Finished: 02 PM Fri 06 Aug 21 UTC
It's a Med world after all-41
1 day /phase
Pot: 375 D - Autumn, 7, Finished
The Ancient Mediterranean, No messaging, Anonymous players, Draw-Size Scoring
1 excused missed turn
Game drawn

Start Backward Open large map Forward End

Aweffl (523D)
Drawn. Bet: 0D, won: 125D
13 supply-centers, 12 units
dagabs0 (31771D)
Drawn. Bet: 75D, won: 125D
12 supply-centers, 13 units
Drawn. Bet: 0D, won: 125D
9 supply-centers, 9 units
Garagenpunk (322D)
Defeated. Bet: 75D
itsagamedude (518D)
Defeated. Bet: 75D
Civil Disorders
SoftwareDownload (100D)Egypt (Autumn, 6) with 9 centres.
pink sunrise (100D)Carthage (Autumn, 5) with 10 centres.
Archive: Orders - Maps - Messages