Finished: 12 PM Mon 29 Apr 24 UTC
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1 day /phase
Pot: 70 D - Spring, 2013, Finished
Fall of the American Empire IV, Public messaging only, Sum-of-Squares Scoring
3 excused missed turn
Game drawn

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12 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1999: LIMA (Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs) - President Alberto Fujimori wishes to achieve an agreement with the Cuban government about the Caribbean.
12 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1999: The Heartland has many neighbors and thus many potential friends. Though actions will carry far more weight than words in the months ahead, all emissaries are welcome. If treated fairly the Heartland shall be a stalwart ally to the very end. Best of luck, everyone, in the coming conflict.
13 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1999: Greeting World Leaders, the nation of Mexico is currently seeking a land DMZ with Peru via Honduras as well as a strong defense agreement with Texas - looking forward to their ambassadors response
13 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1999: Mighty Trxas are more than happy to freeze borders with Great nation of Texas after when happy people of Nueva Leon joined under Texas flag
13 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1999: Your claims will be respected Might Texas!
13 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1999: LIMA (Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs) - We are more than happy to reach an agreement with Mexico over land. Your claim to Guatemala will be recognized and accepted.
13 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1999: The nation of New York is looking for respectable borders with both Quebec and Heartland nations - we shall let them decide the terms and have an appropriate response
13 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1999: I would like peace with Cuba
13 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1999: Mexico would also like to respect California's claim to Arizona if they are willing to extend the respect to Mexico's claim on Chihuahua
13 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1999: California respects the natural borders of Mexico. However, if California is to give away Chihuahua, what do we get in return?. Arizona is like saying I offer Durango to Mexico.
13 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1999: California respects the natural borders of Mexico. However, if California is to give away Chihuahua, what do we get in return?. Arizona is like saying I offer Durango to Mexico.
13 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1999: Old history tells that Durango belongs to Great Mexico, but Chihuahua are old land of Texas
13 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1999: If Texas desires Chihuahua then we shall let Texas and California decide what to do with it
13 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1999: Heartland welcomes the delegate from New York and proposes that Ohio be declared as NY territory while Michigan goes to Heartland - to be taken whenever is most convenient.

To British Columbia, we wish to state our intention to annex Manitoba and we hope that this can become the natural border between our nations - leaving the lands between empty henceforth.
13 Feb 24 UTC Autumn, 1999: Shall we decide whether Texas or California gets Chihuahua by a diplomatic degree of coin toss XD
13 Feb 24 UTC Autumn, 1999: To the Nation of Heartland, we are most glad to agree to this partition of the Midwest, we shall also demilitarize the zone in order to insure our interests elsewhere
13 Feb 24 UTC Autumn, 1999: California abstain from Chihuahua. Texas and Mexico can decide who gets it.
13 Feb 24 UTC Autumn, 1999: To the great leader of Texas does old History also tell that Colorado belongs to Texas?
13 Feb 24 UTC Autumn, 1999: Heartland could agree to that interpretation of history, especially if Kansas falls under our purview.
13 Feb 24 UTC Autumn, 1999: We shall respect that history if in turn Chihuahua may be ceded to Mexico the people there speak Nuevo Espanol in the lords year of 1999
