaman during the heal portion of Order of Adjudication.
10. The Gunman and Item Thief will not start with items. The Gunman already has the Wetwork Kit and the Item Thief can steal items at the start of order of adjudication.
11. Brought up in the edit phase, if the Alien visits the Jailor or Jailed both of them will be infected.

GM ND and CoGM Dargorygel

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#2 Post by ghug » Fri Feb 19, 2021 11:51 pm


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#3 Post by Jamiet99uk » Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:16 am

1. Ghug
2. Jamiet99uk

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#4 Post by Donny Dude » Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:23 am

1. Ghug
2. Jamiet99uk
3. Donny Dude the camper

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#5 Post by brainbomb » Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:35 am

god damn shit fuck alien cocksuckers again

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#6 Post by brainbomb » Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:35 am

yea ill play, just trying out my new tourrettes meta

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#7 Post by damo666 » Sat Feb 20, 2021 1:08 am

1. Ghug
2. Jamiet99uk
3. Donny Dude the camper
4. Brain 'Tourettes' Fbomb
5. damo666

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#8 Post by Hellenic Riot » Sat Feb 20, 2021 1:28 am

1. Ghug
2. Jamiet99uk
3. Donny Dude the camper
4. Brain 'Tourettes' Fbomb
5. damo666
6. Hellenic Riot

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#9 Post by lfischl » Sat Feb 20, 2021 2:02 am

1. Ghug
2. Jamiet99uk
3. Donny Dude the camper
4. Brain 'Tourettes' Fbomb
5. damo666
6. Hellenic Riot
7. lfischl

Let's try this again.

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#10 Post by brainbomb » Sat Feb 20, 2021 3:52 am

Special Rules: This game is an item madness game with a THIRD PARTY. The specific information about the third party and items can be found below

I think my goal is to roll 3rd party so I finally cant hardclaim

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#11 Post by BobMcBob » Sat Feb 20, 2021 4:34 am

1. Ghug
2. Jamiet99uk
3. Donny Dude the camper
4. Brain 'Tourettes' Fbomb
5. damo666
6. Hellenic Riot
7. lfischl
8. BobMcBob

Full warning, I intend to completely bust my meta this game if possible.

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#12 Post by BunnyGo » Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:34 am

1. Ghug
2. Jamiet99uk
3. Donny Dude the camper
4. Brain 'Tourettes' Fbomb
5. damo666
6. Hellenic Riot
7. lfischl
8. BobMcBob
9. BunnyGo

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#13 Post by BunnyGo » Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:36 am

Is a triage kit "use" in the visit, or in the save?

Meaning, if I try to save Bob but he wasn't harmed, is the use gone? Will I just visit and share some tea?

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#14 Post by BunnyGo » Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:37 am

Can you say more about the alien vote control?

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#15 Post by e.m.c^42 » Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:11 am

BunnyGo wrote:
Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:37 am
Can you say more about the alien vote control?
It's probably same mechanisms as how it worked last iteration of this game, except that the alien has control over where (up to) two of the votes go instead of just having all the votes follow them.

As for what it looks like:

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#16 Post by BunnyGo » Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:19 am

e.m.c^42 wrote:
Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:11 am
BunnyGo wrote:
Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:37 am
Can you say more about the alien vote control?
It's probably same mechanisms as how it worked last iteration of this game, except that the alien has control over where (up to) two of the votes go instead of just having all the votes follow them.

As for what it looks like:
Can the alien submit it after EOD?

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#17 Post by BunnyGo » Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:20 am

Also, can alien "win" independently to town and mafia game?

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#18 Post by Maniac » Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:21 am

1. Ghug
2. Jamiet99uk
3. Donny Dude the camper
4. Brain 'Tourettes' Fbomb
5. damo666
6. Hellenic Riot
7. lfischl
8. BobMcBob
9. BunnyGo
10. Maniac (He/Him/His/Handsome)

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#19 Post by rdrivera2005 » Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:23 am

1. Ghug
2. Jamiet99uk
3. Donny Dude the camper
4. Brain 'Tourettes' Fbomb
5. damo666
6. Hellenic Riot
7. lfischl
8. BobMcBob
9. BunnyGo
10. Maniac (He/Him/His/Handsome)
11. Rdrivera2005

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#20 Post by BunnyGo » Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:36 am

1. Ghug
2. Jamiet99uk
3. Donny Dude the camper
4. Brain 'Tourettes' Fbomb
5. damo666
6. Hellenic Riot
7. lfischl
8. BobMcBob
9. BunnyGo (He/Him/His)
10. Maniac (He/Him/His/Handsome)
11. Rdrivera2005


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